[AfrICANN-discuss] TransformAfrica 2013
Seun Ojedeji
seun.ojedeji at gmail.com
Fri Nov 1 11:41:23 SAST 2013
On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 10:13 AM, Dr Eberhard W Lisse <el at lisse.na> wrote:
> We Africans are very good at drafting manifestos, agendas, declarations
> and speaking at (international) fora.
> We all know what needs to be done. We just don't do it. Or rather most of
> us don't.
> Well put! a statement i normally use in my country. I am also sure that
applies to many other countries in Africa and perhaps beyond.
".....how can a continent with millions of people not know the solution to
her problem...."
I look forward to a time when we will stop investing on "big" grammar
delivery of speeches and start implementing the small grammar we have
written a long time ago. By doing that, we will hopefully pass the current
Era of saying "....only if we had good leadership...."
> el
> --
> Sent from Dr. Lisse's iPhone 5
> On Nov 1, 2013, at 10:33, "Victor Ndonnang" <ndonnang at isoc-cameroon.org>
> wrote:
> Thanks Pierre for your thoughts on this summit. I can’t agree more!
> Leadership matters in Africa journey to digital economy and Rwanda is
> showing it very well. ****
> Thanks for sharing.****
> Regards,****
> Victor.****
> ** **
> *De :* africann-bounces at afrinic.net [mailto:africann-bounces at afrinic.net<africann-bounces at afrinic.net>]
> *De la part de* Dandjinou Pierre
> *Envoyé :* jeudi 31 octobre 2013 12:49
> *À :* africann at afrinic.net
> *Objet :* [AfrICANN-discuss] TransformAfrica 2013****
> ** **
> Dear listers,****
> (En francais plus bas!)****
> I attended the TransformAfrica Summit which is closing down in a few
> minutes. The theme is telling : The Future of Africa delivered..Today!
> There are a few takeaways we could share, but you may acces the SMART
> Africa Manifesto at
> http://www.transformafrica2013.org/documents/****
> Manifesto is about taking action in order to connect, innovate and
> transform Africa.
> ****
> ** **
> While this summit, attended by 7 African heads of States an many high
> powered authorities, it has been somehow dominated by the massive presence
> of the private sector in panels and the nice exhibitions. Youth has also
> been at the centre of Transform Africa with workshops on digital
> entrepreneurship (Entrepreneurship Web 3.OS) and iHubs.****
> The other major take away is that TransformAfrica has been organized by
> Rwanda, a country that is not just writing policies and strategies, but is
> just executing them. And its shows right at the airport and all the way to
> the launch of the Rwandapedia (www.rwandapedia.rw) and the commissioning
> of the 4G. So, leadership matters on African journey to the digital economy.
> ****
> Pierre****
> =============================================================****
> Francais****
> J'ai assiste au Sommet TransformAfrica qui va fermer ses portes dans
> quelques minutes. Le theme : L'avenir de l'Afrique rendue
> possible..Aujourd'hui. Tout un programme!****
> Beaucoup de choses sont a retenir de ce sommet et principalement le
> manifeste du SMART Africa. Le texte en Anglais et francais est accessible
> au
> http://www.transformafrica2013.org/documents/****
> Le Sommet a connu la participation de 7 Chefs d'etats, des plus hautes
> autorites africaines, mais surtout la presence du secteur prive
> international, regional et local..Les jeunes y etaient massivement
> representes dans les ateliers consacres a l'entreprenariat des jeunes..Au
> total, plus de 2000 participants au sommet.****
> L'autre chose importante a retenir est que le sommet a ete organise par le
> Rwanda, un pays qui ne se contente point de faire des etudes et strategies,
> mais de les mettre en oeuvre! Et cela se voit..depuis l'aeroport jusqu'au
> lancement du projet Rwandapedia (www.rwandapedia.rw) a l'hotel Mille
> collines.
> Assurement, le leadership compte sur la voie d'acces de l' l'Afrique a
> l'economie du numerique.****
> ** **
> Pierre****
> -- ****
> Pierre Dandjinou
> Cotonou - 229 90 087784 / 66566610****
> Dakar 221 77 639 30 41****
> www.scg.bj****
> skype : sagbo1953****
> ****
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*Seun Ojedeji,
Federal University Oye-Ekiti
web: http://www.fuoye.edu.ng
Mobile: +2348035233535
**alt email: <http://goog_1872880453>seun.ojedeji at fuoye.edu.ng*
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