[AfrICANN-discuss] Week end reading
Anne-Rachel Inné
annerachel at gmail.com
Sat Nov 10 14:35:43 SAST 2007
1. Council of Europe calls for affordable, unrestricted, safe and diverse
access to the internet [news release]
The Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers has today adopted a
recommendation to member states promoting the public service value of the
internet. The recommendation aims to respond to users' expectations that
internet services should be accessible, affordable, safe, reliable and
2. Child protection must come first on the Internet - the Council of Europe
message to the Internet Governance Forum
The protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse is a
major challenge in Internet regulation today. Governments must sign up to
the new Council of Europe Convention to protect children, says Maud de
Boer-Buquicchio as the Council of Europe prepares to propose solutions at a
global level, at the Internet Governance Forum (IGF). The United Nations
conference will take place from 12 to 15 November in Rio de Janeiro
3. ICANN tweaks root DNS server
Attention IT mavens: It's time to update your DNS servers. Last week, ICANN
setup a new IP address for one of the thirteen "root name servers" that
oversee DNS queries across the net, and it plans on retiring the old address
as soon as the late spring.
- (cc)TLD NEWS
4. at: Internet law - domain registration in Austria
In Austria, the registration of the .at domain is administered by nic.at, an
official Austrian domain registry. The nic.at has enacted registration
guidelines as well as general terms and conditions for administering the .at
domain name. .At domains are registered by applying the terms and conditions
set forth in the relevant nic.at guidelines. These terms and conditions
include provisions related to the process of domain name administration,
revocation and cancellation for .at domains. The dispute concerning .at
domain name is resolved by an Arbitration office established by nic.at. This
summary presents an overview of how to register a domain name in Austria
according to the country rules.
5. .AU approaches one million domain registrations
Domain registrations in .AU will hit one million by the end of November
according to AusRegistry, the .AU registry. To celebrate, AusRegistry is
launching the '1 Million .au Webnames' advertising campaign incorporating a
mix of national press and online advertising.
6. Australia see surge in domain names
THE number of .au domain name registrations will hit the one million mark
this month, Australia¿s registry operator said.
7. .au domain reaches one millionth registration
The number of .au domain names will pass one million this month, after five
years of strong growth.
8. French domain registrar forms scientific committee [sub req'd]
9. Cyveillance Reports Malware Attacks via Web Sites Grew [news release]
Cyveillance, the world leader in cyber intelligence, today announced its
latest "Online Financial Fraud and Identity Theft Report." During the third
quarter of 2007, Cyveillance identified a significant shift in the nature of
online attacks with malware-based attacks jumping 30 percent to more than 3
million attacks. In addition, attacks targeting consumers in Europe and Asia
are growing substantially faster than in the United States, indicating a
global expansion of online fraud schemes taking advantage of previously
untapped economically developed nations.
10. Honeynet Project: Attackers Know Where You Live
The bad guys behind malicious Websites are starting to apply geographic
intelligence to better target and make money from their victims, according
to a soon-to-be released report by the Honeynet Project.
11. Got Several Domains? 301 Redirect them to Your Main Domain
Are 301s a bad idea? Why or when should you use them? Does Google penalize
you if you get trigger happy and 301 everything in sight? Two WebmasterWorld
threads ask the same questions. In the first thread, a forum member is a bit
peeved at his competition because he has a bunch of domains that 301 to a
main site -- but each one looks pretty spammy especially since they appear
to be "monopoliz[ing] the area." Is this a good idea?
12. GoDaddy Signature Auction Fails to Attract Bidders
The first of three days in GoDaddy's first Signature Auctions failed to
attract more than 1 bid, with only 1 of the domains selling.
VirtualServer.com, the only good domain with a reasonable reserve, sold for
13. Taxi.mobi Lights Up Domain Auction at US$75,000
Think .mobi prices have hit the stratosphere? Look no further than the
conclusion of Sedo's latest .mobi auction, which ended this afternoon.
Taxi.mobi stole the show, hailing a top bid of $75,111. The domain received
a whopping 83 bids. Also attracting attention was Homes.mobi, which sold for
$53,700 with 53 bids. Houses.mobi, while not as good, is available in
today's GoDaddy auction.
14. Deutschland präsentiert sich auf dem IGF als "Land der Ideen" Meldung
Kommende Woche findet in Rio de Janeiro das zweite Internet Governance Forum
(IGF) der Vereinten Nationen (UN) statt. Die Bundesregierung misst allen
dort geplanten Themen – wie Internet für alle und überall, Freiheit der
Internetnutzung und Vielfalt der Inhalte – große Bedeutung bei
15. Google sichert sich den kürzesten Domainnamen der Welt
Google hat sich in China einen einstelligen Domainnamen gesichert. Dort wird
Google in Zukunft unter G.cn erreichbar sein. Weltweit werden Domainnamen
mit einem Buchstaben eher selten vergeben.
16. «Le .CAT a inspiré bon nombre de régions»
A l'instar des catalans, les bretons veulent leur extension Internet.
Présentation du projet .BZH, actuellement au stade d'étude préliminaire.
17. Google acquière le nom le plus court
Google vient d'acquérir G.CN, adresse qui renvoie vers une page Google en
idéogrammes chinois. Il s'agit du 6eme nom d'une seule lettre à échapper à
l'interdiction d'enregistrement préconisée par l'ICANN.
18. Icann. Un avvocato succede a Cerf
La Icann ha eletto Peter Dengate Thrush come suo chairman, posto ricoperto
fino a poco tempo fa da Vint Cerf, il fondatore del protocollo Tcp/Ip.
19. Neozelandés dirigirá la ICANN
El abogado neozelandés Peter Dengate Thrush es el nuevo presidente de la
ICANN, máxima autoridad en designación de nombres de dominio en internet,
informó el viernes en Los Ángeles la organización.
20. Estadisticas de Registro de Nombres de Dominio en America Latina al 31
de Octubre del 2007.
LatinoamerICANN presenta el reporte de estadisticas de nombres de dominio en
LAC al 31 de Octubre del 2007. Dicha recopilación es parte del estudio
iniciado por LatinoamerICANN para medir la incidencia de políticas de
Sociedad de la Información en el desarrollo de los ccTLD's de la región, así
como analizar el impacto de las políticas de los ccTLDs en las politicas de
Sociedad de la Informacion nacionales.
21. Un neozelandés presidirá la máxima autoridad de nombres de dominios
El abogado neozelandés Peter Dengate Thrush es el nuevo presidente de la
ICANN, máxima autoridad en designación de nombres de dominio en internet,
informó el viernes en Los Ángeles la organización.
22. Google sichert sich den kürzesten Domainnamen der Welt
Samhälle Internetorganisationen Icann genomgår nu stora förändringar i
ledningen, efter att dess chef Vint Cerf avgår. Icann, som står för ICANN,
valde nyligen Peter Dengate Thrush som ersättare på posten som
23. Adresserna på nätet räcker snart inte till
Internets adresser riskerar att ta slut om två år. Trots varnande röster
verkar få bry sig. Det finns dock vägar runt problemet och ett nytt system
håller på att långsamt fasas in.
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