[AfrICANN-discuss] ICANN Africa Event in Addis 5-8 March 2013

Ben Fuller abutiben at gmail.com
Sat Feb 2 17:35:11 SAST 2013


I've worked in development for much of the past 20 years and before that
spent 10 studying rural poverty and its causes. Again the key will be how
do you make it easy for emerging entrepreneurs (large and small) to get
into the DNS industry. In Namibia, particularly because of its apartheid
past, we have given special advice and discounts to formerly disadvantaged
people/companies that want to enter the sector.

Again a big hurdle is technical. Many of the small operators start out by
using commercial host in/DNS services. Those that grow (because not all of
them will grow) move on to their own hosting set up once the cash flow
warrants. For them to start offering DNS services, you need to make it easy
for them. That means getting the ccTLD registers to provide automated
platforms for users.

I can suggest that you contact the Namibia Information Communication
Technology Association (NICTA), http://www.nicta.org.na for Namibian
business participation.


On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 5:05 PM, Dandjinou Pierre <pdandjinou at gmail.com>wrote:

> Ben, Tim and all!
> The Addis event is actually about how to get the African businesses more
> involved in the DNS industry sector, and this came as a priority in the
> Africa strategy. I suspect this first event should be one of a series that
> African registries/registrars and other association of businesses
> themselves should be organizing on their own, without any sponsoring, and
> without waiting for ICANN and other agencies. ICANN is just starting the
> process. I would thus be grateful if the listers could just point to any
> African business leader who should be invited to the Addis event.
> At this point, I can only thank those who indicated their interest for the
> event; ICANN and the I* partners  are doing what is possible to have more
> sponsored participants, but of course, I should advise those who do not
> hear from ICANN in following days to look for other sources of funding!
> Other details for participating (Visa and hotels) will also be available
> on the africanncommunity.org which is under construction.
> Best regards
> Pierre
> VP, Africa
> On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 3:15 PM, McTim <dogwallah at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Ben,
>> I am happy to have the chance to engage constructively in this thread.
>> On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 9:04 AM, Ben Fuller <abutiben at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Can someone explain the need for ICANN approved registrars in Africa?
>> If there were more registrars on the continent, there would be greater
>> technical capability, more DNS clue, greater uptake of local/regional
>> TLDs, more business (read profit), which leads to more registrars,
>> which leads to more business.  It's "a rising tide lifts all boats"
>> kind of virtuous circle.
>> >What does this do for the continent? With hundreds of private companies
>> across the globe that have become ICANN approved registrars, what is
>> stopping African companies from doing the same?
>> Lack of awareness perhaps?  Perhaps it is percieved as too hard to
>> become accredited when one can just become a reseller??   I think this
>> is one question you could have answered by folk at the event!
>> There are enough African companies with the capital to do so. What
>> will a hand wringing session in Ethiopia do?  Don't tell me you want a
>> donor Programme.
>> I don't think a donor scheme is part of the plan.
>> I hope there won't be much hand-wringing either.
>> --
>> Cheers,
>> McTim
>> "A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates where it is. A
>> route indicates how we get there."  Jon Postel
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> --
> Pierre Dandjinou
> Cotonou - 229 90 087784 / 66566610
> Dakar 221 77 639 30 41
> www.scg.bj
> skype : sagbo1953
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Dr. Ben Fuller
abutiben at gmail.com
ben at fuller.na                http://www.fuller.na
blog: http://www.fuller.na/  skype: drbenfuller
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