[AfrICANN-discuss] Good Bye .DOTAFRICA: A Significant Landmark Victory in the Battle for .Africa gTLD

Ben Fuller abutiben at gmail.com
Sat Nov 3 08:34:45 SAST 2012

I agree with Nii. I teach at a local university and have a 40 year track
record of successful research and other funding applications. In one of my
classes where I teach about funding and project applications I refer time
and time again to the fact that you have to read the directions before you
submit an application. This is basic.  Clearly the DCA Trust did not do
this and has had to wage a campaign of dubious ethics to rectify their
massive screw up.

Now that they have "won" because ICANN has been generous in allowing them
to correct an unforgivable mistake, let's concentrate on the real issue:
Are they competent to manage a key piece of Internet infrastructure on
behalf of the continent? If they get the basics of the application wrong,
what about reading and understanding the RFCs? Or the help files for
BIND/DNSSEC etc? Based on what I have seen thus far, the answer is a
resounding "No."


On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 11:47 PM, Nii Narku Quaynor <quaynor at ghana.com>wrote:

> You should be embarrassed?
> If can't get the simple things right (choice of string) then what can one
> expect from an RO?
> On Nov 2, 2012, at 17:15, Pierre Lotis NANKEP <lnankep at yahoo.fr> wrote:
> Good Bye .DOTAFRICA: A Significant Landmark Victory in the Battle for
> .Africa gTLD<http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=wkvqrzcab&v=001gjTeQvTgjpoYAleDdzGbBBXOaaov1pRIb4Xe5JQCVAD7Kqc2PYevMUcG1pmP65ciyg5bftVxwUzFbtt5VMMPVuMyC5rmhgkN085xs4KUSr8%3D>
> --
> Pierre Lotis NANKEP
> IT Engineer / ANTIC
> Web : http://www.antic.cm
> Email (Pro) : pierre.nankep at antic.cm
> GSM : +237 77 66 10 07
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Dr. Ben Fuller
abutiben at gmail.com
ben at fuller.na                http://www.fuller.na
blog: http://www.fuller.na/  skype: drbenfuller
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