[AfrICANN-discuss] Fwd: [kictanet] [SUSPECTED SPAM] ICANN and
INTERPOL Meet in Lyon, France
pdandjinou at gmail.com
Tue May 24 07:05:17 SAST 2011
Envoyé de mon iPad
> May 23, 2011
> INTERPOL and ICANN Advance Cooperation on Internet Security
> after Historic First Meeting
> Lyon, France – A landmark visit today to INTERPOL’s General Secretariat headquarters by top officials from the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has provided both international bodies with an opportunity to explore avenues for closer collaboration on Internet security.
> With cyber-security, financial & high tech crime high on the agenda, talks between ICANN President and CEO Rod Beckstrom and INTERPOL Secretary General Ronald K. Noble focused on Internet security governance and enhancing common means for preventing and addressing Internet crime. Mr. Beckstrom’s delegation also included ICANN’s Vice President and Chief Security Officer, Jeff Moss, Vice President of Government Affairs Jamie Hedlund, and Alice Jansen of its Organizational Reviews unit.
> "We seek the active engagement of law enforcement in our multi-stakeholder community where all parties are welcome. We recognize Interpol as an important international leader in this field,” said Mr. Beckstrom. “We are very pleased by its expression of interest in joining the ICANN Governmental Advisory Committee as an observer.”
> With ICANN the global coordinator of domain names and Internet protocol addresses, and INTERPOL the world’s largest international police organization, Secretary General Noble said: “Both organizations are international, both are politically neutral, and both are focused on the good of the world. Both also care about improving the security of the Internet for the future."
> “The Internet has no borders, and neither do the criminals who exploit it. As the Internet's role in society continues to increase in scope and importance, it is vital for INTERPOL to help create bridges between the international law enforcement community it represents and ICANN in order to advance Internet security practices for the benefit to all,” added Secretary General Noble.
> As part of efforts to enhance their cooperation, both organizations agreed during the visit that an INTERPOL delegation would attend ICANN’s international conference in Singapore next month, 20-24 June, when INTERPOL’s membership of the ICANN’s Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) as an international observer will be explored.
> ###
> To download a high resolution pictures of the ICANN/Interpol meeting go here:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/icann/5751829780/sizes/l/in/photostream/
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/icann/5751283829/sizes/l/in/photostream/
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/icann/5751826842/sizes/l/in/photostream/
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/icann/5751279679/sizes/l/in/photostream/
> Brad White
> ICANN Director of Global Media Affairs
> Washington, DC
> Tel. +1 (202) 570 7118
> brad.white at icann.org
> Pietro Calcaterra
> INTERPOL Press Office
> Lyon, France
> press at interpol.int
> Tel: +33 4 72 44 71 69
> About ICANN: ICANN’s mission is to ensure a stable, secure and unified global Internet. To reach another person on the Internet you have to type an address into your computer - a name or a number. That address has to be unique so computers know where to find each other. ICANN coordinates these unique identifiers across the world. Without that coordination we wouldn't have one global Internet. ICANN was formed in 1998. It is a not-for-profit public-benefit corporation with participants from all over the world dedicated to keeping the Internet secure, stable and interoperable. It promotes competition and develops policy on the Internet’s unique identifiers. ICANN doesn’t control content on the Internet. It cannot stop spam and it doesn’t deal with access to the Internet. But through its coordination role of the Internet’s naming system, it does have an important impact on the expansion and evolution of the Internet. For more information please visit: www.icann.org.
> About INTERPOL: INTERPOL is the world’s largest international police organization, with 188 member countries. Created in 1923, it facilitates cross-border police co-operation, and supports and assists all organizations, authorities and services whose mission is to prevent or combat international crime. The world police body has six priority crime areas: Drugs and criminal organizations, Financial and high-tech crime, Fugitives, Public safety and terrorism, Trafficking in human beings, and Corruption. For more information please visit: http://www.interpol.org/
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> ICANN, 4676 Admiralty Way Suite 330, Marina del Rey, CA 90292 United States
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