[AfrICANN-discuss] ICANN NomCom Outreach Meeting at the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Sharm el Sheikh

GUEBRE Moussa mguebre at gmail.com
Thu Nov 12 21:02:07 SAST 2009

Morning Sir,
Yes i'm very interested. I 'll be connected Thuesday 1pm. Tell me, is it
universal time?
Can you explain me how to connect.
Thanks for all.

2009/11/12 Yaovi Atohoun <yaovito at yahoo.fr>

> ===
> Do you want to become a leader in ICANN? Then you should join the ICANN
> NomCom Outreach meeting on Tuesday, November 17, 2009, 1.15 p.m. - 2.00 p.m.
> in Room 6 (Biblioteca Alexandria). The session will explain how you could
> become more involved in ICANNs multi-stakeholder bottom up policy
> development process and what you have to do to present a "Statement of
> Interest" (SOI) for one of the leading positions within ICANN. In 2010,
> ICANN's Nominating Committee will appoint three ICANN Directors, one ccNSO
> and one GNSO Council member and two members of the At Large Advisory
> Committee (ALAC).
> You will have a chance to meet Rod Beckstrom, ICANN's new President & CEO,
> ICANN Directors, selected by previous NomComs and ICANN staff. The session
> will be moderated by Wolfgang Kleinwächter, Chair of the 2010 NomCom.
> ====
> Yaovi Atohoun
> Member of 2010 NOMCOM
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Cordialement, Moussa.
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