[AfrICANN-discuss] invitation letter ICANN 46

Dr Eberhard W Lisse el at lisse.na
Wed Mar 27 22:00:15 SAST 2013

Just access the web site, like all the others, and request an invitation
letter, like all the others, and you will get an invitation letter, like
all the others.

W>hy are you blaming ICANN? Because you decided late, unlike all the
others? Or Because you can't follow simple instructions on the web site
unlike all the others.


On 2013-03-27 21:30 , balbine manga wrote:
> try to apply for an icann invitation letter and ,they will automaticaly
> ask for an host invitation letter for you, good luck!
> Balbine Manga
> lawyer Cameroon
> *De :* Wilfried MENGHE <wilfried.menghe at aninf.ga>
> *À :* 'AfrICANN list' <africann at afrinic.net>
> *Envoyé le :* Mercredi 27 mars 2013 12h17
> *Objet :* RE: [AfrICANN-discuss] invitation letter ICANN 46
> Bonjour
> A quelquse jours  de l’ouverture de l’Icann 46 , toujours impossible
> d’obtenir des lettres d’invitation de la CNNIC pour les visas , l’ICANN
> aurait pu mieux organiser cette reunion .
> Merci de votre aide
> Cordialement
> *Wilfrid Menghe*

Dr. Eberhard W. Lisse  \        / Obstetrician & Gynaecologist (Saar)
el at lisse.NA            / *     |   Telephone: +264 81 124 6733 (cell)
PO Box 8421             \     /
Bachbrecht, Namibia     ;____/

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