[AfrICANN-discuss] URGENT: African NGO representative and privacy & data protection expert sought for privacy conference (24-29 Oct. 2010)

Cedric Laurant cedric at laurant.org
Thu Aug 12 23:56:29 SAST 2010

Hi everyone,

I am being asked to suggest the name of a NGO representative from an 
African nation to participate at the upcoming "Public Voice Civil 
Society Meeting: "Next Generation Privacy Challenges and 
Opportunities" that will take place during the 32nd International 
Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners in Jerusalem 
on Oct. 25-29.  More information at: 

Would you know someone leading an NGO working on privacy and data 
protection issues in Africa? Could you recommend me one?

The ideal candidate would be someone from the African civil society 
with expertise in privacy and data protection, and who can represent 
his/her NGO and speak on behalf of African NGO's working on those 
issues.  He or she will be asked to actively participate to the Civil 
Society conference, by asking questions or making comments during the 
conference, and by tweeting or blogging in English, French or Arabic 
about the panels for his/her constituents in Africa.

The person would get assistance from the conference organizer with 
travel expenses, including hotel, airfare, and conference 
registration fees, but he or she must attend the entire four days of 
meetings from 24 to 29 of October.

Many thanks for your suggestions with, if possible, the contact 
information of the suggested person.  If you think you can be this 
NGO representative and expert, please send me a short bio/CV with 
your motivation to participate in 2-3 paragraphs max.  Please use 
this e-mail: cedric [a-t] laurant [ dot-] org

Many thanks.

Cedric Laurant

Cedric Laurant, Esq.
Attorney at Law (DC-USA) - Independent Consultant (Brussels, Belgium)
Senior Research Fellow, Center for Media and Communication Studies
Central European University (Budapest, Hungary)
<cedric [at-]laurant [d o t] org> - Skype: cedrichl
Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/cedriclaurant
Blogs: http://blog.cedriclaurant.org - http://securitybreaches.wordpress.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/cedric_laurant - http://twitter.com/security_breach

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