[AfrICANN-discuss] Le Mali : 1er pays Africain a offrir gratuitement son nom de domaine (.ML)

Dr Eberhard W Lisse el at lisse.NA
Wed Apr 10 02:46:37 SAST 2013

Again, the clueless underwhelm the greedy.

It took Ms Diakite approximately 7 minutes to hand the "repatriated" .ML
to a bunch of Dutch "entrepreneurs" who will now create the second
largest botnet after .TK.

I am impressed by her audacity, since she spoke to me in Addis three
weeks ago about their plans.


On 2013-04-09 23:58 , Mamadou LO wrote:
> Le Mali 1er pays Africain à offrir gratuitement son nom de domaine (.ML)
> http://maliactu.net/le-mali-1er-pays-africain-a-offrir-gratuitement-son-nom-de-domaine-ml/
> Bonne rception
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