[AfrICANN-discuss] AFRINIC Board of Directors Announces Departure of AFRINIC CEO Adiel A. Akplogan

Olévié Kouami olivierkouami at gmail.com
Mon Sep 22 09:55:32 UTC 2014

Hi all,

+1 @Fatimata. I absolutely approuve.
Long live Adiel ! Long live AFRINIC !
Cheers !

2014-09-21 13:34 GMT+00:00 Fatimata Seye Sylla <fsylla at gmail.com>:

> What a MAN!  Adiel, if the community were to decide, you would remain the
> AfriNIC CEO for many more years. Thank you for all these ten years of
> commitment and success in building AfriNIC involving all of us.
> Thank you Badru for this excellent testimony.  Well done!
> Good luck Adiel for your future activities...
> Fatimata
> 2014-09-17 14:24 GMT+00:00 AFRINIC Communication <
> comm-announce at afrinic.net>:
>> *Port Louis, Mauritius, 17 September 2014.* Badru Ntege, the Chairman of
>> AFRINIC's Board, announces today that AFRINIC's founding CEO, Mr. Adiel A.
>> Akplogan, will be leaving his position on 31st January 2015.
>> "It is with great humility and a bright vision for AFRINIC's future that
>> I'm leaving my position as CEO of AFRINIC," said Mr. Akplogan. "It was not
>> an easy decision for me to take, but after 10 years of engagement with and
>> for the community, the time has come for me to move on and spare time to
>> catch up with my family.It has been an honor to serve the AFRINIC
>> community, and watch it grow into the incredibly dynamic and engaging body
>> it has now become."
>> After leading AFRINIC's accreditation process to become the world's fifth
>> Regional Internet Registry (RIR), Mr. Akplogan was appointed by the Board
>> and became AFRINIC's first CEO in June 2004. Under his leadership, AFRINIC
>> has made significant progress and has grown into a respected regional
>> organisation, positioning Africa as a key player in the regional and global
>> Internet technical community. Over these years, AFRINIC has also acquired a
>> solid reputation amongst its peers, its members, other stakeholders as well
>> as the global Internet industry.
>> "Mr Akplogan has been exemplary in nurturing AFRINIC from inception,
>> providing outstanding leadership over his ten years as CEO. He built a
>> workforce at the Secretariat with the potential and capability to continue
>> the great work started.  It has been an honor and a privilege for me to
>> work with a CEO like Mr. Akplogan," said Badru Ntege, Chairman of the
>> AFRINIC Board of Directors. "AFRINIC's success today is unequivocally a
>> testament to his tireless efforts in building a sound organization centered
>> on collaboration, consensus building, Internet centered value. We hope
>> that, as a community, we will continue to benefit from his experience and
>> passion. On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank Mr. Akplogan for his
>> engagement with the community and his service over the past 10 years at
>> AFRINIC, and wish him all the best for his future endeavours."
>> Passionate about the Internet and its values, Mr. Akplogan has always
>> campaigned for an Internet in Africa that is open and affordable to
>> effectively support permission-less innovation as driver for sustainable
>> socio-economical development in the region.
>> "Our region is so full of potentials, especially when it comes to the
>> digital economy, and AFRINIC must continue to position itself to ensure it
>> plays a critical role in supporting the upcoming changes," concluded Mr.
>> Akplogan. "At this junction, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to
>> all those who have contributed to the success of AFRINIC and to the great
>> team that we have built up over the years that has supported the growth of
>> the organisation and the community. Together we have achieved great things
>> for both Africa and AFRINIC and without your dedication and the support of
>> the various Boards over the years, none of this would have been possible. I
>> have the utmost confidence that AFRINIC will continue to grow stronger and
>> stronger in the coming years."
>> A farewell event will be organised for the outgoing CEO during AFRINIC-21
>> meeting being held in Mauritius from 22-28 November. We would like to
>> invite the community to join us for this special event.
>> *Appointment of a New CEO*
>> AFRINIC Board of Directors will immediately launch a CEO search process
>> that will culminate in the appointment of a new CEO as soon as possible. In
>> the mean time all measure will be taken to ensure a smooth transition
>> including business continuity.
>> [Apologies for cross-posting]
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> --
> Fatimata Seye Sylla
> ICT4D, Education & Genre
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Olévié Ayaovi Agbenyo KOUAMI
Responsable projet CERGI-Education (http://www.cergibs.com)
CEO de INTIC4DEV (http://www.intic4dev.org)
SG de ESTETIC  (http://www.estetic.tg)
Membre de ISoc (www.isoc.org <http://www.isoc.org/>) & du FOSSFA (
ICANN-NPOC Communications Committee Chair (http://www.icann.org/ et
BP : 851 - Tél.: (228) 90 98 86 50 / (228) 98 43 27 72
Skype : olevie1 FB : @olivier.kouami.3 Twitter : #oleviek Lomé - Togo
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