[AfrICANN-discuss] F- root server finally hosted in Tanzania

Fatimata Seye Sylla fsylla at gmail.com
Thu Dec 15 20:04:36 SAST 2011

WAW !!!  Thanks Anne-Rachel.  This is indeed a very goog end of the year

Warmest greetings to all of you on this list for a Merry Christmas and a
very Happy New year!


2011/12/15 Anne-Rachel Inné <annerachel at gmail.com>

> Good news to end the year... go guys!!
> http://www.tznic.or.tz/index.php/news/tznic-news/94-f-root-server-finally-hosted-in-tanzania.html
> F- root server finally hosted in Tanzania  [image: Print]<http://www.tznic.or.tz/index.php/news/tznic-news/94-f-root-server-finally-hosted-in-tanzania.html?tmpl=component&print=1&layout=default&page=>  [image:
> E-mail]<http://www.tznic.or.tz/index.php/component/mailto/?tmpl=component&link=aHR0cDovL3d3dy50em5pYy5vci50ei9pbmRleC5waHAvbmV3cy90em5pYy1uZXdzLzk0LWYtcm9vdC1zZXJ2ZXItZmluYWxseS1ob3N0ZWQtaW4tdGFuemFuaWEuaHRtbA%3D%3D>
> The 50th annivesary of Tanzania’s independence was celebrated in style by
> tzNIC staff as it coincided with the commissioning of the F-root Server at
> Tanzania Network Information Centre (tzNIC) offices. The long awaited
> project commenced on 5th December 2011 and was successfully carried out
> by Internet Systems Consortium’s (ISC) Senior Operations Architect Mr.
> Peter Losher in collaboration with tzNIC technical staff. The availability
> of the F-root server in Tanzania will facilitate the full localization of
> .tz Internet traffic as well as provide resilience, robustness and
> responsiveness of the Domain Name System (DNS).
> This milestone comes after tzNIC had achieved the full management
> (redelegation) of the .tz ccTLD and decentralization of .tz registry
> services (through the 3R model) to about  20 accredited registrars. Just
> after commissioning of the F-root server the latency improved to less than
> 10 msec from 200 msec before the installation.
>   Last Updated on Thursday, 15 December 2011 13:47
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Fatimata Seye Sylla
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