[AfrICANN-discuss] Adopted ICANN Board Resolutions 25 September 2010

McTim dogwallah at gmail.com
Mon Sep 27 12:30:42 SAST 2010


These are the bits that would directly affect a .africa bid IMO:

2010/9/27 Anne-Rachel Inné <annerachel at gmail.com>:
> Adopted Board Resolutions
> 25 September 2010
> Trondheim, Norway

> 2.1 Geographic Names
> Continents and UN Regions: The definition of Continent or UN Regions in the
> Guidebook should be expanded to include UNESCO’s regional classification
> list which comprises: Africa, Arab States, Asia and the Pacific, Europe and
> North America, Latin America and the Caribbean.
> 2.2 New gTLD Applicant Support
> Support to applicants will generally include outreach and education to
> encourage participation across all regions, but any direct financial support
> for applicant fees must come from sources outside of ICANN.
> Staff will publish a list of organizations that request assistance and
> organizations that state an interest in assisting with additional program
> development, for example pro-bono consulting advice, pro-bono in-kind
> support, or financial assistance so that those needing assistance and those
> willing to provide assistance can identify each other and work together.
> Owing to the level of uncertainty associated with the launch of new gTLDs,
> the fee levels currently in the Applicant Guidebook will be maintained for
> all applicants.
> 2.9 GNSO New gTLD Recommendation 6 Objection Process
> The Board acknowledges receipt of the Rec6CWG report. This is a difficult
> issue, and the work of the community in developing these recommendations is
> appreciated. The Board has discussed this important issue for the past three
> years.
> The Board agrees that ultimate responsibility for the new gTLD program rests
> with the Board. The Board, however, wishes to rely on the determinations of
> experts regarding these issues.
> The Board will accept the Rec6 CWG recommendations that are not inconsistent
> with the existing process, as this can be achieved before the opening of the
> first gTLD application round, and will work to resolve any inconsistencies.
> Staff will consult with the Board for further guidance as required.

> 2.11 Vertical Integration
> The Board will send a letter to the GNSO requesting that the GNSO send to
> the Board, by no later than 8 October 2010, a letter (a) indicating that no
> consensus on vertical integration issues has been reached to date, or (b)
> indicating its documented consensus position. If no response is received by
> 8 October 2010, then the Board will deem lack of consensus and make
> determinations around these issues as necessary. At the time a policy
> conclusion is reached by the GNSO, it can be included in the applicant
> guidebook for future application rounds.


"A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates where it is. A
route indicates how we get there."  Jon Postel

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