[AfrICANN-discuss] Internet Exchange Points (IXP) : Euro-IX 26 comments from Marseille

Mamadou LO alfamamadou at hotmail.com
Mon Apr 13 10:12:27 UTC 2015


Euro-IX 26 comments from sunny Marseille

"Morning all. Trust we are bright and breezy on this fine Mediterranean 
morning. I am in Marseille for Euro-IX 26. These Euro-IX fora (not 
forums) happen every 6 months and are a great way for keeping up with 
what’s going on in the world of Internet Exchange Points (IXP). Keep 
this page open for updates as they happen at the conference together, of
 course with insightful comments."

Source : http://www.trefor.net/2015/04/13/euro-ix-26-live-blog-from-marseille/

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