[AfrICANN-discuss] AfricaCERT questionnaire to outline events in information security in your country

Holy Kamuzora hkamuzora at gmail.com
Mon Jun 25 08:43:48 SAST 2012

Hi! Please see below. I tried my best to answer to an event i knew of and
took part in.

Country name: *Tanzania*

Do you have security events in your country? *Yes, sort of*

If No, when will be the best time in the year to organize:

- a security day

- a security week?

If Yes

What is the event name: *It was a security awareness session done on
11thJune 2012

In Which month is it organized? Month(s):

Is it a National Event? *No*

What is the main language of the event? *English*

Who is the Organizer? *TanzICT and CosTECH*

Do you know since when it is organized?

What is the Duration of the event ? *2 hours*

Is it a frequent event? *It has happened once so far but I believe there
will be some more*

What are the Goals and objectives? *It was an ICT Security awareness
session in which they talked about:  introduction of ICT Security into the
government of Tanzania,  reconnaissance, countermeasures, LAN security &
Organization IT Security Policies &  Cyber Security and then build up with
introduction to CERT and its importance.*

Which are the stakeholders involved? *It was open to anyone interested as
ICT is used by all so security is also everyone’s and everybody’s

Thank You for your Help.

On Sun, Jun 24, 2012 at 6:48 PM, Jean Robert Hountomey <
jrhountomey at gmail.com> wrote:

> Participants at the last two AfricaCERT Cybersecurity days expressed the
> interest to see the Organization involved in more Awareness Raising and
> Capacity building programs.
> It has also been noticed that there are ongoing interesting events
> related to Cyber-security in the continent that are unknown.
> As part of its ongoing mission, AfricaCERT is asking for your help
> through this questionnaire to gather information about information
> security-related
> events in your country.
> We appreciate your help to outline any event related to Information
> Systems Security in your country by filling this questionnaire no later
> than June 30, 2012.
> Country name:
> Do you have security events in your country?
> If No, when will be the best time in the year to organize:
> - a security day
> - a security week?
> If Yes
> What is the event name:
> In Which month is it organized? Month(s):
> Is it a National Event?
> What is the main language of the event?
> Who is the Organizer?
> Do you know since when it is organized?
> What is the Duration of the event ?
> Is it a frequent event?
> What are the Goals and objectives?
> Which are the stakeholders involved?
> Thank You for your Help.
> Nb: Please send your reply to anis at africacert.org
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