[AfrICANN-discuss] EuroAfrica-ICT & eI-Africa Monthly e-N'letter /
August 2010
Anne-Rachel Inné
annerachel at gmail.com
Tue Aug 31 19:37:17 SAST 2010
Dear colleagues,
The EuroAfrica-ICT and the eI-Africa partnerships are very pleased to bring
to your attention a number of developments in the field of Euro-African
collaborative research.
2010 Euro-Africa Week on ICT Research & e-Infrastructures*
*A series of events held under the auspices of the EC and the AUC with the
support of the Finnish Government (Ministry for Foreign Affairs + Ministry
of Employment and the Economy). A week organised in Helsinki, Finland, by
the EU/FP7 EuroAfrica-ICT and ei-Africa projects with the support of VTT
:: Dec. 7-8, 2010: 3rd Euro-Africa Cooperation Forum on ICT Research
:: Dec. 9-10, 2010: 2010 Euro-Africa e-Infrastructures Conference
:: Dec. 10, 2010 am: Technical/lab visits
*Latest news...
*New sponsor: eLearning Africa (*http://www.elearning-africa.com/*)
*Pre-registration forms are now available online! Pre-register now for the:
:: 3rd Euro-Africa Cooperation Forum on ICT Research at *
*:: 2010 Euro-Africa e-Infrastructures Conference at *
EuroAfrica-ICT - Highlights
EuroAfrica-ICT is an EU/FP7 support action with the aim of enhancing and
supporting the development of S&T cooperation on ICT research between Europe
and Africa.
Partnership: AUF, Belgium / ACU, UK / CSIR, South Africa / KIST, Rwanda /
Makerere University, Uganda / Sigma Orionis, France (Coordinator) / TWAS,
Join the “Euro-Africa Cooperation on ICT Research” LinkedIn group! (177
Need support and guidance services for the development of your collaborative
research projects (particularly under FP7)?
Contact the EuroAfrica-ICT Helpdesks:
:: European Contact Point: *helpdesk-EU at euroafrica-ict.org
*:: African Contact Point: *helpdesk-AU at euroafrica-ict.org
*3rd Euro-Africa Cooperation Forum on ICT Research
Dec. 7-8, 2010 (Helsinki)
*An event designated as an official side-event to the “3rd Africa-EU Summit”
(Tripoli, Libya - Nov.- 29-30, 2010)!
:: Objective: promote & enhance ICT research cooperation between the 2
:: Hosts: the EC (International Relations Unit, DG INFSO), the AUC, and the
Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
:: Organisers: the EuroAfrica-ICT EU project with the support of the VTT
Technical Research Centre of Finland
:: Sponsors: ACU / AUF / CSIR / eLearning Africa / KIST / Makerere
University / Ministry of Employment and the Economy of Finland / Ministry
for Foreign Affairs of Finland / Sigma Orionis / TWAS / VTT
:: Associated partners: CTO / WSIS Stocktaking Platform
:: Contact: *info at euroafrica-ict.org*
:: URL: *http://euroafrica-ict.org/
Focus on eI-Africa* *- Highlights
eI-Africa (e-Infrastructures Africa) is an EU/FP7 support action aiming at
strengthening Euro-African cooperation on e-Infrastructures.
Join the “Strengthening Euro-Africa Cooperation on e-Infrastructures”
LinkedIn group! (70 members)
*2010 Euro-Africa e-Infrastructures Conference
Dec. 9-10, 2010 (Helsinki)
*:: Objective: promote Euro-African cooperation and European
e-Infrastructures developments and exploitation in Africa
:: Hosts: the EC (GEANT and e-Infrastructures Unit, DG INFSO), the AUC, and
the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland
:: Organiser: the eI-Africa EU project with the support of the VTT Technical
Research Centre of Finland
:: Sponsors: eLearning Africa / Ministry of Employment and the Economy of
Finland / / Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland / Sigma Orionis / TWAS /
:: Associated partner: CTO / WSIS Stocktaking Platform
:: Contact: *info at ei-africa.eu*
:: URL: *http://ei-africa.eu/
European Commission – FP7 ongoing calls for proposals*
The EC published (on July 20) 51 new Calls for Proposals covering the 4 main
FP7 Specific Programmes. Below is a selection of open Calls, related to the
main areas of interest to the EuroAfrica-ICT and eI-Africa communities:
*:: Cooperation (Theme: ICT)
*FP7-ICT-2009-C (FET Open scheme)
FP7-ICT-2011-C (FET Open)
FP7-2011-ICT-FI (Future Internet - 2011)
FP7-2011-ICT-GC (ICT for Green Cars - 2011)
FP7-2011-NMP-ENV-ENERGY-ICT-EeB (Energy-efficient Buildings - 2011)
FP7-2011-NMP-ICT-FoF (Factories of the Future - 2011)
FP7-ICT-2011-FET-F (FET Flagship Initiative)
*:: Capacities (Theme: Research Infrastructures)
*FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2011-1 (Call 8)
FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2011-2 (Ninth Call)
*:: Capacities (Theme: Activities of International Cooperation)
*FP7-INCO-2011-6 (Reinforcing Cooperation with Europe's neighbours in the
context of the ERA)
FP7-INCO-2011-7 (Strengthening European research facilities in third
countries - INCO-LAB)
FP7-INCO-2011-8 (Strengthening joint European S&T centres in Third Countries
*:: People (Theme: Marie Curie Actions)
*FP7-PEOPLE-2010-RG (Reintegration Grants)
FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN (Initial Training Networks 2011 - ITN)
FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IAPP (Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways -IAPP)
Full texts: *
Upcoming events (Sept.-Oct.)
SATNAC 2010 Conference
*:: Date: Sept. 5-8, 2010
:: Location: Spier Wine Estate, Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa
:: Host: Telkom Centres of Excellence
:: Contact: *brownedr at telkom.co.za
*:: URL: *http://www.satnac.org.za/index.html
**Second African Conference on Information Ethics
*Date: Sept. 6-7, 2010
Location: Gaborone (Botswana)
Organisers: University of Botswana, Pretoria, Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Zululand
and the International Center for Information Ethics.
URL: *http://www.africainfoethics.org/conferences_2010.html
**6th JEG8 (Joint Expert Group for the 8th Africa-EU Strategic Partnership
for Science, Information Society and Space) Meeting
*Date: Sept. 15-17, 2010
Location: Brussels, Belgium
Organisers: AUC, EC, BELSPO, CERT, IRD
**Conference “Space for the African citizen”
*:: Date: Sept. 16, 2010
:: Location: Brussels, Belgium
:: Organiser: Belgian High Representation for Space Policy
:: Contact: *bhrs at belspo.be
*:: URL: *http://www.bhrs.be/
*ICT 2010 Event
*:: Date: Sept. 27-29, 2010
:: Location: Brussels, Belgium
:: Organiser: European Commission
:: Host: the Belgian Presidency of the EU
:: Contact: *infso-ICT2010 at ec.europa.eu
*:: URL: *http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/events/ict/2010/
**4th International Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education in
*Date: Oct. 5-9, 2010
Location: Bamako (Mali)
Organiser: Unesco Bamako Cluster Office
Contact: *J.Shabani at unesco.org
*URL: *http://www.unesco-bamako.org/conferences/English-index.htm
*2nd Erina4Africa Workshop
*Date: Oct. 6-7, 2010
Location: Lilongue (Malawi)
Organiser: Erina4Africa Project
Contact: *info at ubuntunet.net
*URL: *http://www.ubuntunet.net/erina4africa
Newsroom, August 2010
The UbuntuNet Alliance’s Intra-Africa optical fibre Network
*The first attempt to give a complete picture of Intra-Africa’s terrestrial
internet coverage comes from the UbuntuNet Alliance, who has recently
published a map tracking the existing and upcoming fibre in the hinterlands
of the African continent including the fibre for telecommunications, general
purpose national backbones and utility companies.
More: *
*A new submarine fibre optic cable in the East African coast
*EASSy, went on live on July 16, 2010, is the third cable to land on the
East African coast after SEACOM and TEAMS. The cable is owned by 16
commercial telecom entities with 92 per cent owned by African operators and
8 per cent by international operators (the West Indian Ocean Cable Company –
WIOCC – is the single largest investor).
More: *
*The AfricanAgenda2010: public e-consultation on African development
*The Southern African NGO Network (SANGONeT) is coordinating an
e-consultation open to all African citizens aiming at soliciting people’s
perspectives on what they think are the key challenges, opportunities and
emerging priorities for Africa. With an eye to the upcoming United Nations
Summit on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to be held in September
20-22, 2010 in New York, the target is to develop a citizen-driven agenda
for Africa in the second decade of the 21st century.
More: *
*The UbuntuNet Alliance needs experts volunteers for NRENs
*The UbuntuNet Alliance invites expert volunteers to offer their support
through Capacity Building for NRENs. As fibre infrastructure rolls out to
and within Africa, there’s the increasing need for human capacities to
design, roll out, operate the infrastructures and indeed to deal with the
multiple challenges of running NRENs in developing economies.
More: *
More news available at
*:: *http://www.euroafrica-ict.org/category/newsroom/
*:: *http://www.ei-africa.eu/category/newsroom-2/
*Karine Valin *on behalf of the EuroAfrica-ICT & eI-Africa Partnerships
Managing Director | Sigma Orionis | www.sigma-orionis.com
Coordinator | EuroAfrica-ICT EU/FP7 Project | www.euroafrica-ict.org
Coordinator | eI-Africa EU/FP7 Project | www.ei-africa.eu
*This targeted communication is brought to you by the EuroAfrica-ICT &
eI-Africa Consortia. If you wish to be removed from our mailing list, please
send an email to
mailto:info at euroafrica-ict.org?Subject=remove<info at euroafrica-ict.org?Subject=remove>and
we will immediately remove your e-mail address from this list. Our
sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused.*
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