[AfrICANN-discuss] Announcing the Africa Domain Name Industrie
Award Programme :
Lancement du Prix de l'industrie des noms de domaine africains
Dandjinou Pierre
pdandjinou at gmail.com
Thu May 2 23:01:39 SAST 2013
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Le Prix de l?industrie africaine des Noms de domaine
Il existe 54 registres pour les noms de domaines de pays (ccTLD) africains et 17 demandes
de nouveaux noms de domaine gnriques (gTLD) faites par des entreprises africaines. Il y a
aussi 5 registraires accrdits par l?ICANN pouvant permettre la croissance des affaires du
DNS (Systme de Nom de Domaine).
Ces registres et registraires n?ont pas les mmes performances et ont t confronts
plusieurs dfis techniques, politiques et commerciaux. Au moment o les ccTLD, AfTLD
et les registraires africains s?organisent autour des meilleures pratiques communes,
l?ICANN en Afrique voudrait reconnatre ceux qui font des progrs avec les distinctions
appropries. Le prix identifiera les leaders de l?industrie du DNS et contribuera au
renforcement des meilleures pratiques au sein de la communaut.
ICANN Afrique, en partenariat avec l?AFTLD et ISOC Afrique a cree un comit pour mettre
en place un Prix pour les registres et les registraires africains et dfinir un programme
annuel pour l?industrie du DNS.
Le comit du Prix se compose de 7 professionnels du monde des affaires , des registres et
des registraires. Deux membres sont nomms par ICANN Afrique ; trois par ISOC, AfTLD,
AfRegistrar ; Un par le GAC Afrique et Un par l?industrie globale du DNS. Aucun membre du
comit ne pourra tre nomin pour le prix le durant son mandat.
Le comit du Prix doit dvelopper un cadre pour l?attribution des Prix annuels du meilleur
registre et du meilleur registraire en Afrique et organiser le premier trophe. Le cadre
comportera la nature du trophe, sa marque, son modle, ses critres et le processus de
nomination des candidats.
Elments du cadre
Le Prix rcompense la contribution au dveloppement de l?Industrie du DNS en Afrique. C e
Prix est sponsoris par ICANN et ISOC. La marque est ® Le prix de l?Industrie des Noms de
domaine en Afrique ¯
La nature du prix est un chque cadeau d?une valeur de $5000
Il y aura deux types de prix dont l?un pour les registres et l?autre pour les Registraires du
Parmi les critres d?attribution du prix il y aura le nombre de noms de domaines, le taux de
croissance, la stabilit, la scurit en plus d?autres services comme l?hbergement et le
payement. Les rponses
toutes ces questions seront fournies pour chaque nomin en
ligne ou par courriel.
Questionnaire type pour un registre
Nom du nomin
Relation avec le Registre
1. Gouvernance et politiques du Registre
a. Description de la socit (type d?organisation, proprit, structure, etc.)
b. Procdure de mise en place des politiques (i.e. avec les partenaires, interne,
politiques publies)
c. Contributions
la communaut (sponsorisation d?vnement, appui au
renforcement de capacit, offre de stage, etc.)
d. Procdure de des conflits (nombre de conflits, rgls, en cours, etc.)
2. Durabilit du registre et modle d?affaire
a. Modle du Registre/Registraire (mode 2R ou 3R, nombre de Registraires, etc.)
b. Comptitivit du Registre (i.e. cot d?enregistrement de noms de domaines, 2eme et
3eme niveau, payements lectronique, enregistrement en ligne, etc.)
c. Innovations du Registre (Enchres, campagnes publicitaires, remises aux registraires,
nouveaux second niveaux, etc.)
d. Donnes statistiques disponibles (i.e. enregistrement de noms sur 12 mois, date de
3. Opration technique du Registre
a. Site des oprations techniques (local/international)
b. Comptence technique (Installation, conformit
RFC2181/BCP16, anycast, Peering
un IXP local, ASN propre, espace d?adressage, etc.)
c. Mise en ?uvre de la scurit DNS /Zone du Registre.
d. Efficacit des enregistrements (en ligne, mis
jour, temps d?activation des
changements, etc.)
e. Service d?assistance (systme de ticket, site web, whois, courriel, etc.?)
4. Motivations du Registre
a. Pourquoi la candidature du registre pour le prix doit tre retenue ?
b. Autres prix et reconnaissances reues au niveau local ou rgional.
Questionnaire type pour un registraire
Nom du nomin
Relation avec le Registraire
5. Gouvernance
a. Description du Registraire (type d?organisation i e entit commerciale,)
b. Contributions
la communaut (sponsorisation d?vnement, appui au
renforcement de capacit, offre de stage, etc.)
c. Procdure de rsolution des conflits (nombre de conflits.)
6. Durabilit du registre et modle d?affaire
a. Accrditation (local et/ou international)
b. Comptitivit du Registraire (i.e. cot d?enregistrement de noms de domaines,
payements lectronique, enregistrement en ligne, etc.)
c. Innovations du Registraire (Enchres, campagnes publicitaires, remises aux
registraires, nouveaux second niveaux, etc.)
d. Donnes statistiques disponibles (i.e. enregistrement de noms sur 12 mois, date de
7. Opration technique du Registraire
a. Site des oprations techniques (local/international)
b. Comptence technique (Installation, conformit
RFC2181/BCP16, anycast, Peering
un IXP local, ASN propre, espace d?adressage, etc.)
c. Mise en ?uvre des mesures de scurit registraire.
d. Efficacit des enregistrements (en ligne, mis
jour, temps d?activation des
changements, etc.)
e. Service d?assistance (systme de ticket, site web, whois, courriel, etc.?)
8. Motivations du Registraire
a. Pourquoi la candidature du registraire pour le prix doit tre retenue ?
b. Autres prix et reconnaissances reues au niveau local ou rgional.
Plan propos pour l?valuation
Les membres discuteront d?abord de leurs attentes de la part des nomines pour l?anne en
se basant sur les critres dfinis plus haut et tout message parallle li au prix concern. Ils
votent ensuite pour valuer chaque nomin.
Le point du vote initial permettrait de slection 2-3 candidats dans chacune des deux
catgories (Registres, Registraires)
Il y aura aprs une autre discussion sur les candidats retenus pour dgager des candidats de
consensus et voter si ncessaire pour choisir un nomin dans chacune des deux catgories.
Le premier prix sera dcern lors du forum DNS 2013 pendant la runion de l?ICANN
Durban en Juillet 2013.
Le prix sera lanc pour nominations et manifestations d?intrts du 1er mai au 5 juin 2013
Les gagnants seront annoncs le 30 juin 2013 et les prix dcerns
la runion de l?ICANN en
juillet 2013.
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The Africa Domain Name Industry Award
There are 54 ccTLD registries operating name spaces of African countries and new gTLD registry applications to ICANN from African companies. There are additionally 5 ICANN accredited Registrars operating in Africa and the growth of DNS business in Africa is anticipated
These Registries and Registrars have varied accomplishments and have been faced with a variety of technical, policy and business challenges. While the bottom up coordination groups for ccTLD Registries, AfTLD, and Registrars AfRegistrars are developing their communities and common best practices, ICANN Africa would like to recognize the businesses that are making advances with appropriate honors. The award will identify leaders of DNS industry and contribute to reinforcing best industry practices of the community in the process
ICANN Africa, in partnership with the AfTLD and ISOC Africa has established an award committee to initiate the award program for registries and registrars in Africa and to define an annual program for the DNS industry
The award committee is made up of 7 professionals with knowledge in the registry registrar industry. Two members of the committee are appointed by ICANN Africa while the other 3 are appointed by ISOC, AfTLD, AfRegistrar communities, one from GAC Africa and one from the Global DNS industry. Members of the award committee may not be nominated for these awards during their term
The Award committee is to develop a framework for making annual awards for best Registry and Registrar in Africa and to organize the first of the annual awards. The framework will include the nature of award, it's branding, type of awards, criteria, process for nominating candidates
Elements of Framework
The award is recognition for contribution to the development of the DNS Industry in Africa. The award is a DNS Industry award sponsored by ICANN and ISOC. The brand is "The Africa DNS Industry Award"
The nature of the award is a token gift and an accompanying cash price of $5,000.00
There would be two types of awards, one each for Registries and Registrars in the DNS industry
Some criteria for identifying deserving honorees include size of name space, growth of name space, performance, reliability, security and other services including hosting and payments. Questions around these would be constructed in a questionnaire to be completed by each nominee online or by email
Typical Registry Questionnaire
Registry being nominated
Nominee Name
Relationship to Registry
1. Registry Governance and Policy
a. Description of the Registry Governance Structure (i.e organization type, Ownership structure, etc)
b. Registry Policy Development Process (i.e with stakeholders, internal, published policies)
c. Community Contributions (i.e policy contributions, event sponsorship, supporting local capacity building, internship program, CSR, etc)
d. Dispute resolution process (number of disputes, resolved, outstanding, etc)
2. Registry Sustainability and Business Model
a. Registry/Registrar model (i.e 2R or 3R model, how many registrars, etc)
b. Registry competitiveness (i.e cost of domain names, 2nd level and 3rd level registrations, electronic payments, online registrations, etc)
c. Registry Innovation (Domain auctions, marketing awareness, registrar discounts, new second levels, etc)
d. Registry Statistics Data (i.e 12 month domain registration, retention rate)
3. Registry Technical Operational
a. Location of Technical Operations (local/international)
b. Technical Competence (Setup, compliance to RFC2181/BCP16, use of any cast, Peering at local IXP, own ASN, IP address space, etc)
c. Registry DNS/Zone Security implementations
d. Registration Efficiency (online registration, updating, time to publish/effect changes, etc)
e. Registry Support Tools (ticketing systems, website, whois-system, email, etc)
4. Registry Narrative
a. Why should the registry be considered for the award?
b. Other awards and recognition that they have received locally/regionally
Typical Registrar questionnaire
Registrar being nominated
Nominee Name
Relationship to Registrar
5. Registrar Governance and Policy
a. Description of the Registrar Governance Structure (i.e type of organization i.e profit entity)
b. Community Contributions (i.e policy contributions, event sponsorship, supporting local capacity building, internship program, CSR, etc)
c. Dispute resolution (number of disputes)
6. Registrar Sustainability and Business Model
a. Registrar Accreditation (local and or international)
b. Registrar competitiveness (i.e cost of domain names, Registries offered, , electronic payments, online registrations, etc)
c. Registrar Innovation (Domain auctions, marketing awareness, registrant discounts, etc)
d. Registrar Statistics Data (i.e 12 month domain registration, retention rate)
7. Registrar Technical Operational
a. Location of Technical Operations (local/international)
b. Registrar Technical Competence (Setup, compliance to RFC2181/BCP16, use of any cast, Peering at local IXP, own ASN, IP address space, etc)
c. Registrar Security implementations
d. Registration Efficiency (online registration, updating, time to publish/effect changes, etc)
e. Registrar Support Tools (ticketing systems, website, whois-system, email, etc)
8. Registrar Narrative
a. Why should the registrar be considered for the award?
b. Other awards and recognition that they have received locally/regionally
A proposed Evaluation Process
Members will first discuss what they would be looking for from the nominees for the year based on the criteria above and any concurrent message associated with the award or significance. Thereafter, members vote to assess each nominee.
The totals of the initial vote would be used to produce a short list of 2-3 candidates in each of two categories, Registries and Registrars
A further discussion will be held on the listed candidates looking for consensus candidates and if necessary the members will vote for one nominee in each of the two categories
The initial awards will be given at the DNS Forum 2013 in Durban ICANN meeting in July, 2013
After administrative preparations the award will open for nominations and expressions of interest from 1st May to 5th June 2013
The awardees will be announced 30, June 2013 and awards will be given at Durban ICANN meeting in July 2013
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