[AfrICANN-discuss] .Africa project - truth

Dr Yassin Mshana ymshana2003 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 16 00:55:52 SAST 2010

Fellow Africanns,

With all due respect, I wish to share my observations as a son of this
blessed Continent as follows:

   1. Dot-Africa is an initiative and has to originate from somewhere and
   this time it was within Africans (an individual as it is so claimed)
   2. Dot-Africa project was presented to Africans through a Commission and
   somewhere/somehow during the process a discussion ensued where varied
   opinions were aired (it is a process therefore that is unavoidable)
   3. It is surprising to read this letter to Ms Bekele from AUC, the
   content of which indicates that there has been a major change in
   Thinking.which may have effect on the entrepreneurship component of dot
   4. I find that, the Open Process mentioned in the letter from the Deputy
   Chairperson needed to be described to us
   5. Meanwhile, it seems that the practical side of business investment may
   have been affected by this 'change in consideration/endorsement'  .....I
   have to ask at this point what Process took place to cause this reverse?
   6. In addition, should there an 'Open Process' , my I humbly ask What
   Policy Process shall this 'Process' should be adhered to? or rather, do we
   have a Policy Development Process for this process?
   7. I am not sure who to address this to because the matter should concern
   the Global Internet Policy - has there been a Despute Resolution Process as
   per the ICANN processes?
   8. Meanwhile, I can see a business image being a victim of this Process
   mentioned in the published letter .
   9. I declare that I wish to see dot Africa proceed with the business it
   has explored with acknowledgement of the AUC or rather AU
   10. Finally, I wish to request to the Minutes of the Meeting that was
   called to Change the Endorsement which may stop a global business based on
   the Internet to proceed after an investment has been made with good faith.

I presume that my observations will be considered /interpreted to be
developmental as intended to promote Internet-based business in Africa and
the World.

I look forward to a response from the responsible.

Kind regards

Dr Yassin Mshana
(ex ICANN-ccNSO Council -Africa 2004-05)

On 15 November 2010 13:46, Nii Narku Quaynor <quaynor at ghana.com> wrote:

> ....from the Archives of an old man
> Nii
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