[AfrICANN-discuss] Re: The list is up and running!

Njeri Rionge njeri.rionge at wananchi.com
Thu Mar 29 12:24:13 SAST 2007

Thank you, we will take full advantage of this list to further collaboration
and networking.



On 3/29/07 12:29 PM, "Anne-Rachel Inne  (by way of "Adiel A. Akplogan"
<adiel at afrinic.net>)" <anne-rachel.inne at icann.org> wrote:

> Welcome to all of you on this list.
> Find attached the note from the moderator of yesterday's session.
> Thanks.
> - a.
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Njeri Rionge
Chief Executive Officer
Eden Square 7th Floor
Chiromo Rd, Westlands
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T: (254 20) 3673250‹9
E: njeri.rionge at igniteconsulting.co.ke

Professional, Life Skills Coaching, Value Added Training on Conformity and
Business Quality Management Systems, Organizational Development and


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