[AfrICANN-discuss] l'Antic nomme son conseil d'administration

Adamou Nacer adamou.nacer at gmail.com
Thu Nov 29 16:42:27 SAST 2012

Hi my brother,
Here is article 2:
> *Art. 2 :* Le nom du représentant des usagers ou les bénéficiaires des 
> services sera communiqué au président du conseil d'administration en 
> temps opportun.
This article raise many questions and is not compatible with internet 
governance standards in my humble point of view. This article means that 
*_someone_* will decide for the national community who is the users' 
representative. But we already know them and the decree must have just 
included them. This is not what I call an inclusive process Mr Bouba.
> For your information,go through the decrees organising ANTIC and ART 
> (Cameroonian Telecoms Regulatory Board),their Boards of Directors 
> (both ANTIC and ART) have representatives of civil society in their midst
Yes, for my information, can you please let me know who are the 
representatives of civil society for ANTIC?

For the rest, I don't want to attack you personally like you are doing 
here just because you don't agree with my opinion, I am well educated 
for that. I think that as intellectuals, we can have diverging opinions 
and discuss about them in a respectful manner.

Finally, I am not insulting my country Bouba, but I cannot applaude when 
there are bad decisions made. And I think that you and all managers 
working at ANTIC have responsibilities in bad advicing our president.


Le 29/11/2012 15:08, bouba a écrit :
> Hi Adamou,
> before talking nonsense, you must first read the decree. What is 
> Article 2 about? you can not read? or you just want to come and insult 
> your country? then bravo!
> For your information,go through the decrees organising ANTIC and ART 
> (Cameroonian Telecoms Regulatory Board),their Boards of Directors 
> (both ANTIC and ART) have representatives of civil society in their midst.
> During the board's meeting we are not expected congratulations as most 
> of you are doing here... unless if civil society = Adamou then, in 
> this case, you are right there is not part of this board .
> re-read the link though.
> http://www.prc.cm/index_fr.php?link=les_actes/lecture_act&id=471&lang=fr&quoi=D%E9cret
> It is not because some guys doesn't know Cameroon that you come and 
> write anything.
> ----
> Eng. Djamaa BOUBA
> Director of Normalisation and Cooperation
> National Agency for ICTs
> Yaoundé-Cameroun
> Email (Pro) : bouba at antic.cm <http://bouba@antic.cm/>
> GSM : +237 77 32 46 17
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *De :* Adamou Nacer <adamou.nacer at gmail.com>
> *À :* "africann at afrinic.net" <africann at afrinic.net>
> *Envoyé le :* Jeudi 29 novembre 2012 9h56
> *Objet :* [AfrICANN-discuss] l'Antic nomme son conseil d'administration
> Hi all,
> Antic, the Cameroonian ICT Agency which is in charge of the management 
> of the .cm now have a board of directors. But surprisingly all board's 
> member are designated by the Cameroon's president, all are from 
> ministries and no representatives of the civil society or any other 
> local internet community's stakeholder.
> Really a shame of my country.
> http://www.prc.cm/index_fr.php?link=les_actes/lecture_act&id=471&lang=fr&quoi=D%E9cret
> Regards
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