[AfrICANN-discuss] Help with .africa history

Vika Mpisane vika at zadna.org.za
Mon Jul 2 14:05:56 SAST 2012

On 2012/07/02 1:10 PM, "Calvin Browne" <calvin at orange-tree.alt.za> wrote:

>On 28/06/2012 13:24, Dandjinou Pierre wrote:
>> Rebecca,
>> Good you are writing the history of .Africa
>> To my knowledge, there has not been any application for the .Africa
>> string, apart from those we now have with the new gTLD programme.
>There was an actual application in one of the previous rounds. The
>applicant even paid a fee, but never came to present.
>I personally helped to pen the GAC' s opposition statement to this
>application. This statement was, if memory serves me right, actually
>adopted by the Country Code TLD Registry Constituency, as it was then
>known, largely intact.
>Herewith the application list concerned:

I never knew of this link:-( Thanks, Calvin.


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