[AfrICANN-discuss] AFRINIC's AFRINEWS is now published

Arsène Tungali arsenebaguma at gmail.com
Tue Dec 16 06:12:30 UTC 2014

Thank you,

I like the content which is well organised and well presented.
Congratulations for the achievements made by Afrinic and it's partners.
Looking for more in 2015.

Best regards,

**Arsène Tungali**,
Co-Founder & Executive Director,
*Rudi International* www.rudiinternational.org

Founder & Director, *Mabingwa Forum*

Mobile: +243993810967
Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/arsene.tungali> - Twitter
<http://www.twitter.com/arsenebaguma> - LinkedIn
Skype: arsenetungali
Democratic Republic Of Congo
*Actualité chez Rudi International:* *Le Project Noel 2013 s'est tres bien
passee et nous remercions les uns les autres pour leur appui. Voir les
photos de la celebration ICI
Vous pouvez déjà donner pour la Noël 2014  ICI.

*Actualité chez Mabingwa Forum:** La premiere edition de Mabingwa Forum
s'est tenu a Goma, du 6 au 8 decembre 2013 et fut un grand succès (voir les
PHOTOS <http://www.flickr.com/photos/111643893@N04/sets/>.) La 2e edition
se tient a Goma du 5 au 7 decembre 2014. Prenez déjà votre inscription

2014-12-15 15:21 GMT+02:00 AFRINIC Communication <comm-announce at afrinic.net>
> Dear Colleagues,
> We are pleased to inform you that the second issue of AFRINIC's newsletter
> 'AFRINEWS' for 2014  is now published.
> This edition highlights some of AFRINIC's key activities during the past
> months.
> You can download AFRINEWS at: http://www.afrinic.net/images/
> stories/Library/news-pub/afrinic_news_19.pdf
> We wish you a nice read.
> Best regards,
> AFRINIC Communication
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