Mamadou LO alfamamadou at hotmail.com
Wed Sep 3 09:47:28 SAST 2014

September 02, 2014

Fadi CHEHADE  talking about MULTISTAKEHOLDERISM at IGF 2014!!

"A couple of years ago, we all met in Dubai at the WCIT, and we left 
the WCIT polarized and a little bit divided. It seemed like Internet 
Governance in the multi-stakeholder way was in question. I must tell you
 that today that's no longer the case. Look around you. Look at "The 
Buzz," look at the meetings, look at the energy around multi-stakeholder Internet Governance.

 Today we should all look at it and declare it alive and well. No one 
will show up and say where is the multi-stakeholder Internet Governance 
place to be. I think it's pretty clear. And at the heart of this 
resurging multi-stakeholder Internet Governance space lies one platform,
 and it's called the IGF. It's a critical platform. It is where we come 
and make history to manage the Internet all together just like it was 
created in a decentralized completely open way.
 So let's celebrate 
this IGF, this Ninth IGF hosted by Turkey as a point where no one will 
ever look back and say where is the multi-stakeholder community? Where 
is multi-stakeholder Internet Governance? It is here. It is working, and
 it is prepared for the future to make the Internet what we all want it 
to be, civil, secure, and empowering. "

Fadi CHEHADE talking about ICANN at IGF 2014 !!

  "ICANN is responsible for the critical technical coordination of the 
unique identifiers of the Internet. Now, for many years, ICANN has done 
this job with a contract with the U.S. Government. On March 14th of this
 year, the U.S. Government announced that it plans to let go of this 
 This is historic decision. This is a decision that validates
 that we as a community are now ready to go without this particular 
unique role that the United States has played, the stewardship that the 
U.S. has provided to our function. We salute the U.S. Government for its
 decision, and we assure them that as a community all of us, we are 
ready, we are ready to go, and we have within us the strength, the 
accountability, the knowledge to carry the important functions of ICANN 
forward together.
 As the president of ICANN, I want to assure you 
today that we will do everything in our power to make sure the ICANN 
organisation and the ICANN community are accountable to the public 
interest now and for the future and we will do everything in our power 
to strengthen and keep this accountability in check so that the world 
can see us as an organisation that is committed to serve you, the 
public. Have a wonderful week at the IGF." 		 	   		  
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