[AfrICANN-discuss] The Ethiopic Script Community Forms Generation Panel for Developing the Root Zone Label Generation Rules (LGR)

Yaovi Atohoun yaovi.atohoun at icann.org
Wed Dec 23 13:37:31 UTC 2015

FRANCAIS: Le  panel pour développer les règles de génération d'étiquettes
(LGR) dans la zone racine pour le script Ethiopic vient d'être mis en place.
Plus d'information sur l'annonce complète est disponible en Anglais à
l'adresse https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2015-12-22-en

Autre information:  Les présentations à l'atelier de Pointe-Noire  sur les
noms  de domaine internationalisés  sont disponibles à


ENGLISH: ICANN is pleased to announce the formation of the Generation Panel
to develop Root Zone Label Generation Rules (LGR) for the Ethiopic script.

For further information on how to form a Generation Panel, please refer to
the Call for Generation Panels to Develop Root Zone Label Generation Rules
<https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2013-07-11-en>  and to the
additional supporting documentation provided on the Root Zone LGR Project
ct> . Individual interests may be emailed to idntlds at icann.org.  Please read
more at https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2015-12-22-en
Other information: Presentations at the IDN workshop in Congo are available
at  http://idn.africanncommunity.org/

Yaovi Atohoun
Stakeholder Engagement and Operations  Manager ­ Africa
ICANN ­  www.icann.org
Mobile : +229 66015649 / 97891228

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