[AfrICANN-discuss] The world is moving gradually towards cyber war

Dr Eberhard W Lisse el at lisse.NA
Tue Oct 23 22:21:46 SAST 2012


It may be critical to the income of wannabe cyber security advisers, but
*NONE* of his is critical infrastructure. These are plain business
interests which can be protected by commercial means.


On 2012-10-23 08:26 , Claude Essomba wrote:
> Great I am glad we are moving forward with our discussion. Critical
> infrastructure to me means  any related ICT infrastructure supporting
> african countries critical business that if affected could have a large
> impact to the level that nothing will work. ie Airport , TV, Banks ,
> Telecommunication , Applications for custom or application for salaries
> payments. In fact only risks analysis will help to identify such
> infrastructure. That is why vulnerability assessment and Penetration
> testing services are important to minimise the risks related to the
> critical indentified infrastructure.
> Regards

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