[AfrICANN-discuss] Reminder: AfriNIC leadership roles to be filled soon

McTim dogwallah at gmail.com
Wed May 12 22:23:53 SAST 2010

[** Apologies for the many duplicate mails due to cross-posting **]

Dear Colleagues,

As a volunteer on the AfriNIC Election Committee, I would like to
remind you that the AfriNIC community will be choosing new AfriNIC
Board Members and new members of the Policy Development Process-
Moderators Group soon.

If you think you would be a good candidate (or know someone who you
think would be excellent) for either of these leadership roles, you
only have a few days left to complete the nominations.

For AfriNIC Board seats, please see:


For the PDP-MG, the information is here:


Both of these roles offer the opportunity to support AfriNICs open,
transparent and bottom-up policy development processes.  We look
forward to the elections in Kigali at AfriNIC-12


"A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates where it is. A
route indicates how we get there."  Jon Postel

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