[AfrICANN-discuss] Call for Hosting AFRINIC-23 has been extended - 15 March 2015

AFRINIC Communication comm-announce at afrinic.net
Fri Feb 27 09:18:29 UTC 2015

Dear Colleagues,

The Call for Hosting AFRINIC’s 23rd Public Policy Meeting, AFRINIC-23, is still open.

We invite potential organisations to submit a proposal to host this event, which will tentatively take place from 21 to 27 November 2015.

All hosting requirements can be found here at:

Kindly use the information provided as a guide to prepare Country Host Proposal and Budget.

The deadline for submission of Country Host Proposals is 15 March 2015.

For more information or queries on Hosting Requirements, please contact: meeting at afrinic.net

We hope to hear from you soon and thank you in advance for your interest in hosting an AFRINIC meeting.

Best regards,

AFRINIC  Communications Team

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