[AfrICANN-discuss] Re: Final Call for Presentation at TechDay Beijing

Dr Eberhard Lisse el at lisse.NA
Wed Mar 27 14:14:00 SAST 2013

I apologize for the typo, the date is

	Monday 2013-04-08

greetings, el

on 2013-03-27 12:41 Dr Eberhard Lisse said the following:
> We have one 20 minute slot available for a presentation at TechDay
> on 2013-04-18 in the afternoon at ICANN Beijing.
> Anyone coming to Beijing is welcome, does not have to be ccTLD or
> ccNSO. Topics also don't have to be exclusively related to ccTLD.
> Please feel free to post to gTLD lists, to which I don't have access.
> el

Dr. Eberhard W. Lisse  \        / Obstetrician & Gynaecologist (Saar)
el at lisse.NA            / *     |   Telephone: +264 81 124 6733 (cell)
PO Box 8421             \     /
Bachbrecht, Namibia     ;____/

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