[AfrICANN-discuss] A guide to intersessional ICANN work
Anne-Rachel Inné
annerachel at gmail.com
Tue Sep 25 22:53:03 SAST 2007
Sorry for crosspostings
[image: San Juan to Los Angeles
*A guide to intersessional ICANN work*
ICANN's meeting at the end of June in San Juan, Puerto Rico was notable by
the large amount of policy work that was tackled, and by a number of
significant changes within ICANN as an organisation.
If anything, ICANN's next meeting in Los Angeles between 29 October and 2
November will see even more issues dealt with, and further changes
introduced across the organisation.
As such, ICANN decided to produce a progress report to bring people up to
speed with what is going on. This document will review what happened at San
Juan and provide at least a partial review of what we expect to occur at the
Los Angeles meeting in an effort to draw threads between the two.
*Up to date*
The hope is that publications such as this will keep people up-to-date plus
enable everyone to spread the load of document review over a longer
timeframe and so contribute to a more efficient and effective Los Angeles
The issues dealt with will be kept as concise as possible with links
provided to more in-depth resources. Despite this effort though, the
document remains lengthy so a contents list at the top lets people jump
quickly to particular issues of interest.
All feedback and comments on this document are welcome.
*POLICY ISSUES<mailbox:///C%7C/Documents%20and%20Settings/Anne-Rachel.Inne/My%20Documents/ARI/Thunderbird_Firefox/THUNDERBIRD2/Profiles/6e3gbfv6.inne/Mail/m01.icann.org/Inbox?number=2080440#LETTER.BLOCK5>
*Domain name tasting<mailbox:///C%7C/Documents%20and%20Settings/Anne-Rachel.Inne/My%20Documents/ARI/Thunderbird_Firefox/THUNDERBIRD2/Profiles/6e3gbfv6.inne/Mail/m01.icann.org/Inbox?number=2080440#LETTER.BLOCK6>
*New gTLDs<mailbox:///C%7C/Documents%20and%20Settings/Anne-Rachel.Inne/My%20Documents/ARI/Thunderbird_Firefox/THUNDERBIRD2/Profiles/6e3gbfv6.inne/Mail/m01.icann.org/Inbox?number=2080440#LETTER.BLOCK8>
*Accountability and
*Independent review<mailbox:///C%7C/Documents%20and%20Settings/Anne-Rachel.Inne/My%20Documents/ARI/Thunderbird_Firefox/THUNDERBIRD2/Profiles/6e3gbfv6.inne/Mail/m01.icann.org/Inbox?number=2080440#LETTER.BLOCK13>
*Online developments<mailbox:///C%7C/Documents%20and%20Settings/Anne-Rachel.Inne/My%20Documents/ARI/Thunderbird_Firefox/THUNDERBIRD2/Profiles/6e3gbfv6.inne/Mail/m01.icann.org/Inbox?number=2080440#LETTER.BLOCK15>
*Vint and the Board<mailbox:///C%7C/Documents%20and%20Settings/Anne-Rachel.Inne/My%20Documents/ARI/Thunderbird_Firefox/THUNDERBIRD2/Profiles/6e3gbfv6.inne/Mail/m01.icann.org/Inbox?number=2080440#LETTER.BLOCK17>
This part deals with the issues that are currently going through the ICANN
decision-making processes (as opposed to Organisational Issues (below) which
concern changes within ICANN and its structure).
Domain name tasting
Background info<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=bz6gmdcab.0.rhwdddcab.xrsqb6bab.11&ts=S0280&p=http%3A%2F%2Fpublic.icann.org%2Fissues%2Fdomain-name-tasting>
ICANN staff contact(s): Olof Nordling <olof.nordling at icann.org>
(Policy); Patrick
Jones <patrick.jones at icann.org> (Services)
*At San Juan:*
A public discussion was held on an Issues
by Staff covering domain name tasting. There was also a domain
tasting tutorial (full
including transcript).
The Staff recommended that a policy development process (PDP) be conducted
i.e. that the issue became a formal discussion matter within ICANN. The GNSO
Council decided it needed more facts and figures before taking that step. An
ad hoc working group was formed to do more research and draft the terms of
reference for a possible PDP.
*San Juan** to Los Angeles:*
The ad hoc group will do more research on the issue and report to the
Council in October. The Council may then vote on whether to launch a PDP.
As part of that research, the group prepared a fact-finding
gather facts and opinions from the Internet community. An interactive
online poll was set up to elicit information from across the community. You
can view the results
The Intellectual Property constituency within the GNSO also produced a
RFI online poll<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=bz6gmdcab.0.qd8snecab.xrsqb6bab.11&ts=S0280&p=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.bigpulse.com%2F917i>to
gain more in-depth information.
In the meantime, Staff are continuing work on other mechanisms for dealing
with domain tasting that do not require a formal PDP, such as the ICANN
Budget process, or registry contracts. Those deliberations will form part of
the report provided the GNSO Council.
*At Los Angeles:*
The issue is also likely to feature in a number of public
in discussion at the GNSO
By the time of the meeting the GNSO Council may have launched a formal PDP
into the issue, in which case the first steps will be taken in Los Angeles.
If the GNSO Council feels a PDP is not the best route to address domain name
tasting, then focus is likely to shift onto the alternatives outlined by
ICANN staff contact: Tina Dam <tina.dam at icann.org>
*At San Juan:*
Internationalized domain names (IDNs) was one of the biggest work issues at
the San Juan meeting, and will be a key policy issue at the Los Angeles
The Board adopted
number of procedures for adding IDNs to the root in order to carry out
real-life tests and also directed Staff to implement a series of
recommendations issued by the root server operators just prior to the
The Board also drew
the work done by a series of organisations outside ICANN in order to
IDN deployment moving further down the road. There was revision of the IDNA
protocol, plus successful early lab tests and an SSAC report that it saw no
security or stability risks in adding IDNs to the root for testing purposes.
This all prepared the ground for real-life root tests.
There was also significant work done on the wider policy issues surrounding
the introduction of IDNs. The ccNSO and GAC produced an issues
asked a series of questions to focus debate on how to deal with IDNs
from a policies and process standpoint. The GNSO discussed IDN issues in the
context of the introduction of new generic top-level domains (gTLDs). It has
an IDN working group, and a "reserved names" sub-group that provided
recommendations on managing IDN TLDs. All that information will be
considered by the other elements of the ICANN structure.
A number of conversations between different organisations in San Juan over
the issue helped keep everyone abreast of other's views and perspectives.
*San Juan** to Los Angeles:*
With the ground prepared for inserting test IDNs into the actual root, the
last piece of the jigsaw is the approval of the plan for what will be
introduced, how, and how they will be evaluated. That
been through public review and was
the ICANN Board on 14 August, along with the delegation of the eleven
evaluative IDN TLDs.
The next step will be to add the text labels and encourage Internet users to
use the new top-level domains in their own languages and report any issues
that they may find through the use of different software and hardware. ICANN
plans to encourage use of the test IDNs through the introduction of wikis -
where ordinary Net users can directly edit content.
In the meantime, the ccNSO, GAC, GNSO and ALAC will produce responses to the
ccNSO-GAC issues paper on the public policy issues of introducing IDNs. The
ccNSO is also considering launching a policy development process (PDP) on
the issue.
The GNSO already has an IDN working group, formed as part of its
consideration of new gTLDs. The ccNSO also has its own IDN working group.
The SSAC has also opened a new project on IDNs which will develop its terms
of reference.
*At Los Angeles*
It is possible that the first, earliest results following introduction of
real IDNs in the root may be available for review. There remain a number of
hurdles to be overcome to get to that point but the hope is that the Los
Angeles meeting will present a milestone in the Internet's history.
The community and Board will consider the responses from the different
supporting organisations and advisory committees on the issues raised in the
ccNSO-GAC paper in San Juan. In the best-case scenario, the different groups
will be able to find common ground and present the result to the Board for
review. In reality, a degree of progress that moves closer to consensus for
how to deal with the complex issues of IDNs would be welcome and provide a
foundation for future work.
There are two GAC closed working group meeting on IDNs on Saturday 27
28 October<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=bz6gmdcab.0.yx677ecab.xrsqb6bab.11&ts=S0280&p=http%3A%2F%2Flosangeles2007.icann.org%2Fnode%2F31>.
IDNs are also likely to be a regular feature of the two main public forums
on the Monday<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=bz6gmdcab.0.rx677ecab.xrsqb6bab.11&ts=S0280&p=http%3A%2F%2Flosangeles2007.icann.org%2Fnode%2F43>(29
Oct) and the
New gTLDs
Background info<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=bz6gmdcab.0.xhwdddcab.xrsqb6bab.11&ts=S0280&p=http%3A%2F%2Fpublic.icann.org%2Fissues%2Fnew-gtlds>
ICANN staff contact(s): Craig Schwartz <craig.schwartz at icann.org>(Services).
At San Juan:*
New generic top-level domains was the topic of greatest discussion at San
Juan. Three reports on the issue, two developed by working groups of the
GNSO, were released and were the subject of discussion in no less than six
public sessions.
The issue and the reports were raised at various public fora, in front of
the GNSO Council and the ICANN Board, and there were a number of joint
meetings between constituencies on new gTLDs. Links to some of those
meetings, where you can find transcripts of the discussions are given below:
23 Jun: GNSO working
25 Jun: GNSO public
27 Jun: New gTLDs and freedom of
28 Jun: Public forum<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=bz6gmdcab.0.9x677ecab.xrsqb6bab.11&ts=S0280&p=http%3A%2F%2Fsanjuan2007.icann.org%2Fnode%2F50>
*San Juan** to Los Angeles:*
A draft final report combining all the reports and GNSO Council input was
compiled and put out to public
That comment period ended 30 August, and a summary and
comments was posted. A review of the process was provided to the GNSO
Council at its meeting on 6 September. The Council approved the paper
of the meeting<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=bz6gmdcab.0.6x677ecab.xrsqb6bab.11&ts=S0280&p=http%3A%2F%2Faudio.icann.org%2Fgnso%2Fcouncil-20070906.mp3>(mp3)].
The report comes in two parts. You can review Part A
B here<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=bz6gmdcab.0.4x677ecab.xrsqb6bab.11&ts=S0280&p=http%3A%2F%2Fgnso.icann.org%2Fissues%2Fnew-gtlds%2Fpdp-dec05-fr-partb-01aug07.htm>.
A Board paper will now be drawn up for consideration at the Los Angelesmeeting.
ICANN has also put out a
statements of interest to design the process that people will follow
when applying for a new gTLD.
*At Los Angeles:*
The ICANN Board will vote on the Board paper. The Los Angeles meeting is
also likely to see some serious discussion about the practical steps forward
in making the policy a reality.
The GNSO Council will discuss the issue in working meeting on the
28 Sep). It will also likely be a topic at the joint GAC-GNSO
the Sunday. There is a public
on new gTLDs on the Monday. And the issue will inevitably be
discussed at the public
Materials will be produced to explain and guide people through the process
for applying for new gTLDs, and to outline the decisions that have been made
with regard to new gTLDs, complete with a timeline of the process.
Registrar Accreditation Agreement
ICANN staff contact: Tim Cole <tim.cole at icann.org> (Services)
At San Juan:*
The ongoing review of the Registrar Accreditation Agreement had its own
workshop where planned changes were outlined and a number of presentations
given by representatives of different constituencies (full
including transcript).
RAA reform was also discussed at the Public
the Board
The Board passed a
consult widely with the community over suggested changes and outlined
procedure for arriving at RAA amendments.
San Juan to Los Angeles:*
A series of six suggested
the RAA have been posted on the ICANN website and a public
comment period<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=bz6gmdcab.0.9c8snecab.xrsqb6bab.11&ts=S0280&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.icann.org%2Fpublic_comment%2F%23raa-consultation>on
them, which is also open to other suggested changes, opened on 30 July
and closed on 10 September.
A summary and analysis of community feedback will be made available and
further discussions with the registrar community carried out in light of
them. Proposed amendments to the RAA will then be posted and a second public
comment period opened. Other ICANN constituencies will be invited to
contribute their views.
One important development in the relationship between ICANN and registrars -
that of ICANN storing (or, "escrowing") domain registrant data from all
registrars in case something goes wrong - has also taken a step forward with
the ICANN Board at its 14 August meeting
choice of Iron Mountain to peform data storage on ICANN's behalf
(registrars have the option to choose their own provider at their own
*At Los Angeles:*
Discussions surrounding proposed amendments to the RAA will form part of
public discussion, both at the public fora on
Oct) and
Nov), and at a dedicated
be held on Wednesday 31 Oct. Discussions within different
constituencies over the RAA are almost certain to form part of overall
Background info<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=bz6gmdcab.0.yfgscbcab.xrsqb6bab.11&ts=S0280&p=http%3A%2F%2Fpublic.icann.org%2Fissues%2Fwhois>
ICANN staff contact(s): Liz Gasster <lgasster at gmail.com>
At San Juan:*
Three working groups on different aspects of the Whois question (natural
versus legal person registrations; access to unpublished data; and
development of OPoC (Operational Point of Contact) requirements) reported in
time for the San Juan meeting. The reports were compiled and debated in
three sessions running all day on 24 June
and 3.30pm-5.30pm<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=bz6gmdcab.0.jy677ecab.xrsqb6bab.11&ts=S0280&p=http%3A%2F%2Fsanjuan2007.icann.org%2Fnode%2F17>
*San Juan** to Los Angeles:*
The Whois working group used discussions at San Juan to focus on a number of
areas of contention, holding weekly conference calls to discuss the issues
and try to come to agreement. The working group produced its final
on 20 August.
That report was put forward to the GNSO Council at its
30 August [recording
On 6 September [
the Council reviewed several Whois reports and approved a resolution for
further public comment with the intention to lead to a vote on the issue on
31 October 2007 during the Los Angeles ICANN meeting.
The resolution also called for ICANN staff to prepare a draft final report.
That report<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=bz6gmdcab.0.ny677ecab.xrsqb6bab.11&ts=S0280&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.gnso.icann.org%2Fdrafts%2Ficann-staff-overview-whois13sep07.pdf>[pdf]
was completed and put out for public
14 September. The comment period will close on 30 October.
*At Los Angeles:*
Whois discussions are likely to form part of discussions both within the
GNSO Council at their sessions on
As well as in the public forums on
The GAC will discuss Whois in a closed
Sunday 28 October.
ICANN staff contact(s): Leo Vegoda <leo.vegoda at icann.org>
At San Juan:*
There was a workshop<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=bz6gmdcab.0.ry677ecab.xrsqb6bab.11&ts=S0280&p=http%3A%2F%2Fsanjuan2007.icann.org%2Fnode%2F16>on
IPv6 on Monday 24 June, and a GAC
the Tuesday.
The Board also passed a series of
IPv6 including that it would "participate in raising awareness of
this situation and promoting solutions".
*San Juan** to Los Angeles:*
ICANN and IANA staff, as well as ICANN Board members, have given a series of
presentations and taken part in IPv6 discussions at various conferences
across the world.
*At Los Angeles:*
There will be two<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=bz6gmdcab.0.ty677ecab.xrsqb6bab.11&ts=S0280&p=http%3A%2F%2Flosangeles2007.icann.org%2Fnode%2F36>
IPv6 run by IANA on Sunday 28 October. The issue is also likely to
part of constituencies' presentations prior to the public
Thursday 1 November.
This section covers changes going on with ICANN itself, such as efforts to
further increase transparency and accountability, plus issues like
translation and the structure and members of different supporting
Accountability and Transparency
*At San Juan:*
An extensive set of principles and
prepared and released just prior to the meeting, with a public
to discuss their content, followed by an open discussion session.
The frameworks and principles cover: accountability and financial
accountability at ICANN; dispute resolution; information disclosure;
consultation principles; translation principles; and a code of conduct.
A public comment
opened on the principles on 23 June.
*San Juan** to Los Angeles:*
The public comment period closed 31 August and a summary and analysis of
feedback received will be produced soon. The principles will be redrafted in
response to those comments and put out to a second public comment period.
*At Los Angeles:*
The principles and frameworks will likely form part of discussions at the
public fora on Monday<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=bz6gmdcab.0.rx677ecab.xrsqb6bab.11&ts=S0280&p=http%3A%2F%2Flosangeles2007.icann.org%2Fnode%2F43>and
Independent review
Independent review
*At San Juan:*
There was an open forum
changes to the GNSO and the GNSO Council, and the Board discussed the
changes at its public Board meeting.
The Board also passed a
asked for public comment to be included into a new set of draft
proposed recommendations to be put out to further public comment.
The final terms of
for review of the At Large Advisory Committee were posted just prior
to the meeting.
*San Juan** to Los Angeles:*
The GNSO changes will be put through to a second public comment period, as
well as reviewed by the Board Governance Committee. The Board may then
consider whether to approve the suggested improvements at its Board meeting
in Los Angeles.
Three other reviews will be conducted of the At Large Advisory Committee.
the Nominating Committee, and the ICANN Board itself. Independent reviewers
are currently being sought for the ALAC review.
Review of the NomCom will be carried out by Interisle Consulting Group. It
has already started carrying out phone interviews with people who have
participated in or closely observed the NomCom process. It also held an open
public comment period<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=bz6gmdcab.0.8y677ecab.xrsqb6bab.11&ts=S0280&p=http%3A%2F%2Ficann.org%2Fpublic_comment%2F%23nomcom-review>from
19 July to 17 September.
At the Board 14 August
the Board announced it would wait on a revised terms of reference of the
review into the Board itself. It then
terms at its next meeting on 11 September, and they were put out for
20 September until 11 October.
*At Los Angeles:*
The Board may approve the suggested changes to the structure and functioning
of the GNSO and GNSO Council. A number of sessions and public fora will
cover the different independent reviews going on: GNSO, Nominating
Committee, and the Board.
There is a workshop<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=bz6gmdcab.0.4y677ecab.xrsqb6bab.11&ts=S0280&p=http%3A%2F%2Flosangeles2007.icann.org%2Fnode%2F44>on
GNSO review on Monday 29 October. The Interisle Consulting Group is
holding a special
its NomCom review on Wednesday 31 Oct. The terms of reference for the
Board review should have been agreed and may form part of discussions at the
Board meeting.
There should be news on the terms of reference for review of the DNS Root
Server System Advisory Committee.
*The NomCom is undergoing an independent review of its structure and purpose
(see section above).
At San Juan:*
The Nominating Committee met formally and informally with one another at the
San Juan meeting. It had previously
there had been 93 Statements of Interest for the positions on offer:
three seats on the Board of Directors; two members of the GNSO Council;
three members of the At Large Advisory Committee; and one member of the
ccNSO Council.
*San Juan** to Los Angeles:*
In mid-July, the NomCom's 22 members met face-to-face and made their final
choices for the positions on offer. Those chosen will be vetted before being
officially announced before the end of September.
*At Los Angeles:*
Those chosen will participate in the meeting.
Online developments
*At San Juan:*
A redesign of the ccNSO
revealed; a beta
a new IANA website
and enhancements made to the San Juan meeting website [
http://sanjuan2007.icann.org] from the Lisbon meeting site. A new maps
the main ICANN website was also unveiled.
*San Juan** to Los Angeles:*
A new public comment
been created to provide details of all issues out for public comment
any given time. The ICANN
has been updated; a new meeting website for the Los
Angeles meeting prepared and
and ICANN shifted its websites onto new, more powerful servers.
A new ALAC site built on the more flexible Drupal software that ICANN has
been experimenting with since Sao Paulo is in development, and will serve as
the test-bed for an eventual shift over to Drupal by all ICANN websites. A
contact and registration system called CiviCRM is being experimented with to
allow for a greater tie-in between individuals and ICANN's various websites.
Early experiments are due to begin with automated translation software in an
effort to reach more non-English speaking members of the community.
*At Los Angeles:*
The Los Angeles meeting
include a number of improvements over previous versions, making it
easier for people to find information, add information, and interact online
both with other attendees and with the meeting itself.
The first experiments with automated translation may be ready to
demonstrate. A back-end system will make uploading, downloading and handling
files easier. Other ongoing improvements will be announced as and when they
go live.
*At San Juan:*
A new draft translation
outlined as part of the draft Management Operating Principles (put
out for public comment<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=bz6gmdcab.0.wy677ecab.xrsqb6bab.11&ts=S0280&p=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.icann.org%2Fpublic_comment%2F%23draftmop2007>).
A special meeting to discuss the principles and ICANN transparency and
accountability in general (here for full
including a transcript), also saw the release of a translation
ICANN's plans. En
español aquí<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=bz6gmdcab.0.fz677ecab.xrsqb6bab.11&ts=S0280&p=http%3A%2F%2Fblog.icann.org%2F%3Fp%3D156>.
ICANN has created an internal translation coordination team with staff
across departments. The team's priority is to hire an expert translations
consultant to help build a translation system.
*San Juan** to Los Angeles:*
The translation coordination team meet weekly. A number of new translation
been created on ICANN's public participation website to make the
work as transparent as possible in the hope of encouraging help from the
The team has drawn up a job
the translation expert, is actively approaching those they have the
requisite skills, and is preparing the groundwork for when the expert is
hired. A new page outlining what has been translated and is currently being
translated is being created, and new webpages that provide all translations
of particular languages are in the pipeline.
A number of experiment using automated translation software for mailing
lists is being prepared, and the results will feed into an effort to
translate dynamically created webpages. Technical experimentation with wikis
and community rating is being prepared in the hope of involving the
community in translating texts.
A call put out to the community for checkers of translated documents
received a tremendous response and the current system for translation is
being reorganised to make the most of this new resource.
*At Los Angeles:*
An expert translations consultant should have been hired and it is hoped an
initial report will be possible for the Los Angeles meeting.
A translations meeting<http://rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=bz6gmdcab.0.iz677ecab.xrsqb6bab.11&ts=S0280&p=http%3A%2F%2Flosangeles2007.icann.org%2Fnode%2F66>will
be held on Wednesday 31 October, with real-time interpretation
available in French, Spanish, Russian and Chinese to discuss plans and
elicit feedback from the community.
ICANN will have a more structured translation system in place, with early
results from the automated translation software efforts ready to share with
the community. A glossary of translated terms will be completed and put out
for review by the community.
The Los Angeles meeting will provide improved translation for attendees over
previous meetings, and more documents will be available in a wider range of
languages than previously. Interpretation will also be available in French,
Spanish and Russian in the main room for the entire meeting.
Vint and the Board
All Board meeting and minutes can be found
*Vinton G. Cerf, co-founder of the TCP/IP protocol, has been chairman of
ICANN almost since its inception. He will be standing down as chairman at
ICANN's Los Angeles meeting. Vint Cerf has been the figurehead of ICANN -
and, in many ways, the Internet itself. As its chairman, he has played the
most significant role - behind the Internet community itself - in shaping
how ICANN is formed and how it works.*
*At San Juan:*
Previous GNSO Council chair Bruce Tonkin became an ICANN Board member,
taking the place of Alejandro Pisanty.
*San Juan** to Los Angeles:*
Three new Board members, decided by the Nominating Committee, will be
announced in early October. These new Board members will replace Vint Cerf,
Joichi Ito and Vanda Scartezini.
Before the new members formally take their place on the Board at Los
Angeleshowever, they will review and discuss with the remaining Board
who should
take over as chairman following the Los Angeles meeting.
*At Los Angeles:*
The new Board members will take their places, and the new chairman will be
announced. Vint Cerf, Alejandro Pisanty, Joichi Ito and Vanda Scartezini
will be thanked for their contributions to ICANN.
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is an
internationally organized, non-profit corporation that has responsibility
for Internet Protocol (IP) address space allocation, protocol identifier
assignment, generic (gTLD) and country code (ccTLD) Top-Level Domain name
system management, and root server system management functions. These
services were originally performed under U.S. Government contract by the
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) and other entities. ICANN now
performs the IANA function.
As a private-public partnership, ICANN is dedicated to preserving the
operational stability of the Internet; to promoting competition; to
achieving broad representation of global Internet communities; and to
developing policy appropriate to its mission through bottom-up,
consensus-based processes.
*Los Angeles** meeting website*
The Los Angeles meeting has its own website, already up on the Internet.
You can find it at:
The site contains valuable information about the meeting, the venue, nearby
hotels, visa information and Los Angeles itself.
As the meeting draws closer, the site will be updated with the agenda
itself, speakers, early presentations and so on.
The website will also act as the online participation portal during the
If you have used one of ICANN's participation sites before, you should find
your username and password works automatically.
Otherwise, registration is quick and easy and will provide you with full
access to the site as well as the ability to post your own comments and
content on the site.
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