[AfrICANN-discuss] ICANN Africa Event in Addis 5-8 March 2013

Ben Fuller abutiben at gmail.com
Sat Feb 2 16:04:41 SAST 2013

Can someone explain the need for ICANN approved registrars in Africa? What does this do for the continent? With hundreds of private companies across the globe that have become ICANN approved registrars, what is stopping African companies from doing the same? There are enough African companies with the capital to do so. What will a hand wringing session in Ethiopia do?  Don't tell me you want a donor Programme.


Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 2, 2013, at 15:48, Dr Eberhard W Lisse <el at lisse.NA> wrote:

> DISCUSSION will not solve anything, DOING might.
> el
> On 2013-02-02 14:49 , Victor Ndonnang wrote:
>> Dear Dr. Lisse,
>> You are free to support or not the event. But this event is not useless
>> as you presumed.
>> African ccTLD are not the only stakeholder in the development of the DNS
>> industry in Africa. ccTLDs and DNSSEC deployment are not the only topics
>> of the Addis upcoming event.
>> We need more ICANN Accredited registrar in Africa...and a sustainable
>> development of the Internet in Africa. Having a multi-stakeholder
>> discussion or event on all these issues is the start to solve the problem.
>> Let us have a constructive discussion on this list.
>> Best regards,
>> Victor Ndonnang.
>> On 02/02/2013 13:17, Dr Eberhard W Lisse wrote:
>>> Rubbish, as usual.
>>> This was posted to this very list, originally, but maybe the aftermath
>>> of the end-of year festivities tooketh away further of the little
>>> ability of the lister(s).
>>> I am not sure, personally, that this "event" is going to achieve
>>> anything, other than that the usual suspects get (travel) funding. I
>>> for one can not see why for example a (Namibian) business would want
>>> to waste money and a whole week time, to listen to a re-hash by
>>> mediocre speakers (me of course excluded, if I were to make if :-)-O)
>>> of stuff that is well known and of no application in practice.
>>> We have through this before, .NA is the first ccTLD to do DNSSec and
>>> if I am not mistaken only one other has managed themselves (.UG) the
>>> other(s) running outsourced on US infrastructure.
>>> For example, of the five Namibian banks that could theoretically be
>>> interested, the two biggest feel that HTTPS is all they need, never
>>> mind that the biggest bank lets their certificate(s) expire every
>>> year. The other three don't correspond at all, which means they don't
>>> care or/and understand.
>>> But, so what? It's not my problem. They run the business. They have
>>> the "experts". Even if they meed 300 Indians in a bunker to fix the
>>> daily occurring problems the moving from a perfectly working system to
>>> an Indian product which is nothing but a mess (front- and back-end). 
>>> I feel we need to look at a real bottom up approach. Even if it is
>>> difficult to even find the managers of African ccTLDs, let alone
>>> correspond with them, or build capacity, this shotgun approach is not
>>> going to work.
>>> We need to get the Registers fixed (automated) and this implies
>>> business skills, such as answering emails and issuing receipts. So
>>> that ccTLDs become viable. 
>>> One a a time...
>>> el
>>> Sent from Dr Lisse's iPad mini
>>> On Feb 2, 2013, at 12:10, bouba <djamaab at yahoo.fr
>>> <mailto:djamaab at yahoo.fr>> wrote:
>>>> I think we are here in this list to share and make strategy to
>>>> defendthe interests of our African Internet community. we also talk
>>>> about transparency and openness.But I do not understand that when
>>>> someone you ask something as simple and common like an agenda of a
>>>> meeting it becomes a problem.
>>>> I am not here to cheer for cheer ... but when it is a good idea as
>>>> the March workshop in Addis Ababa I clap for this initiative;and as
>>>> the subject line goes right with what interests me, I asked for more
>>>> information on the workshop. That 's all. Is this a problem?
>>>> I say, you could simply direct interested guys to the right link that
>>>> can help them. The announcement was made ​​public. I do not
>>>> understand that other practical information are given in hiding while
>>>> we're talking about the Internet and all things about Africa.
>>>> Nevertheless we eventually get this program in private.
>>>> I am the Coordinator of the IGF Secretariat Central Africa for 2
>>>> years, I do not understand concerning that subject (Internet
>>>> governance), this part of Africa is cancel and while this part is
>>>> interested and request information to be actor. This may be a mistake.
>>>> Mr. NANKEP, Rapporteur of the IGF Secretariat Central Africa, is
>>>> being insulted for nothing. He led a delegation to the IGF Africa in
>>>> Cairo and was chosen by peers to represent them at AfIGF.
>>>> We are not seek fellowship, we just want to participate in our means
>>>> in organisation and participation. That's all.
>>>> ----
>>>> Djamaa BOUBA
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