[AfrICANN-discuss] Cancellation of the Meeting AFRALO/AfrICANN of Toronto

Dr Eberhard W Lisse el at lisse.na
Sun Oct 7 13:55:18 SAST 2012

Resolution, Proposal, Shmomosal, fortunately nobody reads

But after having been to a few of those my take from the
Dakar meeting perhaps paraphrases it best:

On 2012-03-11 20:01 , Dr Eberhard W Lisse wrote:
> Dear Olivier, Fatimata, Tijani,
> please find enclosed, for your perusal, the PDF (offered
> during the deliberations) of the statement resolved today
> at the joint AFRALO/AfrICANN meeting, and allow me to
> share some thoughts on the quality of its content.
> It might set the record for the dumbest piece of logorrhea
> ever coming out of a pen/word processor.
> This could have been a showcase for the role of IT in
> Africa; useful ideas presented to this showcase where a
> lot of important players are gathered; to look at the
> creative ways ICT can be used in development and social
> upliftment; to highlight ways in which ICT can spur
> economic growth; and so on.
> But, instead, we get warnings about clicking on links, and
> better passwords.  The level of incompetence is
> nauseating, which is why I did not rise during the
> deliberations.
> And we wonder why people do not take us Africans serious?

greetings, el

On 2012-10-06 09:28 , Seun Ojedeji wrote:
> How does my message imply meeting to discuss a
> resolution...all i am saying is since the first proposal
> "The creation of an ICANN fund for the developing
> countries" has been handled by ASWG which makes it a done
> deal...why not then pick another pressing topic for
> discussion at the AFRALO AfrICANN meeting planned for
> Wednesday 17 October.  As from my understanding of the
> mail, it looks like the meeting is just a session that
> AFRALO-AfrICANN joint meeting in Toronto, so basically the
> event will still hold(pls correct me if my interpretation
> is wrong).  So the point i was making is put a few more
> sticks in the fire!  Unless ofcourse the sole reason for
> the Toronto meeting was to discuss the earlier proposal
> which is now covered by ASWG.
> Regards On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 6:08 AM, Dr Eberhard W
> Lisse <el at lisse.na <mailto:el at lisse.na>> wrote:
>     Why do you want to meet and debate a resolution?
>     Let's meet and have a party :-)-O
>     Or let's just meet.
>     We could even debate the .Africa and the .dotAfrica
>     applications and the merits of splling checkers.
>     Or something...
>     el

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