[AfrICANN-discuss] Successful Conclusion of AFRINIC Training in Lagos - Nigeria

Brice ABBA brice at afrinic.net
Mon Jun 24 21:16:06 SAST 2013

Dear Colleagues,

Ebene - Mauritius, Monday 24^th June 2013 - AFRINIC, the Regional
Internet Registry for Africa in conjunction with the ATCON Association
of Telecommunication Companies Of Nigeriahas just concluded a four (04)
day IPv6 and Internet Number Resources Management training course in Lagos.

Running from the 18^th -- 21^st May 2013, the event was held atDigital
Bridge Institute Oshodi, Lagos, Nigeriaand led by Mukom Akong Tamon and
Brice Abba of AFRINIC. This event falls under AFRINIC's training program
which aims to help network engineers in AFRICA better plan and manage
Internet Number resources and IPv6 networks.

The course was attended by 40 network engineers, systems administrators
and IT Managers drawn from the telecommunications and Internet service
organisations as well as Colleges and universities. We wish to extend
our appreciation to with the Digital Bridge Institute Oshodi, OSFON and
COBRANET for hosting this workshop and making it a success.


Warm Regards,

AFRINIC Training Unit
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