[AfrICANN-discuss] FW: dates pour AF-Cybersec 2008/ Dates for
Anne-Rachel Inne
anne-rachel.inne at icann.org
Thu Aug 7 20:22:01 SAST 2008
From: KLA Didier Alain /DT [CIT] [mailto:didier.kla at orange-cit.ci]
Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2008 1:09 PM
To: AliDrissa.Badiel at itu.int; pierre.ouedraogo at gmail.com; MFaye at uneca.org; aopoku-mensah at uneca.org; brahima.sanou at itu.int; Anne-Rachel Inne; dandjinou.pierre at undp.org; adiel at afrinic.net; aalain at trstech.net; sgh at unil.ch; zouliB at africa-union.org; oualbeogol at yahoo.fr; AbulkhiratE at africa-union.org; aldhina at yahoo.com; mayediop at gmail.com; joyceb at e-comsec.com; bekele at isoc.org; takin at e-comsec.com; roseys at doc.gov.za; b.zouari at ansi.tn; JGrobler at comsecmss.com; mseck at uneca.org; manal at tra.gov.eg; YedalyM at africa-union.org; enega at uneca.org; Cecile.Barayre at unctad.org
Cc: abrahamdjekou at yahoo.fr; djekou at atci.ci; padkla at gmail.com; oumtana at gmail.com; chroland at gmail.com; nchoxtel at gmail.com; pietro.sicuro at francophonie.org; Augustin.Ido at francophonie.org; martine.farrouil at francophonie.org; Francoise.Paul-Piquet at francophonie.org; kiran at afrinic.net; coulibas at mail-box.ch
Subject: RE: Changement de dates pour AF-Cybersec 2008/ Dates change for AF-Cybersec
Bonjour à tous,
Le site web de la conférence régionale africaine sur la cybersécurité est en ligne depuis hier en version Française. La version Anglaise n'est pas complète mais vous pourrez avoir les infos indispensable pour votre participation.
Adresse : www.afcybersec.org<http://www.afcybersec.org/>
African Regional Conference on Cybersecurity web site is online since yersterday in French version. English version is not ok but you have information on accomodation and for your visa to come in Abidjan.
Site address: www.afcybersec.org
Didier Kla
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