[AfrICANN-discuss] on dots and cities --and more

Khaled KOUBAA khaled.koubaa at gmail.com
Tue May 15 22:45:52 SAST 2007

Actually Anne you forgot Paris Hilton ;) may she need to invest in 
domain registry business after going out the jail :)

Anne-Rachel Inné wrote:
> Hmmmm, actually who should really get dot paris for example???? to 
> illustrate what Mawaki just said look below.
>     * Paris, Bolivia (El Beni)
>       <http://wwwa.accuweather.com/world-index-forecast.asp?partner=forecastfox&traveler=0&loccode=SAM%7CBO%7CBL003%7CPARIS>
>     * Paris, Canada (Ontario)
>       <http://wwwa.accuweather.com/world-index-forecast.asp?partner=forecastfox&traveler=0&loccode=NAM%7CCA%7CON%7CPARIS>
>     * Paris, Canada (Yukon Territory)
>       <http://wwwa.accuweather.com/world-index-forecast.asp?partner=forecastfox&traveler=0&loccode=NAM%7CCA%7CYT%7CPARIS>
>     * Paris, Brazzaville (Pool)
>       <http://wwwa.accuweather.com/world-index-forecast.asp?partner=forecastfox&traveler=0&loccode=AFR%7CCG%7CCF009%7CPARIS>
>     * Paris, Brazzaville (Sangha)
>       <http://wwwa.accuweather.com/world-index-forecast.asp?partner=forecastfox&traveler=0&loccode=AFR%7CCG%7CCF010%7CPARIS>
>     * Paris, France (Ile-De-France)
>       <http://wwwa.accuweather.com/world-index-forecast.asp?partner=forecastfox&traveler=0&loccode=EUR%7CFR%7CFR012%7CPARIS>
>     * Paris, Gabon (Moyen-Ogooue)
>       <http://wwwa.accuweather.com/world-index-forecast.asp?partner=forecastfox&traveler=0&loccode=AFR%7CGA%7CGB003%7CPARIS>
>     * Paris, Gabon (Ogooue-Lolo)
>       <http://wwwa.accuweather.com/world-index-forecast.asp?partner=forecastfox&traveler=0&loccode=AFR%7CGA%7CGB007%7CPARIS>
>     * Paris, Haiti (Grand' Anse)
>       <http://wwwa.accuweather.com/world-index-forecast.asp?partner=forecastfox&traveler=0&loccode=CAC%7CHT%7CHA003%7CPARIS>
>     * Paris, Haiti (Nord)
>       <http://wwwa.accuweather.com/world-index-forecast.asp?partner=forecastfox&traveler=0&loccode=CAC%7CHT%7CHA004%7CPARIS>
>     * Paris, Haiti (Sud)
>       <http://wwwa.accuweather.com/world-index-forecast.asp?partner=forecastfox&traveler=0&loccode=CAC%7CHT%7CHA008%7CPARIS>
>     * Paris, Mexico (Chiapas)
>       <http://wwwa.accuweather.com/world-index-forecast.asp?partner=forecastfox&traveler=0&loccode=NAM%7CMX%7CMX005%7CPARIS>
>     * Paris, Panama (Herrera)
>       <http://wwwa.accuweather.com/world-index-forecast.asp?partner=forecastfox&traveler=0&loccode=CAC%7CPA%7CPM006%7CPARIS>
>     * Paris, Philippines (Antique)
>       <http://wwwa.accuweather.com/world-index-forecast.asp?partner=forecastfox&traveler=0&loccode=ASI%7CPH%7CRP007%7CPARIS>
>     * Paris, Philippines (Maguindanao)
>       <http://wwwa.accuweather.com/world-index-forecast.asp?partner=forecastfox&traveler=0&loccode=ASI%7CPH%7CRP071%7CPARIS>
>     * Paris, Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico)
>       <http://wwwa.accuweather.com/world-index-forecast.asp?partner=forecastfox&traveler=0&loccode=CAC%7CPR%7CPR000%7CPARIS>
>     * Paris, Sao Tome And Principe (Sao Tome)
>       <http://wwwa.accuweather.com/world-index-forecast.asp?partner=forecastfox&traveler=0&loccode=AFR%7CST%7CTP002%7CPARIS>
>     * Paris, Togo (*)
>       <http://wwwa.accuweather.com/world-index-forecast.asp?partner=forecastfox&traveler=0&loccode=AFR%7CTG%7CTO000%7CPARIS>
>     * Paris, Turkey (*)
>       <http://wwwa.accuweather.com/world-index-forecast.asp?partner=forecastfox&traveler=0&loccode=MEA%7CTR%7CTU000%7CPARIS>
>     * Paris, Ukraine (Odessa)
>       <http://wwwa.accuweather.com/world-index-forecast.asp?partner=forecastfox&traveler=0&loccode=EUR%7CUA%7CUP015%7CPARIS>
> If you are interested, on country names, WIPO 2 has been been dealing 
> with the subject with ICANN for the past four/five years now and I am 
> quoting from text that you can read here: 
> http://www.icann.org/correspondence/gurry-letter-to-cerf-lynn-21feb03.htm
> "".....Following consideration of the question of the protection of 
> country names against abusive registrations by the two special 
> sessions of the SCT 
> <http://ecommerce.wipo.int/domains/sct/documents/index.html> mentioned 
> above, the WIPO General Assembly, in October 2002, remitted the 
> question for further consideration by the SCT 
> <http://www.wipo.int/documents/en/document/govbody/wo_gb_ga/pdf/wo_ga_28_7.pdf>. 
> The SCT met for this purpose in November 2002 and adopted a decision 
> <http://www.wipo.int/sct/en/documents/session_9/pdf/sct9_8.pdf> that 
> the short and long names of States, as set out in the United Nations 
> Terminology Bulletin, should be protected against identical and 
> misleadingly similar registrations as domain names by persons 
> unconnected with the constitutional authorities of the States 
> concerned. It was recommended that this protection should be 
> implemented through an amendment of the UDRP and should apply to all 
> future registrations of domain names in the gTLDs. Further details of 
> the protection are set out in the text of the decision, which is set 
> out in Annex 2 to this letter 
> <http://www.icann.org/correspondence/gurry-letter-to-cerf-lynn-21feb03.htm#ANNEX2>......""
> Other links current and historical: http://www.icann.org/committees/JWGW2/
> http://www.icann.org/announcements/announcement-06oct03.htm
> http://www.icann.org/committees/gac/communique-25mar03.htm
> and more discussion on the subject on the GNSO list at: 
> http://gnso.icann.org/mailing-lists/archives/council/mail2.html#03415 
> <http://gnso.icann.org/mailing-lists/archives/council/mail2.html#03415>
> Mawaki and Sophia can tell you more about this.
> Some countries have been calling for protection of their cultural 
> heritage -- cities, cheeses, wines, special patterns names, etc....but 
> not an easy task...
> Pour les Francophones, le sujet est toujours d'actualite par exemple 
> en France: 
> http://www.cawa.fr/depot-des-noms-de-communes-en-fr-article001128.html 
> <http://www.cawa.fr/depot-des-noms-de-communes-en-fr-article001128.html>
> AR
> On 5/15/07, *Vika Mpisane* <vika at zadna.org.za 
> <mailto:vika at zadna.org.za>> wrote:
>     Thanks Mawaki. It's do-able & may raise an interesting dispute
>     resolution
>     process where you register dakar.sn <http://dakar.sn> and I run
>     afterwards to register a
>     .dakar TLD:-) But that's the reason why ICANN's policy processes
>     exist & may
>     be it's high time ICANN should start anticipating this???
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