[AfrICANN-discuss] Fwd: Alice Munyau: STOP Misrepresenting and Distorting Facts to the African Publics

McTim dogwallah at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 01:02:52 SAST 2012

Hello all,

I couldn't let this silliness go without comment:

> -------- Original Message --------  Subject: Alice Munyau: STOP
> Misrepresenting and Distorting Facts to the African Publics  Date: Tue, 7
> Aug 2012 01:00:36 -0400 (EDT)  From: DCA Exclusive Commentary
> <press.africa at dotconnectafrica.org> <press.africa at dotconnectafrica.org>  Reply-To:
> yes2dotafrica at dotconnectafrica.org  To: alice at apc.org
>     Having trouble viewing this email? Click here
> <http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=wkvqrzcab&v=001NjFhwRkk_bGAGtQ8wb_uMUp1ZEpiD_Hc-kxiG5JDyJkib75gEFObhqaB49D6YgFVtfU6sQujRhEKiXMg4DQ6ToW39aJZCg53FhGYdM2RmLJ7jnD6BTWGl7KENjL-40ou6GVIx_SZpVjexnQqvzpqkbg8CwgvT0SayJd9mt5hZWSISylkIw9lR9LkWm25gWi0AlnGBLQAoZgzK7gmAUJOE_E5_BWvqNI2yxZrMgm_zbI%3D>
>       [image: DotAfrica logo with no labels]
> Press Contact:
> Thomas Kamanzi, Newsletter Editor
> tkamanzi at dotconnectafrica.org
>                 DotConnectAfrica
> www.dotconnectafrica.org<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Nbm9ioR3Hf7YTJfj1nONLEqp-7KxCRClutkg6MoBRYCv57IK2wH66xM-gbkyVY0zTyNQ9dwEa2qaQP_Dl3EL8r95GzhecBj9mxy2s6oXGXEuDFZq74QzOy3-YAEG0_AxwCHZB9YH-4mR2e81tnXdJYFzHVjpqOg2YEOW2pnEUtKi7NU-60Wqb7lA0pMU20faMQSkqjA2yyfP8HO4LQxbnEjbhYwQVhv4JylMbaQlJ11S_rLclicqq2v6RyrNWXzNShWiqXrfrTjI1pB_kuH-gBMlR4nKyJws4v3R0suVE4FinEMeiWKYwpEM9AJPsY1DkD9P4xwkwhuARw5jjsOu_0dIa5n0BFpmmFmNWFaKHbgKwUvnnhdOFQRFDndvnW34KC48Kiy8CM7r01u8kGf3XSY4Zi35Sb7o9xcVfwElN3SA_itbumNL0puoIC5b8VOIKnWrrmw61LCsbgvV2fmKWPAfco6F2DTsFfsO_aWKR8wFWTMJtKq4gVUYv74Q6gw2FhFr3EgNO9g=>
>              DotConnectAfrica
> 07 August 2012
> *Alice Munyau: *
> *Read ICANN's Guidebook First*
> *before Misrepresenting and Distorting Facts to the African **Publics*
>            [image: Alice Munyua]<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001Nbm9ioR3Hf7Wqz9XTEw3gjDdc6LYKWpSw5IOm8x0YI4xvkMB9XDbWjm_IdsNfqnifpov6o3BCPAgPklaMHD7fYbTEY_NBDNjwSmTaC_jg-VcGa9iJiouARrRdZsz-SYRCXXR91ydd6kAfQINc8s0t-1n4H4IXW33pE7rH0eG2l4=>
> *Alice Munyua-Vice Chair, ICANN GAC*
>  *Alice Munyau: trying to legitimize a massive cover-up and Fraud*
> *
> *
> *Misrepresenting a non-Community TLD application as the official
> AUC-sponsored .AFRICA gTLD application for the African Community***

Please see below for reasons why this is not a misrepresentation, nor a

>   * *
>  *Alice - You should resign from any official government positions and
> all Committee posts that you presently occupy including the ICANN GAC
> *
> *  *
> In the above YouTube Video interview at ICANN 44 Prague, Alice Munyau made
> the following statements* which DCA transcribed after watching the video
> on YouTube:*
>    1. Alice by her own admission "*I have not read the ICANN Applicant's
>    Guidebook",*  i.e she has no truthful understanding of the ICANN new
>    gTLD requirements, despite.

I am sure we have all (including Alice) read SOME of the Applicant
Guidebook, but I doubt any of us have read it ALL.  As part of the GAC and
someone actively involved in the new gTLD program getting the go-ahead, I
am sure that Alice has a better grasp of the new gTLD requirements than
most people.

I believe the DCA reaction is a misrepresentation and a fraud, not the
other way around!

>    1. Alice claims to be the *Chairperson* of the Kenyan Internet
>    Governance Steering Committee *under the Ministry of Information and
>    Communications of the Republic of Kenya,* and says "I* have supported
>    the DotAfrica application* - *the legitimate one".        *

This is factually correct, how is an assertion of fact a misrepresentation
or distortion?

>    1. *       *
>    2. Alice also claims that *her Ministry supported the application
>    because*, in her own words: *"the new gTLD Guidebook requires that for
>    a geographic string that you have community support - and in our case,
>    this translates to the number of governments* - *60 per cent of
>    governments supporting that application, being a geographic name." *

Also factually correct.  the "community" of governements MUST, according to
the guidebook support (or have no objection to) a continent wide gTLD.

I believe the DCA reaction is a misrepresentation and a fraud, not the
other way around!

>    1. *            *
>    2. In attempting to explain further, Alice also mentioned that: *"when
>    it comes to applying for a geographic string or a geographic TLD, you have
>    to have support from the community, *and* the community **here
>    actually translates into government*, the Internet community, and
>    other stakeholders.*"*

Also true, see above.  the "community" of African nations need to either
support an application or give no objection to it.

Since DCA has not gotten this (in the latest round), I believe their
application is doomed when it will be evaluated by ICANN.

>    1.
>    2. Furthermore, Alice tried to explain why the African Union
>    Commission application is *"the legitimate one*" in her own words: *"because
>    it is the only organization that brings together the African member states
>    and that has the mandate to represent African member states in these
>    matters, and so it is the only one we recognize as the legitimate one because
>    our Ministers have actually written and supported that application through
>    the African Union Commission.*  We were *not approached by the other
>    one, so we have no idea what the other one is about* - and that is why
>    it is quite clear to us which is the correct one."

Also factually true. The AU is the umbrella body of African nation states,
and as such is the logical place to get approval (or non-objection) for a
continent wide gTLD.

I believe the DCA reaction is a misrepresentation and a fraud, not the
other way around!

> Alice finally ended her *ludicrous self-**exposé interview* *by* *admitting
> that she has NOT looked at the Applicant Guidebook in detail.*

First, DCA has done nothing for the last few years BUT *ludicrous self-**
exposé interviews, so pot. kettle. black.*

I believe the DCA reaction is a misrepresentation and a fraud, not the
other way around!

>    *
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *
> *Unforgivable Ignorance & Fallacious Claims and wrongly citing ICANN's
> Guidebook*

none of the statements in the interview are ignorant, fallacious or citing
the guidebook incorrectly, and so I consider the DCA reaction is a
misrepresentation and a fraud, not the other way around!

> Perhaps, Alice Munyau, you should have looked at the guidebook, before *making
> your outlandish claims on a video that you have posted on Youtube*.Chances are that "having not looked at the Guidebook in detail",
> *you will be displaying palpable and unforgivable ignorance* in trying to
> *cite its provisions.*  Therefore, we believe that your *fallacious
> claims should not go unanswered!*

You have to assert correctly that claims are fallacious, you have not done
so, and thus, I believe the DCA reaction is a misrepresentation and a
fraud, not the other way around!

>    - First, it is *NOT* stated *anywhere in the ICANN Applicant's Guidebook
>    that in applying for a geographic name, community support is required.*
>     - *You cannot confuse governmental support for community support.  *Community
>       support is required *only* for a Community TLD application.

Are not a collection of governments a Community?  I believe the EU was
called the European Community not so long ago.

>    - Second,*NO actual application Community TLD application was legally
>    submitted for .AFRICA*.   Therefore, since you have already tried to
>    explain why support from the community is so crucial to an application for
>    a geographic name, you should*also explain why "the government, the
>    Internet community, and other stakeholders" that you have cited, failed
>    to submit a Community TLD application* for .AFRICA*or **why the
>    so-called selected registry operator failed to submit a Community TLD
>    application for .AFRICA on behalf of the African Community.*

NO one but DCA is trying to assert (and DCA has asserted repeatedly) that
the UniForum bid is a community gTLD.  Repeating the assertion doesn't make
it any more true than it was last time it was asserted.

Support from the community of nation states is essential according to the
ICANN rules when applying for a gTLD that is continent wide, hence, I
believe the DCA reaction is a misrepresentation and a fraud, not the other
way around!

>    - Third, *if the African Union Commission, actually selected a
>    registry operator to apply on behalf of the African Community,* then
>    you should have also *tried to explain why NO Community TLD was
>    actually submitted on behalf of the African Community.*Therefore, you
>    must now*cease and desist  *from *further engaging in this act of
>    deliberate manipulation, by misrepresenting a non-Community TLD application
>    * as the* 'legitimate one' *that was ostensibly *submitted on behalf*of
>    *"the government, the Internet community, and other stakeholders"*.  Nothing
>    could be further from the truth.

The AUC DID select a registry operator to go forward with their blessing on
.africa as a geographic TLD on behalf of the community of nation states of
Africa.   If DCA thinks they can somehow convince ICANN that UniForum's bid
is a community gTLD and not a geo, well that strategy seems destined to
fail IMHO, but it is why i also believe the DCA reaction is a
misrepresentation and a fraud, not the other way around!

>    -
>    - Fourth, *the e African Union Commission is not a legal TLD applicantin the eyes of ICANN
>    *, so it is a *deliberate misrepresent**ation* on your part to give
>    people the impression *that there is an African Union
>    Commission-application.*

It is perfectly reasonable to explain that the AUC has given their blessing
to a non-DCA application, which is why I believe the DCA reaction is a
misrepresentation and a fraud, not the other way around!

> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *The Political and Diplomatic Machinery of the African Union seized to
> serve the interest of a  special internet group - The Cabal*
> We believe that *an outright fraud has already been committed by those
> who deliberately made the African Union to believe that it must take
> ownership and leadership of a certain extraordinary process that would
> lead to the realization of a Community TLD for .Africa,*  but clearly,
> this has not happened.

No, clearly this has not happened.  DCA is the only one that is suggesting
this.  The guidebook is quite specific.  It says that support (or
non-objection) MUST be given to a successful continent wide gTLD applicant.

That opened the door to the AUC coming up with a process to give this
support, which is why I believe the DCA reaction is a misrepresentation and
a fraud, not the other way around!

You can send all the "cease and desist" press releases you'd like, but you
can't stop people from telling the truth.

>   * *
> *The African Union Commission has simply been deceived into being 'used'
> in a surreptitious manner as the political/diplomatic machinery to garner
> the necessary support from governments without getting the African
> Community TLD that it was inveigled into supporting.*

Does DCA really believe that the AUC is that naive?

> Therefore, *as a Kenyan government representative, you should be showing
> more accountability* than what you are presently doing. You *MUST stop* this
> deliberate manipulation by trying to *obfuscate the issues regarding governmental
> support for a non-existent Community TLD application.*

I only see obfuscation from DCA on this issue, which is why I believe the
DCA reaction is a misrepresentation and a fraud, not the other way around!

> Instead of trying to explain or *justify how (and why)* governmental
> support was used to give specious legitimacy to what you term as the
> 'official .AFRICA application', *you should really be explaining to the
> whole world, **why the African Union supposedly appointed a registry
> operator to apply for a gTLD on behalf of the African Community which has
> now failed **to materialize.  *

As with much of your writings, I can't parse the above.  What has failed to

> The truth of what we know is that the *African Union Commission has not
> applied for any gTLD* in its name, so it is not considered by ICANN as an
> applicant; *thus, no gTLD string name will be legally delegated to it
> under any circumstances. *

This may be the only factually correct thing I have read in this entire
press release.

>   * *Moreover, no Community TLD application was actually submitted to
> ICANN regarding the .AFRICA string (a geographic name) so it is rather
> patent that there will be no Community-owned .AFRICA string regarding this
> particular geographic name.
> *
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> No Community TLD Application was submitted on behalf of the African
> Community
> *

Again, correct, and DCA is the only body trying to suggest that it ever was
going to be a community TLD and not a geo-TLD, which is why I believe the
DCA reaction is a misrepresentation and a fraud, not the other way around!

>   *  *
> Therefore, *against the backdrop that no Community TLD application was
> actually submitted on behalf of the 'African Community*', could you *please
> explain the exact interest* of "*the government, the Internet community,
> and other stakeholders" in this supposititious 'official/legitimate'
> application* that has been supported by the African Union Commission?

See above for the requirement that a continent wide geo-TLD  MUST have
support or non objection from a majority of governments in the region.

<lots of rubbish snipped>

> * *
> *You should now resign from any official government positions and all
> Committee posts that you presently occupy including the ICANN GAC*.
> We seriously believe that *you are not fit to represent the Government of
> the Republic of Kenya in the ICANN Government Advisory Committee (GAC)*and we hereby
> *urge you to resign now and save yourself any further public
> embarrassment.*

The only public embarrassment here should belong to DCA as they continue
their shameless campaign to smear our leading Internet community figures in
their incredibly badly run campaign to obtain .africa.


"A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates where it is. A route
indicates how we get there."  Jon Postel
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