[AfrICANN-discuss] Fwd: ICANN News Alert -- Fellowship Program Brings Global Voices Together at ICANN | Fellows Announced for Durban, South Africa Meeting

Dr Eberhard Lisse el at lisse.NA
Mon Apr 22 12:10:32 SAST 2013

So typical for us Africans...

The Fellowship is not for PDPs it's actually for people who have not
yet attended an ICANN Meeting *AND* find it difficult to do so.

ccNSO offers some travel support for ccTLDs, however Applicants must
state in their application how the Meeting will benefit from their

I think the Durban application period has closed.  I know that for
Buenos Aires it has not yet opened, so there is sufficient time now
to work on one's pitch.

For example, propose a technical presentation at the TechDay :-)-O


on 2013-04-22 10:16 Wilfried MENGHE said the following:
> Bonjour Pierre
> Je suis surpris qu’aucun membre issu du Gabon ne soit
> preselectionné pour ce programme , malgré notre presence
> certains temps aux meeting de l’ICANN
> Merci de proceder à cet oubli , Durban est un grand Rendez vous
> pour nous tous
> Cordialement
> *Wilfrid Menghe*

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