[AfrICANN-discuss] L'Internet a haut debit, futur "service universel" dans l'Union europeenne ?

LO MAMADOU alfamamadou at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 4 14:27:01 SAST 2010

L'Internet à haut débit, futur "service universel" dans l'Union européenne ?
LEMONDE.FR avec AFP | 02.03.10 | 16h15


En lançant une consultation publique, mardi 2 mars, la Commission européenne veut déterminer si l'accès à haut débit à Internet doit devenir un service universel dans l'Union. Les règles européennes sur les obligations de service universel datent de 2002, et Bruxelles veut évaluer si elles "doivent être adaptées à l'ère numérique et, notamment, si elles doivent être étendues pour couvrir l'accès à haut débit", selon son communiqué. 

Beaucoup de services en ligne, y compris publics, nécessitent un certain débit pour être utilisables, souligne le document de consultation. Si en moyenne 93 % des Européens pouvaient obtenir fin 2008 un accès Internet à haut débit, il y a d'importantes différences entre les pays ainsi qu'entre les villes et les zones rurales.




Les parties intéressées peuvent faire parvenir leurs commentaires jusqu'au 7 mai, et la Commission légiférera si besoin d'ici à la fin de l'année. Des obligations de service universel avaient été instaurées dans l'UE lors de la libéralisation du secteur des télécoms dans les années 1990, pour prévenir l'exclusion sociale des ménages à faibles revenus et des habitants des zones rurales ou isolées.

Aujourd'hui, les pays de l'Union européenne doivent permettre à tous leurs habitants d'obtenir à un prix abordable certains services de base : un accès au réseau téléphonique public permettant les communications vocales, un accès "fonctionnel" à Internet pour la transmission de données, des services de renseignements et d'annuaires, des téléphones publics payants, etc





> Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2010 20:05:06 +0200
> From: africann-request at afrinic.net
> Subject: AfrICANN Digest, Vol 37, Issue 1
> To: africann at afrinic.net
> Send AfrICANN mailing list submissions to
> africann at afrinic.net
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> You can reach the person managing the list at
> africann-owner at afrinic.net
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of AfrICANN digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Pre--Nairobi ICANN Policy Update MP3 and presentation 25
> February 2010 (Glen de Saint G?ry)
> 2. ICANN February 2010 Magazine (Fatimata Seye Sylla)
> 3. Reminder: Apply Now to Join the ICANN Board, the Councils of
> GNSO and ccNSO, and the ALAC (Anne-Rachel Inn?)
> 4. Bulk Transfer of DNGLOBE Domains to Paknic (Anne-Rachel Inn?)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 27 Feb 2010 10:36:53 -0800
> From: Glen de Saint G?ry <Glen at icann.org>
> Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] Pre--Nairobi ICANN Policy Update MP3 and
> presentation 25 February 2010
> To: "africann at afrinic.net" <africann at afrinic.net>
> Message-ID:
> <05B243F724B2284986522B6ACD0504D7D33EEB2417 at EXVPMBX100-1.exc.icann.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Dear All,
> Thank you for the interest that you showed in the Pre-Nairobi ICANN Policy Update on Thursday, 25 February. If you would like to refer back to the webinar, or if you were not able to attend, 
> the recordings and the presentations for both sessions can be found on page:
> http://gnso.icann.org/calendar/#feb
> Presentation:
> http://gnso.icann.org/meetings/presentation-policy-update-webinar-25feb10-en.pdf
> 25 February Pre-Nairobi ICANN Policy Update 13:00 UTC
> http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-pre-nairobi-policy-update-20100225.mp3
> 25 February Pre-Nairobi ICANN Policy Update 19:00 UTC
> http://audio.icann.org/gnso/gnso-policy-update-2-20100225.mp3
> Thank you.
> Kind regards,
> Glen
> Glen de Saint Géry
> GNSO Secretariat
> gnso.secretariat at gnso.icann.org
> http://gnso.icann.org
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Sat, 27 Feb 2010 19:35:54 +0000
> From: Fatimata Seye Sylla <fsylla at gmail.com>
> Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] ICANN February 2010 Magazine
> To: africann at afrinic.net
> Message-ID:
> <19a59c61002271135x2d92c837t7b42ba09c142999b at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hello All,
> Following Anne-Rachel's post, please find below the link to the Afralo
> brochure.
> http://www.atlarge.icann.org/announcements/announcement-05feb10-en.htm
> Best,
> Fatimata
> -- 
> Fatimata Seye Sylla
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> Message: 3
> Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2010 12:57:09 -0500
> From: Anne-Rachel Inn? <annerachel at gmail.com>
> Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] Reminder: Apply Now to Join the ICANN
> Board, the Councils of GNSO and ccNSO, and the ALAC
> To: africann at afrinic.net
> Message-ID:
> <bd1bfd501003020957v455a98dchc4636a035175a240 at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Reminder: Apply Now to Join the ICANN Board, the Councils of GNSO and ccNSO,
> and the ALAC
> 13 November 2009
> Updated 1 March 2010
> ICANN's Nominating Committee (NomCom) invites Statements of Interest and
> candidate recommendations from the Internet community for key leadership
> positions to fulfill ICANN's technical and policy coordination role.
> Interested individuals are invited to submit a Statement of Interest to the
> 2010 NomCom for the following positions:
> - Three members of the Board of Directors of ICANN
> - Two At Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) representatives (one each from
> the European and North American regions)
> - One member of the Council of the Generic Names Supporting Organization
> (GNSO)
> - One member of the Council of the Country-Code Names Supporting
> Organization (ccNSO)
> The NomCom is an independent committee tasked with selecting a majority of
> the members of the Board of Directors and other key positions within ICANN's
> structure. ICANN is an internationally organized, public benefit, non-profit
> corporation dedicated to: preserving the operational security and stability
> of the Internet; promoting competition; achieving broad representation of
> global Internet communities; and supporting the development of policies
> appropriate to its mission through bottom-up, consensus-based processes.
> Individuals selected by NomCom will have a unique opportunity to work with
> accomplished colleagues from around the globe, address the Internet's
> intriguing technical coordination problems and policy development challenges
> with diverse functional, cultural, and geographic dimensions, and gain
> valuable insights and experience from working across boundaries of
> knowledge, responsibility and perspective.
> Those selected will gain the satisfaction of making a valuable public
> service contribution towards the continued function and evolution of an
> essential global resource. Considering the broad public interest, those
> selected will work to achieve the goals towards which ICANN is dedicated in
> order to facilitate the Internet's critically important societal functions.
> Current Board members who have been selected by the NomCom include: Harald
> Tveit Alvestrand, Steve Crocker, Dennis Jennings, Gonzalo Navarro,
> Rajasekhar Ramaraj, George Sadowsky, Jean-Jacques Subrenat and Katim Touray.
> Statements of Interest for the positions described above can be submitted
> through an on-line application form at http://forms.icann.org/cgi/soi.cgi or
> by contacting nomcom2010 at icann.org.
> More information regarding the NomCom can be found at
> http://nomcom.icann.org/. Applications will be considered in confidence and
> should be received by 2 April 2010 for full consideration. Selections will
> be announced in early September 2010. Successful candidates will take up
> their positions following ICANN's Annual Meeting in December 2010.
> Candidate recommendations, questions or comments may also be emailed to
> nomcom2010 at icann.org .
> A NomCom Workshop will be held at the 37th ICANN Meeting in Nairobi, Kenya
> on 10 March 2010. More opportunities to meet NomCom members in person are
> announced on the NomCom webpage; http://nomcom.icann.org/
> *Background on Nominating Committee: *
> The Nominating Committee is designed to function independently from the
> ICANN Board, Supporting Organizations, and Advisory Committees. NomCom
> members act only on behalf of the interests of the global Internet community
> and within the scope of the ICANN mission and responsibilities assigned to
> it by the ICANN Bylaws.
> NomCom members contribute understanding of the broad interests of the
> Internet community as a whole, and knowledge and experience of specific
> Internet constituencies who have appointed them.
> The challenge for the NomCom is to integrate these perspectives and derive
> consensus in its selections. Although appointed by Supporting Organizations
> and other ICANN entities, individual NomCom members are not accountable to
> their appointing constituencies.
> Members are accountable for adherence to the ICANN Bylaws and for compliance
> with the rules and procedures established by the Nominating Committee.
> Successful candidates are not remunerated, although direct expenses incurred
> in the course of duty will be reimbursed. Fluency in English is a
> requirement for all positions. These positions may involve significant
> international travel, including personal presence at periodic ICANN
> meetings, as well as regular telephone and Internet communications.
> Recent ICANN Meetings have been held in Brazil, Portugal, Puerto Rico, the
> United States, India, France, Egypt, Mexico, Australia and South Korea.
> Meetings during 2010 are scheduled for Nairobi in Kenya, Brussels in Belgium
> and Latin America. The diverse locations facilitate participation across the
> world's Internet community; an aspect of growing importance as ICANN's
> recently signed Affirmation of Commitments emphasizes ICANN's accountability
> to the community.
> ------------------------------
> *Sign up for ICANN's Monthly Magazine <http://www.icann.org/magazine/>*
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> Message: 4
> Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2010 12:58:59 -0500
> From: Anne-Rachel Inn? <annerachel at gmail.com>
> Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] Bulk Transfer of DNGLOBE Domains to Paknic
> To: africann at afrinic.net
> Message-ID:
> <bd1bfd501003020958t66e31394kca17c37a6368125a at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-01mar10-en.htm
> ------------------------------
> Bulk Transfer of DNGLOBE Domains to Paknic
> 1 March 2010
> ICANN has authorized a bulk transfer of DNGLOBE LLC's gTLD domain names to
> Paknic (Private) Limited, due to a compliance action taken by ICANN that
> resulted in the de-accreditation of registrar DNGLOBE.
> The affected gTLD registries have taken steps to effect the bulk transfers.
> Former registrant-customers of DNGLOBE should soon receive notices of the
> transfer from Paknic. Customer questions about the transfer should be
> directed to Paknic, using the contact details provided below. Additional
> information about this bulk transfer of DNGLOBE's domain names is also
> provided below.
> FAQs
> *Q. Why was this transfer authorized by ICANN?*
> A. DNGLOBE's Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) was terminated by ICANN
> because of DNGLOBE's failure to comply with the requirements of the RAA.
> (The notice of termination is posted at
> http://www.icann.org/correspondence/pritz-to-smirnoff-05feb10-en.pdf [PDF,
> 1.85 MB]). As a result, DNGLOBE is no longer permitted to register or manage
> gTLD registrations.
> Q. How was the gaining registrar selected?
> A. In accordance with ICANN's De-Accredited Registrar Transition Procedure
> (see
> http://www.icann.org/en/processes/registrars/de-accredited-registrar-transition-procedure-01oct08.pdf[PDF,
> 119 KB]), ICANN initiated a Request for Expressions of Interest to
> identify a new ICANN-accredited registrar to manage the registrations
> formerly managed by DNGLOBE. ICANN received 18 expressions of interest from
> registrars in response to the RFI. Through the procedure, ICANN selected
> Paknic (Private) Limited to receive the bulk transfer from DNGLOBE.
> *Q. Will Paknic attempt to contact the affected registrants? What should
> current/former DNGLOBE customers do?*
> A. Former customers of DNGLOBE should receive a notice of the transfer and
> instructions for continued management of their names from Paknic. Affected
> customers who do not receive notices from Paknic should check the web page
> prepared by Paknic for this bulk transfer:
> http://www.paknic.com/dnglobe/or, contact Paknic directly, at:
> Telephone:
> +1-800-786-5171 (Toll Free)
> +1-732-658-5636
> +1-732-297-8908
> Fax:
> +1-732-297-8906 (fax)
> Email: support at paknic.com
> Web: http://www.paknic.com/dnglobe/
> *Q. Do registrants have to pay a fee for the bulk transfer?*
> A. No, there is no cost to registrants for the bulk transfer. Unlike a
> normal inter-registrar transfer, the registration terms will not be extended
> by a year. Accordingly, it is important to contact Paknic if your
> registration will expire soon in order to maintain your registration.
> *Q. Why do former DNGLOBE customers need to contact Paknic?*
> A. DNGLOBE did not forward billing information to Paknic. Accordingly, all
> registrants must provide updated billing information or transfer their names
> to other registrars.
> *Q. What if former DNGLOBE customers want to use a different registrar?*
> A. Registrants will continue to be able to transfer their registrations to
> other registrars under the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (see
> http://www.icann.org/en/transfers/). Note that Paknic may deny transfers for
> the first 60 days following the bulk transfer, at its discretion. This
> 60-day period is permissible under the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy, and
> is intended to help protect registrants. The registrant should renew names
> that will expire during the first 60 days following the transfer to Packnic
> by contacting Paknic at:
> Telephone:
> +1-800-786-5171 (Toll Free)
> +1-732-658-5636
> +1-732-297-8908
> Fax:
> +1-732-297-8906 (fax)
> Email: support at paknic.com
> Web: http://www.paknic.com/dnglobe/
> *Q. How will DNGLOBE customers know if a message purportedly from Paknic is
> legitimate?*
> A. The message from Paknic should direct you to their website hosted at
> paknic.com or refer you to other contact information provided above. If you
> believe a message purportedly from Paknic is not legitimate, you should
> navigate to their web page directly, at http://www.paknic.com/dnglobe/. For
> general advice about avoiding phishing email messages, you may also wish to
> refer to the materials prepared by the Anti-Phishing Working Group (see
> http://www.antiphishing.org/consumer_recs.html).
> ------------------------------
> *Sign up for ICANN's Monthly Magazine <http://www.icann.org/magazine/>*
> ( g : \ ÈŠ strong>Sign up for ICANN's Monthly
> Magazine<http://www.icann.org/magazine/>
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