[AfrICANN-discuss] Public Comment: Geographic Regions Charter
Dr Yassin Mshana
ymshana2003 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 03:47:59 SAST 2009
Thank you Glen for request for comments on this Geographic Regs Charter.
May I suggest to extend the Comment window to maybe April 2009 please?
Observed / Posible reasons being ONE:
The Geographic Regions may not have the facility to capture and share
comments within the time frame prescribed - out reaching a representative
(critical mass) may be differ from one Region to another despite it being
a fundamental component of ICANN.
I copyig this to relatively "small community" group but effective element of
the process for comments that may help to be make this Proces more
2009/2/18 Glen de Saint Géry <Glen at icann.org>
> http://www.icann.org/en/announcements/announcement-2-18feb09-en.htm
> Public Comment: Geographic Regions Charter
> 18 February 2009
> A community-wide working group has been established by the ICANN Board to
> undertake a review of ICANN's Geographic Regions. The Working Group has
> developed a draft charter to guide its efforts. All members of the ICANN
> community are now invited to review that draft charter [PDF, 44K] and share
> comments and observations with the Board and community through 24 March
> 2009.
> Background:
> Geographic diversity is a fundamental component of the ICANN organization.
> The ICANN Bylaws (Article VI Section 5) currently define five geographic
> regions as Africa, North America, Latin America/Caribbean,
> Asia/Australia/Pacific and Europe.
> The ICANN Geographic Regions were originally created to ensure regional
> diversity in the composition of the ICANN Board and were subsequently
> expanded in various ways to apply to the GNSO, ALAC and ccNSO. An ICANN
> Board resolution in 2000 directed Staff to assign countries to geographic
> regions on the basis of the United Nations Statistics Division's current
> classifications, and introduced the concept of "citizenship" in relation to
> the definition of ICANN Geographic Regions.
> Over time, the Country Code Names Supporting Organisation (ccNSO) has
> developed concerns about the implementation of the ICANN Geographic Regions
> and related representational issues. The ccNSO Council approved a resolution
> in 2007 recommending that the ICANN Board appoint a community-wide working
> group to further study and review the issues related to the definition of
> the ICANN Geographic Regions, to consult with all stakeholders and submit
> proposals to the Board to resolve the issues relating to the current
> definition of the ICANN Geographic Regions.
> The Board determined at its meeting in Los Angeles on 2 November 2007, that
> because any potential change to ICANN Geographic Regions could have
> widespread effect in ICANN, the views of other Supporting Organizations and
> Advisory Committees should be sought by the Board. The Board asked the ICANN
> community, including the GNSO, ccNSO, ASO, GAC, and ALAC, to provide the
> ICANN Staff with input on the ccNSO Council's resolution relating to ICANN's
> Geographic Regions - including the proposal to appoint a community-wide
> working group to review the structure of ICANN's present Geographic Regions
> and related issues, as suggested by the ccNSO.
> Explanation:
> At its November 2008 meeting in Cairo, Egypt, the Board authorized the
> formation of a community-wide working group to study and review the issues
> related to the definition of the ICANN Geographic Regions, consult with all
> stakeholders, and submit proposals for community and Board consideration
> relating to the current definition of the ICANN Geographic Regions.
> The companion resolutions on the issue stated:
> Resolved (2008.11.07.08), the Board authorizes the formation of a
> community-wide working group to study and review the issues related to the
> definition of the ICANN Geographic Regions, consult with all stakeholders,
> and submit proposals for community and Board consideration relating to the
> current definition of the ICANN Geographic Regions. The Board requests that
> all interested Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees nominate two
> individuals to serve on the working group, the composition of which the
> Board would like to approve at the December Board meeting.
> Resolved (2008.11.07.09), the Board requests the working group, as its
> first order of business, to draft and seek community input on a proposed
> charter, and submit the draft document for community review, and Board
> consideration and approval at the March 2009 Board meeting in Mexico City.
> In drafting the charter, the working group is directed to focus, but not
> limit, its work on the criteria for assigning countries, dependencies and
> recognized geopolitical entities to a Geographic Region, and to take into
> consideration the relevant ccNSO Board paper, the recent GNSO comments, and
> other community advice - including the GAC's original advice on the topic in
> 2000. Further, the Board directs ICANN Staff to support these efforts.
> Since that time the ALAC, ccNSO and GNSO have named specific members to
> join the working group and the GAC has established a methodology for
> monitoring and contributing to the group's progress. David Archbold of the
> .ky domain has accepted the responsibility to chair the working group
> efforts. The full roster of working group members is as follows:
> David Archbold (ccNSO member - .ky) Chair
> Fahd Batayneh (ccNSO member - .jo)
> Olga Cavalli (GNSO Council member, Nominating Committee Appointee)(vice
> chair)
> Zahid Jamil (GNSO Council member, Business Constituency)
> Janis Karklins (GAC Chair)
> Cheryl Langdon-Orr (ALAC Chair)
> Carlton Samuels (LACRALO Secretariat)
> Relevant Board Resolution, Bylaws and Background Documents:
> ICANN Bylaws Article VI, Section 5:
> http://www.icann.org/en/general/bylaws.htm - VI-5
> ICANN Geographical Regions - Final Report by the ccNSO Regions Working
> Group For Submission to the ICANN Board:
> http://ccnso.icann.org/workinggroups/ccnso-final-report-regions-wg-240907.pdf
> Minutes of 2 November 2007 Board Meeting:
> http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-02nov07.htm - _Toc55609368
> Minutes of 7 November 2008 2008 ICANN Board Meeting:
> http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/resolutions-07nov08.htm - _Toc87682556
> Geographic Regions Review Working Group Proposed Charter [PDF, 44K]
> The Process From Here:
> At the end of this public comment forum period, the ICANN Staff will
> provide a summary/analysis of the comments submitted regarding the proposed
> charter document. That summary/analysis will be shared with the community
> and the Board. The Board will subsequently make a decision on whether to
> approve the proposed charter.
> Deadline and How to Submit Comments:
> The Staff is opening a 30-day public consultation forum, from 18 February
> 2009 through 24 March 2009, and invites community comments on this topic.
> This particular forum period is longer than 30 days because public forum
> comment periods are now typically suspended during the dates of ICANN Board
> meetings and the ICANN Mexico City meeting is scheduled from 2 March to 6
> March 2009.
> The formal Public Comment Forum Box is located here:
> http://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/#regions-charter
> To submit comments: geo-charter at icann.org
> To view comments: http://forum.icann.org/lists/geo-charter/
> Staff Responsible: Robert Hoggarth
> Glen de Saint Géry
> GNSO Secretariat
> gnso.secretariat at gnso.icann.org
> http://gnso.icann.org
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Skype: yassinmshana1
Mobile: +234-803 970 5117
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