[AfrICANN-discuss] CCT-RT: Call for Volunteer Members: Representing ICANN Advisory Committees and Supporting Organizations; and Serving as Independent Experts

Glen de Saint Géry Glen at icann.org
Tue Aug 20 23:35:44 SAST 2013

Affirmation of Commitment Reviews Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Team (CCT-RT) | Call for Volunteer Members: Representing ICANN Advisory Committees and Supporting Organizations; and Serving as Independent Experts
16 August 2013

Volunteer applications due by 1 October 2013


In line with the Affirmation of Commitments<https://www.icann.org/en/about/agreements/aoc/affirmation-of-commitments-30sep09-en.htm> (AoC) requirements, and as directed<https://www.icann.org/en/groups/board/documents/resolutions-18jul13-en.htm#2.b> by the ICANN Board, ICANN invites interested individuals to apply for volunteer Review Team Member positions - either in representation of a Supporting Organization or Advisory Committee, or as an Independent Expert - to serve on the Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Team (CCT-RT). The Review Team will work in two phases:

 *   Phase One will occur as soon as the Review Team is appointed, and involves evaluating various metrics to be collected by ICANN as proposed by the GNSO Council, ALAC, and others, as appropriate, and developing recommendations for the set of metrics to be collected by ICANN in preparation for the upcoming review of the New gTLDs, as described in Phase Two.
 *   Phase Two will occur after new gTLDs have been in operation for one year, and involves examining data to assess the extent to which the introduction or expansion of gTLDs has promoted competition, consumer trust, and consumer choice. Additionally, the Review Team will evaluate the effectiveness of the application and evaluation process, as well as the safeguards put in place by ICANN to mitigate issues involved in the introduction or expansion of new gTLDs.
 *   Once the proposed metrics are delivered to the Board at the conclusion of Phase One, the Review Team's work will be suspended until the new gTLDs have been in operation for one year. In the interim, ICANN will develop the systems and collect the metrics approved through this process.
 *   The composition of the Review Team will be confirmed at the start of Phase Two, but is expected to comprise the same members from Phase One. Because of the phased approach and the extended duration of the work for this review, Review Team members may be replaced as appropriate.

Candidatures are to be submitted to rtcandidatures at icann.org<mailto:rtcandidatures at icann.org> by 1 October 2013 - 23:59 UTC.

Schedule for Phase One
Announcement and call for volunteers

16 August 2013

Applications due

1 October 2013

SO/AC endorsement of applicants due

4 November 2013

Announcement of Team members

22 November 2013

Phase 1 project kick-off

December 2013/January 2014

Submission of recommended metrics (estimated)

July 2014

Tentative Schedule for Phase Two 1<https://www.icann.org/en/news/announcements/announcement-16aug13-en.htm#foot1>
Phase Two project kick-off

ICANN 51 Meeting (October 2014)

Review Team work and submission of Initial Report (estimated)

October 2014 - ICANN 52 Meeting (June 2015)

Final Report submitted (estimated)

September 2015

Please read the detailed Call for Applicants<https://www.icann.org/en/about/aoc-review/cctrt/call-for-volunteers-16aug13-en.htm> for more information and details on the application procedure and the CCT-RT mandate.


1<https://www.icann.org/en/news/announcements/announcement-16aug13-en.htm#note1> Due to uncertainty about the timing of when new gTLDs will be operational and the availability of the data needed to perform the review, these dates are estimates.

Glen de Saint Géry
GNSO Secretariat
gnso.secretariat at gnso.icann.org<mailto:gnso.secretariat at gnso.icann.org>

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