[AfrICANN-discuss] IETF89 starts tomorrow March 2nd in London with ICANN as a host: Some interesting reading and remote participation.

SM sm at resistor.net
Sun Mar 2 16:18:11 SAST 2014

Hi Seun,
At 04:54 02-03-2014, Seun Ojedeji wrote:
>The point for me is that Africa unfortunately came in the internet 
>business at a time when remote participation/communication is 
>Paramount to everything and then we blame ourselves because we are 
>not able to maximise the tool. However we seem not to
>  acknowledge that ietf must have started with discussing drafts 
> physically before it's participation expanded and grew so much that 
> a call for remote participation became inevitable. Check those who 
> participate very well in ietf remotely, you will find that if

There is some history.

>  we exclude those who participate because it's part of their job 
> description (which carries the larger percentage) others are either 
> from the region where ietf has physically held events, OR had the 
> opportunity to attend the meeting and thereafter became active.... 
> physical events within region improves awareness, allows 
> participants to be more challenge through the relationship 
> and  understanding they get. ICANN that


>  held in Kenya and south-africa with the next that will happen in 
> Africa (hopefully in my country) has no doubt proven that regional 
> events are helpful.
>I am not saying all this because I am trying to look for flimsy 
>excuses for Africa. However I just like us to recognise the unique 
>challenge that we find ourselves. While I know some people only 
>attend conferences for travel experience (which does not only happen 
>to Africans). It does not also seem accurate to term other non ietf 
>events as talkshops.

The IETF is different from ICANN.  There are more people from Africa 
involved in ICANN in comparison to those involved in the IETF.  I 
thought about what it would it take to have a meeting in Africa.  The 
probability of success is extremely low.

I did not mention "talkshops" or "attending conferences for travel 
experience" in my message.  Some people view "participation" in terms 
of what would be the contribution to the discussions.  That's 
difficult to do without an understanding of the discussions.

>Now ISOC(ietf convenor) which has a global reach should continue to 
>make IETF as such so as to allow Africans develop more interest and 
>see RFCs development as part of their responsibility as internet users.

I don't think that ISOC is the IETF convenor.


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