From annerachel at Fri Aug 1 18:08:38 2008 From: annerachel at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anne-Rachel_Inn=E9?=) Date: Fri Aug 1 18:08:47 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] =?windows-1252?q?L=92exception_br=E9silienne?= Message-ID: Article paru sur L'exception br?silienne Publi? le 1er/08/2008 par Matthieu Aubert Lorsque l'on s'int?resse ? la gestion par les registres de leurs extensions nationales, il n'est pas difficile de remarquer tr?s rapidement de fortes disparit?s. Chaque pays, ?tant responsable de l'administration de son extension, peut en cons?quence la g?rer selon sa propre vision. Ces diff?rences se retrouvent dans les chartes de nommage. Selon les extensions, les noms de domaine peuvent ?tre enregistr?s librement quelque soit le lieu de r?sidence du requ?rant. Pour d'autres, l'enregistrement est r?serv? aux nationaux. C'est le choix du Br?sil dont nous avons rencontr? un repr?sentant lors du sommet de l'ICANN ? Paris. a interview? Monsieur Carlos Alberto Afonso, membre du comit? de gestion de l'internet au Br?sil. Ce dernier nous a pr?sent? son extension nationale et le comit? qui la g?re. : Pourriez vous nous pr?senter en quelques mots ce comit? de gestion ainsi que son fonctionnement ? Carlos Alberto Afonso : Ce comit? a ?t? cr?? en 1995. C'est un organisme en charge de la gouvernance de l'extension .BR et donc des noms de domaine qui y sont rattach?s. La composition de ce comit? est originale surtout depuis 2004. C'est un mod?le de gouvernance particulier que l'on ne retrouve nulle part ailleurs. Il comprend 21 membres. Neuf sont issus de diff?rents organes du gouvernement, huit sont des repr?sentants d'entreprises exer?ant une activit? dans le secteur tertiaire majoritairement li?es ? l'informatique, trois sont issus de la communaut? scientifique et technologique alors qu'enfin deux d'entre eux sont des experts en art moderne. Avant 2004, la composition ?tait plus classique. Aujourd'hui chaque membre est ?lu d?mocratiquement et dispose d'un droit de vote ?galitaire. : Cette composition est-elle un avantage ? Carlos Alberto Afonso : Tout ? fait. Cette organisation permet ? chaque membre de donner son avis et au groupe d'envisager des probl?matiques diverses auxquelles un ensemble d'acteurs du m?me secteur n'auraient pas forc?ment pens?. Ce mode de fonctionnement est une bonne initiative et devrait ?tre plus r?pandu, en France par exemple. Un d?veloppement pas ? n'importe quel prix : Vous envisagez cette composition h?t?rog?ne comme un atout. A l'inverse, cela ne peut-il pas ?tre un frein au d?veloppement coh?rant de votre extension ? Carlos Alberto Afonso : Non, pas du tout. Bien au contraire ! En d?pit des int?r?ts divergents de chacun, une vision majoritaire domine. Nous tenons ? ce que notre extension se d?veloppe mais, pas ? n'importe quel prix ! Nous trouvons dommage que certains registres nationaux marqu?tent leurs extensions et que par cons?quent, celles-ci perdent leur identit? nationale. Nous ne souhaitons pas ouvrir cette extension ? tous, afin de g?n?rer plus de demandes. Nous voulons ? l'oppos?, que notre extension serve au d?veloppement de la culture de notre pays. Notre culture est tr?s riche et il serait regrettable de voir de nombreux noms de domaine en .BR enregistr?s par des requ?rants n'ayant aucun lien avec le pays. De plus, des extensions comme la notre ou bien le .CA canadien dont les restrictions sont identiques, figurent parmi les plus enregistr?es ! C'est le signe que tout va pour le mieux.... Pour en savoir plus : - Lire nos articles sur le Br?sil. (c) MailClub 2004-2006 - Tous droits de reproductions interdits sans l'accord du MailClub From annerachel at Sat Aug 2 15:29:56 2008 From: annerachel at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anne-Rachel_Inn=E9?=) Date: Sat Aug 2 15:36:15 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] Week end reading Message-ID: -3. US: We Will Not Give Up Oversight Of Internet Domain Name Root Zone The letter sent from the Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to ICANN is covered by IP Watch and Circle ID with the thrust of the articles being the United States will not give up its oversight of the management of the central root zone of the DNS. IP Watch notes the "NTIA also points out in its statement that ICANN still has some conditions to fulfil before the JPA that runs until September next year can really be ended." The article says the NTIA notes ICANN's transition action plans "fall short with regard to ensuring continued private sector leadership - pointing to fears that an international body might take over - increased contract compliance of the bubbling DNS service providers and enhanced competition. There has been past tension between ICANN and some in the United Nations who have considered increasing the UN's role in internet governance." 16. With Security at Risk, a Push to Patch the Web The New York Times has a good article that explains the recent flaw found by Dan Kaminsky and popular with the press around the world. The article discusses in terms easily understood by people with even the most basic knowledge of technology issues, what the problem was and how Kaminsky went about bringing the flaw to the knowledge of the companied that need to know. There is nothing new in the article, but it is a well-written article explaining the issue. ********************** DOMAIN NAMES ********************** ********************** - ICANN ********************** 1. US: We Will Not Give Up Oversight Of Internet Domain Name Root Zone The Bush administration has no intention of giving up United States oversight role of the management of the central root zone of the internet domain name system (DNS), the essential database storing information on how to reach domain names on the global internet. 2. U.S. Intends to Remain in Full Control of Internet Root Zone, Says Letter from NTIA In a letter sent by bureau of the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to ICANN, the department has made it clear that despite recent discussions in Paris meetings, the U.S. department intends to remain in full authority over the Internet root zone. 3. Public Comments: Improving Institutional Confidence in ICANN Dear Chairman Dengate-Thrush: On June 16, 2008, the ICANN posted for public comment a series of interrelated documents prepared by the President's Strategy Committee (PSC) regarding improving institutional confidence in ICANN. The Department of Commerce (Department) takes this opportunity as a member of the community and ICANN's partner in the Joint Project Agreement (JPA) to offers its views on such an important topic. 4. Egypt / ICANN meeting [news release] The Government of Egypt has the honor to host, in Cairo, the next ICANN meeting, from 2 to 7 November 2008, at InterContinental CityStars Hotel. The ICANN meeting was previously hosted in Cairo in March 2000, by the Egyptian Ministry of Communications, the Cabinet Information and Decision Support Center (IDSC) and the Internet Society of Egypt. 5. ICANN To Offload Domains from De-Accredited Registrar When RegisterFly lost its ICANN accreditation, GoDaddy swooped in to take over the registration of RegisterFly clients' domain names. It was a nice pickup for GoDaddy of nearly 1 million domain names. ********************** - ccTLD & gTLD NEWS ********************** 6. Olympic organisers agree to China blocking 'sensitive' internet sites Olympic organisers 'regret' agreement to restrictions but China claims censorship will not affect reporting of Beijing 2008 ... Chinese officials said the censorship would not hamper journalists in their job of reporting the Games. A BOCOG spokesman Sun Weide said that the plan had always been to provide "sufficient" Internet access for foreign reporters. Sites run by the Falun Gong religious sect remain inaccessible, as do most with the word Tibet in their internet address. 7. Personalize your domain using .ME The .ME Registry officially opened for live, real-time registrations and was met with huge international demand. .ME after .com, .biz, .eduis spreading around the world with more than 50,000 new domain names with the first "live" name registered being: 8. Barack Obama Goes .Mobi United States Presidential candidate Barack Obama is leveraging the mobile web to get his message out. His campaign is using And unlike most popular .mobi domain names, it actually resolves to a .mobi domain rather than just forwarding to a mobile version of a .com we site. 9. Dot-na Doman Remains Hot Potato THE controversy surrounding Namibia's Internet domain name (.na) is not likely to die down soon, given the recent formation of a new Ministry of Information and Communication Technology. 10. InternetNZ selects web advocate board members InternetNZ has appointed four members to its executive board, formed earlier this year as part of a structural review of the society in order to act as an advocate for internet users. 11. The WashBiz Guest Blog: A Day At .ORG Welcome to Day 2 of our little experiment in guest blogging, something we hope captures a small slice of Washington at work. All this week we plan to run posts from Adam Palmer, policy counsel for .ORG, the Public Interest Registry based in Reston. Adam works on policy issues dealing with Internet governance, cyber security, and e-commerce. Today, he talks about what one actually does at .org. 12. UCC abandons attempt to control Uganda domain name The Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) says it is not interested in taking over control of the Uganda country code, .ug. The country code is registered to and controlled by Charles Musisi, an Internet entrepreneur who has managed Uganda domain names over the past 12 years. 13. Number of domains in the UZ zone exceeds 7,000 The number of domains registered in the .UZ zone exceeded 7,000 as of 25 July, the administration of the .UZ domain zone said. According to the statistics, the number has grown by about 22% from 5,766 since the beginning of the year. ********************** - DNS SECURITY ********************** 14. DNS patches cause problems, developers admit Patches released earlier this month to quash a critical bug in the DNS (Domain Name System) have slowed servers running BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), the Internet's most popular DNS software, and crippled some systems versions of Windows Server. 15. Apple skewered over missing DNS patch Apple has come under fire for failing to patch the critical Domain Name System (DNS) flaw which prompted a (rest of) industry wide response earlier this month. 16. With Security at Risk, a Push to Patch the Web Since a secret emergency meeting of computer security experts at Microsoft's headquarters in March, Dan Kaminsky has been urging companies around the world to fix a potentially dangerous flaw in the basic plumbing of the Internet. 17. Hackers start DNS attacks, researcher says Hackers are now actively exploiting a critical flaw in the Domain Name System, but they're not using any of the already known exploits, said a researcher who crafted the first attack code to go public. 18. Internet providers in Vietnam battle DNS flaw Local internet service providers (ISPs) say they are taking action to overcome a serious flaw inherent in the Domain Name System (DNS) that could allow an attacker to re-direct unwilling web users to dangerous sites. ********************** - MISCELLANEOUS ********************** 19. Asia Pacific Internet Community to descend on Christchurch - NZ to host APNIC 26 [news release] Next month, InternetNZ (the Internet Society of New Zealand Inc) and the Asia Pacific Network Information Centre (APNIC) will jointly host APNIC 26, one of the most important meetings in 2008 for the local Internet community. 20. InternetNZ appoints Executive Board members [news release] InternetNZ (the Internet Society of New Zealand Inc) is pleased to announce it has appointed Peter Dengate-Thrush, June McCabe, Miki Szikszai, and Judy Speight as members of its recently-established Executive Board. 21. InternetNZ launches Liz Dengate Thrush Foundation [news release] InternetNZ (the Internet Society of New Zealand Inc) is pleased to announce the launch of an Internet entrepreneurship foundation established in memory of Liz Dengate Thrush, a former Councillor of the Society. 22. Barack Obama Goes .Mobi United States Presidential candidate Barack Obama is leveraging the mobile web to get his message out. His campaign is using And unlike most popular .mobi domain names, it actually resolves to a .mobi domain rather than just forwarding to a mobile version of a .com we site. 23. Why We'll Never Replace SMTP by John Levine John Levine An acquaintance asked whether there's been any progress in the oft-rumored project to come up with a more secure replacement for SMTP. Answer: No. Truly, spam isn't a technical problem, it's a social one. If we could figure out some way to make mail recipient networks and hosts willing to shun known bad actors, even at the cost of losing some real mail for a while until the bad actors cave, it would make vastly more difference than any possible technical changes. 24. Emirates airline website plummets offline in A380 excitement Dubai's government-owned airline, Emirates, forgot to renew its domain name this week, sending its website crashing offline on the same day it was trumpeting delivery of its first Airbus A380 superjumbo. ********************** - DOMAINING & AFTERMARKET ********************** 25. Find an Undervalued Asset. Fix It Up. Flip It. (Now It's Web Sites, Not Houses) Dave Hermansen did not own a bird or a cage when he bought, an online store, for $1,800 three years ago. He simply saw a Web site that was "very, very poorly done," and begged the owners to sell it to him. He then redesigned the site, added advertising and drove up traffic. Last December, he sold it for $173,000. 26. Matt Bentley Leaving Sedo Sedo Chief Strategy Officer Matt Bentley is leaving the company, Sedo announced today. The move is effective the end of this month. 27. Imminent Domaining: The domain name market is a hot investment opportunity for entrepreneurs. One hundred domains. Sounds like a good, round, impressive number. And 100 felt like a lot for Howard Hoffman, who began snapping up domains like and to help redirect web surfers to his bottled water company's site, taking advantage of what's called "type-in traffic," when users just enter words or a guessed-at domain into the browser address bar. 28. Moniker/Snapnames accidentally sell the wrong domain Imagine the following scenario: A registrant owns a .NET version of your .COM domain and decides to list it with SnapNames. However he mistypes the domain by entering the .COM version in the spreadsheet he sends to his account manager. 29. Crash Course Guide to Domain Name Appraisals Ever looked for new domains to buy in auctions, pending delete, or expired? I'm sure all of us have some difficulty appraising the value of domains. The process is both easy and hard at the same time, especially when considering the long term value and not necessarily the present value. Grabbing a domain name now that holds a potential-value in the future is a real-niche and requires some strategy. Though the remaining names market and especially the gTLDs (Generic Top Level Domain Extensions, e.g. .COM/.NET/.ORG) is saturated and sometimes impossible to get a nice ones but there are some techniques to grab excellent and superior names using some technique we had successfully put on trial and lead us successfully to acquire many domains such as and In this article, I will be highlighting some quick techniques to evaluate domains for the present or near-future resale value. 30. Google makes 6 Figure Offer for For a vacuum cleaner reseller from Dordrecht in the Netherlands, Europe, this week may very well be the time of their life!. The family Knol have been the owner of the domain name for many years and it looks like Google is interested in purchasing the domain! Google has reportedly offered "a sum of five zeros." ********************** - NON-ENGLISH NEWS ********************** 31. ?sterreicher lieben heimische Domains "Die .com-?ra ist vorbei ? wir leben in einem Zeitalter des lokalen Internets, wo regionale Anker immer wichtiger werden", bringt Richard Wein das Hauptergebnis der Domain-Studie 2008 auf den Punkt. Die im Mai vom Meinungsforschungsinstitut Marketagent durchgef?hrte Befragung der webaktiven Bev?lkerung in ?stereich zeigt: ".at" ist im Vormarsch und mit Abstand am beliebtesten bei heimischen Internetnutzern. 32. DNS-L?cke in Mac OS X weiter ungepatcht Drei Wochen nach Bekanntwerden der Sicherheitsl?cke im Domain Name System (DNS) hat Apple bisher noch kein Update f?r Mac OS X ver?ffentlicht. "Apple nutzt den popul?ren BIND-DNS-Server des Internet Systems Consortium (ISC) f?r Mac OS X Server. Obwohl der BIND-Server zu den ersten Anwendungen geh?rt, f?r die ein Update zur Verf?gung stand, hat Apple die korrigierte Version noch nicht f?r Mac OS X Server freigegeben", kritisiert der Sicherheitsforscher Rich Mogull in einem Blogeintrag.,39029460,39194237,00.htm 33. Online-Reisen im Schatten der Typosquatter Reisen werden mittlerweile sehr gerne online gebucht. Netnames, Spezialist f?r Domainnamen-Management, warnt in diesem Zusammenhang: Schon ein unbedachter Tippfehler in der Internetadresse und Kunden laufen Gefahr, in die F?nge so genannter Typosquatter zu geraten. "Beim Tippen der Domainnamen schleicht sich, egal, ob aus Unwissenheit oder durch die allgemeine Vorurlaubshektik, so mancher Fehler ein. Wollen Reiseanbieter, die das Internet als Vertriebskanal nutzen, potenzielle Kunden nicht verlieren und sich vor Online-Betr?gern sch?tzen, gibt es ein einfaches Rezept: Sie k?nnen daf?r sorgen, dass selbst die nicht ganz korrekte Schreibweise der URL zum richtigen Ziel f?hrt", r?t Bernd Beiser, Gesch?ftsf?hrer der Netnames nicht g?nzlich uneigenn?tzig. Unternehmen sollten sich daher auch Domainnamen sichern, die g?ngige Tippfehler oder Buchstabendreher enthalten. 34. Olympisches Komitee akzeptiert Internetzensur in China K?rzlich sprach IOC-Pr?sident Rogge noch von einem "unzensierten Zugang zum Internet" zu den Spielen in Peking. Ein leeres Versprechen, denn die Zensur geht weiter, auch f?r die chinesischen DW-WORLD-Seiten. ... Um beispielsweise einen Zugriff auf die Seiten unm?glich zu machen, wird unter anderem verhindert, dass Browser-Eingaben wie mit einem sogenannten Domain Name Server (DNS) in die technisch notwendige Zieladresse in Form einer IP-Adresse ( ?bersetzt werden. Gleichzeitig wird der Zugriff auf diese Server-Adressen blockiert, so dass Internet-Anwender auch mit der direkten Eingabe der IP-Adresse nicht zum Ziel kommen.,,3524889,00.html 35. Wie China unliebsame Websites blockiert Was den Journalisten im Pressezentrum der Olympischen Spiele in Peking widerf?hrt, ist im Rest des Landes Alltag: In der Volksrepublik China - mit Ausnahme von Hongkong und Macao - gibt es keinen freien Zugang zum Internet, unliebsame Inhalte lassen die Machthaber blockieren. ... Will man eine Adresse wie ? mit dem Browser aufrufen, muss dieser Name erst in eine f?r Computer verwendbare, eindeutige Nummernkombination ?bersetzt werden - die IP-Adresse. Diese Aufgabe erledigen Domain Name Server, welche die Internet Provider betreiben. Die Unternehmen k?nnen mit Filtern verhindern, dass die Datenbanken die IP-Adressen regimekritischer Portale ausliefern. 36. Internet-Tippfehler k?nnen schnell teuer werden Der britische Domainspezialist Netnames ist ein Unternehmen, das sich auf die Fahne geschrieben hat, Firmenidentit?ten und Marken vor Domainmissbrauch zu sch?tzen. 37. Ist der Provider sicher? [DPA] Auf eine besonders t?ckische Sicherheitsl?cke bei der Internetnutzung macht das Bundesamt f?r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) in Bonn aufmerksam. Die L?cke besteht im sogenannten Domain Name System (DNS) und betrifft daher potenziell alle Nutzer. 38. Sicherheitsl?cke: Das Virus kommt per Update Auf eine t?ckische Sicherheitsl?cke bei der Internetnutzung macht das Bundesamt f?r Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI) in Bonn aufmerksam. Die L?cke besteht im sogenannten Domain Name System (DNS) und betrifft daher potenziell alle Nutzer. 39. UDRP : la Czech Arbitration Court veut lancer un projet pilote La Czech Arbitration Court (CAC), accr?dit?e comme institution de r?glement depuis le 23 janvier 2008, a saisi l'ICANN d'une requ?te visant ? lui permettre d'exp?rimenter un projet pilote. 40. : transfert judiciaire d'un nom "hijack?" Apr?s avoir perdu le contr?le du nom de domaine dans des conditions relativement myst?rieuses, une soci?t? am?ricaine en obtient le transfert devant le juge californien. 41. Perfectionnement du DRS de Nominet L'institution de r?glement des litiges relatifs au .UK a proc?d? ? un ajustement du DRS, faisant de cette proc?dure un mod?le du genre. 42. Internet: i domini del registro italiano sono milione e mezzo I domini internet del registro italiano (.it) hanno superato il milione e mezzo con un picco massimo diregistrazioni nel maggio scorso. Si rafforza cos? la posizione della rete "made in Italy", che conquista cos? ilquinto posto in Europa ed ilsettimo nel mondo. 43. Argentina: Nombres de dominio internacionalizados. Resoluci?n 616/2008. Resoluci?n 616/2008 - REGISTRACION DE NOMBRES DE DOMINIO EN INTERNET. Incorp?ranse caracteres multiling?es pertenecientes al idioma espa?ol y portugu?s, para la registraci?n de nombres de dominio de Nivel Superior Argentina (.AR). 44. Aprueban los caracteres en espa?ol para dominios web El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores aprob? los signos en castellano y portugu?s en la registraci?n de los nombres de dominio de internet de la Argentina. 45. Encuentro LACNIC-CARIBE, se realiz? en Curazao, 21-22 de Julio/2008 M?s de 70 participantes provenientes de m?s de 15 pa?ses de la regi?n de Am?rica Latina y el Caribe se reunieron los 21 y 22 de Julio en Curazao (Antillas Neerlandesas) en el encuentro LACNIC-CARIBE. El encuentro fue seguido por el 4to Foro de Gobernanza de Internet en el Caribe organizado por la Uni?n de Telecomunicaciones del Caribe (CTU) y cont? con el apoyo de la Oficina de Telecomunicaciones y Correo (Bureau of Telecommunication and Post) de Curazao. 46. Incorporan caracteres multiling?es a dominios de internet El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Internacional y Culto incorpor? los caracteres multiling?es de los idiomas espa?ol y portugu?s en la registraci?n de los nombres de dominio de internet de Argentina, seg?n publica hoy el Bolet?n Oficial. 47. Story in Vietnamese on DNS From anne-rachel.inne at Thu Aug 7 20:22:01 2008 From: anne-rachel.inne at (Anne-Rachel Inne) Date: Thu Aug 7 20:22:23 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] FW: dates pour AF-Cybersec 2008/ Dates for AF-Cybersec Message-ID: <> FYI - From: KLA Didier Alain /DT [CIT] [] Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2008 1:09 PM To:;;;;; Anne-Rachel Inne;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Cc:;;;;;;;;;;; Subject: RE: Changement de dates pour AF-Cybersec 2008/ Dates change for AF-Cybersec Bonjour ? tous, Le site web de la conf?rence r?gionale africaine sur la cybers?curit? est en ligne depuis hier en version Fran?aise. La version Anglaise n'est pas compl?te mais vous pourrez avoir les infos indispensable pour votre participation. Adresse : Merci Hi, African Regional Conference on Cybersecurity web site is online since yersterday in French version. English version is not ok but you have information on accomodation and for your visa to come in Abidjan. Site address: Thank Didier Kla -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From annerachel at Thu Aug 7 23:40:24 2008 From: annerachel at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anne-Rachel_Inn=E9?=) Date: Fri Aug 8 06:40:24 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] ICANN Cairo meetings - 2-7 November 2008 Message-ID: Invitation letters can be requested online at: Schedule & Agendas The Cairo 2008 Meeting Schedule is planned to be posted by the end of August 2008. Please check back then for full schedule details. Social Events The ICANN meeting is planned to be an event where participants do not only meet to discuss key issues but also to strengthen bonds and ties of friendship. Invitees to the prestigious social events will enjoy the authentic Egyptian culture; where they will be surrounded by an enigmatic breeze of Egyptian history in the tremendous historic sites of Egypt. The combination of the Egyptian oriental atmosphere and sincere hospitality of the Egyptians coupled with the magical aura of Cairo nights attractions will mark the event so that participants will go safely to their homelands with unforgettable memories and professional gains. More information will be posted as soon as it becomes available. From monsar04 at Fri Aug 8 10:35:22 2008 From: monsar04 at (oscar Nsarhaza) Date: Fri Aug 8 11:03:13 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] FW: dates pour AF-Cybersec 2008/ Dates for AF-Cybersec In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Bonjour, Merci pour le message , nous nous mettons pour exploitern le contenu du site. Merci 2008/8/7 Anne-Rachel Inne > FYI ? > > > > *From:* KLA Didier Alain /DT [CIT] [] > *Sent:* Tuesday, August 05, 2008 1:09 PM > *To:*;; >;;; > Anne-Rachel Inne;;; >;;; >;;; >;;; >;;; >;;; >;; > *Cc:*;;; >;;; >;; >;; >; > *Subject:* RE: Changement de dates pour AF-Cybersec 2008/ Dates change for > AF-Cybersec > > > > Bonjour ? tous, > > Le site web de la conf?rence r?gionale africaine sur la cybers?curit? est > en ligne depuis hier en version Fran?aise. La version Anglaise n'est pas > compl?te mais vous pourrez avoir les infos indispensable pour votre > participation. > > Adresse : > > Merci > > > > Hi, > > African Regional Conference on Cybersecurity web site is online since > yersterday in French version. English version is not ok but you have > information on accomodation and for your visa to come in Abidjan. > > Site address: > > Thank > > > > Didier Kla > > _______________________________________________ > AfrICANN mailing list > > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From bartolomeumilton at Fri Aug 8 11:36:57 2008 From: bartolomeumilton at (Bartolomeu Milton) Date: Fri Aug 8 12:37:07 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] FW: dates pour AF-Cybersec 2008/ Dates for AF-Cybersec Message-ID: <> Thank you very much! Monsieur Didier Kla Regards ?Bartolomeu Milton Advisor to the Vice Minister of Science and Technology National Coordinator of the Commission for ICT Tel: +244 222 326 380 Fax: +244 222 326 380 Cellphone: +244 924 911 207 Mailto: ***************************************************** PAntes de imprimir este e-mail pense bem se ? realmente necess?rio faz?-lo: O ambiente ? um bem comum. Before printing this email think if you really need to do it: The environment is for all. ****************************************** Este e-mail e qualquer de seus ficheiros anexos s?o confidenciais e podem incluir informa??o privilegiada. Se voc? n?o for o destinat?rio adequado (ou pessoa respons?vel para reenvi?-la a pessoa indicada), agradeceria que reenviasse ao emissor deste e-mail. -------------------------------------------- This e-mail is confidential and may contain legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient it may be unlawful for you to read, copy, distribute or otherwise make use of the information herein. If you have received this e-mail in error, please contact us immediately. CNTI will accept no liability for the mistransmission, interference, or interception of any e-mail and you are reminded that e-mail is not a secure method of communication. ----- Messaggio originale ----- Da: oscar Nsarhaza A: Inviato: Venerd? 8 agosto 2008, 9:35:22 Oggetto: Re: [AfrICANN-discuss] FW: dates pour AF-Cybersec 2008/ Dates for AF-Cybersec Bonjour, Merci pour le message , nous nous mettons pour exploitern le contenu du site. Merci 2008/8/7 Anne-Rachel Inne FYI ? ? From:KLA Didier Alain /DT [CIT] [] Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2008 1:09 PM To:;;;;; Anne-Rachel Inne;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Cc:;;;;;;;;;;; Subject: RE: Changement de dates pour AF-Cybersec 2008/ Dates change for AF-Cybersec ? Bonjour ? tous, Le site web de la conf?rence r?gionale africaine sur la cybers?curit? est en ligne depuis hier en version Fran?aise. La version Anglaise n'est pas compl?te mais vous pourrez avoir les infos indispensable pour votre participation. Adresse?: Merci ? Hi, African Regional Conference on Cybersecurity web site is online since yersterday in French version. English version is not ok but you have information on accomodation and for your visa to come in Abidjan. Site address: Thank ? Didier Kla _______________________________________________ AfrICANN mailing list Posta, news, sport, oroscopo: tutto in una sola pagina. Crea l'home page che piace a te! -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From annerachel at Fri Aug 8 12:42:01 2008 From: annerachel at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anne-Rachel_Inn=E9?=) Date: Fri Aug 8 12:42:11 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] Vie des extensions TLD - le point ae et les autres -- for French speakers Message-ID: VIE DES EXTENSIONS - .AE par Nicolas SIMONIN Un nouveau registre pour le .AE C'est officiel : l'extension des Emirats Arabes Unis, le .AE, dispose d?sormais d'un nouveau registre l'.aeDA, organisme public qui succ?de ? l'UAEnic (soci?t? priv?e). L'.aeDA est une organisation a but non lucratif qui d?pend directement du TRA (Telecommunications Regulatory Authority) l'instance gouvernementale de r?gulation des t?l?coms des Emirats Arabes Unis. Elle prend d?sormais en charge la gestion administrative des noms en .AE. Vers un effort de promotion du .AE au niveau international "Les registrars et utilisateurs finaux du .AE auront acc?s ? un panel d'informations claires et imm?diatement exploitables. Notre objectif est de rendre le syst?me d'enregistrement en .AE efficace au niveau international en int?grant des outils d?velopp?s dans cette finalit?" a expliqu? Mohammed Nasser Al Ghanim, directeur g?n?ral du TRA, qui s'est f?licit? de cette ?volution dans la gestion de l'extension g?ographique des Emirats Arabes Unis. Une ?quipe d'ing?nieurs du TRA (Telecommunications Regulatory Authority) auront en charge de g?rer l'ensemble des services techniques li?es aux noms en .AE, et notamment le renouvellement des noms en .AE actuellement enregistr?s chez l'UAEnic (l'ancien registre). La gestion du .AE via son nouveau registre l'.aeDA entre en vigueur cette semaine. Publi? le lundi 4 ao?t 2008 Les liens de l'article - Enregistrer et g?rer vos .AE From monsar04 at Fri Aug 8 20:13:45 2008 From: monsar04 at (oscar Nsarhaza) Date: Fri Aug 8 21:08:25 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] Vie des extensions TLD - le point ae et les autres -- for French speakers In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> Bonjour , Message lu et compris. Merci pour l'information. Cordialement Le 08/08/08, Anne-Rachel Inn? a ?crit : > > > > > VIE DES EXTENSIONS - .AE par Nicolas SIMONIN > > > Un nouveau registre pour le .AE > > C'est officiel : l'extension des Emirats Arabes Unis, le .AE, dispose > d?sormais d'un nouveau registre l'.aeDA, organisme public qui succ?de > ? l'UAEnic (soci?t? priv?e). > > > L'.aeDA est une organisation a but non lucratif qui d?pend directement > du TRA (Telecommunications Regulatory Authority) l'instance > gouvernementale de r?gulation des t?l?coms des Emirats Arabes Unis. > Elle prend d?sormais en charge la gestion administrative des noms en > .AE. > > Vers un effort de promotion du .AE au niveau international > > "Les registrars et utilisateurs finaux du .AE auront acc?s ? un panel > d'informations claires et imm?diatement exploitables. Notre objectif > est de rendre le syst?me d'enregistrement en .AE efficace au niveau > international en int?grant des outils d?velopp?s dans cette finalit?" > a expliqu? Mohammed Nasser Al Ghanim, directeur g?n?ral du TRA, qui > s'est f?licit? de cette ?volution dans la gestion de l'extension > g?ographique des Emirats Arabes Unis. > > Une ?quipe d'ing?nieurs du TRA (Telecommunications Regulatory > Authority) auront en charge de g?rer l'ensemble des services > techniques li?es aux noms en .AE, et notamment le renouvellement des > noms en .AE actuellement enregistr?s chez l'UAEnic (l'ancien > registre). > > La gestion du .AE via son nouveau registre l'.aeDA entre en vigueur > cette semaine. > > Publi? le lundi 4 ao?t 2008 > > Les liens de l'article > - Enregistrer et g?rer vos .AE > > _______________________________________________ > AfrICANN mailing list > > > From annerachel at Fri Aug 8 19:21:40 2008 From: annerachel at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anne-Rachel_Inn=E9?=) Date: Fri Aug 8 22:23:10 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] Lots of week end reading -- different languages -- en plusieurs langues Message-ID: 12-17. Grant boost for .cym domain bid A ?20,000 grant to secure the "dot cym" TLD for Wales is to be given by the assembly government, a step that follows ICANN's decision to allow for more TLDs. Deputy First Minister Ieuan Wyn Jones said the money was to support the DotCYM campaign. Jones said it would "open up new marketing opportunities and help promote the Wales brand." But a Cardiff Business School report said there was little evidence to show .cym would promote Welsh culture. In its report in June 2007, it also said: "There is little evidence to suggest that a .cym domain will have substantial short-term economic benefit for Wales." 21-32. Net address bug worse than feared The recent flaw in the DNS found by Dan Kaminsky is in the news recently following his comments at the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas when he spoke publicly for the first time about his discovery. "Every network is at risk," he said. "That's what this flaw has shown." Meanwhile Ken Silva, chief technology officer at Verisign, said: "We have anticipated these flaws in DNS for many years and we have basically engineered around them." "Quite frankly, all the pieces of this have been staring us in the face for decades," said Paul Vixie, president of the Internet Systems Consortium, a non-profit that makes the software run by many of the world's DNS servers. While the presentation did not reveal anything new about the exploit, Dark Reading notes "Kaminsky went into vivid detail on the ubiquity of the DNS lookup process, and how it might be exploited in the wild. And the potential for attacks is broader than most previous reports indicated." Pointing out that the exploit affects much more than just the web, Kaminsky "pointed out that DNS address queries are embedded in a wide variety of applications and services that had not entered the conversation previously. "The Internet is more than just the Web," Kaminsky said. "HTTP is used in more than just the browser." "Most email systems, for example, contain DNS lookup capabilities and even their own name servers, Kaminsky observed. 'Email servers are awesome at doing DNS lookups,' he said. 'They will do a DNS lookup for any reason at all. And your spam filter will not stop this problem.'" The Washington Post reported "Kaminsky said that while some 120 million Internet users -- roughly 42 percent of the world's broadband subscribers -- are now protected by the patches, only about half of the vulnerable DNS servers worldwide were protected by the fix." The Post further noted "Kaminsky showed how the flaw could also be used to intercept or manipulate e-mails. Alternatively, an attacker might choose to poison the DNS records of a widely used Internet advertising firm to inject fake pop-up windows or other bogus alerts. "In another scenario, which plays on the fact that many Web sites allow users who have misplaced their password to click on a 'Forgot Your Password' link, attackers could use DNS hijacking techniques to trick the site into sending the password reset request to an address or computer that they control." However ZDNet reports of Cambridge University security expert Richard Clayton who told ZDNet UK that patching and randomization are effective only up to a point. "You can randomize the identifier for the packet, and you can randomize the port number, but the bad news about randomization is the birthday paradox," Clayton said. "If you have 20 people in a room, the chances are that two of them will share the same birthday. That's the problem, if you're choosing at random and an attacker is choosing at random. If you are using two-to-the-sixteen (65536) samples, and an attacker is sending samples at the rate of the square root of two to the sixteen, which is two to the eight (256), the attacker has a 50 percent chance of success.",1000000189,39458177,00.htm ********************** GOVERNANCE ********************** 1. Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the EU Global Online Freedom Act EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM: More and more authoritarian states as Belarus, Burma, the People's Republic of China, Cuba, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Vietnam censor the internet by blocking websites and filtering search results and intimidate internet users through 'cyber police' and obliged registration. As this constitutes a clear violation of human rights under article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, EU action needs to be undertaken, especially since European companies are cooperating with authoritarian governments to restrict the access of citizens to the provision of Internet and information society services. 2. Major U.S. Internet companies agree on a code of conduct for operating in repressive countries It's been a journey longer than the meandering, months-long trip the Olympic torch is taking to Friday's opening ceremonies in Beijing. But Google, Yahoo and Microsoft said today that they were close to finishing a voluntary code of conduct for doing business in China and other countries that censor the Internet -- a project they started in January 2007. 3. Internet firms agree to 'code of conduct' in China Just days before the Olympic torch will reach Beijing, Internet leaders Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft say they are close to an agreement on a code of conduct for doing business in China and other countries that censor the Internet. 4. Internet Companies Agree On China Code Of Conduct U.S. technology giants Microsoft, Google, and Yahoo, in talks with other Internet companies and human-rights groups, have reached an agreement on a voluntary code of conduct for activities in China and other restrictive countries, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday. 5. Vint Cerf calls for Internet speed limits Internet papa Vint Cerf said broadband speed limits rather than broadband data caps would be more useful in managing congested networks. 6. Cerf totes consumer SLAs Father of the internet and Google's chief internet evangelist, Vint Cerf has waded into the debate about how broadband carriers should manage network congestion, suggesting, in effect, data rate service level agreements (SLAs) for consumers. 7. Cerf's call for simple pricing: Net Neutrality all over again Vint Cerf, one of the co-inventors of the underlying technology that makes the Web work, now Google's Internet evangelist, has issued a call for throughput-based pricing by ISPs. This in response to the Comcast ruling by the FCC, which fined the cable carrier for capping bandwidth used by customers if they exceed what the company considers reasonable use?Comcast has called their approach, which can cap the number of bits a user sends per month "consumption-based pricing." 8. Questioning the Coming US Internet Clog One of the nation's top authorities on global Internet traffic growth says his latest data show no reason to fear network capacity shortages, as traffic growth may even be slightly decelerating. ********************** DOMAIN NAMES ********************** ********************** - ICANN ********************** 9. .ORG & NCUC Joint Letter to ICANN on Internationalized Domain Names by PIR Recently we teamed up with the Non-Commercial Users Constituency (NCUC) to express our concern to ICANN that the rights and needs of end-users are taken into account in the discussion of Internationalized Domain Names (IDN). 10. Can ICANN Manage the DNS Root Zone by Itself? "No!" Says US Department of Commerce In a recent letter, the US Department of Commerce NTIA strongly denied being engaged in discussions about a "root zone transition" from VeriSign to ICANN. The community, ICANN President Strategic Committee (PSC), and perhaps ICANN and IANA staff are suddenly informed that no transition of root zone management is going to occur. 11. ICANN to raise awareness of domain name system vulnerability [sub req'd] ********************** - ccTLD & gTLD NEWS ********************** 12. Grant boost for .cym domain bid A ?20,000 grant to secure a "dot cym" internet address for Wales is to be given by the assembly government. Deputy First Minister Ieuan Wyn Jones said the money was to support the DotCYM campaign for a Welsh version of the .com or endings. 13. Bid for .cym for Welsh websites WELSH companies should have the right to use .cym as well as .com on their websites, Deputy First Minister Ieuan Wyn Jones said yesterday. 14. More options for Welsh identity on the net The campaign to allow Welsh companies to use the .cym suffix in their web addresses is almost as old as the internet itself, so it's pleasing to see this decent idea finally take its first steps off the drawing board. 15. Assembly cash for dotCYM campaign DEPUTY First Minister Ieuan Wyn Jones will today announce Assembly Government funding to campaign for "full internet status for Wales". 16. Wales applying for its own domain name The Welsh deputy first minister is backing a campaign for a Welsh internet domain name. 17. DotCym campaign wins ?20k grant Wales The Welsh Assembly is to donate ?20,000 to support the campaign to secure the "dot cym" internet address for Wales. 18. N.Korea Likely to Provide Internet Service from 2009 It seems likely that North Korea will finally join the worldwide web and provide Internet service from next year. Kim Sang-myung, the chief of the North Korea Intellectuals Solidarity, a group of former North Korean professionals, at a symposium in the National Assembly on Wednesday said, "According to the Internet Access Roadmap it launched in 2002, North Korea will begin providing Internet service for special agencies and authorized individuals as early as next year." ... It has also recently finished necessary consultations with ICANN for the Internet service in North Korea. In this situation, North Korea can begin providing Internet service any time provided equipment for server and Internet-based relay systems is supplied, Kim said. 19. 100,000 .me Domain Names Now Registered The .ME Registry announced today it has registered more than 100,000 domain names. This milestone comes a little more than two weeks after opening for live, real-time registrations by the general public and less than four months after opening its doors. 20. .ME Domain Crosses 100,000 Milestone New personalized domain .ME is the hot new destination for Web addresses. The milestone comes a little more than two weeks after opening for live, real-time registrations by the general public and less than four months after opening its doors. ********************** - DNS SECURITY ********************** 21. Net address bug worse than feared A recently found flaw in the internet's addressing system is worse than first feared, says the man who found it. Dan Kaminsky made his comments when speaking publicly for the first time about his discovery at the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas. 22. Kaminsky: Many ways to attack with DNS [IDG] There were 6 a.m. calls from Finnish certificate authorities and also some pretty harsh words from his peers in the security community, even an accidentally leaked Black Hat presentation, but after managing the response to one of the most highly publicized Internet flaws in recent memory, Dan Kaminsky said Wednesday that he'd do it all over again. 23. Kaminsky: DNS Vulnerability Will Affect Email, Internal Systems, Too After almost a month of holding back, security researcher Dan Kaminsky took off the gloves and delivered the full impact of his newly discovered Domain Name Server vulnerability to an audience of more than 2,000 security experts here. 24. Kaminsky reveals 'many ways' to attack with DNS [IDG] Dan Kaminsky has revealed more details about the DNS flaw, and has said that he would do it all over again, despite receiving some harsh words from his peers in the security community. 25. Dan Kaminsky Reveals DNS Flaw At Black Hat At the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas on Wednesday, attendees occupied every available seat and most of the floor space to hear security researcher Dan Kaminsky finally explain the Domain Name System (DNS) vulnerability that has been the talk of the Internet security community since early July. 26. IOActive's Kaminsky Warns: DNS Danger Still Exists IOActive's Dan Kaminsky discovered a DNS vulnerability in July, and the attack code was released weeks later. At his Black Hat speech, Kaminsky warned that patching the DNS vulnerability is urgent. Though Kaminsky said 85 percent of Fortune 500 firms have patched their networks to fix the DNS vulnerability, too many users are still unprotected. 27. Kaminsky Details DNS Flaw at Black Hat Talk Roughly 85 percent of Fortune 500 companies have patched their networks to fix a security flaw that lets cyber criminals redirect visitors to counterfeit or malicious Web sites, but Internet users still remain at grave risk due to the large number of infrastructure providers that have not yet addressed the issue, a prominent security researcher warned today. 28. Email gets hit by major web security flaw [AP] A newly discovered flaw in the internet's core infrastructure not only permits hackers to force people to visit websites they didn't want to, it also allows them to intercept email messages, the researcher who discovered the bug said. 29. Giant cyberspace security hole getting fixed, slowly [AP] A giant vulnerability in the internet's design is allowing criminals to silently redirect traffic to websites under their control. The problem is being fixed, but its extent remains unknown and many people are still at risk. 30. Kaminsky reveals details and extent of DNS flaw Security researcher Dan Kaminsky has given details of a fundamental flaw in the Domain Name System, and the extent of the vulnerability.,1000000189,39458177,00.htm 31. Day 30: Kaminsky DNS Bug Disclosure In a highly anticipated presentation, Internet security researcher Dan Kaminsky today gave details of the much talked about Domain Name System (DNS) vulnerability issue which has been intensely covered since it was publicly announced a month ago on Jul 8th. 32. Kaminsky (finally) reveals gaping hole in internet Black Hat After a four-week orgy of speculation, recrimination and warnings, Dan Kaminsky's domain-name system vulnerability has finally gone public. And boy, are we glad the net's overlords paid attention. 33. Beijing Braces for Olympic Cyber-War - Can the world's most futuristic data center protect the Olympics' storage? With the world's eyes firmly focused on Beijing, officials and IT staff are bracing themselves for a flood of cyber-attacks when the Olympic Games begin later this week. 34. Giant online security hole getting fixed, slowly [AP] A giant vulnerability in the Internet's design is allowing criminals to silently redirect traffic to Web sites under their control. The problem is being fixed, but its extent remains unknown and many people are still at risk. 35. Russian Gang Hijacking PCs in Vast Scheme A criminal gang is using software tools normally reserved for computer network administrators to infect thousands of PCs in corporate and government networks with programs that steal passwords and other information, a security researcher has found. 36. DHS: Networking security worth the money [IDG] When it comes to investing in computer security, the U.S. federal government could get a good return on investment by shoring up its networking protocols, according to the man who's been hired to coordinate computer security between federal agencies. 37. New US cyber defense coordinator hints at plans [AP] One of the United States' biggest challenges in securing government computers from foreign attacks isn't necessarily technical. The country first needs to figure out how much those networks are worth and how much the U.S. should spend on protecting them, the new Homeland Security official in charge of that effort said Thursday. ********************** - DOMAIN DISPUTES ********************** 38. Retailers Beware ? Recent Losses In Domain Name Decisions [reg req'd] Retailers and brands in the retail sector have recently been hit with a string of losses under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Procedure ("UDRP"), which was designed to offer brand owners a quick and relatively inexpensive way of resolving domain name disputes. 39. us: State Fund Insurance Nailed for Reverse Domain Name Hijacking State Fund Mutual Insurance, a company providing workers' compensation insurance in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and South Dakota, has been found guilty of reverse domain name hijacking in its attempt to snag 40. us: SureWest critic will change Web site's address The Sacramento computer programmer and SureWest Communications shareholder who started a Web site critical of the Roseville company's move to drop its quarterly dividend plans to change the domain address. ********************** - IPv4/IPv6 ********************** 41. DISA certifies Red Hat OS for IPv6 The Defense Information Systems Agency has certified the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) operating system as being ready for swapping Internet Protocol version 6 packets with other Defense Department servers, Red Hat announced this week. ********************** - MISCELLANEOUS ********************** 42. New publication on Domain Name Law A new international Handbook on Domain Name Law has been published. The "Handbuch des Domainrechts" is an updated German version of the international Handbook "Domain Name Law and Practice"which was published by Oxford University Press in 2005. It was edited and written by leading experts in the fields of domain name dispute resolution and trade mark law from around the world. 43. VeriSign shares fall after 2nd-quarter report [AP] VeriSign Inc.'s shares fell Thursday after the Internet infrastructure company reported a wider second-quarter loss as it absorbed the costs of a major reorganization. 44. VeriSign Reports Second Quarter 2008 Results [news release] VeriSign, Inc. ... reported financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2008. VeriSign reported revenue of $303 million for the second quarter of 2008. On a GAAP basis, VeriSign reported a net loss of $68 million and a net loss per share of $0.35. These GAAP results reflect a $92 million non-cash impairment charge on certain long-lived assets and assets held for sale. Also recorded were restructuring charges of $98 million in continuing and discontinued operations. ... VeriSign Naming Services ended the quarter with approximately 87.3 million active domain names in the adjusted zone for .com and .net, representing a 3% increase over Q1 2008 and 20% increase year over year. In June, VeriSign announced additional infrastructure deployments in Europe with new sites in France and Belgium to fortify its Internet infrastructure as part of Project Titan. 45. VeriSign's Losses Widen VeriSign reported higher losses in the second quarter in part because of restructuring-related charges. The company posted net loss of $68 million, or 35 cents a share, that included a $92 million non-cash impairment charge and restructuring charges of $98 million. That compares with a net loss of $4.7 million, or 2 cents a share the year before. 46. VeriSign reports $68 million loss [Bloomberg] VeriSign, the biggest operator of computers that direct Internet traffic, reported a $68 million loss and projected sales that missed some estimates as growth in the number of Web sites slowed. 47. VeriSign Reports 2Q Losses VeriSign has reported a net loss of $68 million or $0.35 per share for the second quarter, despite ending the quarter with approximately 87.3 million active domain names, a 3 percent increase over Q1 and a 20 percent increase year over year. 48. Gives Out Free Domain Names is giving away domain names , 1 per company. There appears to be no-strings-attached to the promotion. This isn't an affiliate link either . . . probably should be eh ? Click here to get a free domain name. 49. Registries Must Lobby GoDaddy for Success - GoDaddy 's power in domain registration cannot be ignored. Here's a tip to any registries for new domains coming online in the next couple years: before you create your marketing strategy and invest in infrastructure, go cozy up with your new pal Bob Parsons at GoDaddy. 50. The Dutch Cable SIP Exchange Project, XConnect Global Networks and Nokia Siemens Networks Successfully Test Intelligent Network (C7) and ENUM Integration in Cable Telephony Peering Project [news release] The Dutch Cable SIP Exchange project (SIPX), an initiative of the Dutch cable industry, successfully tested interoperability between its peering system, which is provided by XConnect Global Networks, Ltd., and the Nokia Siemens Networks hiQ VoIP platform used in many of its participant networks. ********************** - DOMAINING & AFTERMARKET ********************** 51. Google offers deeper look into searches Google is giving everyone a chance to peek deeper into its database of search requests and discover the things that preoccupy individuals and, in aggregate, entire cities, regions or nations, at any one time. 52. New Google tool aims to provide more insight into online searches Google Inc. yesterday rolled out a new tool that it said can help marketing and advertising users better analyze Internet search patterns, while also adding new tools such as a "heat map" for graphically displaying search volumes and other data. 53. T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Down Under to Donate Profits to ICA; Discount Pass Expires Soon T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Down Under is happening on the Gold Coast, Australia, with (Dark Blue Sea Ltd) and T.R.A.F.F.I.C. partnering to host the premiere event being held from November 18 to 20, to be held at the Sheraton Mirage Resort, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. 54. Domain Roundtable Goes to Washington Next conference will be held in Washington D.C. June 2009. 55. au: Domain name sales dip no surprise The number of internet domain names being bought and sold has dropped off in just the second month since a rule change that allowed them to be openly trading was introduced. 56. Domain Trading Post takes over as Australia's largest .au aftermarket Australia's newest domain name aftermarket trading website, Domain Trading Post has quickly taken over as the premier marketplace for trading secondary domain names. 57. Sells for $220,000 The domain name has sold for $220,000 at Sedo , according to the "recent sales" section of the site. 58. New York TRAFFIC Auction - Open call for Domains Aftermarket logoWe are pleased to announce the launch of the first phase of This first phase is a dual online & offline auction system using the new platform of DomainTools created specifically for the ********************** - NON-ENGLISH NEWS ********************** 59. DNS-Pr?ftools von der ICANN Die Internet-Adressverwaltung ICANN hat am Mittwoch neue Hilfedokumente und Online-Werkzeuge zur Behebung der DNS-Sicherheitsl?cke bereitgestellt, die unl?ngst von dem US-Sicherheitsexperten Dan Kaminsky vorgestellt wurde. 60. IETF diskutiert ?bergangsszenarien f?rs neue Internetprotokoll IPv6 Die Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) disktutiert derzeit heftig ?ber die ?bergangszenarien auf dem Weg zum Internetprotokoll IPv6. Gleich mehrere Vorschl?ge dazu, wie sich IPv4-Systeme mit IPv6-Systemen verst?ndigen sollen, legten die Entwickler auf ihrem Treffen in Dublin auf den Tisch. Beachtung fand die L?sung, die seit zwei Jahren das chinesische Forschungsnetzwerk Cernet mit dem Cernet 2 verbindet, das IPv6-Adressen nutzt. 61. Kaminsky ver?ffentlicht letzte Details zur DNS-Schwachstelle Dan Kaminsky hat in seinem Black-Hat-Vortrag die letzten Details zu der vom ihm entdeckten Schwachstelle im Domain Name System enth?llt. Neben dem Angriff auf einen CNAME-Record ist es offenbar m?glich, einem anfragenden Nameserver eine Antwort mit gef?lschten Angaben f?r die Anfrage bei weiteren Nameservern unterzujubeln. Damit l?sst sich nicht nur ein einzelner Adress-Eintrag im Cache manipulieren, sondern alle weiteren Anfragen an den Nameserver eines Angreifers umleiten. 62. Wie ein Riesenloch im Netz die Sicherheit bedroht Es ist die gr??te und gef?hrlichste Sicherheitsl?cke, die es je im Internet gegeben hat: Geld ?berweisen, Aktien kaufen, E-Mails schicken - jede Aktion im Netz ist ein Risiko. Jetzt hat ein Experte erstmals erkl?rt, wie Kriminelle die Schwachstelle ausnutzen k?nnen.,1518,570584,00.html 63. Dan Kaminsky w?rde es wieder tun Nachdem er im Februar auf einen grundlegenden schweren Fehler im Internet-Adressdienst DNS (Domain Name System) stie?, hatte Dan Kaminsky wirklich keine leichte Zeit. Trotzdem w?rde er im Wiederholungsfalle wieder alles genauso machen. 64. Verschiedene Angriffsszenarien m?glich DNS-Bug-Entdecker Dan Kaminsky warnt vor verschiedenen denkbaren Angriffsszenarien. Auch SSL-Verbindungen sind von der Sicherheitsl?cke bedroht. 65. DNS-L?cke gr?sser als urspr?nglich angenommen Die von Dan Kaminsky entdeckte Sicherheitsl?cke im Domain Name System (DNS) ist gr?sser als zun?chst angenommen. Wie er laut diversen Medienberichten bei seinem heutigen Vortrag an der Black-Hat-Konferenz in Las Vegas mitgeteilt habe, liessen sich auch SSL-Verbindungen knacken. 66. Giftangriff aufs Netz Eine L?cke im Internet-Telefonbuch DNS zeigt, wie anf?llig wichtige Teile der Internet-Infrastruktur sind. Beim Online-Banking k?nnten dadurch Kunden auf Seiten von Kriminellen landen - ohne etwas zu merken. 67. .Asia: Vergabestelle ist zufrieden mit Auktionsergebnissen Seit Beginn der Vergabe der .asia-Domain wurden durch Auktionen bereits ?ber 7 Millionen US-Dollar eingenommen. Das gab die Vergabestelle DotAsia gestern bekannt. Unter den Top 10 der wertvollsten Auktionsdomains (einige sind noch nicht beendet) sind u. a.: 68. Sedo Live Auktion in Berlin: Abstimmung gestartet Am 05. September werden auf der Sedo Live Auktion in Berlin beim Domainvermarkter Forum exklusive Domainnamen zur Versteigerung angeboten. Welche Domains das sein werden, entscheiden auch Sie! Aus ?ber 10.000 Bewerbungen haben wir bereits eine Vorauswahlliste mit ca. 350 Domainnamen zusammengestellt. Jetzt m?chten wir von Ihnen wissen: Welche Domains finden Sie am Besten? Sie k?nnen bis zu 10 Stimmen abgeben. Der Abstimmungsprozess endet am Montag, den 11. August um 20 Uhr MEZ. 69. Olympia-Betrugsseiten haben Hochkonjunktur Der Run auf Tickets f?r die Olympischen Spiele in Peking ruft Cyberkriminelle auf den Plan. Wieder einmal setzen diese auf gef?lschte Webseiten, um Nutzern mit angeblichen Kartenverk?ufen vertrauliche Daten zu entlocken. 70. Vint Cerf: Wie sieht vern?nftiges Netzwerkmanagement aus? Vint Cerf, einer der V?ter des Internets und "Chief Internet Evangelist" bei Google, hat in einem Google-Blog erl?utert, warum Netzwerkmanagement notwendig sei und wie er sich ein faires Netzwerkmanagement vorstellt. 71. Internetpionier Vint Cerf f?r lastabh?ngige Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung im Netz Vint Cerf, Mitentwickler von TCP/IP und als einer der "V?ter des Internet" tituliert, hat sich f?r eine Art Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung auf der Datenautobahn zur Vermeidung von Staus ausgesprochen. Im netzpolitischen Blog seines derzeitigen Arbeitgebers Google schl?gt Cerf eine Begrenzung der ?bertragungsraten von Daten in Zeiten mit hohem Verkehrsaufkommen vor. 72. Black Hat: Kaminsky livre les d?tails sur la faille du DNS Malgr? la pression des autorit?s et les commentaires parfois peu am?nes de ses pairs du milieu de la s?curit?, si c'?tait ? refaire, Dan Kaminsky le referait, car d?sormais ? des centaines de millions de gens sont plus en s?curit? ?. S'exprimant hier ? la conf?rence Black Hat de Las Vegas, le d?couvreur de la faille des DNS est revenu sur sa fa?on de proc?der, et a affirm? qu'il existait de multiples moyens d'exploiter cette faille, y compris pour circonvenir la s?curit? d'un certificat SSL. 73. Black Hat: Kaminsky fait le point sur la 'faille DNS' L'intervention de Dan Kaminsky, le chercheur en s?curit? ? l'origine de la d?couverte d'une faille inh?rente au protocole DNS (Domain Name System) ?tait attendue comme l'un des points forts de la ? Black Hat ?. Il n'aura finalement pas eu ? d?voiler les modalit?s techniques d'exploitation de cette vuln?rabilit? puisque d'autres s'en sont charg?s avant lui, mais a pu analyser la r?ponse des ?diteurs et ?quipementiers concern?s ? cette d?couverte sans pr?c?dent. 74. Faille DNS: un risque difficilement mesurable Les effets de la faille s?curitaire qui permet aux pirates d'exploiter le Domain Name System (DNS) sont difficilement mesurables, soutiennent diff?rents experts en s?curit? informatique. 75. Dan Kaminsky parle: La faille DNS plus grave que pr?vue La conf?rence de l'inventeur de la vuln?rabilit? DNS, Dan Kaminsky la confirm? au Black Hat, la faille DNS est grave. 76. Noms de domaine : promotion sur l'achat d'un .travel Registravel, repr?sentant fran?ais de Tralliance Corporation, gestionnaire des noms de domaine en ".travel" annonce une promotion sur la vente de ces derniers. 77. Les IDN argentins lanc?s cette semaine Les noms de domaines en .AR accepteront ? partir du 7 ao?t 2008 15 nouveaux caract?res accentu?s espagnols et portugais. Priorit? aux d?tenteurs de noms en .AR. 78. Les h?ritiers de Caillebotte d?bout?s en UDRP Enregistr? par une soci?t? n?o-z?landaise, les h?ritiers du c?l?bre peintre n'ont pu obtenir le transfert de, faute de disposer d'un droit de marque reconnu par l'expert. 79. dotCYM: ?20,000 o hwb Mae ymgyrchwyr wedi dweud bod ?20,000 oddi wrth Lywodraeth y Cynulliad yn "gam mawr" wrth anelu at gael parth .cym ar y we. 80. Nooit was beveiliging internet zo lek Noodoplossing is er, maar eenderde van Nederlandse bedrijven heeft die niet ingevoerd 81. Hackers vallen lek internet aan Kaminsky ontdekte de fout een half jaar geleden. Inmiddels is een zogeheten patch op de markt gebracht waarmee computerbezitters zich tegen de gevolgen van de fout kunnen beschermen. Kaminsky stelde echter dat nog lang niet iedereen deze software heeft ge?nstalleerd. 82. Hackers vallen lek internet aan [ANP] Hackers hebben gebruik gemaakt van een cruciale fout in het internet. "Er gebeuren hele rare dingen", aldus internetdeskundige Dan Kaminsky op een congres in de Amerikaanse stad Las Vegas, waar voor het eerst publiekelijk over de fout gesproken werd. 83. Un fallo peor de lo temido Hace unos meses, un especialista en seguridad inform?tica detect? de forma accidental, seg?n sus propias declaraciones, un grav?simo fallo en uno de los pilares b?sicos que sustentan la Red, el Domain Name System (DNS), cuya funci?n es traducir al lenguaje natural los n?meros que componen las direcciones de Internet. 84. Expertos en seguridad inform?tica discuten falla que permite ataques [AFP] Profesionales en seguridad inform?tica llenaron un sal?n de Las Vegas este mi?rcoles para asistir a la primera reuni?n informativa sobre una falla en Internet que permiti? a hackers entrometerse en el tr?fico en la web. 85. .pa: 618 Nombres de Dominios ser?n liberados el S?bado 09 de Agosto de 2008 Confirmando nuestro compromiso en ofrecerles el mejor servicio y atenci?n personalizada, NIC-Panam? les comunica que el S?bado 09 de Agosto de 2008 proceder? a liberar 618 Nombres de Dominio. Los Nombres de Dominio liberados estar?n disponibles para ser registrados a partir de esa fecha. 86. .co: Aprueban nuevas politicas de delegacion de nombres de dominio bajo el ccTLD .co El Ministerio de Comunicaciones informa a la comunidad en general que la pol?tica del ccTLD .co fue aprobada el pasado 30 de julio mediante Resoluci?n 001652 de 2008. 87. Brecha no DNS ainda amea?a internautas [AP] Uma falha na estrutura central da internet, descoberta recentemente, n?o apenas permite que hackers induzam pessoas a visitarem sites que elas n?o querem, mas tamb?m facilita a intercepta??o de e-mails, disseram pesquisadores. 88. Nytt navn: Killstatoil? Kan ett av domenenavnene Statoil eier v?re det nye navnet p? StatoilHydro? er blant de frekke domenene. 89. Stories in Russian mentioning ICANN From annerachel at Sat Aug 9 18:23:28 2008 From: annerachel at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anne-Rachel_Inn=E9?=) Date: Sat Aug 9 18:23:38 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] Updates to New gTLD Program Implementation Message-ID: Updates to New gTLD Program Implementation 8 August 2008 Economic Case for Auctions in New gTLDs Paper Released -- During the ICANN meeting in Paris, France, ICANN staff made a commitment to release a paper describing the economic case for auctions as a tiebreaking mechanism for resolving contention among identical or confusingly similar applications for new gTLDs. ICANN is today making the Economic Case for Auctions in New gTLDs paper available so that the community can provide feedback on this element of the forthcoming implementation plan. The paper [PDF, 52K] was prepared by ICANN's auction design consultant PowerAuctions LLC with support from ICANN staff. The paper notes that auctions as a tiebreaking mechanism accomplish a goal of allocative efficiency through a transparent, objective and scalable process for the resolution of gTLD applications. This paper does not address specific details on how an auction process to resolve string contention may be conducted. These details will be provided as part of the larger information on new gTLD implementation to be presented to the community in the near future. A public forum has been established at at Comments submitted to will be considered until 7 September 2008 23:59 UTC (8 Aug 2008). ________________________________________ String Similarity Algorithm Update -- ICANN staff recently completed a workshop with SWORD, the partner who is assisting ICANN with the creation of an algorithm that will help automate the process for assessing similarity among proposed and existing TLD strings. SWORD's verbal search algorithms are used by various patent and trademark offices throughout the world. SWORD has completed a beta algorithm and reviewed several test cases with ICANN staff. This is being done in order to refine the parameters and discuss how the algorithm could be successfully integrated as a tool to help implement the GNSO's recommendation that new gTLD strings should not result in user confusion with existing TLDs. ________________________________________ Backend Registry Certification Not Available in First Round -- On 31 January 2008, ICANN posted an announcement ( to inform the community that it was exploring a potential initiative for the certification of backend registry operators for new gTLDs. ICANN staff has determined not to proceed with this initiative in the first round of the new gTLD process. The initiative was suggested as a possible means to streamline the application process for new gTLDs and to create a pool of pre-qualified registry operators who could provide assistance in the event of a registry failure. Exploration of the initiative was also prompted by inquiries from community members who expressed the potential positive aspects that creation of the certification might promote. During the exploration of the initiative, ICANN consulted with the community including technical experts and gTLD and ccTLD registries and registry service providers. Potential operational benefits and risks of implementing the initiative were assessed. Ultimately, a decision was made to not proceed with certification as part of the initial new gTLD application round based upon a number of factors. Some of these are: additional assessment as to effects certification might have on the marketplace, e.g., whether the implementation might cause expansion or contraction; additional collaboration with the community as to the terms of such a certification; and weighing the potential post-certification activities including ongoing testing, re-certification and the introduction of new compliance activities. It was also deemed important to be able to assess the positive and negative aspects of the new gTLD implementation without possible crossover effects of this additional certifi! cation. This independence of interactions can be better assured by introducing the certification (if it is deemed appropriate after additional analysis) at a later date. Both ccTLD and gTLD backend registry operators can still offer to provide registry services to new gTLDs. The Request for Proposals for new gTLDs, when published, will detail the minimum technical criteria and pre-delegation check requirements that must be met by every applicant prior to the approval of their TLD for insertion into the root. New gTLD applicants might choose to build their own registry infrastructure and systems, retain the services of an existing gTLD or ccTLD registry services provider, or contract with another technical services provider. From Glen at Sun Aug 10 16:34:14 2008 From: Glen at (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Glen_de_Saint_G=E9ry?=) Date: Sun Aug 10 16:34:31 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] Updates to New gTLD Program Implementation Message-ID: <> Updates to New gTLD Program Implementation 8 August 2008 Economic Case for Auctions in New gTLDs Paper Released -- During the ICANN meeting in Paris, France, ICANN staff made a commitment to release a paper describing the economic case for auctions as a tiebreaking mechanism for resolving contention among identical or confusingly similar applications for new gTLDs. ICANN is today making the Economic Case for Auctions in New gTLDs paper available so that the community can provide feedback on this element of the forthcoming implementation plan. The paper [PDF, 52K] was prepared by ICANN's auction design consultant PowerAuctions LLC with support from ICANN staff. The paper notes that auctions as a tiebreaking mechanism accomplish a goal of allocative efficiency through a transparent, objective and scalable process for the resolution of gTLD applications. This paper does not address specific details on how an auction process to resolve string contention may be conducted. These details will be provided as part of the larger information on new gTLD implementation to be presented to the community in the near future. A public forum has been established at at Comments submitted to will be considered until 7 September 2008 23:59 UTC (8 Aug 2008). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- String Similarity Algorithm Update -- ICANN staff recently completed a workshop with SWORD, the partner who is assisting ICANN with the creation of an algorithm that will help automate the process for assessing similarity among proposed and existing TLD strings. SWORD's verbal search algorithms are used by various patent and trademark offices throughout the world. SWORD has completed a beta algorithm and reviewed several test cases with ICANN staff. This is being done in order to refine the parameters and discuss how the algorithm could be successfully integrated as a tool to help implement the GNSO's recommendation that new gTLD strings should not result in user confusion with existing TLDs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Backend Registry Certification Not Available in First Round -- On 31 January 2008, ICANN posted an announcement ( to inform the community that it was exploring a potential initiative for the certification of backend registry operators for new gTLDs. ICANN staff has determined not to proceed with this initiative in the first round of the new gTLD process. The initiative was suggested as a possible means to streamline the application process for new gTLDs and to create a pool of pre-qualified registry operators who could provide assistance in the event of a registry failure. Exploration of the initiative was also prompted by inquiries from community members who expressed the potential positive aspects that creation of the certification might promote. During the exploration of the initiative, ICANN consulted with the community including technical experts and gTLD and ccTLD registries and registry service providers. Potential operational benefits and risks of implementing the initiative were assessed. Ultimately, a decision was made to not proceed with certification as part of the initial new gTLD application round based upon a number of factors. Some of these are: additional assessment as to effects certification might have on the marketplace, e.g., whether the implementation might cause expansion or contraction; additional collaboration with the community as to the terms of such a certification; and weighing the potential post-certification activities including ongoing testing, re-certification and the introduction of new compliance activities. It was also deemed important to be able to assess the positive and negative aspects of the new gTLD implementation without possible crossover effects of this additional certification. This independence of interactions can be better assured by introducing the certification (if it is deemed appropriate after additional analysis) at a later date. Both ccTLD and gTLD backend registry operators can still offer to provide registry services to new gTLDs. The Request for Proposals for new gTLDs, when published, will detail the minimum technical criteria and pre-delegation check requirements that must be met by every applicant prior to the approval of their TLD for insertion into the root. New gTLD applicants might choose to build their own registry infrastructure and systems, retain the services of an existing gTLD or ccTLD registry services provider, or contract with another technical services provider. Glen de Saint G?ry GNSO Secretariat From emko at Mon Aug 11 12:35:55 2008 From: emko at (Eric M.K Osiakwan) Date: Mon Aug 11 15:36:06 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] TANCon Africa 2008 Next Frontier in Business: Propelling Africa to New Hieghts advert References: <004101c8fb9b$dfc3e880$9f4bb980$> Message-ID: > ? ? Eric M.K Osiakwan ICT Integrator Internet Research 42 Ring Road Central, Accra-North Tel: +233.21.258800 ext 2031 Fax: +233.21.258811 Cell: +233.24.4386792 -------------- next part -------------- Skipped content of type multipart/related From annerachel at Tue Aug 12 14:03:20 2008 From: annerachel at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anne-Rachel_Inn=E9?=) Date: Tue Aug 12 14:32:05 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] most competitive economies - world Message-ID: All, Internet related ----- economically... For those interested. U.S. drops to 6th on list of most competitive economies Author: RP news wires Issue: / Switzerland, Finland and Sweden are the world's most competitive economies according to The Global Competitiveness Report 2006-2007, released September 26 by the World Economic Forum. Denmark, Singapore, the United States, Japan, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom complete the top 10 list, but the United States shows the most pronounced drop, falling from first to sixth. "The top rankings of Switzerland and the Nordic countries show that good institutions and competent macroeconomic management, coupled with world-class educational attainment and a focus on technology and innovation, are a successful strategy for boosting competitiveness in an increasingly complex global economy," said Augusto Lopez-Claros, Chief Economist and Director of the World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Network. "Business activity in these countries benefits from a well-developed institutional framework, characterized by the rule of law, an efficient judicial system and high levels of transparency and accountability within public institutions. Excellent infrastructure is an additional positive feature of the business environment. Our indicators point to the rapidly growing importance of higher education and training as engines of productivity growth. Countries that, like the Nordics, are investing heavily in education are likely to see rising levels of income per capita, growing success in reducing poverty and an increasing ability to establish a presence in the global economy." The rankings are drawn from a combination of publicly available hard data and the results of the Executive Opinion Survey, a comprehensive annual survey conducted by the World Economic Forum, together with its network of Partner Institutes (leading research institutes and business organizations) in the countries covered by the report. This year, more than 11,000 business leaders were polled in a record 125 economies worldwide. The survey questionnaire is designed to capture a broad range of factors affecting an economy's business climate that are critical determinants of sustained economic growth. The Forum annually delivers a comprehensive overview of the main strengths and weaknesses in a large number of countries, making it possible to identify key areas for policy formulation and reform. Global Competitiveness Index 2006 and 2005 comparisons GCI GCI GCI Country/Economy 2006 Rank 2006 Score 2005 Rank Changes 2005-2006 Switzerland 1 5.81 4 ? 3 Finland 2 5.76 2 ? 0 Sweden 3 5.74 7 ? 4 Denmark 4 5.70 3 ? -1 Singapore 5 5.63 5 ? 0 United States 6 5.61 1 ? -5 Japan 7 5.60 10 ? 3 Germany 8 5.58 6 ? -2 Netherlands 9 5.56 11 ? 2 United Kingdom 10 5.54 9 ? -1 Download the full Global Competitiveness Rankings (PDF or Excel format) This year marks an important progression in The Global Competitiveness Report's methodology, with the adoption of a new, more comprehensive, tool to assess countries' competitiveness: the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI). Developed for the World Economic Forum by professor Xavier Sala-i-Martin of Columbia University, the new index ? representing two years of collaboration with him and feedback from a broad set of users ? extends and deepens the concepts and ideas underpinning the earlier index used by the Forum. "The introduction of the Global Competitiveness Index is a logical extension of the World Economic Forum's competitiveness work. Changes in the global economy and the increasing complexity which characterize the business environment have made it necessary to develop an instrument that captures a larger set of factors affecting the evolution of economic growth," said Lopez-Carlos. "We are confident that this index, elegant in design and with a strong conceptual underpinning, will become an important tool for dialogue with policy-makers and the business community on the key drivers of productivity." "With the growing complexity of the global economy, The Global Competitiveness Report is a contribution to enhancing our understanding of the key factors which determine economic growth and will help explain why some countries are much more successful than others in raising income levels and opportunities for their respective populations. By providing detailed assessments of the economic conditions of nations worldwide, the report offers policy-makers and business leaders an important tool in the formulation of improved economic policies and institutional reforms," noted Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum. Harvard Business School professor Michael E. Porter presents the results of the Business Competitiveness Index (BCI), an especially useful complement to the GCI, with its emphasis on a range of company-specific factors conducive to improved efficiency and productivity, such as the sophistication of the operating practices and strategies of companies and the quality of the microeconomic business environment in which a nation's companies compete. Results of the BCI rankings are fully reported in the executive summary and available online at The World Economic Forum continues to expand geographic coverage of The Global Competitiveness Report and with the current instalment featuring a total of 125 economies, this report is the most comprehensive of its type. This year, coverage has been expanded to Angola, Barbados, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Lesotho, Mauritania, Nepal, Suriname and Zambia. This year's report features a number of country-specific boxes on Argentina, Brazil, France, Hungary, Israel, Japan, South Africa, Turkey and the United States, providing an in-depth analysis of the issues affecting national competitiveness. Moreover, it contains a number of external studies on pertinent issues related to global competitiveness and, more generally, themes which emanate from the World Economic Forum's concern with growth and development. In addition to these, the report also includes an interview, in which Lopez-Claros talks to Harvard professors Richard Cooper and Kenneth Rogoff about the ramifications of global imbalances. The report contains a detailed country/economy profile for each of the 125 economies featured in the study, providing a comprehensive summary of the overall position in the Index rankings as well as a guide to what are considered to be the most prominent competitive advantages and competitive disadvantages of each. Also included is an extensive section of data tables with global rankings covering over 100 indicators. Highlights ? Switzerland is No. 1 in The Global Competitiveness Report for the first time, reflecting the country's sound institutional environment, excellent infrastructure, efficient markets and high levels of technological innovation. The country has a well developed infrastructure for scientific research, companies spend generously on R&D, intellectual property protection is strong and the country's public institutions are transparent and stable. ? The United States, previously in first place, continues to enjoy an excellent business environment, efficient markets and is a global center for technology development. However, its overall competitiveness is threatened by large macroeconomic imbalances, particularly rising levels of public indebtedness associated with repeated fiscal deficits. Its relative ranking remains vulnerable to a possible disorderly adjustment of such imbalances, including historically high trade deficits. ? As has been the case in recent years, the Nordic countries hold prominent positions in the rankings this year, with Finland (2), Sweden (3) and Denmark (4) all among the top 10 most competitive economies. The Nordic countries have been running budget surpluses and have lower levels of public indebtedness on average than the rest of Europe. Prudent fiscal policies have enabled governments to invest heavily in education, infrastructure and the maintenance of a broad array of social services. Finland, Denmark and Iceland have the best institutions in the world (ranked 1, 2 and 3, respectively) and, together with Sweden and Norway, hold top ten ranks for health and primary education. Finland, Denmark and Sweden also occupy the top three positions in the higher education and training pillar, where Finland's top ranking is remarkable for its durability over time. ? Germany and the United Kingdom continue to hold privileged positions, ranked eighth and 10th, respectively. In the areas of the safety of property rights and the quality of the judicial system, Germany is second to none. By contrast, both countries score poorly for their macroeconomic environments, though Germany does less well. In both cases public sector deficits and rising levels of public indebtedness as well as a strengthening of the currency in both countries in 2005 are the main causes of this. The United Kingdom excels in market efficiency, enjoying the most sophisticated financial markets in the world. Its flexible labor market and low levels of unemployment stand in sharp contrast to Germany, whose business community is burdened with sclerotic labour regulations. But Germany does somewhat better than the United Kingdom in innovation indicators and the sophistication of its business community is peerless. ? Italy's competitive position has continued on a downward trend, well established over the past few years, dropping four places to 42 in this year's report. The list of problems is long. Italy's underlying macroeconomic environment is poor due to having run budget deficits without interruption for the past 20 years. The fiscal situation has deteriorated sharply since 2000 and public debt levels are well over 100 percent of GDP, among the highest in the world. The poor state of Italy's public finances may itself reflect more deep-seated institutional problems, which are shown in low rankings for variables such as the efficiency of government spending, the burden of government regulation and, more generally, the quality of public sector institutions. ? As in previous years, Poland remains the worst performer among the EU economies, with a rank of 48, right behind Greece (47) and well behind Estonia (25), the Czech Republic (29) and Slovenia (33), Central and Eastern Europe's top performers. Particular weaknesses in Poland stem from the highly protected and rigid labor markets, particularly harmful in a country where unemployment is close to 18 percent. As in many transition economies, businesses have to deal with uncertainties stemming from weak institutions, corruption and crime, favouritism, an easily influenced judiciary and a weak property rights regime. Deeper reforms will be necessary if Poland is to increase productivity and stay competitive in the face of rising labour costs. Among the candidate countries, Turkey and Croatia both seem to have benefited from the "EU bonus", moving up impressively in the rankings by 12 places each, to positions 59 and 51, respectively. ? Russia has fallen from its 53rd rank in 2005 to 62nd in 2006. The private sector in Russia has serious misgivings about the independence of the judiciary and the administration of justice. Legal redress in Russia is neither expeditious, transparent nor inexpensive, unlike in the world's most competitive economies. A ranking of only 110 among 125 countries in 2006 suggests that it is time-consuming, unpredictable and a cost burden to enterprises. Partly because of this, the property rights regime is extremely poor and worsening. Russia's ranking in this indicator during the last two years has suffered a precipitous decline, from 88 in 2004 to 114 in 2006, among the worst in the world. ? Leading within Asia are Singapore and Japan, ranked fifth and seventh respectively, closely followed by Hong Kong (11) and Taiwan (13). These economies are characterized by high-quality infrastructure, flexible and efficient markets, healthy and well-educated workforces and high levels of technological readiness and innovative capacity. Malaysia, ranked 26th overall, has one of the most efficient economies in the region with flexible labour markets, relatively undistorted goods markets and public institutions which in many areas (e.g., rule of law, the legal system) are already operating at the level of the top performing new EU members. ? Korea's (24) performance is slightly more uneven than that of Malaysia. The country has already reached world-class levels in certain areas, such as macroeconomic management, school enrolment rates at all levels, penetration rates for new technologies and scientific innovation, as captured by data on patent registration. However, Korea continues to be held back by institutional weaknesses, both public and private, for which it has not yet reached the standards of Finland, Sweden, Denmark or Chile. Taiwan (13) continues to operate at a high level of efficiency but has dropped below last year's "top-10" status. It is an innovation powerhouse, with levels of per capita patents registration exceeded only by the US and Japan. It continues to excel in higher education and training indicators (ranked seventh overall) but, like Korea, its overall rank is weighed down by weaknesses in the institutional infrastructure. ? India ranked 43rd overall with excellent scores in capacity for innovation and sophistication of firm operations. Firm use of technology and rates of technology transfer are high, although penetration rates of the latest technologies are still quite low by international standards, reflecting India's low levels of per capita income and high incidence of poverty. Despite these encouraging results, insufficient health services and education as well as a poorly developed infrastructure are limiting a more equitable distribution of the benefits of India's high growth rates. Moreover, successive Indian governments have proven remarkably ineffective in reducing the public sector deficit, one of the highest in the world. ? China's ranking has fallen from 48 to 54, characterized by a heterogeneous performance. On the positive side, China's buoyant growth rates coupled with low inflation, one of the highest savings rates in the world and manageable levels of public debt have boosted China's ranking on the macroeconomy pillar of the GCI to sixth place ? an excellent result. However, a number of structural weaknesses need to be addressed, including in the largely state-controlled banking sector. Levels of financial intermediation are low and the state has had to intervene from time to time to mitigate the adverse effects of a large, non-performing loan portfolio. China has low penetration rates for the latest technologies (mobile telephones, Internet, personal computers), and secondary and tertiary school enrolment rates are still low by international standards. By far the most worrisome development is a marked drop in the quality of the institutional environment, as witnessed by the steep fall in rankings from 60 to 80 in 2006, with poor results across all 15 institutional indicators, and spanning both public and private institutions. ? As in previous years, Chile, ranked 27th, leads the rankings in Latin America and the Caribbean. Chile's position reflects not only solid institutions ? already operating at levels of transparency and openness above those of the EU on average ? but also the presence of efficient markets that are relatively free of distortions. The state has played a supportive role in the creation of a credible, stable regulatory regime. Extremely competent macroeconomic management has been a critical element in creating the conditions for rapid growth and sustained efforts to reduce poverty. The resources generated by Chile's virtuous fiscal policy have gone to finance investment in infrastructure and, increasingly, education and public health. Given Chile's strong competitive position, the authorities will have to focus attention on upgrading the capacity of the labour force with a view to rapidly narrowing the skills gap with respect to Finland, Ireland and New Zealand, the relevant comparator group for Chile. ? Brazil's ranking, 66th overall, down from 57th last year, reflects a particularly poor position in the macroeconomy pillar of the GCI (114th, as compared to 91st in 2005), resulting from a large budget deficit relative to that of other countries, if not to its historical performance. High levels of government debt and a wide interest rate spread give an indication of the heavy intermediation costs in the Brazilian banking sector, which negatively affect private sector investment and contribute to lower economic growth. ? Mexico's ranking has remained broadly stable, moving up one place to 58. The country's somewhat uneven performance over the various pillars of the GCI is shown by relatively high scores for health and primary education, goods' market efficiency and selected components of technological readiness, e.g., FDI and technology transfer, no doubt reflecting the close links of the Mexican market to the US in the context of NAFTA. However, this is offset by the same institutional weaknesses as are prevalent in the rest of Latin America. ? A lack of sound and credible institutions remains a significant stumbling block in many Latin American countries. Bolivia (97), Ecuador (90), Guyana (111), Honduras (93), Nicaragua (95) and Paraguay (106) achieve low rankings overall and, in particular, are among the worst performers for basic elements of good governance, including reasonably transparent and open institutions. These countries all suffer from poorly defined property rights, undue influence, inefficient government operations, as well as unstable business environments. Perceived favouritism in government decision-making, an insufficiently independent judiciary, and security costs associated with high levels of crime and corruption make it difficult for the business community to compete effectively. ? As in previous years, Venezuela's overall performance (88, down four places) continues to deteriorate, despite the emergence of a government budget surplus, a phenomenon seen in all oil-exporting countries. The single most important obstacle to development, however, appears to be the insufficient quality of Venezuelan institutions, especially to combat corruption, undue influence in decision-making and to reduce government intervention, all areas in which Venezuela figures among the worst ranks. For all the talk about the social dimension of the government's "benign" revolution, school enrolment rates are either mediocre or poor, with Venezuela ranking 84th, just behind Vietnam, Suriname and China, at the secondary school level. Venezuela's infant mortality rate of 16 per 1,000 live births is on a par with Albania and is higher than that of Russia or the Ukraine, two countries still recovering from decades of public health neglect. ? Within the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, the Gulf States continue to perform quite well in the overall GCI rankings. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) ranked 32nd while Qatar moved up eight places to rank 38th. Terms-of-trade gains linked to oil prices have boosted growth rates and reinforced already high levels of confidence in the business community, resulting from ongoing institutional modernization and improvements in macroeconomic management. However, in many of the resource-rich countries, the availability of public finance appears ? at least for now ? not to have translated into improvements in human capital, which would play an important role in helping these economies that are highly dependent on oil and vulnerable to external shocks to diversify their economic base. ? Tunisia, the most competitive economy in the region ranked 30th, Algeria (76) and Morocco (70) all improved remarkably from last year, thanks in part to significant improvements in institutions. Egypt dropped nine ranks to 63rd this year, due to an extremely sharp drop of 58 places to rank 108 in the macroeconomy pillar, as it struggled with worsening government finances and a large debt ratio. It also fell back in the areas of higher education and training and innovation. ? In sub-Saharan Africa, South Africa (45th) does particularly well in a number of areas typically reserved for rich, innovation-driven economies. Its economic sophistication is reflected in high ranks for property rights, private institutions, goods and financial market efficiency, business sophistication and innovation. ? Botswana, ranked 81st, has succeeded in using its wealth from key natural resources to boost the growth rate. Key to Botswana's success have been its reliable and legitimate institutions, the prudence of government spending and public trustworthiness of its politicians. The transparency and accountability of public institutions have contributed to a stable macroeconomic environment, efficient bureaucracy and market-friendly regulation. ? On the other hand, Tanzania and Uganda ranked 104th and 113th, respectively, suffer from large weaknesses in health and education. Their failure to make a significant improvement in these basic requirements is likely to continue to dent their growth prospects. Nigeria is down 18 places to 101, on the back of poor macroeconomic management despite the surge in oil export revenues and Zimbabwe at 119 continues its rapid descent to the bottom of the rankings, due to a further deterioration of the institutional climate, including the erosion of property rights and rule of law, as well as problems of corruption and the implications these and other factors have had for macroeconomic management. From annerachel at Tue Aug 12 17:29:24 2008 From: annerachel at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anne-Rachel_Inn=E9?=) Date: Tue Aug 12 17:29:36 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] =?windows-1252?q?L=27ICANN_d=E9fend_les_ench?= =?windows-1252?q?=E8res_pour_les_nouveaux_TLDs?= Message-ID: par St?phane VAN GELDER L'ICANN d?fend les ench?res pour les nouveaux TLDs Une ench?re est-elle le meilleur moyen de d?partager des candidats ? une m?me extension ? D'apr?s une ?tude command?e par l'ICANN est rendue publique, la r?ponse est oui. POINTS ESSENTIELS ? Lib?ralisation des extensions de premier niveau : Depuis l'annonce de la mise en place d'une proc?dure de lib?ralisation des extensions de premier niveau, l'ICANN travaillent ? l'impl?mentation de ce processus. Un syst?me d'ench?res a ?t? propos?e pour d?partager les candidats et sousmis ? expertise. Les conclusions de cette ?tude jouent fortement en faveur des ench?res. Depuis l'annonce de la lib?ralisation des extensions de premier niveau faite en juin lors de la r?union de Paris, les ?quipes de l'ICANN travaillent ? l'impl?mentation de ce processus. Proc?dures, r?gles de fonctionnement, modalit?s d'application, ces diff?rents aspects font l'objet d'?tudes et d'appels ? commentaires publics. Un mod?le d'ench?re ICANN soumis ? expertise Ainsi le mod?le d'ench?re ?voqu? pour d?partager des demandes multiples pour une m?me extension a-t-il fait l'objet d'une ?tude. Celle-ci a ?t? r?alis?e par un consultant ind?pendant et vante les m?rites de ce mod?le pour permettre une attribution "efficace et objective" d'un TLD. Un rapport en faveur de ces ench?res Sans surprise, lParmi les avantages ?voqu?s : * Les demandeurs ayant vraiment l'intention et la capacit? de servir la communaut? au travers de l'extension qu'ils convoitent peuvent justifier d'ench?res plus ?lev?es et donc l'emporter ; * Les demandeurs capables de fournir un service de haute qualit? ? bas co?t peuvent justifier d'ench?res plus ?lev?es que ceux qui proposeraient un service de basse qualit? ? co?t ?lev? ; * Les demandeurs ayant l'intention de mettre en service leur extension imm?diatement peuvent justifier d'ench?res plus ?lev?es que ceux qui visent une extension pour des raisons sp?culatives et n'ont pas l'intention de la mettre en service imm?diatement. Vos id?es pour une alternative aux ench?res On le voit, les arguments d?velopp?s sont tellement favorables au mod?le des ench?res qu'ils en deviennent presque caricaturaux. N?anmoins, il faut avouer qu'une solution alternative aux ench?res pour r?soudre ce type de situation o? plusieurs demandeurs veulent la m?me extension n'est pas ?vidente ? trouver. Si vous avez des id?es, l'ICANN attend vos commentaires sur auction-consultation @ jusqu'au 7 d?cembre prochain. Publi? le mardi 12 ao?t 2008 Copyright (c) DomainesInfo. Tous droits r?serv?s. Imprim? le 12/08/2008 From Glen at Thu Aug 14 11:56:57 2008 From: Glen at (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Glen_de_Saint_G=E9ry?=) Date: Thu Aug 14 11:57:11 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] FW: Revised Community Travel Support Procedure for FY09 Message-ID: <> [To: council[at]; liaison6c[at]] [To: ga[at]; announce[at]] [To: regional-liaisons[at]] Please note that ICANN Posts Revised Community Travel Support Procedure for FY09 13 August 2008 The work to create a community travel support procedure began with a specific call for travel support in late 2007 by some in the community (though this issue has been discussed for some time). There has been extensive consultation on community travel support. It began as a workshop in Delhi, with comments received and an analysis posted. Further, a draft was posted in June, discussed in budget meetings in Paris, and again with fairly extensive comment in person, via email and on the web. These second round of comments were summarized and analyzed. This last summary is available at: The revised Community Travel Support Procedure for FY09 document strives to accommodate the community feedback. Of course, this is a subject about which complete agreement is not possible. However, there is strong agreement within the community that a procedure exist that is documented, transparent, consistent, adhered-to, and reviewed/revised for efficacy. Comparing the final procedure with the draft discussed in Paris, some key changes include: - Guarantees travel support for NomCom-nominated counselors - Stresses transparency in application and post-meeting reporting - Allows for some flexibility in the allocation mechanism within a SO without overburdening the Chair The document strives to be complete without being overly-detailed. This will leave many specific questions unanswered. ICANN staff will develop and post a FAQ (frequently asked questions document) to capture questions, and provide consistent answers to the entire community. If you have questions, please send them to the ICANN staff member with whom you work most closely, or send them to . Staff will collect feedback on issues that arise in the first implementation of this procedure, now through the Cairo meeting, and Staff will make clarifications, as needed. Additionally, Staff will conduct a complete review of the Community Travel Support Procedure at year end with a public consultation at the June ICANN meeting, and this will be an opportunity for RSSAC to provide additional input if desired. Glen de Saint G?ry GNSO Secretariat From annerachel at Fri Aug 15 10:52:44 2008 From: annerachel at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anne-Rachel_Inn=E9?=) Date: Fri Aug 15 10:52:54 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] How Do I Become a UDRP Arbitration Panelist? Message-ID: How Do I Become a UDRP Arbitration Panelist? Thursday, August 14th, 2008 A look at the qualifications of UDRP arbitration panelists. [Editor's note: a few weeks ago a couple readers, who were distraught by a recent domain dispute that seemed to be decided unfairly, asked what it takes to be a UDRP panelist who decides domain disputes. I asked Enrico Schaefer, an attorney with Traverse Legal, PLC, to write an article about the UDRP arbitration qualification process.] Domain name disputes are important matters for both trademark holders and domainers. Trademark holders want to protect their marks in the on-line world. Domainers are sometimes forced to respond to allegations of cybersquatting, even when they register high-value generic or descriptive domain names. The Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) was designed to resolve disputes between trademark holders and domain registrants. UDRP disputes are submitted to arbitration before the National Arbitration Forum (NAF) or World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) who assign one or more expert panelists to decide whether the domain will be transferred from the domain registrant to the complaining trademark holder. Clients often ask us, "How do I know that I will get a fair decision in a NAF or WIPO arbitration proceeding?" Since the decision of a NAF or WIPO panel can often be the final determination of one's rights in a domain name, this question is an important one. UDRP proceedings, like all other arbitration proceedings, are creatures of contract law. Arbitration proceedings allow parties to specify, via private contractual relationships, that they wish to have their disputes decided outside of the judicial system. ICANN requires all registrars of generic top-level domains (gTLDs) to adopt the UDRP, and some country code TLDs have adopted the UDRP as well (e.g. .tv, .ws, and .nu). Every person who registers a gTLD domain agrees to be bound to the UDRP as part of the registration agreement and submit to arbitration. Other domain extensions have similar arbitration requirements and proceedings designed to resolve these matters without having to go to court. Therefore, all registrants are subject to the private UDRP contract through their registration agreements with their registrar. Since arbitration agreements are private contracts, in theory, the UDRP could call for domain name disputes to be decided by a panel of three monkeys. The UDRP sets out the qualifications for arbitration providers, which in turn set out the qualifications for the arbitrators themselves. ICANN examines potential arbitration providers, such as WIPO and NAF, to determine whether they can handle domain dispute arbitration proceedings in a fair, efficient, and orderly manner. ICANN approved arbitration providers are required to maintain a list of at least 20 neutrals, all of which must be trained in the UDRP policy, domain name dispute law, and the technology applicable to domain names. ICANN favors providers that provide neutrals from a wide range of countries, and the provider's supplemental rules and internal procedures must demonstrate that the provider understands the UDRP and its rules. Both WIPO and NAF have similar requirements for arbitrator qualifications. WIPO requires arbitrators to have both a legal background and considerable experience in the field of intellectual property. WIPO arbitrators are required to give their academic qualifications and a history of their legal experience, as well as a list of their spoken languages. Most high-level positions with WIPO require a minimum of 12 years of experience. NAF arbitrators are required to be attorneys and must have substantial experience litigating trademark disputes. NAF also likely requires several years of experience, but their internal hiring requirements are not disclosed to the public. There are some people who complain that arbitrators tend to be trademark attorneys who primarily enforce trademarks for large companies. They complain that this creates a bias in favor of trademark holders. While it is certainly true that many of the arbitrators on the panel lists at both WIPO and NAF who represent large companies in trademark matters, it is also true that these attorneys defend as much trademark litigation as they prosecute. Corporations sue each other in court far more often then they bring UDRP arbitrations against domainers. These panelists are trained to prosecute and defend trademark litigation. If a bias exists in favor of trademark holders, it is under the language of the UDRP and trademark statutes. Like in any court of law, there is variability in the bias and experience of WIPO and NAF panelists. ICANN and the arbitration providers have reasonable measures in place to make sure that arbitrators are well qualified. Enrico Shaefer is an attorney with Traverse Legal, a law firm that specializes in internet law and domain name disputes. From annerachel at Fri Aug 15 11:11:15 2008 From: annerachel at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anne-Rachel_Inn=E9?=) Date: Fri Aug 15 11:11:25 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] Bulk Transfer of gTLD Names Formerly Managed by De-Accredited Registrar DotForce Corp Message-ID: Bulk Transfer of gTLD Names Formerly Managed by De-Accredited Registrar DotForce Corp. 14 August 2008 As a result of the de-accreditation of registrar DotForce Corp., ICANN initiated a process to identify a gaining registrar to receive the gTLD names that had been formerly managed by DotForce Corp. In accordance with ICANN's Interim Terminated Registrar Transition Procedure (see, on 6 June 2008, ICANN initiated a Request for Statements of Interest (RFI) from registrars interested in receiving the names. ICANN received eight statements of interest from registrars in response to the RFI. As a result of the procedure, ICANN selected Yesnic Co., Ltd. to receive the bulk transfer from DotForce Corp. The gTLD registries that have registered DotForce names have taken steps to effect the bulk transfers. Former registrant-customers of DotForce Corp. should soon receive notices of the transfer from Yesnic Co., Ltd. Customer questions about the transfer should be directed to Yesnic Co., Ltd. Contact information is available at: FAQs Q. Why was this transfer authorized by ICANN? A. DotForce Corp's Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) expired and DotForce was not eligible for renewal due to RAA compliance issues. As a result, DotForce was no longer permitted to register or manage gTLD registrations. In order to protect the customers of DotForce Corp., ICANN initiated this process to identify a new ICANN-accredited registrar to manage the registrations. Q. Will Yesnic Co., Ltd. attempt to contact the affected registrants? What should current/former DotForce Corp. customers do? A. Former customers of DotForce Corp. should receive a notice of the transfer and instructions for continued management of their names from Yesnic Co., Ltd. Affected customers who do not receive notices from Yesnic should contact Yesnic directly, using the information provided at Q. Do registrants have to pay a fee for the bulk transfer? A. No, there is no cost to registrants for the bulk transfer. Unlike a normal inter-registrar transfer, the registration terms will not be extended by a year. Accordingly, it is important to contact Yesnic Co., Ltd. if your registration will expire soon in order to maintain your registration. Q. Why do former DotForce customers need to contact Yesnic Co., Ltd.? A. DotForce Corp. did not participate in the bulk transfer and did not share data with Yesnic Co., Ltd. Accordingly, all registrants must provide updated billing information or transfer their names to other registrars.. Q. What if former DotForce customers want to use a different registrar? A. Registrants will continue to be able to transfer their registrations to other registrars under the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy (see Note that Yesnic Co., Ltd. may deny transfers for the first 60 days following the bulk transfer, at Yesnic's discretion. This 60-day period is permissible under the Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy, and is intended to help protect registrants. Names that will expire during the first 60 days following the transfer to Yesnic Co., Ltd. should be renewed by the registrant by contacting Yesnic using the information provided at Q. How will DotForce Corp. customers know if a message purportedly from Yesnic Co., Ltd. is legitimate? A. The message from Yesnic should direct you to their website hosted at or refer you to other contact information listed at For general advice about avoiding phishing email messages, you may also wish to refer to the materials prepared by the Anti-Phishing Working Group (see From emko at Sun Aug 17 06:25:22 2008 From: emko at (Eric M.K Osiakwan) Date: Mon Aug 18 09:18:54 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] West African consumer broadband prices continue to tumble as OTI Telecom lowers its retail offer Message-ID: West African consumer broadband prices continue to tumble as operators try to find the price point that will attract a wider public beyond the relatively small numbers of corporate customers. The most recent company to slash its broadband prices to create a retail offer is Benin?s ISP OTI Telecom. It is the latest francophone country to introduce this kind of offer but undoubtedly others will follow. However, the challenge remains the high cost of international bandwidth on SAT3 for most countries on the cable. Russell Southwood looks at what?s happening to broadband prices in the sub-region. Benin?s leading ISP OTI Telecom surprised the market last week by lowering its broadband prices for retail customers to FCFA 25,000 (US $57.95) a month without tax. Equivalent prices for 512 Kbps are FCFA80,000 (US$185.43) and for 1,024 Kbps FCFA200,000 (US$463.58). But according to Blaise Adetonah-Donhouede, the DG of OTI Telecom, the price that would really crack open the retail market would be more like somewhere between FCFA9,000-12,000 (US$20.86-27.81). At this level, for example parents who are paying for their children to do research in a cyber-caf? on a per hour basis will begin to see the financial advantage. The fall in retail prices has been matched by new offers for professional and corporate users: a 512 Kbps connection without tax for FCFA100,000 (US$231.79) and a 1,024 Kbps connection without tax for FCFA220,000 (US$509.93). Cyber-cafes also benefit but with a slightly higher price on the lower capacity connection: 512 Kbps for FCFA130,000 (US$301.25) and 1,024 Kbps for FCFA220,000 (US$509.93). However, the cyber-cafes get a free ADSL modem-router, a maintenance pack, a guaranteed maximum 12-hour call-out, personalised technical support and two IP addresses with 512 Kbps connection and four with the 1,024 Kbps connection. By comparison with DSL broadband offers in South Africa, what you see is what you get in Benin. An equivalent residential 512 Kbps connection from Telkom South Africa costs US$129.51 a month which at first sight seems cheaper than OTI Telecom?s price. But OTI Telecom imposes no restrictions on download amounts. But in South African there are potentially three additional amounts that will be added to the bill at the end of the month. Firstly, the access charges paid for a 512 Kbps connection add a further US$43.17. Secondly, the connection is ?shaped? which means that it?s impossible to use VoIP so you can pay an additional US$22.33 for an unshaped connection. Thirdly, in order to have unlimited downloads you pay an extra US $64.01. All of which gives a whole new meaning to ?slice-and-dice? pricing. But Adetonah-Donhouede of OTI Telecom says that such a pricing structure just wouldn?t work in Benin because his customers would spend a great deal of time contesting their the detail of their bills if they had multiple payment options. It?s already reached the situation where customers ask for money off if the connection is down for more than 24 hours! A comparison with prices in the West African sub-region put OTI Telecom and Benin in a good position. In Senegal for example Orange offers a 512 Kbps ADSL connection for FCFA19,900 (US$46.12) without tax a month. In C?te d?Ivoire Aviso offers the same connection on a similar basis FCFA40,000 (US$92.71). In price terms, these are both at the low end of the range for Burkina Faso?s Onatel offers a 512 Kbps residential connection for FCFA40,000 (US$138.84). In Togo and Ghana, residential connections are still limited to 256 Kbps. Togo Telecom?s ?Helim? residential connection for this capacity costs FCFA70,000 (US$162.25) and Ghana Telecom?s ?Broadband4U? connection costs US$92.30. The impetus for lower broadband prices is driven by two key factors: the level of competition in the market and the price of international connectivity. The exception to the first driver has been Orange in Senegal which has been the continent?s only de-facto monopoly that acts in a price-progressive way. However, it will face competition this autumn from Sudatel-owned Expresso. OTI Telecom has 15 POPs and a very high level of access to Benin Telecom?s network which has enabled it to secure 60% of the 2,000 DSL subscribers in the country. But it secured this position when Benin Telecom was cash-strapped and in chaos at the end of the last Government. Its D-G can easily see that Benin Telecom will re-exert control over its delivery of DSL and OTI Telecom will become a ?virtual operator?. If a single entity controls the supply chain for DSL broadband and there is no wireless alternative at a low price, then the fall in prices is unlikely to continue. The second pressure preventing lower broadband prices in West Africa is the continuing high cost of wholesale SAT3 connectivity. This varies between US1,300-15,000 per mbps per month depending on the country involved. The lower the prices, the higher the volumes sold and the greater the pressure on the existing SAT3 cable. And Nigeria, which should be the sub-regions largest market is to some large extent still ?choked off? by the continuing chaos (both financial and maintenance) at Nitel. By Q2, 2009, Seacom and TEAMS will be offering wholesale connectivity on the east coast between US$500-1,000. The Glo One cable may start operating Q3, 2009 and will undoubtedly offer cheaper prices to a number of countries and two other pipeline projects are in the wings. Once they are in place, there can few further excuses for not offering significantly cheaper consumer broadband price at or below the price point Adetonah-Donhouede of OTI Telecom suggests. If you need to know more about African broadband prices and retail broadband users, Balancing Act last month published: African Broadband, Triple Play and Converged Markets For a detailed contents: bbtriple.html Cost: African price (GBP250/US$500); Rest of the world (GBP400/US $800); and Universities and NGOs (GBP125/US$250) nb: sorry for crossposting Eric M.K Osiakwan ICT Integrator Internet Research 42 Ring Road Central, Accra-North Tel: +233.21.258800 ext 2031 Fax: +233.21.258811 Cell: +233.24.4386792 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Glen at Tue Aug 19 11:57:21 2008 From: Glen at (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Glen_de_Saint_G=E9ry?=) Date: Tue Aug 19 11:57:55 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] August Policy Update Message-ID: <> Dear All, Please note that the August Policy Update published earlier this month is available at: ( If you would like to receive these updates directly every month, all you have to do is sign up on ICANN's subscription page ( Thank you. Kind regards, Glen de Saint G?ry GNSO Secretariat Contents 1. YOUR COMMENTS NEEDED ON POLICY ISSUES 2. ICANN POLICY INFORMATION AT YOUR FINGERTIPS 3. IMPROVING THE GNSO - AND ASSIGNING COUNCIL SEATS 4. WHOIS - TO STUDY OR NOT TO STUDY? 5. MAKING IT EASIER TO TRANSFER DOMAINS BETWEEN REGISTRARS 6. HOW SHOULD WE DEAL WITH FAST FLUXING CYBERCRIMINALS? 7. DOMAIN NAME FRONT RUNNING - IF IT'S PREVALENT, WHAT SHOULD BE DONE ABOUT IT? 8. INTERNATIONALIZNG COUNTRY CODE TOP LEVEL DOMAINS 9. IS IT TIME TO RE-CONSIDER ICANN'S GEOGRAPHIC REGIONS? 10. CCNSO WELCOMES .DZ, .AM 11. CCNSO IMPROVEMENT PLAN UNDERWAY 12. AT-LARGE INVOLVEMENT IN ICANN CONTINUES TO GROW 13. AT-LARGE - BRINGING AN INDIVIDUAL USER PERSPECTIVE TO POLICY DEVELOPMENT 14. AT-LARGE ELECTIONS AND APPOINTMENTS 15. NEW GLOBAL ASN POLICY TO BE IMPLEMENTED, FUTURE OF GLOBAL IPV4 POLICY UNCLEAR 16. SSAC WORKING ON DNSSEC STATUS REPORT 17. SSAC ANALYZES PHISHING 18. SSAC REPORTS AND ADVISORIES AT A GLANCE The ICANN Policy Update contains brief summaries of issues being addressed by the ICANN community's bottom-up policy development structure, as well as information on related policy development activities. The ICANN Policy Staff provides monthly updates in response to requests from the community for periodic summaries of ICANN's policy work. The goal of the Policy Update is to maximize transparency and encourage broad community participation in ICANN's policy development activities. Links to additional information are included and readers are encouraged to go beyond these brief summaries to learn more about the ICANN community's work. As always, the Policy Staff welcomes comments and suggestions on how to improve its policy communications efforts. Please send these comments to -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Glen at Tue Aug 19 15:30:10 2008 From: Glen at (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Glen_de_Saint_G=E9ry?=) Date: Tue Aug 19 15:30:31 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] FW: ccNSO Phishing survey results Message-ID: <> [To: council[at]; liaison6c[at]] [To: ga[at]; announce[at]] [To: regional-liaisons[at]] Dear All, Please note that the ccNSO phishing survey report is posted at: The survey was conducted in spring -08, the results presented at the Paris meeting and the report published early August. Thank you. Kind regards, Glen de Saint G?ry GNSO Secretariat From Glen at Wed Aug 20 10:49:59 2008 From: Glen at (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Glen_de_Saint_G=E9ry?=) Date: Wed Aug 20 10:50:28 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] =?iso-8859-1?q?_Invitation_=E0_une_r=E9union_?= =?iso-8859-1?q?d=27information_sur_=28Registrar_Impersonation_in_Phishing?= =?iso-8859-1?q?_Attacks=29?= Message-ID: <> Bonjour ? tous, Nous aimerions vous inviter ? une r?union d'information organis? par Dave Piscitello de la division S?curit? et Stabilit? du Comit? Consultatif (Security and Stability Advisory Committe (SSAC)) d'ICANN sur l l'usurpation d'identit? des bureaux d'enregistrement lors d'attaques d'hame?onnage (Registrar Impersonation in Phishing Attacks). La r?union sera le 26 ao?t ? 1300 UTC. La session sera enregistr?e et il y aura une interpr?tation simultan?e en fran?ais et en espagnol. Veuillez s'il vous plait trouver ci-dessous la page de cette r?union avec les instructions de participation et le bulletin du SSAC sur le sujet. Vous y trouverez aussi un lien pour suivre la pr?sentation sur Adobe Connect. Qu'est-ce que c'est l'usurpation d'identit? des bureaux d'enregistrement lors d'attaques d'hame?onnage ? Un pirate usurpe l'identit? d'un bureau d'enregistrement de noms de domaine et envoie ? un client de ce bureau (un registrant) un message attendu ou pr?visible au sujet d'un nom de domaine. Il peut s'agir, par exemple, d'un avis d'expiration de l'enregistrement d'un nom de domaine, d'un e-mail promotionnel, d'un avis informant le registrant d'un probl?me de gestion de son compte ou, plus g?n?ralement, de tout message qui requiert l'attention imm?diate d'un client. Cependant, ce message est un faux : l'hame?onneur cr?e un site Web frauduleux, similaire ? celui du bureau d'enregistrement, pour inciter le client ? acc?der ? son compte de gestion du domaine concern? et ? r?v?ler involontairement ses informations d'identification ? l'hame?onneur. Ce dernier utilise les informations d'identification du client ainsi obtenues pour acc?der au portefeuille de noms de domaine du client, modifier les informations DNS des noms de domaine de ce compte et utiliser les domaines pour lancer d'autres attaques. Cordialement, Nick Ashton-Hart, Matthias Langenegger, Frederic Teboul ICANN At-Large Staff email: Glen de Saint G?ry GNSO Secretariat From annerachel at Wed Aug 20 21:42:58 2008 From: annerachel at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anne-Rachel_Inn=E9?=) Date: Wed Aug 20 21:43:08 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] IDN TLD Allocation Implementation Processes Message-ID: IDN TLD Allocation Implementation Processes 20 August 2008 * *Following the progress on the IDN TLD allocation processes during the ICANN meeting in Paris a new area has been made available to describe IDN policy development and IDN ccTLD allocation developments under ICANN's IDN Area: . At the Paris meeting, the Board approved both of the processes described below for implementation. - In relation to the IDN ccTLD "fast track" process it was resolved that*the Board directs staff to: "(1) post the IDNC WG final report for public comments; (2) commence work on implementation issues in consultation with relevant stakeholders; and (3) submit a detailed implementation report including a list of any outstanding issues to the Board in advance of the ICANN Cairo meeting in November 2008."* Fast-track IDN ccTLD Activities - On a related note, the ICANN Board also adopted* "the GNSO policy recommendationsfor the introduction of new gTLDs. *And further that* the Board directs staff to continue to further develop and complete its detailed implementation plan, continue communication with the community on such work, and provide the Board with a final version of the implementation proposals for the board and community to approve before the new gTLD introduction process is launched."* New gTLD Program -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From annerachel at Fri Aug 22 19:01:17 2008 From: annerachel at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anne-Rachel_Inn=E9?=) Date: Fri Aug 22 20:00:32 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] Week end reading -- different languages Message-ID: 1. Stephen Colbert interviews Jonathan Zittrain on his book The Future of the Internet Fresh from being awarded his most recent Peabody award, back in June Stephen Colbert interviewed Jonathan Zittrain who wants to save the good chaos of the Internet and separate it from the bad chaos that will stomp on everything. 17. Addressing the growth of the net Regular BBC commentator Bill Thompson sees no reason to worry about the future of the internet in his latest column. Regarding the recent Arbor Networks study that shows a slow take-up of IPv6, Thompson says "the figures are not quite as depressing as they look. According to an excellent analysis of the current situation from Arbor Networks' Craig Labovitz there are many unseen 'islands' of IPv6 connectivity that don't register on the survey." Thompson says "larger ISPs are using the new protocols to manage their internal systems, especially if they are cable providers using the latest cable modem standard, DOCSIS 3.0, which has IPv6 support built in." "Labovitz also points out that many hardware providers are already building IPv6 into their systems, even if customers aren't using it." Thompson notes it's hardly surprising it is taking a while for the transition to IPv6. "TCP/IP was invented in 1974, but it took until 1983 for it to be generally adopted as the core protocol for the ARPANET and the networks attached to it." ********************** GOVERNANCE ********************** 1. Stephen Colbert interviews Jonathan Zittrain on his book The Future of the Internet Fresh from being awarded his most recent Peabody award, Stephen Colbert interviews Jonathan Zittrain wants to save the good chaos of the Internet and separate it from the bad chaos that will stomp on everything. 2. Analysis: FCC Comcast Order is Open Invitation to Internet Filtering Using words like "misdirection," "obfuscation," "absurd" and "verbal gymnastics," the Federal Communications Commission released its formal decision Wednesday ordering Comcast to stop throttling BitTorrrent traffic, a practice the carrier has repeatedly denied performing. 3. FCC Order scolds Comcast for changing story on P2P blocking "Surrender, Comcast!" declares the FCC in its Order on P2P blocking. The agency also calls on the public to stay vigilant on the issue and aligns itself more closely with the net neutrality movement. ********************** DOMAIN NAMES ********************** ********************** - ICANN ********************** 4. Telstra tops Canberra lobbyist list Telstra has emerged as the most active employer of Canberra lobbyists in the IT&T field, although others such as Apple and Google also employ external firms to push their agendas with politicians and government workers. ... Another organisation with an A-list roster of tech firms is Government Relations Australia Advisory, which has worked with ARIA, ICANN, Microsoft, eBay and PayPal.,139023166,339291434,00.htm 5. ICANN to Hold Auctions for Disputes ICANN announced this week that it will handle any disagreements over who wins the right to new generic top level domains by auction. 6. ICANN to settle disputes by auction [sun req'd] The body behind the Internet's addressing systems has said that it will settle disputes over who wins the right to new generic top level domains (gTLDs) by auction. ********************** - ccTLD & gTLD NEWS ********************** 7. Govt meddling fears hit .hk domain - ISPs are concerned a new government-dominated structure to administer the territory's .hk domain name will leave end-users without a say. The proposed revamp of the Hong Kong Internet Registration Company will see its number of directors slashed from 13 to eight. 8. Boosting numbers in .ke domain names Domain names have increasingly become part of our daily lives, but the uptake of the .ke (dot ke) is still lagging behind. ********************** - DNS SECURITY ********************** 9. Cybersecurity and the Law: Dangerous Cybersilence Sometimes no news is worse than bad news. When a company's data is stolen by hackers, affected customers typically receive a disturbing note from the breached firm, warning that they could soon become victims of identity theft. 10. Cyberwar isn't a grand struggle - it's a scary prospect of pure chaos When Russian tanks rolled into Georgia, it brought back memories of Soviet-era military conquest - a reminder of the cold war. But whether by accident or design, the fight for South Ossettia appears to have given us a taste of the future as well, with internet attacks on Georgian computer systems resulting in theories about 21st-century warfare spilling out everywhere. The BBC said the situation represented a "virtual echo of battles being fought on the ground", while's Evgeny Morozov even enlisted as a Russian cybersoldier to see what was really happening. But while the past fortnight has seen plenty of conjecture, there's been very little hard evidence about the conflict that's taking place in cyberspace. 11. Cyber war or cyber riot? [ABC Radio audio] The Georgians maintain they've been the victims of cyber-warfare, but there is division within internet security circles about whether what is happening is in fact 'cyber-warfare', whether the Russian government is actually involved and also how significant the event really is. Jart Armin, a London-based internet security analyst, and Gadi Evron, an Israel-based internet security analyst, are interviewed. 12. Georgia Cyberwar Overblown [Network World] Last week Russian tanks rolled into South Ossetia while Russian bombers were taking out critical communications infrastructure. But even before the first tank rolled across the disputed borders, another war was brewing in cyberspace. 13. China Netcom DNS cache poisoning Websense Security Labs ThreatSeeker Network has detected that the DNS cache on the default DNS server used by the customers of China Netcom (CNC) has been poisoned. When China Netcom customers mistype and enter an invalid domain name, the poisoned DNS server directs the visitor's browser to a page that contains malicious code. ********************** - DOMAIN DISPUTES ********************** 14. China's Internet chiefs ban names of the Games China's sport authorities have banned the issuing of Internet domain names based on the country's Olympic gold medal-winning athletes to anyone but the medalists themselves. 15. China limits use of Olympians' names online [AP] China has banned the use of its Olympic gold medalists' names as Internet addresses by anyone but the athletes themselves. The move announced Tuesday came after companies registered the names of winning Chinese athletes at the 2004 Athens Olympics as Web addresses, prompting an outcry by sports fans. 16. Max Levchin's Slide Loses Domain Name Challenge PayPal co-founder Max Levchin and his internet widget company Slide have lost a UDRP decision to obtain the domain and 127 other associated domain names. ********************** - IPv4/IPv6 ********************** 17. Addressing the growth of the net Regular commentator Bill Thompson sees no reason to worry about the future of the internet: ... But it's even better if you can focus on aspects of the network's core architecture that few users ever notice, like the unique numerical addresses assigned to every internet-connected device and the complex mechanisms used to move information between those devices. And if you've got an authoritative report from an international body calling for something to be done then you're on to a winner. 18. Study Shows Glacial Pace of IPv6 Adoption [IDG] A study this week has revealed just how slow is the rate of adoption for IPv6, the next version of the Internet's main communications protocol, and some experts say black markets where companies trade unused IP addresses may be only a few years away.;883066691 19. Lots of Foot Dragging on IPv6 The IPv4 address space is near exhaustion, yet a new report claims that traffic on the modernized IPv6 protocol is slow and migration to the newer address spaces is sluggish. In a year-long study of 2,393 peering and backbone routers conducted by Arbor Networks, the majority of respondents (customer and peering interfaces) said IPv6 traffic is a small percentage of overall traffic. ********************** - MISCELLANEOUS ********************** 20. "Wildcarding, the implications for the .au space" ? Melbourne domain name seminar A seminar and cocktail party sponsored by Melbourne law firm Cooper Mills Lawyers to discuss the .au domain name space, wildcarding and the implications for .au with special guest Ehud Gavron will be held on Tuesday September 2. 21. Melbourne IT Seeks to Diversify to Ensure Future The internet is meant to be a safe harbour from recession. But no harbour is completely safe - otherwise it would be a lake - so domain registrar Melbourne IT is deepening its earnings streams through cyber diversification.,25197,24208902-30538,00.html 22. Melbourne IT warns of slowing economic growth Slowing economic growth and a tight skills market will make it a challenging year for the IT industry, according to Melbourne IT's chief.;975653726 23. Melbourne IT spends up on systems Domain name and hosting specialist Melbourne IT today unveiled plans to embark on a year-long major technology refresh project, targeting everything from its accounting, billing and provisioning systems to its storage network and data centre.,130061791,339291367,00.htm 24. Melbourne IT on track for profit growth [AAP] Domain name manager and online services provider Melbourne IT Ltd says it is on track to deliver a sixth consecutive year of growth in revenue and profit after booking a 20 per cent lift in half year profit. 25. VeriSign adds SSLs for internationalised domain names [sub req'd] ********************** - DOMAINING & AFTERMARKET ********************** 26. Sedo Sells for $90,000 Three character domain name leads sales chart for Sedo this week. 27. Domain parking is dead Why parking domains is dead and what you can do to join the web revolution. 28. Search Engine Strategies Domain Live Auction We are live blogging the Domain Auction at the Search Engine Strategies conference in San Jose. Please note that these are not the official results and while we do our best to provide correct results, there may make an occasional mistake. See the live results after the jump. ********************** - NON-ENGLISH NEWS ********************** 29. Verschwindend geringer Traffic In einer Studie hat der amerikanische Internet-Dienstleister Arbor Networks die Protokolle des letzten Jahres von mehr als 2000 Peering-Routern, die die Netze verschiedenen ISPs miteinander verbinden, ausgewertet. Danach sind es weniger als ein Zehntausendstel der Datenpakete, die im Format des neuen Internet-Protokolls (IPv6) verschickt wurden. 30. PC-Spielindustrie verschickt Massenabmahnungen "Zahl oder lass dich verklagen" hei?t das Spiel, das britische Computergame-Hersteller mit Tauschb?rsennutzern spielen wollen. Au?erdem im ?berblick: Top-Level-Domains sollen in klingende M?nze umgewandelt werden, Yahoo startet den Digg-Klon Buzz und vieles mehr.,1518,573213,00.html 31. ? Mega-Deal f?r Rick Schwartz Rick Schwartz, ungekr?nter Domain-K?nig, hat seinem Spitznamen einmal mehr alle Ehre gemacht: f?r eine nicht genannte Rekordsumme, die zu den h?chsten je im Domain-Handel gezahlten z?hlt, hat Schwartz die Domain property.comverkauft. 32. Was tun, wenn der Onlineh?ndler nicht liefert [DPA] Wenn der Onlineh?ndler seine Ware nicht schickt, der Kaufpreis aber bereits bezahlt wurde, gibt es f?r den Kunden nur eines: Schnell handeln. Es gibt durchaus M?glichkeiten, sein Geld zur?ckzubekommen - wenn man sich an bestimmte Fristen h?lt 33. Interdit de r?server le nom d'un m?daill? d'or chinois La Chine a en effet interdit que les noms de ses athl?tes m?daill?s d'or au cours des Jeux olympiques soient utilis?s par n'importe qui d'autre que les int?ress?s. 34. La cnDRP : quelques questions de proc?dure La cnDRP, voie la plus efficace pour la r?solution des litiges concernant les noms de domaine chinois, contient quelques sp?cificit?s qu'il convient de mettre en lumi?re. 35. revient ? l'avionneur Airbus a obtenu le transfert du nom de domaine, indique "DomainesInfo". 36. El ".com" gana al ".ar" y al ".mx" Un informe realizado por Verisign sobre nombres de dominio en Latinoam?rica arroj? que el 65% de las argentinas y el 84% de las mexicanas priorizan el registro de sus firmas terminadas con ".com", antes que con los dominios que identifican al pa?s (".ar" y ".mx", respectivamente). 37. Debut? el dominio "". Lo implement? la ANSES para su web. Es el primer organismo oficial de la Argentina en modificarlo y busca "atender la demanda idiom?tica de nuestra lengua oficial" 38. Ya se utiliza el dominio '.gob' en Argentina Es gracias a su liberaci?n, consensuada por el organismo internacional que regula la web. El de la Anses fue el primer sitio que aplic? el cambio. 39. Amsterdam kan nog steeds niet veilig surfen Ambtenaren in Amsterdam kunnen, zeven weken nadat wereldwijd voor een zeer ernstig internetlek werd gewaarschuwd, nog altijd niet veilig het web op. Leverancier Getronics worstelt met herstelsoftware. 40. Kvinnors fredsarbete avf?rdas Kvinnor, fr?n b?de Georgien och utbrytarprovinserna Sydossetien och Abchazien, har sedan l?nge tr?ffats f?r att samarbeta och bygga en best?ende fred. Men kvinnor riskerar att bli uteslutna fr?n beslutsfattande organ i kommande f?rhandlingar. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From annerachel at Fri Aug 22 19:00:03 2008 From: annerachel at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anne-Rachel_Inn=E9?=) Date: Fri Aug 22 20:34:15 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] Vie des extensions -- en Francais Message-ID: AE (Emirats arabes unis) : changements sur le .AE. La soci?t? australienne Instra Corporation annon?ait le 2 ao?t dernier ?tre l'un des premiers registrars accr?dit?s par le registre du .AE, et ? ce titre capable d'enregistrer des AE pour tout un chacun ? prix ? cass?s ? (30 US $). Le site officiel du nouveau registre (2) indiquait pour sa part le 3 ao?t que la structure avait commenc? ses op?rations. (1) .AE -- Arab Emirates Domain Name Price Slashed at Instra and Open to All (2) The .aeDA Registry System is Live from 3rd of August 2008 AU (Australie) : le registre australien a r?cemment autoris? les transferts de noms de domaine en .AU tout en s'effor?ant de dissuader les ? domainers ? par des contraintes qui s'av?rent relativement peu dissuasives, s'il faut en croire certains chiffres (1). ? ? serait ainsi en vente ? 3.500 dollars australiens, ? ? ? 8.000 etc. Le message n'est pas bien pass? ! (1) Domain Trading Post takes over as Australia's largest .au aftermarket BE (Belgique) : le registre belge a annonc? le 4 juillet (1) qu'il d?cidait de reporter sine die l'impl?mentation des IDN sous .BE, ? la suite des sondages r?alis?s au printemps. (1) Derni?re nouvelle pour IDN CA (Canada) : certains adversaires de la r?forme de l'acc?s aux donn?es whois du .CA ne d?sarment pas (1). Le nouveau dispositif pr?voit en effet que les donn?es des titulaires personnes physiques sont anonymis?es, mais que les services officiels peuvent y avoir acc?s. L'observateur ici cit? souligne qu'il y eu un long d?bat au sein des instances dirigeantes du CIRA avant l'adoption du nouveau syst?me. Mais cela parait plut?t ?tre un argument favorable au registre et ? la solidit? de la d?cision prise in fine... (1) CIRA's Whois Debacle CN (Chine): le CNNIC a publi? (1) son 22e rapport statistique sur le d?veloppement de l'Internet en Chine, dont le premier constat est qu'il y aurait eu, ? la fin juin 2008, plus d'internautes en Chine qu'aux Etats-unis. Attentif ? lutter contre les op?rations de phishing utilisant des .CN (2), le registre chinois a aussi engag? le 16 juillet dernier (3) une op?ration baptis?e ? China's domain name global escalation action ? visant ? mettre la pression sur l'ICANN pour obtenir la cr?ation d'un ? .CHINE ? en caract?res chinois. Une initiative sans doute assez indispensable pour stimuler l'ICANN, qui en d?pit de ses d?clarations fr?quentes sur le sujet, ne parait pas press?e de faire concr?tement bouger les choses. (1) CNNIC Releases the 22nd Statistical Report on the Internet Development in China (2) CN phishing sites to be stopped resolution (3) China upgrades global domain name CO (Colombie): le Minist?re des communications colombien a approuv? le 30 juillet (1, 2) les futures r?gles d'enregistrement des .CO. On ignore encore la date de leur entr?e en vigueur. (1) New Delegation Policies Approved for .co (2) Texte de la d?cision (en espagnol) COOP : le registre du COOP a demand? ? l'ICANN (1) son autorisation pour attribuer les noms de domaine en 1 seul caract?re. L'ICANN a ouvert une p?riode de commentaires, jusqu'au 22 ao?t. (1) ICANN Opens Comment Forum on .COOP and .MOBI Proposed Contract Changes to Allocate Single-Character Names CYM (Pays de Galles) : le projet du .CYM, extension ? linguistique et culturelle ? galloise, a bien progress? d?but ao?t avec l'annonce du soutien officiel ? politique et financier ? du vice ? premier ministre gallois, Ieuan Wyn Jones. (1) Wales applying for its own domain name ES (Espagne): le .ES a franchi le million de noms d?pos?s le 14 juillet dernier (1), r?sultat probant du succ?s de l'?volution des r?gles d'enregistrement en novembre 2005. (1) Conseguir un mill?n de dominios ".es" significa que estamos en el camino correcto" EU (Union europ?enne) : Eurid a publi? (1) les r?sultats d'une ?tude men?e aupr?s de ses bureaux d'enregistrements, faisant appara?tre que ceux-ci sont ? globalement satisfaits ? tout en sugg?rant quelques am?liorations. Le communiqu? ne fait pas ?tat de l'acc?s au whois, et c'est pourtant une probl?matique pour certains bureaux d'enregistrement, au moins fran?ais, dont les interfaces web ne donnent aucun r?sultat lorsqu'on les utilise pour savoir si un .EU est d?pos? ou non. (1) eu registrars are generally satisfied with EURid, but give some suggestions for improvements FR (France) : l'AFNIC a publi? en juillet sa r?ponse ? l'appel ? consultation sur la gestion des extensions de l'internet fran?ais (1). (1) L'AFNIC publie sa r?ponse ? la consultation publique sur la gestion des extensions de l'internet fran?ais IE (Irlande) : le registre irlandais a publi? (1) son rapport d'activit? 2007, faisant notamment ?tat d'une croissance de 29% du nombre de noms enregistr?s, d'une r?duction de 13% des tarifs, d'un profit de 523 000 euros et de l'ouverture des IE aux particuliers. D'apr?s Michele Neylon (2), IEDR aurait par ailleurs ouvert, depuis le 13 ao?t, la possibilit? d'enregistrer des noms pour plusieurs ann?es : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ou 10 ans. (1) IEDR results for 2007 (2) IE Domain Registry To Introduce Multiyear Registrations INFO : pol?mique autour d'une ? proposition ? d'Afilias, registre du INFO, valid?e par l'ICANN, consistant ? permettre au registre de supprimer tout nom de domaine qu'il consid?rerait comme ?tant abusif. Un certain nombre d'observateurs jugent la chose abusive en elle-m?me. Int?ressante situation o? les divers droits des structures ?chelonn?es dans la cha?ne de valeur se combinent et parfois, s'opposent : ceux de l'ICANN, ceux du registre, ceux du registrar, ceux du titulaire et ceux des tiers, ayants - droits ou structures en charge de la protection de l'ordre public etc. Y a-t-il seulement une r?ponse ? cet imbroglio d'autant plus complexe que toutes ces structures ob?issent le plus souvent ? des droits diff?rents ? (1) ICANN approves new .INFO policy Remarque : Frank Michlik est un c?l?bre ? domainer ?, et il est tr?s logique qu'il s'alarme de voir un registre prendre sur lui de supprimer des noms ? abusifs ?. IS (Islande) : le registre islandais indiquait le 17 juillet dernier que les renouvellements de noms en .IS peuvent ? pr?sent s'effectuer directement en ligne, et par carte de cr?dit (1). Ce registre propose aussi un syst?me de renouvellement automatique, par d?bit de la carte de cr?dit 60 jours avant l'?ch?ance du nom. (1) Registration and renewal fees by creditcard IT (Italie) : le .IT a franchi le seuil des 1.5 millions en juillet (1), faisant de l'extension la 5e en Europe et la 7e dans le monde ? atteindre ce seuil. Le registre italien profite de l'occasion pour annoncer sa volont? de ? r?duire les d?lais bureaucratiques ?. Cet assouplissement devrait avoir lieu en 2009, avec l'ambition de ? booster ? encore plus les enregistrements de .IT. Le registre italien a par ailleurs communiqu? sur une ?volution de ses r?gles techniques, en vigueur depuis le 28 juillet (2). (1) 1.5 Million .it Domain Registrations (2) Technical Guidelines Update ME (Montenegro): un lancement r?ussi pour le .ME (1), qui ? d?faut d'?tre vraiment ? mont?n?grin ? a au moins remport? les suffrages am?ricains, puisque selon les statistiques officielles 71% des 100 000 noms d?pos?s d?but ao?t auraient ?t? enregistr?s par des titulaires situ?s aux Etats-Unis, suivis de loin par le Royaume-Uni (6%), le Canada (4%) et l'Australie (2%). On peut y voir l'effet naturel de la signification du ? ME ? en anglais, mais aussi le poids de certains bureaux d'enregistrements am?ricains sur le march?. (1) .ME DOMAIN CROSSES 100,000 MILESTONE MOBI : le registre du MOBI a demand? ? l'ICANN (1) son autorisation pour attribuer les noms de domaine en 1 seul caract?re. L'ICANN a ouvert une p?riode de commentaires, jusqu'au 22 ao?t. (1) ICANN Opens Comment Forum on .COOP and .MOBI Proposed Contract Changes to Allocate Single-Character Names MX (Mexique) : le registre mexicain annonce le lancement d'initiatives destin?es ? stimuler l'app?tence des registrars pour la commercialisation de l'extension (1) et une ?volution des r?gles de gestion des .MX, entr?e en vigueur le 22 juillet (2). (1) MEJORAR? OFERTA DE SERVICIOS ALREDEDOR DE DOMINIOS .MX (2) Entran en Vigor las Pol?ticas Generales de Nombres de Dominio .MX y las Pol?ticas de Nombres de Dominio de NIC M?xico Registrar MY (Malaisie): le registre malais a lanc? le 23 juillet son nouveau syst?me d'enregistrement, permettant ? des bureaux d'enregistrement de commercialiser le .MY. A l'heure actuelle, 31 bureaux auraient d?j? ?t? ? accr?dit?s ?. Les recrutements sont ouverts jusqu'? fin ao?t, pour l'instant r?serv?s aux structures malaises. (1) Launch of Reseller Application Process NA (Namibie) : un article (1) nous informe des derniers d?veloppements du conflit autour de la gestion du .NA, le gestionnaire actuel, une soci?t? priv?e, se voyant contest? par un certain nombre d'acteurs locaux. En septembre 2007, une conf?rence associant ces acteurs avait d?cid? que le .NA serait transf?r? ? un organisme o? seraient repr?sent?s les pouvoirs publics, les FAIs locaux et d'autres. Mais si la d?cision fut prise ? l'unanimit?, le processus de concertation pr?sentait la faiblesse de ne pas avoir du tout associ? le gestionnaire en titre, qui n'est naturellement pas d'accord... Il semblerait que les pouvoirs publics namibiens aient d?cid? d'aller dans le sens de la d?cision de septembre 2007, tout en reconnaissant marcher sur des ?ufs. (1) Dot-na domain remains hot potato NL (Pays-bas) : le registre n?erlandais a f?t? le 11 juillet son 3 000 000e nom de domaine (1), enregistr? par une personne physique. D'apr?s SIDN, le .NL est l'extension d'Europe ayant le meilleur ratio noms de domaine / habitants, avec 1 nom pour 5 habitants. Les particuliers ? 33% des noms d?pos?s au 1er janvier 2008 - constituent le segment le plus dynamique du march?, qui alimente le plus la croissance du .NL. 66% des titulaires utilisent leurs .NL dans leurs adresses ?lectroniques personnelles. Le .NL b?n?ficie ? ce jour d'une part de march? de 70% aux Pays-bas, contre 14% pour le .COM et 9% pour le .EU. SIDN a aussi annonc? (2) la mise en place, ? compter du 30 ao?t, d'une phase de ? quarantaine ? pour les noms de domaine devant retomber dans le domaine public. Cette proc?dure, de plus en plus r?pandue parmi les extensions g?ographiques, correspond ? la ? redemption grace period ? des COM et autres NET, et prot?ge les titulaires contre des suppressions accidentelles ou non d?sir?es. (1) SIDN registers 3,000,000th .nl domain name,728,5913,,,,SIDN_registers_3_000_000th_nl_domain_name.html (2) SIDN introduces quarantine period for cancelled .nl domain names,728,5892,,,,SIDN_introduces_quarantine_period_for_cancelled_nl_domain_names.html NZ (Nouvelle-Z?lande): le registre neo-z?landais a publi? (1) le 17 juillet dernier les commentaires re?us ? propos d'un projet de ".HEALTH.NZ". On ignore encore si la d?cision sera positive ou non. InternetNZ, chapitre n?o-z?landais de l'Internet Society, annonce de son c?t? la publication d'une Histoire de l'Internet en Nouvelle-Z?lande (2), intitul?e ? Connecting the Clouds ? et ?crite ? partir d'interviews de plus d'une centaine de ? visionnaires, scientifiques, programmateurs, experts telecom, ing?nieurs, patrons d'entreprises et politiciens ?. (1) Application for a new 2LD - (2) InternetNZ announces publication of Internet History Book ORG: le registre du .ORG se flatte (1) d'?tre le premier registre d'extension g?n?rique ? avoir impl?ment? DNSSEC, protocole permettant de r?pondre ? certains types d'attaques DNS. Sa g?n?ralisation pose maints probl?mes, dont la ? signature ? de la racine n'est pas le moindre. Celui qui ? signe ? a le pouvoir d'authentifier les autres acteurs, pouvoir non n?gligeable dont l'ICANN se verrait bien d?tentrice (2). PIR a aussi communiqu? conjointement (3) avec les ? Non commercial organizations ? pour mettre en garde contre d'?ventuelles d?rives li?es ? la cr?ation d'extensions en caract?res IDN : chinois, cyrillique ou autres. P?kin et Moscou seront certainement sensibles ? ces pr?occupations... qui pourraient ?tre interpr?t?es comme de nouvelles bonnes raisons de ne pas se h?ter dans ce processus. (1) ORG Becomes First Generic Top Level Domain to Start DNSSEC Implementation (2) Signing the root zone: A way forward toward operational readiness (3) .org Registry and Noncommercial orgs warn against government misuse of IDNs PA (Panama): le registre panam?en a lib?r? 618 noms de domaine le 9 ao?t dernier (1). La liste exhaustive est fournie dans le lien ci-dessous. Quelques petites choses int?ressantes, mais une minorit? ? et quelques perles aussi, comme ? ? par exemple... (1) .pa: 618 Nombres de Dominios ser?n liberados el S?bado 09 de Agosto de 2008 PRO : la date de ? go live ? du .PRO a ?t? report?e du 14 juillet au 8 septembre prochain par RegistryPro (1). Confront? ? un ?chec commercial patent de son extension, le registre a cherch? un moyen de regonfler son portefeuille en assouplissant ses r?gles d'attribution pour ?largir la base des professionnels ?ligibles. L'avenir dira si c'?tait bien l? le probl?me, ou tout simplement que le march? des professions lib?rales n'est pas encore m?r pour avoir ? son ? extension, ? l'instar des compagnies a?riennes avec le .AERO. (1) IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT REGISTRYPRO AND THE .PRO TLD RU (Russie): nouvelle communication du gouvernement russe (1) sur le projet d'une extension en cyrillique, fortement soutenu par le pr?sident Medvedev, d?crit comme un "enthousiaste de l'Internet". L'op?ration s'inscrit clairement dans l'affirmation de la pr?sence russe sur internet, ? un moment o? le nombre d'utilisateurs russes cro?t tr?s fortement. (1) Russia to create internet addresses in cryillic SE (Su?de) : le .SE a f?t? d?but ao?t son 750.000e nom d?pos? : SPORT : deuxi?me candidature (1) d?clar?e pour un ? .SPORT ?, apr?s celle de Patrick van de Walle. Le second candidat a l'avantage de baigner dans le monde anglo-saxon, si l'on en croit les partenariats dont il fait d?j? ?tat. Structure am?ricaine, l'ICANN laissera-t-elle une telle extension ? un projet initi? en Europe ? Elle parait plut?t caresser l'id?e d'un syst?me de mise aux ench?res (2), chose assez contestable : d'une part, l'argent ira dans ses caisses au lieu de se trouver investi dans le projet pour lequel il a ?t? lev? ; ensuite, c'est faire la part un peu belle aux ? gros investisseurs ? qui peuvent aligner des millions sur des projets moins int?ressants que ceux de leurs rivaux moins bien nantis. (1) Second .sport gTLD Proposal Launched (2) ICANN Paints Itself Into a Corner SU (Union sovi?tique) : un article du Moscow Times (1) laisse ? penser qu'une solution a finalement ?t? trouv?e pour le .SU, menac? de disparition par l'ICANN en application de la r?gle de concordance entre les extensions territoriales (ccTLDs) et les codes ISO des territoires correspondants. L'ISO aurait donn? au code ? SU ? le statut de ? exclusively reserved ?, ce qui supprimerait par contrecoup toute justification ? bureaucratique ? ? la disparition de l'extension. Le cas du .SU, dont la charge symbolique est tr?s forte, reste impr?gn? d'ambig?it? : ? c?t? d'utilisateurs voulant prosa?quement conserver des adresses sur lesquelles ils ont capitalis? depuis plus de 15 ans figurent quelques partisans poussant plus loin l'analyse : ? nous n'avons plus peur de notre pass?, nous ne le rejetons plus ? affirme une promotrice du .SU. Et il est bien vrai que le gouvernement russe actuel tourne moins le dos que ses pr?d?cesseurs ? un certain h?ritage sovi?tique, pour ne pas dire plus. En tout ?tat de cause, le .SU qui avait v?g?t? ? quelques milliers de noms de domaines jusqu'en 2007 s'est trouv? propuls? ? plus de 70 000 du fait de la publicit? qui lui a ?t? faite et d'une division par 5 de ses tarifs. (1) Soviet Internet Domain Survives ? in Obscurity TEL: le .TEL annonce son lancement (1) ? compter du 3 d?cembre prochain, d'abord avec une sunrise period (3 d?cembre ? 2 f?vrier 2009) suivie d'un ? landrush ? (3 f?vrier ? 29 mars) et une date d'ouverture compl?te le 24 mars. (1) Launch Information TH (Tha?lande): l'ICANN a "formalis? ses relations" avec le registre du .TH le 1er ao?t dernier (1). (1) ICANN Formalizes Relationship with ccTLD Manager for Thailand TR (Turquie): le registre turc a ?mis une alerte (1) concernant des pratiques proches du slamming, invitant les titulaires de TR ? donner les login et mots de passe des comptes permettant de g?rer leurs noms de domaine. David Goldstein se fait par ailleurs l'?cho d'une ?volution des r?gles d'enregistrement des TR, qui pourraient ? pr?sent ?tre d?pos?s sur la base de n'importe quelle marque, pourvu que le nom soit identique ? la marque (2). (1) warning - 'account update' emails (2) Changes to .tr Registration Requirements UG (Ouganda): deux articles (1, 2) se font l'?cho d'un possible apaisement du conflit autour du contr?le de l'extension UG, une autorit? de r?gulation locale ayant apparemment tent? de ? s'emparer ? de l'extension et le gestionnaire de celle-ci, Charles Musisi, ne s'?tant pas laiss? faire. Le .UG est un cas typique de l'h?ritage laiss? par les modes de gestion des ann?es 90, lorsque les extensions locales ?taient attribu?es au premier demandeur par Jon Postel. Compr?hensible dans le contexte de l'?poque, ce syst?me s'est av?r? lourd de cons?quences au d?but des ann?es 2000, lorsque certains Etats se sont enfin pr?occup?s de leur extension nationale, pour d?couvrir qu'elle ?tait g?r?e qui par une soci?t? priv?e locale ou ?trang?re, qui par un expert local ou ?tranger l'administrant ? titre gracieux mais fermement d?cid? ? continuer de l'administrer longtemps. Les exemples abondent de conflits n?s de cette bo?te de Pandore (Afrique du sud, Philippines, Namibie...) et les coups de force organis?s par les Etats se sont g?n?ralement finis par leur d?confiture. L'UCC fait donc preuve de sagesse en limitant ses pr?tentions ? et en renon?ant, avec un pincement au c?ur sans doute, ? une partie de la manne financi?re g?n?r?e par l'extension. (1) Regulator cools attempt to take control of Uganda domain nname (2) UCC abandons attempt to control Uganda domain name UZ (Ouzb?kistan): le registre ouzbek se f?licite d'avoir franchi les 7000 noms en .UZ, avec une croissance de 22% sur les premiers mois de 2008, tout en indiquant que de nouvelles r?gles d'enregistrement entreront en vigueur au 1er septembre (1). (1) Number of domains in the UZ zone exceeds 7,000 UK (Royaume-Uni): Nominet a annonc? le 9 juillet le lancement d'un test sur l'impl?mentation d'ENUM (1), protocole permettant de transformer les num?ros de t?l?phone en noms de domaine et de les utiliser comme tels. Depuis le 11 ao?t, le registre britannique fait aussi campagne (2) autour du renouvellement des noms en .CO.UK, l'un des arguments mis en exergue aupr?s des titulaires ?tant de consid?rer la ? valeur ? de leur nom de domaine, un concept de plus en plus central dans la gestion de ces probl?matiques. Un article de s'interroge pour sa part (3) sur le fait que les ?volutions mises en ?uvre dans la gestion des proc?dures de r?solution des litiges sous .UK n'aient gu?re eu d'impact ? la baisse sur les co?ts... (1) ENUM testbed launched (2) renewals campaign (3) Nominet changes 'fail to cut main cost of domain name disputes' VLA (langue et culture flamandes) : Patrick van de Walle note sur son blog qu'un projet se monte autour d'un ? VLA ? avec pour promoteur un membre flamand du Parlement, M. Demesmaeker. Le .VL n'?tant pas possible du fait de la non attribution du code ISO correspondant, c'est l'extension en 3 lettres qui est envisag?e. (1) Flanders wants .vla Jeudi 21 Ao?t 2008 Loic Damilaville Lu 17 fois [image: Accueil] Accueil [image: Envoyer ? un ami] Envoyer ? un ami [image: Version imprimable] Version imprimable Dans la m?me rubrique : Edito : L'?t? de tous les dangers - 21/08/2008 Il y a 10 ans - DNS News n?3 ? Juillet/ao?t 1998 - 21/08/2008 EDITO : Nouveaux gTLDs : entre effets d'annonce et vraies questions - 07/07/2008 VIE DES EXTENSIONS - Juin 2008 - 07/07/2008 Le ? domaining ? ? la crois?e des chemins - 07/07/2008 Panorama du march? ? l'?tude trimestrielle de Verisign - 07/07/2008 L'ICANN poursuit ses efforts d'organisation des registrars - 07/07/2008 Vie des extensions - mai 2008 - 01/06/2008 Deux ?tudes sur le niveau de ? nocivit? ? des extensions internet - 07/07/2008 L'ICANN montre les dents ? ses registrars - 01/06/2008 |*1*| >> Pr?sentation | Analyses g?n?rales | Gouvernance Internet | Juridique | Sommaires anciens n? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Glen at Sat Aug 23 10:01:35 2008 From: Glen at (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Glen_de_Saint_G=E9ry?=) Date: Sat Aug 23 10:01:53 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] ICANN Calls for Expressions of Interest to Host 2009 Meeting in Europe and 2010 Meeting in Africa Message-ID: <> [To: council[at]; liaison6c[at]] [To: ga[at]; announce[at]] [To: regional-liaisons[at]] ICANN Calls for Expressions of Interest to Host 2009 Meeting in Europe and 2010 Meeting in Africa 22 August 2008 In accordance with ICANN's commitment to continuous improvement in the management of meetings, and in response to requests for advanced planning, ICANN today posts a call for Expressions of Interest to host meetings to be held in Europe on 25-30 October 2009, and in Africa on 7-12 February 2010. The objective is to routinely provide advice on locations for meetings 12 months ahead of schedule. EUROPE 25-30 October 2009 AFRICA 7-12 February 2010 ICANN Public Meetings draw individuals from around the globe and attract a wide range of participants who follow Internet addressing and policy issues. The meetings receive international press coverage and provide an ideal opportunity for participants, sponsors, and hosts to interact on key Internet issues. Organisations interested in the opportunity to host the Europe meeting in 2009 or the Africa meeting in 2010 should review the full Request for Proposals [PDF, 228K] before submitting an Expression of Interest. The specifications outlined in the Request for Proposals detail the anticipated required elements of an ICANN meeting and the minimum responsibilities of the hosting organisation. All interested parties should submit a completed Expression of Interest Form [PDF, 756K] via email to for consideration. Any inquiries regarding the call for expressions should be addressed to the ICANN Meeting Staff. The deadline for submissions is 15 October 2008. ICANN meetings constitute an essential part of ICANN's global consensus-building, policy development, and outreach efforts. We encourage your institution/organisation to consider submitting an Expression of Interest Form. Glen de Saint G?ry GNSO Secretariat From annerachel at Sat Aug 23 15:53:59 2008 From: annerachel at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anne-Rachel_Inn=E9?=) Date: Sat Aug 23 15:59:22 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] =?utf-8?q?Internet_en_Afrique_=3A_Un_racket_b?= =?utf-8?q?ien_organis=C3=A9?= Message-ID: Internet en Afrique : Un racket bien organis? jeudi 21 ao?t 2008 par Fr?d?ric DUBOIS Les Africains paient de cinq ? dix fois plus qu'ici pour acc?der ? l'internet. C'est encore plus cher en milieu rural, o? une connexion est souvent dure ? trouver. Mais le plus scandaleux, c'est que les consommateurs n'y sont pour rien. Petite excursion du c?t? sombre de l'internet. Ibrahima Yade monte l'escalier menant ? l'?tage, l? o? loge sa petite compagnie SeneLogic. Une entreprise en d?marrage d'?conomie sociale avec pour slogan ? La s?n?galaise des logiciels libres ?. Du haut de ses deux m?tres, Ibrahima, la quarantaine, informe ses quatre plus jeunes coll?gues que la session de d?veloppement de logiciels est interrompue pour cause de coupure d'?lectricit?. SeneLogic, avec pignon sur rue dans le quartier Sacr?-C?ur de Dakar, au S?n?gal, avance malgr? les difficult?s li?es ? l'infrastructure. Si le S?n?gal est un haut lieu de t?l?phonie mobile bon march?, l'acc?s ? l'internet ? large bande fait contraste. SeneLogic paie ainsi cinq fois plus pour sa connectivit? qu'une compagnie de Berlin, et sept fois celle d'une montr?alaise. Cet internet hors de prix, peu fiable ou peu accessible, enterre les ?conomies africaines dans un sous-d?veloppement inacceptable. *Un probl?me structurel et historique* Qui dit internet ? large bande ou haute vitesse entend infrastructure ? fibre optique. L'internet sans fil existe, certes, mais lorsqu'il est question de haut d?bit, nous entrons dans le domaine des dorsales, l'artillerie lourde permettant le transfert de donn?es multim?dia. Ce sont pr?cis?ment ces dorsales qui rendent l'exp?rience internet fiable et rapide. Or, il se trouve que sur les c?tes africaines, ces c?bles sous-marins font cruellement d?faut. Est-ce qu'il manque d'argent ? ? Non ?, dit Mike Jensen, auteur du document Les co?ts d'interconnexion, publi? par l'Association pour le progr?s des communications (APC). Et force est de constater qu'en mati?re de t?l?coms, la manne financi?re est ?norme, si bien qu'aucun op?rateur africain n'a fait faillite ? ce jour. La t?l?phonie mobile est le moteur qui engendre ces b?n?fices monstres dans toute l'Afrique de l'Ouest. Ibrahima Yade, comme trois millions de ses compatriotes, utilise les services de t?l?phonie cellulaire de la compagnie Orange. Cela repr?sente un quart de la population. Ce chiffre t?moigne d'un fort app?tit des S?n?galais pour les communications bon march?. ? titre comparatif, Bell mobilit? ne rejoint ? que ? six millions d'utilisateurs au Canada, soit une personne sur cinq. Les co?ts ?lev?s de l'internet seraient, selon Mike Jensen, le fait d'op?rateurs des t?l?communications monopolistiques africains. En bonne partie contr?l?s par des int?r?ts europ?ens ou ?tasuniens, ils sont peu enclins ? d?velopper des dorsales internet. Les op?rateurs profitent ainsi de leur position pour refiler la facture aux fournisseurs de services internet (FSI) locaux, qui ? doivent payer aux deux extr?mit?s de leurs liaisons internationales ?, soit lorsqu'ils t?l?chargent des donn?es en amont et en aval, nous signale Jensen. Ce sera, au finish, ? Ibrahima Yade et aux siens de se d?battre pour arriver ? assumer le sal? forfait de connectivit?, qui s'?l?ve ? plus de 250 dollars canadiens par mois. Le cas de la Sonatel, qui b?n?ficie d'un acc?s direct au c?ble sous-marin SAT-3 depuis 2002, est patent. L'op?rateur unique du S?n?gal, qui appartient ? France T?l?com ? hauteur de 43 %, passe l'addition aux FSI ouest-africains. Ces derniers sont tenus de faire transiter leur trafic international par la Sonatel. Les pays comme le Mali, la Guin?e Bissau et le Burkina Faso d?pendent enti?rement de cet ? acc?s ? la mer ? s?n?galais, ce qui signifie des co?ts exorbitants et une fiabilit? soumise notamment aux nombreuses coupures d'?lectricit? de ce pays. La Sonatel joue au pacha en empochant des b?n?fices sans pour autant r?investir dans le d?veloppement d'infrastructures de t?l?communication. Mais cet op?rateur est aussi une victime, puisqu'il doit payer des frais de transit en amont, aupr?s des pays d?velopp?s. En effet, la Sonatel se lie les mains dans un accord de transit avec un de ses gros actionnaires, France T?l?com. Les sommes faramineuses d?pens?es par les clients africains pour acc?der ? l'internet migrent donc en Europe. ? Cette subvention invers?e vers le Nord a exacerb? les d?s?quilibres entre les r?gions d?velopp?es et en d?veloppement ?, explique Mike Jensen. Cette incongruit? n'est pas seulement caus?e par France T?l?com ou d'autres entreprises occidentales. Les dirigeants de la Sonatel, des autres soci?t?s de t?l?communications africaines, ainsi que les leaders politiques du continent sont tout aussi responsables. *Briser la mentalit? de consommateur* ? Tous les pays africains, s'ils le d?cident, peuvent y arriver ?, lance Mohamed Diop, ing?nieur des t?l?communications s?n?galais. ? Nous devons ?tre consid?r?s comme des pairs vis-?-vis de l'Europe, des autres pays africains et des ?tats-Unis ?, affirme-t-il. Mohamed Diop ?tait de passage en juin ? l'atelier de fondation de GOREeTIC ? un r?seau de la soci?t? civile engag? envers une r?forme du secteur des t?l?communications africaines. Un ancien de la Sonatel, Mohamed Diop, avait d?j? fait valoir son point de vue ? l'occasion du Forum sur la gouvernance de l'internet, ? Rio de Janeiro, en d?cembre 2007. Des soci?t?s du continent, tel que la Telkom sud-africaine, avaient alors tent? d'?touffer l'affaire. Sa vision concernant les accords d'interconnexion de transit s'appelle l'? ?homologage ?, dans le jargon des t?l?coms. Ce genre de troc repr?senterait cependant une menace au b?n?fice ? court terme de ces soci?t?s. Faisant ?cho ? l'analyse du Sud-Africain Mike Jensen, Mohamed Diop mart?le que ? ce qu'on veut, c'est que l'Afrique, ce qu'elle est en train de d?penser pour l'acc?s ? l'internet, la connectivit?, aille dans le d?veloppement de l'infrastructure ?. *Brancher au niveau sous-r?gional* Outre l'acc?s aux dorsales sous-marines, des sp?cialistes des t?l?communications soutiennent qu'il faudra cr?er des dorsales ? travers l'ensemble du continent. Pour y arriver, ils pr?conisent le mod?le d'acc?s ouvert. Sous ce mod?le ?prouv? en Asie notamment, un montage financier ouvert ? tous types d'investisseurs (grandes soci?t?s, gouvernements, petits FSI organis?s en associations, groupes d'usagers) permettrait d'injecter les fonds n?cessaires ? l'?tablissement d'infrastructures de t?l?coms profitant ? tous les partenaires. Pour r?ussir, les soci?t?s civiles et le secteur des t?l?communications africains doivent changer leurs pratiques afin de collaborer davantage. De leur c?t?, les grandes soci?t?s pr?datrices, d'Europe pour la plupart, doivent ?tre contraintes de revoir leurs accords avec les op?rateurs africains. La mise en place du r?seau GOREeTIC se veut la r?ponse de la soci?t? civile ? ce d?fi d'interconnexion. Le r?seau agit non pas comme investisseur, mais bien comme lubrifiant, afin qu'? un tr?s haut niveau politique et ?conomique, les acteurs d'Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre fassent changer les choses. Cela n?cessite de chercher des solutions conjointement avec les parlementaires, de rassembler la soci?t? civile et les petits FSI et de s'investir aupr?s d'agences sous-r?gionales de r?gulation. Cet objectif n'est pas irr?aliste, parce que dans le domaine de l'internet, l'Afrique ne tire pas toujours la plus courte paille. Elle a, par exemple, r?ussi avec brio ? casser cette dynamique de simple consommateur dans le domaine des adresses IP ? ces num?ros qui identifient chaque ordinateur connect? ? l'internet. ? force de livrer combat, l'organisation AfrinIC a vu le jour et elle g?re maintenant les adresses IP du continent. L'auteur est coordonnateur de l'information et relations m?dias ? l'Association pour le progr?s des communications (APC). -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mouhamet at Sun Aug 24 20:47:37 2008 From: mouhamet at (Mouhamet Diop) Date: Sun Aug 24 20:48:51 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] "My Music Online " - Musique Senegalaise Sur Internet In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <00a601c90619$ee014720$ca03d560$@sn> Hotel Meriden President saturday 30 August 2008 ? Diner De gala TECHNICAL IMPLEMENTATION ON 28 & 29 ao?t 2008 at AUF, UCAD, ESMT. Kheweul.Com, The Ministry of ICT, the Senegalese Regulation Authority for Post and Telecom (ARTP), in close relationship with the supporting institutions (Worldbank, etc.), promote Senegalese music by launching the concept entitled ?My Music Online?. This initiative also benefits from the support and the cooperation of public and private partners such as the French Embassy in Senegal, the State Computer Science Agency (ADIE) and the International Bank for Commerce and Industry of Senegal (BICIS), among others. More than 200 specialists of the Web (web developers and web designers) are going to be mobilized during 48 hours in order to create, host and upload a website, for each of the selected musicians, in order to promote him and make him be within the reach of the entire world. With the mobilization of the best Senegalese web developers as well as the mass production of more than two hundred (200) websites in 48 hours, it is clear that this event will really favor the promotion of the development of web applications and of the mobile web. We are aware of your interest in the promotion of the cultural industries, namely the one of the Senegalese Music. We also know that you or your organissation is interested in the promotion of the new technologies in all economic sectors. It is for that reason that we seek your fully support and commitment as a partner of the concept of ?My Music Online? or in french ?Ma Musique en ligne?. Mouhamet Diop En fran?ais Kheweul.Com en partenariat avec l?ARTP, la Banque Mondiale, l?Ambassade de France, l?ADIE (Agence de l? Informatique de l? Etat), l?Association des M?tiers de la Musique(AMS), va lancer le concept de ? Musique S?n?galaise sur Internet ? pour tous les acteurs de la Musique Senegalaise, et ceci gr?ce ? l?appui et ? la coop?ration de partenaires et des professionnels du Web et des Medias, les 28, 29 et 30 Ao?t 2008 au M?ridien Pr?sident. Le Samedi 30 Aout 2008, en DIRECT avec la RTS 1, sous la patronnage des hautes autorit?s de ce pays, ? l?occasion d?un d?ner de gala au M?ridien Pr?sident, les sp?cialistes des Nouvelles Technoligies et les Professionnels de la Musique c?l?breront ensemble une rencontre in?dite d?expertise locale au service du d?veloppement ?conomique et social du pays. Ce concept, fruit d?une r?flexion strat?gique sur la Croissance de l?Economie S?n?galaise, et d?une application concr?te de l?apport des IT (Technologies de l?Information) aux autres grappes de croissance, est accept? , endoss? et promu par l?ensemble des partenaires, d?j? engag?es aupr?s des acteurs de la musique s?n?galaise. Cet ?venement permet d?ameliorer les indicateurs num?riques (p?n?tration Internet, nombre de sites Web, Site de commerce ?lectronique, etc), donne un coup de fouet (booster) ? l?economie des industries culturelles et permet la valorisation de leurs productions et ?uvres. Ce processus concourt au renforcement de la comp?titivit? de la culture s?n?galaise ? travers le monde entier. Les membres d?ISOC Senegal sont invit?s ? participer activement ? cet ?venement?. Pour toute information , consulter le site Cordialement. Mouhamet Diop -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From emko at Mon Aug 25 02:49:25 2008 From: emko at (Eric M.K Osiakwan) Date: Mon Aug 25 07:53:24 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] "My Music Online " - Musique Senegalaise Sur Internet In-Reply-To: <00a601c90619$ee014720$ca03d560$@sn> References: <00a601c90619$ee014720$ca03d560$@sn> Message-ID: <> Terrific...... On 24 Aug 2008, at 21:47, Mouhamet Diop wrote: > > > > > Hotel Meriden President > > saturday 30 August 2008 ? Diner De gala > > TECHNICAL IMPLEMENTATION ON 28 & 29 ao?t 2008 at AUF, UCAD, ESMT. > > > > Kheweul.Com, The Ministry of ICT, the Senegalese Regulation > Authority for Post and Telecom (ARTP), in close relationship with > the supporting institutions (Worldbank, etc.), promote Senegalese > music by launching the concept entitled ?My Music Online?. This > initiative also benefits from the support and the cooperation of > public and private partners such as the French Embassy in Senegal, > the State Computer Science Agency (ADIE) and the International Bank > for Commerce and Industry of Senegal (BICIS), among others. > > > > More than 200 specialists of the Web (web developers and web > designers) are going to be mobilized during 48 hours in order to > create, host and upload a website, for each of the selected > musicians, in order to promote him and make him be within the reach > of the entire world. > > > > With the mobilization of the best Senegalese web developers as well > as the mass production of more than two hundred (200) websites in > 48 hours, it is clear that this event will really favor the > promotion of the development of web applications and of the mobile > web. > > > > We are aware of your interest in the promotion of the cultural > industries, namely the one of the Senegalese Music. We also know > that you or your organissation is interested in the promotion of > the new technologies in all economic sectors. It is for that reason > that we seek your fully support and commitment as a partner of the > concept of ?My Music Online? or in french ?Ma Musique en ligne?. > > > > > > > > > > > > Mouhamet Diop > > > > > > En fran?ais > > > > Kheweul.Com en partenariat avec l?ARTP, la Banque Mondiale, > l?Ambassade de France, l?ADIE (Agence de l? Informatique de l? > Etat), l?Association des M?tiers de la Musique(AMS), va lancer le > concept de ? Musique S?n?galaise sur Internet ? pour tous les > acteurs de la Musique Senegalaise, et ceci gr?ce ? l?appui et ? la > coop?ration de partenaires et des professionnels du Web et des > Medias, les 28, 29 et 30 Ao?t 2008 au M?ridien Pr?sident. > > > > Le Samedi 30 Aout 2008, en DIRECT avec la RTS 1, sous la patronnage > des hautes autorit?s de ce pays, ? l?occasion d?un d?ner de gala au > M?ridien Pr?sident, les sp?cialistes des Nouvelles Technoligies et > les Professionnels de la Musique c?l?breront ensemble une rencontre > in?dite d?expertise locale au service du d?veloppement ?conomique > et social du pays. > > > > Ce concept, fruit d?une r?flexion strat?gique sur la Croissance de > l?Economie S?n?galaise, et d?une application concr?te de l?apport > des IT (Technologies de l?Information) aux autres grappes de > croissance, est accept? , endoss? et promu par l?ensemble des > partenaires, d?j? engag?es aupr?s des acteurs de la musique > s?n?galaise. > > > > Cet ?venement permet d?ameliorer les indicateurs num?riques > (p?n?tration Internet, nombre de sites Web, Site de commerce > ?lectronique, etc), donne un coup de fouet (booster) ? l?economie > des industries culturelles et permet la valorisation de leurs > productions et ?uvres. > > > > Ce processus concourt au renforcement de la comp?titivit? de la > culture s?n?galaise ? travers le monde entier. > > > > Les membres d?ISOC Senegal sont invit?s ? participer activement ? > cet ?venement?. > > > > Pour toute information , consulter le site > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Cordialement. > > > > Mouhamet Diop > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > AfrICANN mailing list > > Eric M.K Osiakwan ICT Integrator Internet Research 42 Ring Road Central, Accra-North Tel: +233.21.258800 ext 2031 Fax: +233.21.258811 Cell: +233.24.4386792 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From hrobert at Mon Aug 25 16:01:53 2008 From: hrobert at (Jean Robert HOUNTOMEY) Date: Mon Aug 25 17:06:49 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] Fw: RFI - Le prix de l'Internet Message-ID: <5D0EF680363A4CB1B0913E0BB27933F3@hrobertPC> Paru sur RFI - L'internet en Afrique. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From annerachel at Mon Aug 25 20:25:05 2008 From: annerachel at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anne-Rachel_Inn=E9?=) Date: Mon Aug 25 20:56:24 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] =?iso-8859-1?q?Conf=E9rence_ICANN_=3A_se_prot?= =?iso-8859-1?q?=E9ger_du_phishing_-_Briefing_session_on_Registrar_?= =?iso-8859-1?q?Impersonation_in_Phishing_Attacks?= Message-ID: Conf?rence ICANN : se prot?ger du phishing Demain 26 ao?t, l'ICANN organise une web conf?rence d'information sur les cas d'usurpation d'identit? des bureaux d'enregistrement lors d'attaques de phishing. De quoi s'agit-il ? Un pirate usurpe l'identit? d'un registrar et envoie ? un client de ce dernier un faux message au sujet de ses noms de domaine. Un avis d'expiration par exemple. C'est ni plus, ni moins du phishing. Le pirate a cr?? un site frauduleux, similaire ? celui du bureau d'enregistrement, pour inciter le client ? acc?der ? son compte de gestion du domaine concern? et ? r?v?ler involontairement ses informations d'identification. Cette technique surtout connue dans le milieu bancaire sera expliqu?e de mani?re pr?ventive par Dave Piscitello de la division S?curit? et Stabilit? du Comit? Consultatif de l'ICANN, lors d'une web conf?rence (en fran?ais et en anglais) dont vous trouverez ici tous les d?tails. ENGLISH VERSION -- As announced at the last policy unit call on Monday, At-Large is going to have a briefing session with Dave Piscitello this coming week on Registrar Impersonation in Phishing Attacks and other stakeholder communities are most welcome to join. The SSAC Advisory on Registrar Impersonation has recently been translated into French and Spanish. They have not been uploaded to the SSAC website yet but we have it linked to the meeting page for the briefing session: You can find the English, French and Spanish versions of the briefing invitations attached to this email for your use. If you have questions regarding this Briefing, please get in contact with somebody from the At-Large staff. From emko at Mon Aug 25 21:00:12 2008 From: emko at (Eric M.K Osiakwan) Date: Mon Aug 25 23:58:33 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] The digital war on poverty - this, we can win? Message-ID: <> digitalmedia.mobilephones NB: Sorry for crossposting Eric M.K Osiakwan ICT Integrator Internet Research 42 Ring Road Central, Accra-North Tel: +233.21.258800 ext 2031 Fax: +233.21.258811 Cell: +233.24.4386792 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From annerachel at Tue Aug 26 15:26:17 2008 From: annerachel at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anne-Rachel_Inn=E9?=) Date: Tue Aug 26 15:31:53 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] =?windows-1252?q?Obama-Biden=2C_des_noms_de_d?= =?windows-1252?q?omaine_=E0_foison?= Message-ID: par St?phane VAN GELDER Obama-Biden, des noms de domaine ? foison Depuis l'officialisation de Joe Biden comme colistier de Barack Obama pour aller conqu?rir la Maison Blanche, les enregistrements de noms de domaine autour des deux hommes se multiplient. Analyse. POINTS ESSENTIELS ? Moteur de recherche Pour r?aliser cette enqu?te, nous avons utilis? le moteur de recherche au contenant du registrar INDOM. Il permet de s?lectionner les zones et de choisir les termes ? inclure dans les noms de domaine. Les 10 premiers r?sultats sont m?me fournis gratuitement. Essayez le en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessus. Le nom est propos? ? la vente sur eBay avec un prix de d?part de 100 000 USD. Pouss?e par sa curiosit?, la r?daction de DomainesInfo a voulu voir si le nouveau couple vedette de la politique am?ricaine, Barack Obama et Joe Biden, avait eu des r?percussions dans le monde des noms de domaine. Le .ORG devance le .NET et le .COM Les r?sultats sur les termes "obama" plus "biden" sont surprenants. Au moment de notre recherche, que nous avons volontairement limit?e aux trois extensions pr?f?r?es des am?ricains ? le .COM, le .NET et le .ORG, environ 200 noms ?taient d?j? enregistr?s autour du double "ticket" des d?mocrates. Surprise, le .ORG compte le plus de noms : 99 contiennent les termes "obama" et "biden". Il y avait aussi 65 noms de ce type r?serv?s en .NET et 32 en .COM. Des chiffres qui vont certainement augmenter dans les prochains jours. Comment expliquer que le .COM soit derri?re les deux autres en volume d'enregistrements ? Peut-?tre parce que l'extension est consid?r?e comme trop "visible" par ceux qui souhaitent profiter de la campagne pr?sidentielle am?ricaine pour faire du commerce de noms de domaine. Peut-?tre aussi parce que ceux qui veulent ouvrir des sites ayant v?ritablement vocation politique vont plus naturellement vers le .ORG? Ench?res Qui r?serve ces noms ? Dans de nombreux cas, des sp?culateurs bien s?r. Ainsi au-del? de la multitude de noms d?j? point?s vers des pages parking pour des liens sponsoris?s, certains utilisent des m?thodes plus directes. Si vous tapez, vous serez automatiquement redirig?s vers la page eBay sur laquelle le nom est propos? ? 0,99 USD. La m?me strat?gie a ?t? utilis?e par le propri?taire de, simplement lui est plus gourmand puisqu'il d?marre les ench?res ? 100 000 USD ! Il y a aussi les sites "l?gitimes", comme celui des catholiques qui soutiennent la campagne des d?mocrates sur Sales coups politiques Et puis il y a les vrais coups bas. Derri?re un nom comme (?lisez Obama et Biden), vous vous attendez certainement ? trouver un site en leur faveur. Pourtant, c'est un site critiquant les des deux hommes ! Le nom est redirig? vers un URL qui lui ne cache pas son jeu : Et oui, il s'agit bien du site des r?publicains (l'abr?viation GOP, qui signifie "Grand Old Party" ou le "bon vieux parti", est le surnom du parti r?publicain). Ces derniers n'ont pas h?sit? ? prendre des noms de leurs adversaires pour pi?ger leurs supporters. C'est du joli. D?cid?ment, on pourrait dire de la politique ce que Cormac McCarthy dit de l'Am?rique : c'est un endroit dur qui n'est pas pour les vieux ! Publi? le mardi 26 ao?t 2008 Copyright (c) DomainesInfo. Tous droits r?serv?s. Imprim? le 26/08/2008 From annerachel at Tue Aug 26 16:55:35 2008 From: annerachel at (=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anne-Rachel_Inn=E9?=) Date: Tue Aug 26 17:52:43 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] News from around teh net -- different languages Message-ID: 23. Mutually assured destruction in cyberspace A report on the Chinese cyber-threat is the focus of an article in The Financial Times, that uses as its basis a paper by John Tkacik, senior research fellow at the Asian Studies Center of the Heritage Foundation on the Chinese cyberthreat. The article notes the study highlights a list of security breaches that will make worrying reading for US policymakers, even if exaggerated. This is particularly so because of the size of their internet populations in both the US and China and that "the US and China will be each other's biggest strategic rival in the future." The article also says "the threat to peace from US-China rivalry in cyberspace is significant for two reasons." These are "the US expects to maintain overwhelming military dominance in the Pacific and around the world for at least a generation, but only because of its technological lead and its ability to "see" and control the battlefield electronically from space and from the air" and "planners assume that future wars will involve cyber-attacks to cripple the enemy's entire society by disabling electricity, communications and banking networks." 24. Thousands of cyber attacks each day on Britain's key utilities "Cyber-espionage" from countries such as Russia and China against computer networks controlling electricity supplies, telecommunications and banking is the focus of an article in The Times. The article says networks "are being attacked thousands of times a day in a new cyberwar against Britain waged by criminals and terrorists - some of them backed by foreign states - the Government has said." ********************** RESEARCH PAPERS ********************** 1. Deconstructing An Experiment In Global Internet Governance: The ICANN Case by Slavka Antonova [International Journal of Communications Law and Policy] The model of a global multistakeholder collaboration in Internet domain-name system management, as developed by U.S. government in 1998 and embedded in the ICANN, held all the promises of a paradigm shift in global governance. Seven years later, the UN World Summit on the Information Society in Tunisia (November 2005) adopted some of the vocabulary of the ICANN experiment and recognized the multistakeholder collaboration as a key organizational principle in global Internet governance. Yet, it reestablished the leading role of national governments and intergovernmental organizations, such as the ITU, in the regulation of the global Internet. ********************** GOVERNANCE ********************** 2. A Decade of Internet Evolution by Vinton G. Cerf, Google In 1998 the Internet had about 50 million users, supported by approximately 25 million servers (Web and e-mail hosting sites, for example, but not desktops or laptops). In that same year, the ICANN was created. Internet companies such as Netscape Communications, Yahoo!, eBay, and Amazon were already 3 to 4 years old and the Internet was in the middle of its so-called "dot-boom" period. Google emerged that year as a highly speculative effort to "organize the world's information and make it accessible and useful." Investment in anything related to the Internet was called "irrational exuberance" by the then head of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, Alan Greenspan. 3. A Decade in the Life of the Internet by Geoff Huston, APNIC The evolutionary path of any technology can often take strange and unanticipated turns and twists. At some points simplicity and minimalism can be replaced by complexity and ornamentation, while at other times a dramatic cut-through exposes the core concepts of the technology and removes layers of superfluous additions. The technical evolution of the Internet appears to be no exception, and contains these same forms of unanticipated turns and twists. 4. Cyber Infrastructure: The Internet's New Shortcut The Internet, it turns out, may have room enough for everyone. Even the most bandwidth-hogging digital pirates. That, at least, is the hope of two professors from the University of Washington and Yale University. They plan to present research at a conference in Seattle on Thursday describing a new and speedier way to send data across the Internet. Their technique, based on an algorithm they call P4P, could eventually offer a less controversial version of peer-to-peer file sharing, a practice that has flooded the Internet with pirated music and movies and ignited debate over what online content broadband providers should regulate. 5. The Future of the Internet - A Political View by Geoff Huston Lets face it, gathering a collection of ministerial delegations to laboriously recite prepared speeches to each other sounds about as exciting as watching paint dry. And observing meetings where the major outcome appears to be limited to the scheduling of the next meeting can become somewhat tedious after a while. It should not be surprising that the level of expectation of tangible outcomes for such governmental meetings is invariably abysmally low. So what's the value of adding yet another meeting to governments' schedule? What makes the OECD-hosted ministerial meeting on the Future of the Internet Economy so unique in the context of the Internet's current political landscape and its political future? Why would a meeting about the dismal science of economics hold any interest at all? 6. Multistakeholder Advisory Group Renewed To Prepare Internet Governance Forum Meeting In Hyderabad, India, 3-6 December [news release] The membership of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group, which is entrusted with assisting in the preparations for the annual meeting of the Internet Governance Forum, has been renewed. A total of 50 members, 17 among them new, have been appointed. This represents a renewal of one third of its membership. The members of the Multistakeholder Advisory Group are from all stakeholder groups representing Governments, private sector and civil society, including the academic and technical communities, representing all regions. 7. Joe Biden's pro-RIAA, pro-FBI tech voting record By choosing Joe Biden as their vice presidential candidate, the Democrats have selected a politician with a mixed record on technology who has spent most of his Senate career allied with the FBI and copyright holders, who ranks toward the bottom of CNET's Technology Voters' Guide, and whose anti-privacy legislation was actually responsible for the creation of PGP. ********************** DOMAIN NAMES ********************** ********************** - ICANN ********************** 8. Wanted : Hosts For ICANN Meetings in 2009-10 by Michele Neylon ICANN will be holding a meeting somewhere in Europe from October 25 - 30 2009, while another meeting is planned for Africa from February 7 - 12 2010. The question, of course, is where exactly will these meetings take place... 9. Net ruling 'to cause website name chaos' IT and legal experts have predicted chaos on the internet following a global ruling adversely affecting the selling power of many of the high street's largest brand names. It follows a surprise decision by the body that controls the net to sanction a free-for-all online auctioning of disputed internet domain addresses. ********************** - ccTLD & gTLD NEWS ********************** 10. The .aeDA Registry System is Live from 3rd of August 2008 [news release] The .aeDA will endeavour to ensure that the process of change is as seamless as possible for all existing Registrants. The .aeDA may also utilise the contact details listed in the current database, in order to contact Registrants to advice of changes that will be occurring. 11. CYM: putting Wales on the Internet The Welsh government has pledged ?20,000 to support the campaign for the creation of a .CYM domain to promote both the Welsh region and culture. 12. Who Will Acquire dot Dubai? Under the latest ICANN's policy who would like to bid the highest amount for the exclusive global rights to the new domain suffix .dubai? 13. gov: DNS security steps ordered by OMB Government agencies must take new measures by January 2009 to ensure the Domain Name System security extensions on top level .gov Web site domains are signed, and that processes for securing sub-domains are developed, according to a memorandum released today by the White House Office of Management and Budget. The top level .gov domain includes the registrar, registry, and DNS server operations. 14. BBC London on .london BBC London on the proposed .london top-level domain. 15. Nigeria aims to expand use of .ng domain [IDG] The Nigeria Internet Registration Association (NIRA), charged with increasing Internet penetration through the popularization of the .ng domain name, has set a target of growing Internet usage in the country to 2 million in the next 18 months. NIRA President Ndukwe Kalu announced the goal at the association's second annual general meeting in Lagos on Wednesday. 16. NiRA to boost .ng registrations The Nigeria Internet Registration Association has said that it intends to ensure massive registration of Internet addresses with .ng, Nigeria's country code top level domain name, before the new era of registration of generic TLDs introduced by ICANN becomes operational. 17. 7 Million .ORG Domain Names Now Registered [news release] .ORG, The Public Interest Registry, the registry behind the global .ORG domain name, announced today that more than 7 million domain names are now registered as .ORG, making it the third largest generic domain (after .com and .net). Since management of the registry was assumed by Public Interest Registry in 2003, .ORG registrations have increased more than 250%. 18. .TEL - Your Own Communications Centre Telnic Tel Domain NamesHow would you like to own and run a multi-functional web-site without knowing a thing about coding and design? Soon it will be possible. The idea behind .TEL domain name is to create a single publishing hub for different channels of communication, providing a new kind of contacts directory service. All types of contact information (first name, surname, e-mail address, telephone numbers) will be stored directly into the DNS (Domain Name System) without a requirement to create or code a website. 19. Top-level domains in Taiwan to support Chinese characters from 1Q09 The Chinese characters spelling Taiwan (.?x?W) will be available for use in top-level Internet domain names starting from the first quarter of 2009, according to the government-sponsored Taiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC). 20. uk: Six million .uk domains live, Nominet reports Nominet has registered its six millionth .uk domain name, with the national country code attracting a growing number of domestic companies. 21. uk: Customer satisfaction surveys Nominet is launching two customer satisfaction surveys to measure the level of satisfaction with the support services they offer. 22. Prolonging .yu domain registration and finalising its transition to .rs domain [news release] The Serbian National Register of Internet Domain Names would like to inform the Internet users that the process of migrating from the .yu domain to the new national .rs domain is entering its final phase. Until 10 September 2008, the present .yu domain owners have the priority when registering the same .rs domain names which were reserved for them. ********************** - DNS SECURITY ********************** 23. Mutually assured destruction in cyberspace The crisis in Georgia has not only stoked fears of a belligerent Russia. It has also served as a reminder that a new style of warfare ? potentially as devastating as those that terrified previous generations ? is almost upon us: cyberwar. 24. Thousands of cyber attacks each day on Britain's key utilities Computer networks controlling electricity supplies, telecommunications and banking are being attacked thousands of times a day in a new cyberwar against Britain waged by criminals and terrorists ? some of them backed by foreign states ? the Government has said. 25. Cybereye | The threats ahead Infrastructure networking technology figures to be the hot topic during the next year when it comes to researching vulnerabilities. In a survey of attendees at the Black Hat Briefings security conference earlier this month, 49 percent of respondents said they intended to pursue research in this area. About a third said they will be looking at Web technologies for vulnerabilities. 26. Warning issued on fake software sites [AAP] The German Federal Agency for Security in Information Technology (BSI) in Bonn is warning about a new and especially tricky security hole affecting internet users. The hole is related to the Domain Name System (DNS) and hence potentially affects all web users. 27. DNS poisoners hijack typo domains Websense, the security services provider, has reported a successful case of cache poisoning on name servers of one of the largest Chinese ISPs. Netcom customers are said to have been steered by criminals to manipulated pages on which exploits for RealPlayer, MS Snapshot Viewer, Adobe Flash Player and Microsoft Data Access Components attempted to inject malicious software into their PCs. 28. DNS exploits are happening A fatal flaw with the DNS (Domain Name System) was currently being exploited in internet attacks and more attacks were likely, the security researcher who discovered the flaw said on Thursday in the US.,1000000189,39464511,00.htm,130061744,339291466,00.htm,39044215,62045199,00.htm 29. VeriSign to Extend SSL Security to Web Sites with Internationalized Domain Names [news release] Seven of every 10 people in the world don't speak English, but that isn't keeping them from using the Internet. Now, domain name registrants and Web site operators not only can reach users in their own language ? they can also protect their sites with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Certificates from VeriSign, Inc. (NASDAQ: VRSN), the trusted provider of Internet infrastructure services for the networked world. ********************** - DOMAIN DISPUTES ********************** 30. JIPO moves to block sale by US-based company of athletes' domain names Domain names of Jamaican gold medal Olympians are being pedalled on the Internet and the Jamaica Intellectual Property Office JIPO - the government copyright body - is moving to block these sales. 31. India should follow China in protecting domain names of athletes Ever tried out punching in or Or even or Well, the domain name expected to lead us into India's iconic tennis player's website actually sends us to a real estate hunt, apartment rentals and roommate searches. 32. Big Companies Go After .Mobi Domain Names Are big companies starting to pay more attention to .mobi? Recent UDRP filings with WIPO and National Arbitration Forum show this may be the case. 33. Typosquatting the U.S presidential election - a security risk? Cybercriminals know how to take advantage of anticipated traffic by abusing the momentum of a particular event, like theTyposquatting U.S presidential election in this case. Everyone, from scammers coming up with legitimately looking donation sites that they will later on spam, to the a bit more complex blackhat search engine optimization campaigns used in order to serve malware, everyone can benefit from a typosquatted domain. And what better time of the year to check whether or not domains having the potential to impersonate U.S presidential candidates are still available at the disposal of malicious parties? ********************** - IPv4/IPv6 ********************** 34. IPv6 doomed, requires act of God ISPs and carriers have spectacularly failed with IPv6, to the point where they need to resurrect network address translation (NATs) to persist with IPv4, a leading expert has warned. 35. Organisations failing to migrate to IPv6 Migration to the new Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) standard is virtually non-existent, according to a year-long study released this week by network security firm Arbor Networks. 36. What IPv6 Address is That? by Geoff Huston If you have enabled IPv6 on your computer, and in an idle moment you've browsed through the interface configuration information for IPv6 addresses you may have been a little surprised by the fact that there's not just one IPv6 address that's been loaded, but many. With IPv4 there was a single address that was bound to each interface, but when using IPv6 its not so clear, and an interface can have a number of IPv6 addresses simultaneously. Its also common to have automatic IPv6 over IPv4 tunnelling interfaces be created, and they also are configured with IPv6 addresses. The result can be impressive in terms of the number of IPv6 addresses that are configured into a single host system. Which IPv6 addresses are useable, and in which context? In this article I'd like to look at the IPv6 address plan, and describe the various address prefixes. 37. NDRC Urges Commercial Trial Of IPv6 In China The National Development and Reform Commission of China has released a special notice on the commercial trial and the equipment industrialization of IPv6 on its official website. 38. IPv6 adoption sluggish: study A recent study has revealed just how slow the rate is for of adoption for IPv6, the next version of the internet's main communications protocol. The lack of enthusiasm for the new protocol has some experts saying black markets where companies trade unused IP addresses may be only a few years away. ********************** - MISCELLANEOUS ********************** 39. InternetNZ Launches History Book and Internet Entrepreneurship Foundation [news release] InternetNZ (The Internet Society of New Zealand Inc) announces the successful launch of 'Connecting the Clouds ? the Internet in New Zealand' and the Liz Dengate Thrush Internet Entrepreneurship Foundation. 40. Weighty history of the internet, from N to Z The first time I heard the word "hyperlink" was in an enthusiastic rave by IT journalist Keith Newman in the early 1990s, describing some computer network he seemed convinced would change the world. As a subeditor on IT newsweekly Computerworld, I was used to Newman raving about one revolutionary IT development or another, so didn't think too much of his latest preoccupation. The subeditor was there to exercise a little scepticism, eliminate about half the words and try to ensure the published story made sense. 41. August Apster Published The August edition of Apster, APNIC's newsletter for the Asia Pacific Internet community, has been published and features articles on: the Internet in New Zealand, what IPv6 address is that?, is your IPv4 address really private?, DNSSEC - Once more, with feeling!, 32-bit AS numbers, and Day In The Life of the Internet (DITL). 42. Domain Name News Acquires Domain Name News is pleased to announce our new domain name for Domain Name News. of course! ********************** - DOMAINING & AFTERMARKET ********************** 43. Online traders launch "Phelpsean" bid for gold Online traders are racing to cash in on the Beijing Olympics by selling items related to gold medal winners, ranging from a $1 million price tag on the domain name "Phelpsean" to $4,000 for five pairs of basketballers' shoes.,,2-13-1443_2381126,00.html 44. Three-Word .Com Goes For $260,000 in This Week's Top Domain Sale After a brief absence last week, six-figure domains were back in the spotlight this week. Leading the sales charge was's $260,000 sale of That is one of the highest three-word domain sales we have ever seen but perhaps not overly surprising considering that there has been a huge marketing push on triple or 3-in-1 credit report services over the past year. Those services give their customers reports from all three of the major credit bureaus in one package. The buyer of this domain already has a new site up to take advantage of that lucrative market. 45. Obama-Biden Web site on sale for $100,000 The Obama campaign has succeeded partly through astute, unprecedented use of the Internet. But some of the most obvious Web site domain names for the Obama-Biden ticket might not actually belong to the campaign anytime soon ? if ever. 46. Lift Off: How New Sales Platforms are Sending the Domain Aftermarket Into Orbit - Name Media's AfternicDLS If you read our June 2007 Cover Story on NameMedia, you already know a lot about this rapidly growing domain conglomerate. But a lot has changed since that story appeared two months ago, especially in the company's aftermarket operations. 47. Moniker SES: Steals of the Year If you didn't bid in Moniker 's SES auction, you missed out on some great deals. 48. Domain Names DOT ME Auction Record Prices - Online Casino Gambling Names Hot During the landrush period in June people attempted to register their very own dot me domain name. 49. Frisco teen masters online profits Frisco resident Tom Swanson works as a webmaster, flipping Internet sites for profit much like a Realtor might fix up an old house and sell it at a higher price. He's also dabbled in the stock market, created a business blog, and can straighten out a Rubik's cube in just over a minute. ********************** - NON-ENGLISH NEWS ********************** 50. Neue TLDs ? ICANN favorisiert Auktionsmodell Was tun, wenn sich zwei Bewerber um die selbe Top Level Domain streiten? Die Internet-Verwaltung ICANN favorisiert ein hippes Auktionsmodell ? und schafft sich mit der L?sung eines Problems wom?glich zahlreiche neue. 51. DNS-Vergifter entf?hren Tippfelher-Domains Der Sicherheitsdienstleister Websense hat von einem erfolgreichen Fall von Cache-Poisoning auf Nameserver eines der gr??ten chinesischen ISP berichtet. Netcom-Kunden wurden dadurch auf manipulierte Seiten von Kriminellen gelenkt, auf denen Exploits f?r den RealPlayer, den MS Snapshot Viewer, Adobe Flash Player und Microsoft Data Access Components versuchten, Sch?dlinge in den PC einzuschleusen. 52. Sicherheitsexperten warnen vor Angriffen auf DNS-Server Sicherheitsexperten warnen vor vermehrten Angriffen auf die im Juli entdeckte Schwachstelle im Domain Name System (DNS). MessageLabs hat nach eigenen Angaben zwischen Juli und August eine Zunahme des verd?chtigen DNS-Datenverkehrs um 52 Prozent beobachtet. "Das ist ein Anzeichen daf?r, dass sich die Online-Unterwelt auf zielgerichtete Angriffe in den n?chsten Wochen vorbereitet", teilte das Sicherheitsunternehmen mit.,39029460,39195203,00.htm 53. Suchmaschinen ? Pr?fen verringert Haftungsrisiko Das Oberlandesgericht N?rnberg hat sich in einem Prozesskostenhilfeverfahren ausf?hrlich mit der St?rerhaftung als solcher und der von Suchmaschinenbetreibern im Besonderen auseinander gesetzt und kam zu ?berzeugenden Ergebnissen: Wer seiner Pr?ftpflicht nachkommt, gewinnt. 54. Google schafft Mindestpreise f?r AdWords ab Google hat mehrere Verbesserungen seines Anzeigensystems AdWords angek?ndigt. Der Suchanbieter will die Mindestpreise seines auf Auktionen basierenden Werbesystems abschaffen und nicht mehr vorab, sondern in Echtzeit berechnen, welche Anzeige an welcher Position neben den Suchergebnissen erscheint.,39023151,39195198,00.htm 55. Le fournisseur China Netcom touch? par la faille DNS Selon les chercheurs de Websense Security Labs, le fournisseur ADSL d'Hong Kong en aurait ?t? victime, par du 'cache poisonning' 56. IPv6 boud? par les entreprises Selon une ?tude portant sur une ann?e d'analyse et publi?e cette semaine par l'expert en s?curit? r?seau Arbor Networks, l'adoption de la nouvelle norme Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) serait quasiment au point mort. Les experts et les gouvernements ont ?t? encourag?s ? migrer vers le nouveau protocole car l'actuel protocole IPv4, vieux de 20 ans, est aujourd'hui ? court d'adresses. 57. 900 jours avant la p?nurie d'adresses IP Le compte-?-rebours est lanc? : d'ici 3 ? 5 ans, les adresses IPv4 seront l'or num?rique de l'Internet. La solution, l'adoption rapide d'IPv6. Toutefois, seulement 0,002% du trafic actuel passe par cette norme. 58. Le .SU continuera d'exister Condamn? ? dispara?tre d'Internet, l'extension .SU (d?signant l'ex URSS) a ?t? officiellement reconnue cet ?t? par la norme ISO 3166-1. Elle ?chappe ainsi ? sa suppression programm?e par l'ICANN. 59. .PA : 618 noms lib?r?s Le registre du Panama vient de lib?rer 618 noms de domaine en .COM.PA. Ces noms sont enregistrables sans restriction. 60. Que faire face aux noms de domaine en statut "on hold" ? J'ai une marque identique ? un nom de domaine en .EU. Je ne peux pas enregistrer le nom et ne sais pas quand il sera de nouveau disponible ? l'enregistrement : il est en statut "on hold". Que dois-je faire? 61. China prohibe registrar dominios de internet con nombres de medallistas de oro a terceros Las autoridades deportivas de China han prohibido a personas ajenas abrir p?ginas web con nombres de dominio basados en los nombres reales de los medallistas de oro ol?mpicos del pa?s. 62. CDA wil actie tegen tikfoutdomeinen Het CDA in de Tweede Kamer wil maatregelen tegen internetdomeinnamen waarin bewust een tikfout is aangebracht. Wie bijvoorbeeld per ongeluk intikt, in plaats van, komt op een website met onder meer een link naar porno. 63. ENUM heeft nog een lange weg te gaan ENUM, een technologie om mobiele telefonie en internet te verbinden, lijkt niet van de grond gekomen. Tot nu toe zijn er slechts 48 registraties in Nederland. 64. CZ.NIC por?d? druh? rocn?k konference ENUM Day Sdru?en? CZ.NIC, spr?vce n?rodn? dom?ny .CZ a registru cesk?ch ENUM dom?n, uspor?d? ve stredu 17. z?r? konferenci ENUM Day 2. Jednodenn? setk?n? m? dva hlavn? c?le ? pribl??it, co se deje v t?to oblasti v Cesk? republice a ve svete, a prezentovat zku?enosti s nasazen?m t?to technologie v praxi. ENUM Day 2 se uskutecn? od 10 hodin v pra?sk?m klubu Rock Caf? na N?rodn? tr?de. From ymshana2003 at Mon Aug 25 14:03:27 2008 From: ymshana2003 at (Dr Yassin Mshana) Date: Tue Aug 26 19:59:08 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] "My Music Online " - Musique Senegalaise Sur Internet In-Reply-To: <00a601c90619$ee014720$ca03d560$@sn> References: <00a601c90619$ee014720$ca03d560$@sn> Message-ID: <> Excellent idea! Well done all for coming up with this Initiative and others in the past. Yassin 2008/8/24 Mouhamet Diop > > > > > Hotel Meriden President > > saturday 30 August 2008 ? Diner De gala > > TECHNICAL IMPLEMENTATION ON 28 & 29 ao?t 2008 at AUF, UCAD, ESMT. > > * * > > *Kheweul.Com, The Ministry of ICT, the Senegalese Regulation Authority for > Post and Telecom (ARTP)*, in close relationship with the supporting > institutions (Worldbank, etc.), promote Senegalese music by launching the > concept entitled "My Music Online". This initiative also benefits from the > support and the cooperation of public and private partners such as the > French Embassy in Senegal, the State Computer Science Agency (ADIE) and the > International* *Bank for Commerce and Industry of Senegal (BICIS), among > others. > > > > More than 200 specialists of the Web (web developers and web designers) are > going to be mobilized *during 48 hours *in order to create, host and > upload a website, for each of the selected musicians, in order to promote > him and make him be within the reach of the entire world. > > > > With the mobilization of the best Senegalese web developers as well as the > mass production of more than *two hundred (200) websites* in *48 *hours, > it is clear that this event will really favor the promotion of the > development of web applications and of the mobile web. > > > > We are aware of your interest in the promotion of the cultural industries, > namely the one of the Senegalese Music. We also know that you or your > organissation is interested in the promotion of the new technologies in all > economic sectors. It is for that reason that we seek your fully support > and commitment as a partner of the concept of *"My Music Online" **or in > french "Ma Musique en ligne".* > > * * > > * *** ** > > ** * * > > ** * * > > > > Mouhamet Diop > > > > > > En fran?ais > > > > Kheweul.Com en partenariat avec l'ARTP, la Banque Mondiale, l'Ambassade de > France, l'ADIE (Agence de l' Informatique de l' Etat), l'Association des > M?tiers de la Musique(AMS), va lancer le concept de ? Musique S?n?galaise > sur Internet ? pour tous les acteurs de la Musique Senegalaise, et ceci > gr?ce ? l'appui et ? la coop?ration de partenaires et des professionnels du > Web et des Medias, les 28, 29 et 30 Ao?t 2008 au M?ridien Pr?sident. > > > > Le Samedi 30 Aout 2008, en DIRECT avec la RTS 1, sous la patronnage des > hautes autorit?s de ce pays, ? l'occasion d'un d?ner de gala au M?ridien > Pr?sident, les sp?cialistes des Nouvelles Technoligies et les Professionnels > de la Musique c?l?breront ensemble une rencontre in?dite d'expertise locale > au service du d?veloppement ?conomique et social du pays. > > > > Ce concept, fruit d'une r?flexion strat?gique sur la Croissance de > l'Economie S?n?galaise, et d'une application concr?te de l'apport des IT > (Technologies de l'Information) aux autres grappes de croissance, est > accept? , endoss? et promu par l'ensemble des partenaires, d?j? engag?es > aupr?s des acteurs de la musique s?n?galaise. > > > > Cet ?venement permet d'ameliorer les indicateurs num?riques (p?n?tration > Internet, nombre de sites Web, Site de commerce ?lectronique, etc), donne un > coup de fouet (booster) ? l'economie des industries culturelles et permet la > valorisation de leurs productions et ?uvres. > > > > Ce processus concourt au *renforcement de la comp?titivit? de la culture > s?n?galaise *? travers le monde entier. > > > > Les membres d'ISOC Senegal sont invit?s ? participer activement ? cet > ?venement?. > > > > Pour toute information , consulter le site > > > > * *** ** > > ** * * > > ** * * > > > > > > Cordialement. > > > > Mouhamet Diop > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > AfrICANN mailing list > > > > -- c/o DFID-Nigeria No. 10 Bobo Street Maitama Abuja Nigeria Skype: yassinmshana1 Mobile: +234-803 970 5117 Do You really NEED TO PRINT THIS? Sure? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From emko at Tue Aug 26 17:59:34 2008 From: emko at (Eric M.K Osiakwan) Date: Tue Aug 26 21:31:20 2008 Subject: [AfrICANN-discuss] The climate of innovation around IT in SSA Message-ID: Eric M.K Osiakwan ICT Integrator Internet Research 42 Ring Road Central, Accra-North Tel: +233.21.258800 ext 2031 Fax: +233.21.258811 Cell: +233.24.4386792 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: