[AfrICANN-discuss] Procedure to follow to request Public IP address pool

Radha Ramphul radha.ramphul at afrinic.net
Thu Nov 20 12:51:12 UTC 2014

Dear Seyoum,

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On 11/20/14 11:57 AM, Seyoum Damtew Metaferia wrote:
> Dears;
> Do you have a clue what the procedure is to get Public Ip address Pool
> from Afrinic
> for LIR?
> do we need to prepare Proposal for the request?
> what is the format of the proposal to request additional Public IP address
> ___________________________________________________________________
> Regards
> Seyoum Damtew
> IP Core Engineering Architecture Supervisor
> mobile 0911504884
> web: www.ethiotelecom.et
> email: seyoum.damtew at ethiotelecom.et
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