[AfrICANN-discuss] Complaint from Sudan to ICANN

Hago Dafalla dafalla at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 24 11:44:57 SAST 2014

Dear Fadi Chehade;

         How are you I hope you are fine and well.
Further to my
letter to you and after my meeting with you in Bali during IGF 2013, I would
like to assure you that we might hit us damage much of the way they operate
ICANN through the economic embargo on Sudan and the introduction of the policy
in their work than the impact on the treatment of this organization for
Sudanese who participate in its various committees and they are few very few do
not exceed the number of fingers of one hand (about four or five members ) and
with few in number , they face discrimination qualitative and regional and
ethnic hateful limits the possibility of their participation in committees and
obtaining financial support be adjusted to their participation in the periodic
meetings of the organization , making them suffer in getting equal
opportunities fair between them and the rest of the participants from other
countries. This is a big disadvantage of ICANN and the wasting of human rights
in Sudan. I participated in many of the ICANN working groups ( such as .TF-AIDN, ccwg, etc.... )
, but , unfortunately, I find it difficult not justified in the presence of  direct meetings to which I belong before the
ICANN meeting .
Now I and  other Sudanese participated in the FT-AIDN
Working group and this committee have a meeting in Singapore from 20 to 22
March before the ICANN meeting, has asked all members of this committee to
apply for the full financial support to attend the meeting , but unfortunately
was not to accept our candidacy for the meeting under the pretext of flimsy not
convince any reasonable person who has experience of how the work of committees
and ICANN agent double standard . After the policy must be the work of ICANN so
as not to lose credibility and respect that the laws that support equal
opportunities and justice among all stakeholders . Also one of Sudanese have
acceptance from ICANN Fellowships program to participate in ICANN Meeting in
South Africa and then was delayed to Argentina and then was delayed to
Singapore. This had happened to me personally when I have acceptance from ICANN
Fellowship program to attend the meeting in Kenya  then a delay to the meeting in Belgium and
also the meeting of Senegal to the meeting of Costa Rica . Under the pretext of
non-completion of ICANN's own papers .
So we ask you to
immediately intervene to solve these problems that limit our participation in
these meetings that set policy for ICANN.

   Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Hago Dafalla
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