[AfrICANN-discuss] Re: [AFRI-Discuss] Final draft of the statement -- Joint Meeting AFRALO/AfrICANN at ICANN 51

Philip Fomba JOHNSON johnsonpf1 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 13 10:58:41 UTC 2014

Dear Peter,

Thanks Peter for your kind compliments.

On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 3:52 AM, peters omoragbon <
petersomoragbon2 at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> Congrats PJ for your very brief and wonderful tenure. AFRAL and ICANN
> still have a lot to benefit from your service. The struggle continues.
> Welcome on board Barrack. And to all in LA, enjoy the sunshine and avoid
> the casinos...lol
> Meanwhile, may I solicit the support of all the CSOs/NGOs from Africa to
> please read the information below and register to vote for me.
> I have been shortlisted to be voted for into the Pilot Program Climate
> Resilience Committee of the Climate Investment Fund for the African Region.
> To qualify to vote NGO must first register. See below. Please circulate
> this information through your networks and contacts. Thanks
> To
> Me
> <https://uk-mg42.mail.yahoo.com/neo/launch?.rand=af5kd3ca3j2b3#>
> Oct 9 at 7:20 PM
> You are receiving this email because of your expertise in climate-related
> issues. Your contact information will be used only to provide information
> regarding the CIF CSO application and voting process.
> You may unsubscribe
> <http://visitor.constantcontact.com/do?p=un&m=001HOGvIOzUdynyFfrle_A23A%3D%3D&ch=2977d990-2300-11e4-998c-d4ae5284344f&ca=9e144d12-91ee-4fba-a674-723c088ff058> if
> you no longer wish to receive our emails.
> *Para acceder a las versiones en español de este mensaje, vaya al final de
> la página.*
> *Faites défiler la page pour lire ce message en français.*
> The selection process for nonprofit civil society organization (CSO)
> observers to the Climate Investment Funds (CIFs) is underway. As a part of
> the selection process,*RESOLVE is pleased to invite CSOs to register to
> vote*(www.resolv.org/cif/voting
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001sUP0_tg3w09zHdG5TOnZUr_v3IJcCwTXc2qKGZ4ecokwSLfmmT3FKIEyuMzOX2S1DnsPkhKTP8ZeretBdoG2A3sbLeMg4ya_G1my5JmmNLMLvVVhBgHHMK-_8qP8Bk9qaXM8qm6c380VCffGYXKOdwqyJ5OGzACf9PeAnOrg6hw_u8-lxO665CPqDCqepMy1&c=byevIJWKw8B8J8W4UVJ_6fyCsFVxl3bmSniKw85uczlthODjFCyhpg==&ch=78YkmmQH2FmwkO_EtPVtTzyhmh5wj6pGLie_93408QXQVNffG7B-bA==>)
> for CSO observer candidates to the CIFs.
> *How Do I Register?* To register to vote, visit: www.resolv.org/cif/voting
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001sUP0_tg3w09zHdG5TOnZUr_v3IJcCwTXc2qKGZ4ecokwSLfmmT3FKIEyuMzOX2S1DnsPkhKTP8ZeretBdoG2A3sbLeMg4ya_G1my5JmmNLMLvVVhBgHHMK-_8qP8Bk9qaXM8qm6c380VCffGYXKOdwqyJ5OGzACf9PeAnOrg6hw_u8-lxO665CPqDCqepMy1&c=byevIJWKw8B8J8W4UVJ_6fyCsFVxl3bmSniKw85uczlthODjFCyhpg==&ch=78YkmmQH2FmwkO_EtPVtTzyhmh5wj6pGLie_93408QXQVNffG7B-bA==>
> .
> *The deadline for registration is* *20 October 2014 at 11:59 PM GMT*.
> *Who Can Vote? *Representatives of not-for-profit, non-governmental CSOs
> engaged in climate change issues and/or with the Climate Investment Funds
> may register to vote. Only one registration (and vote) is permitted for
> each organization. Large organizations with multiple country offices may
> cast one vote in each CIF region where they are present (Africa/Middle
> East, Asia/Pacific, Latin America/Caribbean, and developed countries).
> Please note that there are separate selection processes for CIF observers
> from the private sector and for indigenous peoples' organizations.
> *How Do I Vote?* Once you have registered, instructions for voting will
> be emailed to you when the voting period opens in October. Pre-registered
> organizations will be able to vote for CSO observer candidates in their
> region during the voting period.
> *Where Can I Get More Information?* Please visit www.resolv.org/site-cif
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001sUP0_tg3w09zHdG5TOnZUr_v3IJcCwTXc2qKGZ4ecokwSLfmmT3FKOdsg8eCn4LEgQAFMM3RxyO7w-H5IH6iPSBY4AcFMN6mPIXkgpELnfFcpxSg7xIZ7HyTTEqPZN_lZunehZaicw5lR0NdjL9QUIrNgAzvdMU9ilQ3wlULqUQgauxJeXX0rg==&c=byevIJWKw8B8J8W4UVJ_6fyCsFVxl3bmSniKw85uczlthODjFCyhpg==&ch=78YkmmQH2FmwkO_EtPVtTzyhmh5wj6pGLie_93408QXQVNffG7B-bA==> to
> learn more about the CSO observer selection process and
> www.climateinvestmentfunds.org
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001sUP0_tg3w09zHdG5TOnZUr_v3IJcCwTXc2qKGZ4ecokwSLfmmT3FKOdsg8eCn4LEvWDNqA-XbLbpUge1HjLboKk1FUw1mDILy98G0XAdLcITTNjQQvBGLEDFng3b_T81o3bHOZMfB5WGpsXyOV01kCCiXNXaIJz5H9vcA81atqukVlSt-rbQDiNnesRCDZ3e&c=byevIJWKw8B8J8W4UVJ_6fyCsFVxl3bmSniKw85uczlthODjFCyhpg==&ch=78YkmmQH2FmwkO_EtPVtTzyhmh5wj6pGLie_93408QXQVNffG7B-bA==> to
> learn more about the CIFs. Follow us at at RESOLVORG
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001sUP0_tg3w09zHdG5TOnZUr_v3IJcCwTXc2qKGZ4ecokwSLfmmT3FKIEyuMzOX2S1QC-wj-Lv-8DQJjCibzfERgJ4MN71FJYG0GZ9y8EVZW4Sn9Au6NhyASvW8lY3UfJ5SQk_APBHoY3gWxpmTgaC_uqtxj-GBqORA7tw8O2BDoM4omJhuMDcWA==&c=byevIJWKw8B8J8W4UVJ_6fyCsFVxl3bmSniKw85uczlthODjFCyhpg==&ch=78YkmmQH2FmwkO_EtPVtTzyhmh5wj6pGLie_93408QXQVNffG7B-bA==> on
> twitter for updates on the selection process!
> If you have any questions about the process, please email (
> cifobservers at resolv.org) or call (202-965-6208).
> *Para acceder a las versiones en español de este mensaje, vaya al final de
> la página.*
> *en français*
> Le processus de sélection des organisations de la société civile (OSC) à
> but non lucratif appelées à siéger en qualité d'observateurs dans les
> instances des Fonds d'investissement climatiques (CIF) est en cours. Dans
> le cadre de ce processus de sélection, *RESOLVE a le plaisir d'inviter
> les OSC à s'incrire au scrutin*(www.resolv.org/cif/voting
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001sUP0_tg3w09zHdG5TOnZUr_v3IJcCwTXc2qKGZ4ecokwSLfmmT3FKIEyuMzOX2S1DnsPkhKTP8ZeretBdoG2A3sbLeMg4ya_G1my5JmmNLMLvVVhBgHHMK-_8qP8Bk9qaXM8qm6c380VCffGYXKOdwqyJ5OGzACf9PeAnOrg6hw_u8-lxO665CPqDCqepMy1&c=byevIJWKw8B8J8W4UVJ_6fyCsFVxl3bmSniKw85uczlthODjFCyhpg==&ch=78YkmmQH2FmwkO_EtPVtTzyhmh5wj6pGLie_93408QXQVNffG7B-bA==>
> ) de sélection des candidats aux sièges d'observateurs d'OSC dans les
> instances des CIF.
> *Comment s'inscrire ?* Pour s'inscrire au scrutin, consultez la page
> www.resolv.org/cif/voting
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001sUP0_tg3w09zHdG5TOnZUr_v3IJcCwTXc2qKGZ4ecokwSLfmmT3FKIEyuMzOX2S1DnsPkhKTP8ZeretBdoG2A3sbLeMg4ya_G1my5JmmNLMLvVVhBgHHMK-_8qP8Bk9qaXM8qm6c380VCffGYXKOdwqyJ5OGzACf9PeAnOrg6hw_u8-lxO665CPqDCqepMy1&c=byevIJWKw8B8J8W4UVJ_6fyCsFVxl3bmSniKw85uczlthODjFCyhpg==&ch=78YkmmQH2FmwkO_EtPVtTzyhmh5wj6pGLie_93408QXQVNffG7B-bA==>
> .
>  *La date* *limite d'inscription est fixée au 20 octobre 2014 à
> 23h59 heure moyenne de Greenwich.*
> *Qui peut voter ?* Peuvent s'inscrire au scrutin les représentants d'OSC
> non gouvernementales à but non lucratif concernées par les problèmes du
> changement climatique ou par les Fonds d'investissement climatiques. Une
> seule inscription (et un seul vote) est autorisée pour chaque organisation.
> Les grandes organisations ayant des bureaux dans plusieurs pays peuvent
> voter une fois dans chacune des régions CIF où elles sont présentes
> (Afrique/Moyen-Orient, Asie/Pacifique, Amérique latine/Caraïbes, et pays
> développés).
> Veuillez noter que d'autres processus de sélection sont organisés pour les
> observateurs représentant le secteur privé et ceux représentant les peuples
> autochtones dans les instances des CIF.
> *Comment voter ?* Une fois que vous serez inscrit(e), la marche à suivre
> pour voter vous sera envoyée par courrier électronique à l'ouverture de la
> période de scrutin en octobre 2014. Les organisations inscrites pourront
> voter pour le candidat au siège d'observateur d'OSC de leur région pendant
> la période du scrutin.
> *Où obtenir davantage d'informations ?* Consultez les sites
> www.resolv.org/site-cif
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001sUP0_tg3w09zHdG5TOnZUr_v3IJcCwTXc2qKGZ4ecokwSLfmmT3FKOdsg8eCn4LEgQAFMM3RxyO7w-H5IH6iPSBY4AcFMN6mPIXkgpELnfFcpxSg7xIZ7HyTTEqPZN_lZunehZaicw5lR0NdjL9QUIrNgAzvdMU9ilQ3wlULqUQgauxJeXX0rg==&c=byevIJWKw8B8J8W4UVJ_6fyCsFVxl3bmSniKw85uczlthODjFCyhpg==&ch=78YkmmQH2FmwkO_EtPVtTzyhmh5wj6pGLie_93408QXQVNffG7B-bA==>pour
> plus d'informations sur le processus de sélection des observateurs des OSC
> etwww.climateinvestmentfunds.org
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001sUP0_tg3w09zHdG5TOnZUr_v3IJcCwTXc2qKGZ4ecokwSLfmmT3FKOdsg8eCn4LEvWDNqA-XbLbpUge1HjLboKk1FUw1mDILy98G0XAdLcITTNjQQvBGLEDFng3b_T81o3bHOZMfB5WGpsXyOV01kCCiXNXaIJz5H9vcA81atqukVlSt-rbQDiNnesRCDZ3e&c=byevIJWKw8B8J8W4UVJ_6fyCsFVxl3bmSniKw85uczlthODjFCyhpg==&ch=78YkmmQH2FmwkO_EtPVtTzyhmh5wj6pGLie_93408QXQVNffG7B-bA==> pour
> en savoir plus sur les CIF. Suivez-nous sur Twitter à @RESOLVORG
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001sUP0_tg3w09zHdG5TOnZUr_v3IJcCwTXc2qKGZ4ecokwSLfmmT3FKIEyuMzOX2S1QC-wj-Lv-8DQJjCibzfERgJ4MN71FJYG0GZ9y8EVZW4Sn9Au6NhyASvW8lY3UfJ5SQk_APBHoY3gWxpmTgaC_uqtxj-GBqORA7tw8O2BDoM4omJhuMDcWA==&c=byevIJWKw8B8J8W4UVJ_6fyCsFVxl3bmSniKw85uczlthODjFCyhpg==&ch=78YkmmQH2FmwkO_EtPVtTzyhmh5wj6pGLie_93408QXQVNffG7B-bA==> pour
> être tenu(e) au courant du déroulement du processus de sélection.
> Pour toute question sur la procédure de vote, contactez-nous par courriel (
> cifobservers at resolv.org) ou par téléphone (202-965-6208).
> *en español*
> Está en marcha el proceso de selección de observadores miembros de las
> organizaciones de la sociedad civil (OSC) sin fines de lucro de los fondos
> de inversión en el clima (CIF). En ese marco, *RESOLVE se complace en
> invitar a las OSC a que se inscriban para votar *(
> www.resolv.org/cif/voting
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001sUP0_tg3w09zHdG5TOnZUr_v3IJcCwTXc2qKGZ4ecokwSLfmmT3FKIEyuMzOX2S1DnsPkhKTP8ZeretBdoG2A3sbLeMg4ya_G1my5JmmNLMLvVVhBgHHMK-_8qP8Bk9qaXM8qm6c380VCffGYXKOdwqyJ5OGzACf9PeAnOrg6hw_u8-lxO665CPqDCqepMy1&c=byevIJWKw8B8J8W4UVJ_6fyCsFVxl3bmSniKw85uczlthODjFCyhpg==&ch=78YkmmQH2FmwkO_EtPVtTzyhmh5wj6pGLie_93408QXQVNffG7B-bA==>
> ) por los candidatos a observadores miembros de las OSC de los CIF.
> *¿**Cómo me inscribo? *Para inscribirse para votar, visite:
> www.resolv.org/cif/voting
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001sUP0_tg3w09zHdG5TOnZUr_v3IJcCwTXc2qKGZ4ecokwSLfmmT3FKIEyuMzOX2S1DnsPkhKTP8ZeretBdoG2A3sbLeMg4ya_G1my5JmmNLMLvVVhBgHHMK-_8qP8Bk9qaXM8qm6c380VCffGYXKOdwqyJ5OGzACf9PeAnOrg6hw_u8-lxO665CPqDCqepMy1&c=byevIJWKw8B8J8W4UVJ_6fyCsFVxl3bmSniKw85uczlthODjFCyhpg==&ch=78YkmmQH2FmwkO_EtPVtTzyhmh5wj6pGLie_93408QXQVNffG7B-bA==>
> .
> *La fecha límite de inscripción es el 20 de octubre de 2014, a las 23.59,
> hora del meridiano de Greenwich*.
> *¿Quién puede votar? *Los representantes de las OSC no gubernamentales
> sin fines de lucro que trabajen en temas de cambio climáticoo en los CIF.
> Solo se permite una inscripción (y un voto) por organización. Las
> organizaciones grandes con oficinas en diversos países pueden votar una vez
> por cada región de los CIF en la que tengan presencia (África y Oriente
> medio, Asia y el Pacífico, América Latina y el Caribe y los países
> desarrollados).
> Cabe señalar que existen procesos de selección separados para observadores
> de los CIF provenientes del sector privado y de organizaciones de pueblos
> indígenas.
> *¿Cómo voto?* Una vez que se haya inscripto, cuando se inicie el período
> de votación (octubre de 2014), se le enviarán las instrucciones para votar
> por correo electrónico. Durante ese período, las organizaciones inscriptas
> previamente podrán votar por los candidatos a observadores miembros de las
> OSC de su región.
> *¿Dónde puedo obtener más información? *Para obtener más información
> sobre el proceso de selección de observadores miembros de las OSC, visite
> www.resolv.org/site-cif
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001sUP0_tg3w09zHdG5TOnZUr_v3IJcCwTXc2qKGZ4ecokwSLfmmT3FKOdsg8eCn4LEgQAFMM3RxyO7w-H5IH6iPSBY4AcFMN6mPIXkgpELnfFcpxSg7xIZ7HyTTEqPZN_lZunehZaicw5lR0NdjL9QUIrNgAzvdMU9ilQ3wlULqUQgauxJeXX0rg==&c=byevIJWKw8B8J8W4UVJ_6fyCsFVxl3bmSniKw85uczlthODjFCyhpg==&ch=78YkmmQH2FmwkO_EtPVtTzyhmh5wj6pGLie_93408QXQVNffG7B-bA==>;
> para informarse mejor sobre los CIF, visitewww.climateinvestmentfunds.org
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001sUP0_tg3w09zHdG5TOnZUr_v3IJcCwTXc2qKGZ4ecokwSLfmmT3FKOdsg8eCn4LEvWDNqA-XbLbpUge1HjLboKk1FUw1mDILy98G0XAdLcITTNjQQvBGLEDFng3b_T81o3bHOZMfB5WGpsXyOV01kCCiXNXaIJz5H9vcA81atqukVlSt-rbQDiNnesRCDZ3e&c=byevIJWKw8B8J8W4UVJ_6fyCsFVxl3bmSniKw85uczlthODjFCyhpg==&ch=78YkmmQH2FmwkO_EtPVtTzyhmh5wj6pGLie_93408QXQVNffG7B-bA==>.
> Síganos en Twitter en @RESOLVORG
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001sUP0_tg3w09zHdG5TOnZUr_v3IJcCwTXc2qKGZ4ecokwSLfmmT3FKIEyuMzOX2S1QC-wj-Lv-8DQJjCibzfERgJ4MN71FJYG0GZ9y8EVZW4Sn9Au6NhyASvW8lY3UfJ5SQk_APBHoY3gWxpmTgaC_uqtxj-GBqORA7tw8O2BDoM4omJhuMDcWA==&c=byevIJWKw8B8J8W4UVJ_6fyCsFVxl3bmSniKw85uczlthODjFCyhpg==&ch=78YkmmQH2FmwkO_EtPVtTzyhmh5wj6pGLie_93408QXQVNffG7B-bA==> para
> obtener información actualizada sobre el proceso de selección.
> Si tiene preguntas sobre el proceso de votación, puede comunicarse por
> correo electrónico (cifobservers at resolv.org) o por teléfono (202-965-6208
> ).
> Sincerely,
> Atentamente,
> Salutations distinguées,
> Maya Breitburg-Smith, Dana Goodson & Brendon Thomas
> The RESOLVE Team
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001sUP0_tg3w09zHdG5TOnZUr_v3IJcCwTXc2qKGZ4ecokwSLfmmT3FKMj8ESLbnU8G5eC1CNznCdj35Lqxu85-jbsKlv-OXGwwrLQkZWK7YvdeQzheqsSFAs4L_MpP8vryduR-G9Vdxkg2omLK602VQ7aaJx_ZZMNzvjv9vUovChA=&c=byevIJWKw8B8J8W4UVJ_6fyCsFVxl3bmSniKw85uczlthODjFCyhpg==&ch=78YkmmQH2FmwkO_EtPVtTzyhmh5wj6pGLie_93408QXQVNffG7B-bA==>
> *About the CIFs*
> *The CIFs are a pair of funds - the Clean Technology Fund
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001sUP0_tg3w09zHdG5TOnZUr_v3IJcCwTXc2qKGZ4ecokwSLfmmT3FKMj8ESLbnU8GCJ5HY8i9ILn83IwqOHoEN8NnpZ8wBj9GFz4ATLfw-xb34wxdas3YbBlGsnuO9UOwoafsCyjC97t3EX8eJs5m_Orb6xBjxYiE1_bcWDyEUOiNye0mn-0zWkhu29OxA-RopbPxpNfsHBT3JAcMjqUgfg==&c=byevIJWKw8B8J8W4UVJ_6fyCsFVxl3bmSniKw85uczlthODjFCyhpg==&ch=78YkmmQH2FmwkO_EtPVtTzyhmh5wj6pGLie_93408QXQVNffG7B-bA==> (CTF)
> and the Strategic Climate Fund
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001sUP0_tg3w09zHdG5TOnZUr_v3IJcCwTXc2qKGZ4ecokwSLfmmT3FKMj8ESLbnU8GazPeNi-nmb-uoYifhE0aI5kCHXJfMpzmTzp0_HcgGGyW6PuTy0MDPkxVOGzmYm19wr6pgKKldmkpP1AhiuSzcOeiK9v4qQSUAs-6y8uCMdCBnn43sLz6_R8MxTm3i1MGGHM22rTKKXAgKbgIVmJ5sA==&c=byevIJWKw8B8J8W4UVJ_6fyCsFVxl3bmSniKw85uczlthODjFCyhpg==&ch=78YkmmQH2FmwkO_EtPVtTzyhmh5wj6pGLie_93408QXQVNffG7B-bA==> (SCF)
> - aimed at helping developing countries pilot low-emissions and
> climate-resilient development. Each fund is governed by a trust fund
> committee with equal representation from contributor and recipient
> countries. The CTF Trust Fund Committee oversees the fund's operations,
> provides strategic direction, and approves and oversees programming and
> projects. The SCF Trust Fund Committee advises strategic direction for
> three targeted programs: (1) theForest Investment Program
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001sUP0_tg3w09zHdG5TOnZUr_v3IJcCwTXc2qKGZ4ecokwSLfmmT3FKMj8ESLbnU8GTHmokxrsnsGolkSVrFp3eibl2vTyzF4BCPj6ijL0WD3F9_FbW5jJubjOQXune-Y26jENY7AjaZoX81Wr9xB7xOycIP_qttiFx7JwFg-p3OwIbwvUyF2dT29gxHQLb2rz68bnQlD27uEFD_UK3gMHVQ==&c=byevIJWKw8B8J8W4UVJ_6fyCsFVxl3bmSniKw85uczlthODjFCyhpg==&ch=78YkmmQH2FmwkO_EtPVtTzyhmh5wj6pGLie_93408QXQVNffG7B-bA==> (FIP),
> (2) the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001sUP0_tg3w09zHdG5TOnZUr_v3IJcCwTXc2qKGZ4ecokwSLfmmT3FKMj8ESLbnU8GDM660QvhtK1S4yXlOhU9P9-Tb_Ask_VmDUvrGPewvmF4_PmGFjKb4bJtzxNZBx4oAbIX2_J6dEMCp5nkmwWcA5JAIYk7t_fMxfDPoE60rtZ7vV-nsYQb60I88Z4_x747wbEWL7oAQ6ZS5Hpj3kZYtQ==&c=byevIJWKw8B8J8W4UVJ_6fyCsFVxl3bmSniKw85uczlthODjFCyhpg==&ch=78YkmmQH2FmwkO_EtPVtTzyhmh5wj6pGLie_93408QXQVNffG7B-bA==> (PPCR),
> and (3) the Scaling up Renewable Energy Program
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001sUP0_tg3w09zHdG5TOnZUr_v3IJcCwTXc2qKGZ4ecokwSLfmmT3FKMj8ESLbnU8GpcrCje4PLCNuyifzh0qRm4u1lA5pamUWci6lSHG6o-6YO7AvjhpdnaGvx_-tegRR0mvnuoqvbes1yKgBCb2-eUnKHzdHtjccj56_1n-37on9GgRNoi3uOXFVnwRwi8SURrDVpgCTOpLm_1QktlbCkZDMrbz0L5KpTdO1ov4I8HC9bms2ny-7RXK9FTblvJNRO2LK2HT1UEnbHnrNSDX8RQ==&c=byevIJWKw8B8J8W4UVJ_6fyCsFVxl3bmSniKw85uczlthODjFCyhpg==&ch=78YkmmQH2FmwkO_EtPVtTzyhmh5wj6pGLie_93408QXQVNffG7B-bA==> (SREP).
> Each of these programs is governed by its own subcommittee. For more
> information, visit https://www.climateinvestmentfunds.org/cif/
> <http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001sUP0_tg3w09zHdG5TOnZUr_v3IJcCwTXc2qKGZ4ecokwSLfmmT3FKMj8ESLbnU8Gh5qOSJd0yI-EZoESzf28FG7hC5j1mSvJYn6LfOzN7iGFXhBqDNfAaKZcQezok1INqE11N5FsbFBi9tsEDQqS9R6Wq1KT3bFrAcqcBrZWUsjoAXPiAipvC4krVW4xgPyu624aInsszFQ=&c=byevIJWKw8B8J8W4UVJ_6fyCsFVxl3bmSniKw85uczlthODjFCyhpg==&ch=78YkmmQH2FmwkO_EtPVtTzyhmh5wj6pGLie_93408QXQVNffG7B-bA==>. *
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> an independent nonprofit organization - runs the CSO observer selection
> processes for the CIFs. RESOLVE builds strong, enduring solutions to
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>    - *Pastor Peters OMORAGBON *
>    -
> *International Liaison Officer-Nigerian Nurses Charitable Association-UK
>    (NNCA-UK) *
>    - *President Diaspora Nurses Association of Nigeria-DNAN*
>    -
> *Executive President/CEO  Nurses Across the Borders Humanitarian
>    Initiative-Inc.-(Nigeria & U.S.A) An NGO On Special Consultative Status
>    with The Economic and Social Council of the United Nations-(ECOSOC) *
>    -
> *Designated Focal Person,United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
>    Change (UNFCCC) *
>    - Board Member, Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with
>    the United Nations-CONGO
>    - Member, Steering Committee, Regional Committee for Africa-CONGO
>    - Fellow, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers-ICANN
>    - Fellow, Open Society Institute-OSI Budapest
>    - *Email:nursesacrosstheborders at yahoo.com
>    <nursesacrosstheborders at yahoo.com> *
>    - *Facebook: Peters Omoragbon.*
>    - *Skype: Petersomoragbon2*
>    -
> *Twitters: Peters Omoragbon URL: www.nursesacrosstheborders.org
>    <http://www.nursesacrosstheborders.org>*
>   On Saturday, 11 October 2014, 18:38, Philip Fomba JOHNSON <
> johnsonpf1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Aziz,
> Thank you very much for the information and for the leadership role in the
> AFRALO. I would have really been very grateful to attend and participate in
> ICANN 51 in Los Angeles, but unfortunately, I did not obtain Visa to
> facilitate my travel. I will however participate remotely in all the ALAC
> and At Large sessions.
> Please convey my thanks and appreciation to other members of AFRALO and the
> Leadership present at LA for the opportunities granted me over the year to
> serve as Secretary. with the experience gained thus far, I will continue to
> represent Internet users locally, nationally, regional and globally.
> I have complete confidence that Barrack Otieno,  incoming Secretary of
> AFRALO will continue and advance the work of AFRALO Secretariat, I will
> always be available for whatever advice he may stand in need of.
> I wish you all a fruitful deliberation at this joint AFRALO/AfrICANN
> Meeting.
> Best regards
> Philip F Johnson
> Outgoing Secretary/AFRALO
> On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 6:35 PM, Aziz Hilali <hilaliaziz at yahoo.fr> wrote:
> > Dear All,
> >
> > The joint AFRALO/AfrICANN meeting would take place on Wednesday 15
> October
> > 2014, from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm in Olympic Room.
> >
> > The theme chosen in consultation with the members of the African ICANN
> > community is "IANA Transition and ICANN Accountability seen by the
> African
> > Community”.
> >
> > All the participants in the Los Angeles ICANN meeting are cordially
> > invited to this meeting.
> >
> > It is also possible to remotely participate on Adobe Connect:
> > https://icann.adobeconnect.com/lax51-olympic/
> >
> > The Agenda is below:
> >
> > Welcome Address (5 min), Aziz Hilali, AFRALO Chair
> > Opening Address (8 min): Olivier Crépin Leblond, ALAC Chair & Sebastien
> > Bachollet, Board Member.
> >
> > Introductory address: Adiel Akploga, AFRINIC CEO,(8 min), Pierre
> > Dandjinou, Global Stakeholder Engagement Vice President for Africa (8
> min),
> > Tijani BEN JEMAA, ALAC, Vice Chair and FMAI Executive Director (8 min)
> > Introduction of the topic and Presentation of the draft Statement:
> Mohamed
> > El Bashir, AFRALO vice Chair, Fatimata Seye Sylla, Nom Com,President of
> > Discussion, modification and adoption of the statement (30 min) : All
> > Closing remarks (8 min): Aziz Hilali, AFRALO Chair
> >
> > See also:
> >
> https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/At-Large+Meetings+-+Wednesday,+15+October+2014+Workspace
> >
> > Thank you for your participation and commitment.
> >
> >
> > Best regards
> > AFRALO Chair
> > Aziz Hilali
> > ============================
> >
> >
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> Homepage for the region: http://www.afralo.org
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