[AfrICANN-discuss] Re: [africs-ig] Civil Society speaker: IGF Opening ceremony - Nnenna

Françoise Mukuku frmukuku at gmail.com
Mon Oct 21 08:16:22 SAST 2013

gender.both on participation and issues part

francoise, DRC
Le 21 oct. 2013 05:21, "Nnenna Nwakanma" <nnenna75 at gmail.com> a écrit :

> Dear all
> I shall be speaking on behalf of global Civil Society tomorrow during the
> opening ceremony.  In order to be representative enough, I would like to
> ask everyone to share what critical issues they think I MUST mention.
> Of course, I will not forget:
>    1. The centrality of human rights
>    2. Multistakeholder participation o
>    3. Ongoing work on enhanced cooperation
>    4. Not losing the "development focus" of IG
>    5. The "not-ended" battle of Internet access and affordability
>    6. The urgent need to reinforce teh capacity and efficiency of MS IG
>    processes at national levels
>    7. Brazil 2014?
>    8. Surveillance?
>    9. Best Bits?
> All for now
> Nnenna
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