[AfrICANN-discuss] ICANN Opens Public Comment Period on Czech Arbitration Court Proposed Pilot Projects

Glen de Saint Géry Glen at icann.org
Thu Jul 24 12:00:30 SAST 2008

[To: council[at]gnso.icann.org; liaison6c[at]gnso.icann.org]
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ICANN Opens Public Comment Period on Czech Arbitration Court Proposed Pilot Projects
22 July 2008
ICANN has received a request from the Czech Arbitration Court (CAC) to run two pilot projects related to its implementation of UDRP.
Background to Posting
CAC was approved as a UDRP provider at the Board meeting on 23 January 2008.
CAC wishes to run tests of the following two UDRP-related services as part of its implementation of UDRP:
A. Simplified way of sending signed hardcopies of Complaints and/or Responses to the Provider (Par. 3(b), Par. 5(b)) of the UDRP Rules.
This pilot project aims at exploring and testing the legal and practical implications of a service that would enable parties to submit hardcopies of the complaints/responses in a simplified way.
B. Service of delivery of signed hard copies.
This pilot project seeks to explore and test the legal and practical implications of a new service related to e-UDRP consisting of the printing and delivering of signed electronic documents.
ICANN has at the request of CAC agreed to post for public comment the description of the pilot projects for a period of thirty days (30), along with a report on the pilot project by professor Chris Reed, a recognized international authority on technology law and electronic commerce law .
Those wishing to comment are encouraged to do so and to make their comments not later than 21 August 2008.
Comments may be submitted by email to cac-pilot at icann.org and may be viewed at http://forum.icann.org/lists/cac-pilot.

Glen de Saint Géry
GNSO Secretariat
gnso.secretariat at gnso.icann.org

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