[AfrICANN-discuss] Africa Strategy session of today

Grace Mutung'u (Bomu) nmutungu at gmail.com
Wed Feb 11 12:10:57 UTC 2015

Thank you for the initiative and information.
I would be interested in hearing more about the .africa discussion. Were
any resolutions made?

2015-02-11 14:59 GMT+03:00 Barrack Otieno <otieno.barrack at gmail.com>:

> Noted with thanks Pierre, plenty to be done during the year.
> Best Regards
> On Feb 10, 2015 10:51 AM, "Dandjinou Pierre" <pdandjinou at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Listers, Chers listiers
>> (French below ; En francais ci-dessous)
>> I wanted to thank all those who contributed to the 'Africa strategy'
>> session of today. We had a roomful attendance and this shows the interest
>> in uplifting the Africa Internet ecosystem.
>> Your comments and recommendations will be duly included in draft 0 which
>> was developed in Mauritius, and with this, we would be launching the new
>> Africa strategy  2016- 2020 as of ICANN Financial Year 2016.(starting in
>> July 2016)
>> I would also like to highlight two or three things which came up clearly
>> in our discussions of today..
>> 1- The importance of working more closely with African entities as a
>> complementary to our current Internship programme with global registrars
>> 2- The need to have more operational (and functional and proactive)
>> technical/business associations which could fast track the uptake of the
>> DNS industry and business in Africa. The role of AFTLD could be paramount,
>> but there is a need to beef it up so that all cctlds be represented there,
>> but more over, so that they help solve issues pertaining to automation of
>> registry services as well as pricing schemes.
>> 3- The need for alternative funding mechanisms to supplement what
>> resource ICANN is making available.
>> NOW, we need to apologize for :
>> - the lack of interpretation during the session and our francophone
>> colleagues will bear with us. We are investigating why interpretation was
>> not available despite our initial request.
>> - the breakoff of the Adobe link during the session which has not
>> permitted submission of online querries and comments. We are still open for
>> comments and please do send these to Yaovi or Bob.
>> - not 'formally recognizing Afrinic for the continuous support they have
>> been providing to the Africa strategy rollout. We shall certainly use
>> tomorrow's Africa session 'On the way to Marrakech 2016' to recognize
>> Afrinic.
>> Thanks again to all, to our Chair of the session, the ICANN board members
>> and ICANN senior Staff (Namely Sally and Tarek) who took off their time to
>> contribute.
>> Have a fruitful ICANN 52 in site here in Singapore or online..
>> Pierre
>> --
>> Je voudrais remercier tout ceux qui ont contribue par leur presence au
>> succes de la session africaine de ce jour; elle a connu une grande
>> affluence et de bonnes contributions. Ceci demontre votre interet a tous
>> pour  une amelioration de l'ecosysteme dd l'Internet sur le continent!!
>> Les commentaires et recommandations seront inclus dans le document final
>> de la strategie dont la mise en oeuvre demarrera des Juillet 2016 avec la
>> nouvelle annee fiscale de l'ICANN.
>> Permettez moi de relever deux a trois  aspects importants qui ressortent
>> des discussions de ce jour :
>> 1- Il est important d'envisager un partenariat constant avec les
>> institutions et organisations africaines, et de ne pas s'arreter aux
>> echanges avec les seuls registres internationaux.
>> 2- Il est necessaire d'avoir des associations professionnelles africaines
>> viables, qui puissent contribuer a la resolutions des problemes africains,
>> notamment l'informatisation des services des registres et registraires,
>> mais egalemet les aspects de paiement en ligne ou de tarification.. Le role
>> de l'AFTLD est primordial et l'on devrait travailler a la renfrcer.
>> 3-Le besoin de financements innovants et additionnels est ressenti pour
>> completer le modique soutien financier de l'ICANN..
>> Nous devons a present presenter nos excuses pour :
>> - le manque d'interpretation au cours de la session. Nous sommes entrain
>> de rechercher les causes de ce manque, d'autant que la demande en avait ete
>> faite!! Nos amis francophones devront nous excuser et nous ferons en sorte
>> que ceci ne se recommence.
>> - La coupure de la liaison Adobe qui n'a pas permis d'avoir les questions
>> et commentaires en ligne. Merci d'adresser vos questions et autres
>> commentaires a Bob et a Yaovi!!
>> - N'avoir pas publiquement reconnu le soutien efficace et continue
>> qu'apporte Afrinic a la mise en oeuvre de la strategie africaine. Nous
>> profiterons certainement de la session de demain (10h30) sur les projets en
>> lice pour Marrakech 2016 pour reconnaitre l'apport d'Afrinic!!
>> Merci encore a tous , aux membres du Board d'ICANN, au President de la
>> session, aux leaders de l'ICANN presents, et a toute la communaute
>> africaine et celle de l'ICANN qui a contribue au succes de la session.
>> Nous vous souhaitons Une bonne  reunion de l'ICANN 52 ici a Singapour ou
>> en ligne..
>> A bientot!!
>> Pierre
>> Pierre Dandjinou
>> Cotonou - 229 90 087784 / 66566610
>> Dakar 221 77 639 30 41
>> www.scg.bj
>> skype : sagbo1953
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Grace L.N. Mutung'u
Nairobi Kenya
Skype: gracebomu
Twitter: @Bomu

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