[AfrICANN-discuss] Tr : Any update on this? (Was Re Fwd: [members-discuss] AFRINIC Board of Directors Announces Departure of AFRINIC CEO Adiel A. Akplogan)

Badru Ntege badru.ntege at nftconsult.com
Mon Nov 17 05:22:08 UTC 2014


On 11/16/14, 11:04 PM, "Olévié Kouami" <olivierkouami at gmail.com<mailto:olivierkouami at gmail.com>> wrote:

Though I do appreciate your position please agree that not all activity has to be in the public domain.

Possible but, at least, the member of the board must be informed or aware with what's happening within the institution. AFRINIC is for a public interest first. The decisions must be  fro bottom to up. This is the best practice.

I miss your point here.  I was responding to Seun who is not a member of the board but the community.


My 2 cents
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