[AfrICANN-discuss] Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa
khaled.koubaa at topnet.tn
Mon Aug 13 21:21:08 SAST 2007
Interesting article.
My question is when research group and think tank understand that if you
want a real-like research you have to be in region and not in a nice
office downtown DC :)
Anne-Rachel Inné wrote:
> For those interested -
> http://www.arp.harvard.edu/AfricaHigherEducation/Online.html
> Computing and Online Knowledge
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Computers in African Universities
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Are computers necessary for a university education? It is possible to
> teach most subjects well and thoroughly without expensive technology.
> But computers offer a solution to a problem identified by all the
> students surveyed: outdated textbooks and course materials. They are
> also vital for much of modern science, engineering, and business.
> Leaving students without programming skills may leave them
> underprepared for graduate school or unemployable in industry.
> Access to the internet is so desirable to students in Africa that they
> spend considerable time and money to get it. Many students surveyed,
> with no internet connection at their universities, resorted to
> private, fee-charging internet cafes to study and learn. The fees are
> not small: several US$/hr, exceeding in many countries the average
> daily income. One student reports spending large amounts of time
> walking to the internet cafe because he could not afford both the
> internet fee and the taxi fare. (Imagine, by analogy, U.S. college
> students walking for hours and paying $100/hr to do optional reading).
> Connection to online knowledge is valued enough by students in Africa
> that they will make that sacrifice.
> Internet cafe in Ghana (image from the BBC World News Service)
> Internet cafe (Ghana)
> -- read this survey
> <http://www.arp.harvard.edu/AfricaHigherEducation/Essays/essays/Ethiopia_1.pdf>
> from Ethiopia for the trauma of trying to write a research paper
> without textbooks, research journals, instruction, or an internet
> connection.
> Programming is essential for at least graduate-level science,
> engineering, and business: all use computer-based data analysis,
> modeling and numerical simulation. Computer use for data analysis can
> also, if taught well, help focus science instruction more on problem
> solving than on memorization of received knowledge. The students
> surveyed here, mostly participants in an international postgraduate
> program for science and math graduates, universally report that its
> chief benefit was practice in scientific computing. They also cite
> lack of programming instruction as one of the chief faults of their
> undergraduate educations.
> -- read this survey
> <http://www.arp.harvard.edu/AfricaHigherEducation/Essays/essays/SouthAfrica_1.pdf>
> from the comparatively wealthy South Africa for the conditions for
> learning programming at understaffed and underequipped universities
> Hardware. The most common response that students gave to the question
> "what can international donors do for African universities?" was
> "provide computers." Although lack of instructors in programming may
> eventually become an issue, at present the first need of African
> universities is hardware. One student surveyed described programming
> classes where all programs were written on paper; there were no
> computers available for running them. Ahmadu Bello University in
> Nigeria, with 30,000 undergraduates, had exactly 19 computers and 1
> printer in its libraries in 2006 (see this study of Nigerian
> universities <http://www.webpages.uidaho.edu/%7Embolin/etim.htm>).
> $100 laptop from the One Laptop Per Child project. The first
> production models are now available (early 2007).
> $100 laptop
> One possibility for upgrading African universities' computing
> facilities at low cost is to use the $100 laptops designed by the One
> Laptop Per Child <http://www.laptop.org/vision/index.shtml>project.
> The laptops were targeted at children (6-12 years), and several
> governments and the UNDP have signed agreements
> <http://content.undp.org/go/newsroom/january-2006/100-dollar-laptop-20060128.en;jsessionid=a_Q884XX38gg>
> to purchase and distribute them to primary schoolchildren. The OLPC
> machines would be a tremendous resource for university students as
> well. At minimum they can serve as e-books, accessing freely available
> textbooks and other online course material (see below
> <http://www.arp.harvard.edu/AfricaHigherEducation/Online.html#curriculum>).
> "Mesh networking" allows efficient connectivity and sharing of
> material with any other OLPC laptop within 1/4 mile; an entire
> university can then be "meshed" together and can share a single
> internet connection.
> At maximum the laptops could also be used for scientific computing.
> They use the same Linux operating system as do scientific workstations
> and can run the standard open-source software used for scientific
> programming and publishing (e.g. Python, TeX). The laptops have
> relatively small data storage and memory (128 MB), but are sufficient
> for most programming courses and can be upgraded for more substantial
> data analysis.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Online curriculum materials
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The students surveyed all mentioned out-dated and overly theoretical
> curricula as a failing of their universities. This is a symptom of low
> spending (lack of money to buy new textbooks or install laboratories)
> and of isolation (professors have little access to science outside
> their own graduate training). Both can be remedied given internet
> connections.
> Lecture notes and curricula. There is a growing movement in the U.S.
> and elsewhere to make university-level educational materials freely
> available to all. A leader in this movement is MIT with its Open
> Courseware <http://ocw.mit.edu/index.html> project, in which
> professors place their lecture notes, problem sets, exams, and even
> videos of lectures online for all to use, reaching 1.5 million users
> each month (see also this summary
> <http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2001/ocw-facts.html> and articles from
> MIT <http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2006/ocw.html> and Information Week
> <http://www.informationweek.com/story/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=198000568>).
> All of MIT's courses will be on the web by the end of the 2007. Other
> universities participating in open courseware efforts include Tufts,
> Johns Hopkins, U.C. Irvine, Univ. of Notre Dame, Utah State (see here
> <http://www.ocwconsortium.org/use/index.html>), and Yale (see article
> <http://www.careerjournal.com/myc/school/20070216-chaker.html?cjpos=home_whatsnew_major>).
> The Open Educational Resources Commons
> <http://www.oercommons.org/oer/oer-categories> also gathers university
> course material and videos of lectures and demonstrations. The
> movement is not confined to the U.S.: Britain's Open University, a
> fee-charging distance-learning university, is now making some courses
> freely available (see article
> <http://education.guardian.co.uk/elearning/story/0,,1728283,00.html>).
> Textbooks. The movement to make educational materials freely available
> extends to textbooks as well. Numerous authors have placed their work
> online for others to use. Wiki Books
> <http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Main_Page> includes texts on many
> subjects. Individual highly-regarded textbooks available online
> include the science text Motion Mountain
> <http://www.motionmountain.net/>, with 30,000 downloads a year, and
> others in computer science <http://www.htdp.org/>, physics
> <http://www.lightandmatter.com/area1book1.html>, and many other
> subjects. Project Gutenberg <http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page>
> (2 million downloads a month), Google Books, and other digital library
> projects are placing out-of-copyright volumes online for anyone to read.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Research journal access
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Economics of science publishing. Internet access and open courseware
> can be a great asset for African universities, but cannot alone fully
> connect African universities to the international scientific
> community. African universities would still lack access to the
> journals in which essentially all of academic research is published.
> The largest item in a university library budget is no longer books but
> rather subscriptions to these journals. For a serious research
> university, annual subscription costs are now in the millions: MIT
> paid $4 million in 2006 for science and engineering journals alone.
> These costs, and their steep rise (a 150% increase in the last 10
> years) are a source of concern throughout the academic world. (See
> articles from Brown University
> <http://www.brown.edu/Administration/George_Street_Journal/vol24/24GSJ19c.html>
> and Library Journal
> <http://www.libraryjournal.com/article/CA516819.html>). The rise is
> not due to publishers' expenses. In 2004 the private journal publisher
> Elsevier reported profits of nearly $900 million (and spent $2.8
> million lobbying the U.S. Congress). U.S. universities are cutting
> back on subscriptions (e.g. Florida
> <http://www.libraryjournal.com/clear/CA6314773.html#news2> and
> Stanford
> <http://daily.stanford.edu/article/2004/2/6/facSenDiscussesJournalFees>;
> see also this review
> <http://www.createchange.org/archive/librarians/issues/silent.html>).
> Developing-world universities cannot afford access at all. If African
> researchers do publish in international journals, they cannot access
> even their own published work. (Note that U.S. taxpayers are in the
> same position, unable to read the research results their taxes have
> paid for.)
> A subscription for a single research journal in certain fields can
> cost more than total educational costs for six African undergraduates.
> Image from the U. of Maryland Health Sciences and Human Services
> Library. <javascript:;>
> <javascript:;>
> $14,000/yr for a single journal <javascript:;>
> more here
> <http://astech.library.cornell.edu/ast/engr/about/car.cfm> and here
> <http://www.hshsl.umaryland.edu/information/news/exhibits/money/index.html>
> How can access be opened? One possibility is to persuade publishers to
> make journals available at low or no cost to developing-world
> universities. The UN has begun an archive for agricultural research
> (AGORA <http://www.aginternetwork.org/en/>), and the WHO sponsors a
> similar archive for health studies (HINARI
> <http://www.who.int/hinari/en/>). (See here
> <http://www.udsm.ac.tz/library/ejournal.html> for e-resources at the
> University of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania; note their use of AGORA).
> Some individual publishers have also taken independent steps to open
> access (see article about the Royal Society for Chemistry
> <http://pubs.acs.org/cen/science/84/8420sci1.html>). But a broader and
> simpler strategy is to pass legislation mandating that all federally
> funded research results must be placed in publicly accessible
> archives. The Federal Research Public Access Act of 2006
> <http://cornyn.senate.gov/index.asp?f=record&lid=1&rid=237171> (Cornyn
> & Lieberman), introduced in the 109th Congress, would have required
> this (see also this summary
> <http://www.arl.org/sparc/advocacy/frpaa/frpaafaq.html>). This
> legislation would force a reshaping of the publishing world that would
> have widespread support from libraries, universities in both the U.S.
> <http://www.arl.org/sparc/advocacy/frpaa/institutions.html> and
> developing world, and scientists themselves. Most people agree that
> the current system must change, but individual scientists feel
> constrained to publish in prestigious existing journals and publishers
> have no incentive to release copyright on their articles. U.S.
> legislation can break this logjam. Open research access is supported
> by many groups, including the American Library Association
> <http://www.ala.org/ala/godort/godortresolutions/20060626308.htm> and
> the Alliance for Taxpayer Access <http://www.taxpayeraccess.org/frpaa/> .
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Internet connectivity
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The proposals above for strengthening African universities with online
> knowledge depend on being able to actually access that knowledge. That
> would not have been possible a decade ago: the American Association
> for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) found in 1999 that students
> could not download research articles from a number of African
> universities because data transfer rates were so slow that connections
> were dropped (see report
> <http://www.aaas.org/international/africa/oljreport/index.shtml>). In
> 2007, using online resources in sub-Saharan Africa is a possibility.
> Still, serious challenges remain.
> Explosion of demand for internet connectivity. Internet access is now
> possible in all African countries and demand is growing from all
> sections of society. The change is recent and steep. In 1996 no
> countries in sub-Saharan Africa other than South Africa and Namibia
> had connections faster than 64Kbps (still painfully slow to U.S. users
> accustomed to a hundred times that), and many had none at all. By 2001
> the entire continent had reasonable connectivity and the total number
> of internet users was estimated as 5-8 million (see here
> <http://www3.sn.apc.org/africa/afrmain.htm>). By 2007, users in
> sub-Saharan Africa had grown fivefold to 33 million, nearly 4% of the
> population. (See these data
> <http://www.internetworldstats.com/stats1.htm>; growth is some 30% per
> year). Many African universities now maintain websites (see here
> <http://www-sul.stanford.edu/africa/africaneducation/african-universities.html>).
> The internet cafe is a ubiquitous feature of African cities, along
> with the storefront computer training school. Demand for access is
> high outside major cities as well: see these articles by a local
> entrepreneur starting an internet cafe in rural Kenya (1
> <http://startupkenya.blogspot.com/2007/01/internet-in-village.html> 2
> <http://startupkenya.blogspot.com/2007/01/laying-groundwork-for-rural-cyber.html>
> 3
> <http://startupkenya.blogspot.com/2007/02/cyber-cafe-with-edge.html>).
> Maasai students in Tanzania have begun applying to university, because
> the internet allows the first to enter a way to send information home
> to others.
> Internet use in Africa, 2007, and growth in usage from 1997-2007 (New
> York Times, data from World Bank, Miniwatts Marketing Group)
> <javascript:;>
> <javascript:;>
> Growth of internet in Africa <javascript:;>
> (NYT, from 2007 World Bank data)
> NYT article: (link)
> <http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/22/business/yourmoney/22rwanda.html>
> (pdf)
> <http://www.arp.harvard.edu/AfricaHigherEducation/Reports/NYT_AfricaOffline.pdf>
> High costs. The most remarkable aspect of the rising demand for
> internet connections in sub-Saharan Africa is that it is occurring
> despite the the highest connection costs in the world. The African
> consumer (or university) pays 50-500 times more than an American for
> an equivalent connection (e.g. $3,000/month instead of $30/month for a
> 1 Mbps connection; prices vary by country). African universities
> therefore cannot afford the bandwidth they need to make efficient use
> of online resources. The average African university, with tens of
> thousands of students and faculty, has the same aggregate bandwidth as
> a single household connection in the U.S. (see article
> <http://www.idrc.ca/es/ev-84498-201-1-DO_TOPIC.html> or this study
> <http://www.foundation-partnership.org/pubs/bandwidth/index.php?chap=chap2&sub=c2c>
> by the Partnership for Higher Education in Africa
> <http://www.foundation-partnership.org/index.php?sub=about>). The
> principal reason for high costs is the lack of optical fiber
> infrastructure (discussed below).
> Low capacity. High costs unfortunately go hand in hand with low
> capacity. Sub-Saharan Africa currently has the lowest data
> transmission bandwidth in the world (below even the steppes of Central
> Asia) and is falling further behind: its capacity is growing more
> slowly than in any other region. A 2006 report by the Association for
> Progressive Communications (APC) states: "Bandwidth is the life-blood
> of the world's knowledge economy, but it is scarcest where it is most
> needed ..." The report also concludes that sub-Saharan Africa has the
> world's "highest unmet demand for telecommunication services". (See
> report summary <http://www.africafocus.org/docs06/apc0612.php> or full
> pdf
> <http://www.arp.harvard.edu/AfricaHigherEducation/Reports/open_access_EN.pdf>).
> Africa has the world's lowest internet bandwidth (data througput) to
> North America, and its capacity is growing more slowly than in any
> other region: the continent is behind and falling further behind.
> (Figure from the International Committee for Future Accelerators
> (ICFA) Standing Committee on Inter-Regional Connectivity (SCIC), Jan.
> 2006 <javascript:;>
> <javascript:;>
> Internet capacity worldwide <javascript:;>
> Optical fiber links. Optical fiber infrastructure is the cheapest and
> most efficient way of transferring data. Only 14 of 49 sub-Saharan
> countries have any fiber connection to each other or to the rest of
> the world (NEPAD, 2004). The remainder must use expensive satellite or
> radio connections. A single cable runs along the West coast of Africa.
> Few overland networks penetrate the interior, and East Africa is
> completely isolated.
> Submarine optical fiber cables around the world. Color of cable
> denotes bandwidth. Note how poorly Africa is connected, and the total
> absence of cables to East Africa <javascript:;>
> <javascript:;>
> World submarine optical cables <javascript:;>
> Absence of a $200 million investment in an East African cable is
> likely hurting local economies many times over. Interest in building
> such a cable has however risen in recent years. The first proposal,
> made in 2002, would be funded by a consortium of private operators
> (the East African Submarine System, or EASSy). As of July 2007 four
> separate proposals for East African submarine cables are in play; the
> expectation is that one will succeed. (See article
> <http://fibreforafrica.net/main.shtml?x=5059738&als%5BMYALIAS6%5D=Fibre:%20Questions%20need%20answering&als%5Bselect%5D=%3Cdiv%3ENo%20item%20found%3C/div%3E>
> from Fibre for Africa). Only one of these proposals is based on an
> open-access model. No international donors have offered majority
> funding to date.
> Lack of guaranteed open access is a concern because a single cable
> operated as a private monopoly will not generally reduce costs for the
> consumer. Although West Africa is now linked to Europe by optical
> fiber (the SAT-3 cable), communications costs there are generally no
> lower than via satellite. In the absence of strong regulatory
> agencies, the consortium of investors who funded the cable have kept
> bandwidth costs prohibitively high. The SAT-3 pricing strategy has
> been termed "high cost, low volume": bandwidth is sold for
> $4500-$12,000 per Mbps/month and the cable is underutilized. (Prices
> differ by country; the $4500/month figure was obtained only after a
> 2-year court fight in Ghana). Even the low Ghana price is 20 times
> higher than could be offered by a non-profit cable (less than $250 per
> Mbps/month, estimate by Eric Osiakwan of the African Internet Service
> Providers Association <http://www.afrispa.org/>). The original SAT-3
> operating licenses expired in June 2007 and are being renegotiated,
> possibly opening an opportunity to drop communications costs for W.
> Africa. (See article <http://www.cipaco.org/spip.php?article903> and
> commentary
> <http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/eric/2006/11/07/open-access-sat3/>). The
> Association of African Universities <http://www.aau.org/index.htm> has
> pleaded for, if nothing else, special rates for universities (see
> article
> <http://www.scidev.net/content/news/eng/scholars-call-for-communications-cable-access.cfm>
> ).
> Note that predatory pricing by the SAT-3 monopoly consortium is not a
> purely African problem. Although many of the SAT-3 consortium members
> are African telecoms, the three largest investors were non-African: in
> order of stake, TCI (at that time a subsidiary of AT&T) + AT&T itself
> (U.S.A.), France Telecom (France), and VSL (India/Singapore). The U.S.
> stake in the cable may now have passed to Comcast. (SAT-3 ownership
> <http://fibreforafrica.net/main.shtml?x=5039398&als%5BMYALIAS6%5D=SAT3%20consortium%20contract%20emerges&als%5Bselect%5D=4887798>
> information is carefully guarded).
> The E. African cable proposals, also consortium operated, have raised
> similar concerns about monopolistic pricing (see commentary here
> <http://www.arp.harvard.edu/AfricaHigherEducation/Reports/RichardBell_EASSy.pdf>,
> and here <http://www.ralden.com/C1/EASSy/default.aspx>, analysis by
> the APC
> <http://fibreforafrica.net/main.shtml?conds%5B0%5D%5Bcategory........%5D=%27Why%20we%20need%20affordable%20international%20bandwidth%27&als%5Bselect%5D=4051582&als%5BMYALIAS6%5D=Why%20we%20need%20affordable%20international%20bandwidth>,
> and the APC report
> <http://www.arp.harvard.edu/AfricaHigherEducation/Reports/open_access_EN.pdf>
> mentioned above). (EASSy consortium members
> <http://www.balancingact-africa.com/news/back/balancing-act_359.html#internet>include
> AT&T (USA), Verizon/ex MCI (USA), France Telecom, BT (UK), Saudi
> Telecom, VSNL/Teleglobe (India), and Etisalat (United Arab Emirates),
> as well as 29 public and private Africa-based telecoms). A single East
> African cable operated on the SAT-3 model would yield no price
> benefits for E. African consumers, would provide minimal economic
> benefits and would leave E. African universities isolated. Either
> multiple competing cables or regulated or non-profit operation are
> necessary to lower costs for African internet users.
> Updates
> <http://www.fibreforafrica.net/main.shtml?conds%5B0%5D%5Bcategory........%5D=%27News%27&sort%5B0%5D%5Bstart_date......%5D=d&als%5Bselect%5D=4887798&als%5BMYALIAS6%5D=News>
> on both SAT-3 and E. African cables are posted by Fibre for Africa.
> The subject is also frequently covered in the online newsletter
> Balancing Act <http://www.balancingact-africa.com/> which reports on
> telecoms and internet in Africa.
> Reverse Subsidies. An additional factor raising connectivity costs for
> Africa is a perverse pricing structure in which African users
> subsidize all data transfers to and from the continent. (Imagine that
> you paid telephone charges on both incoming and outgoing phone calls,
> while your neighbor paid for neither). These charges alone nearly
> double the cost of African internet usage, costing Africa between
> $250-500 million/yr. They also further entrench the stalemate: the
> African market remains small, investment in infrastructure is
> discouraged, and the companies that provide international bandwidth
> (IBPs) can continue to insist on predatory pricing arrangements.
> Why does international connection cost matter so much to local users
> within Africa? Because the lack of optical fiber lines and local data
> aggregation points means that even traffic within Africa is typically
> routed through Europe. An email sent from the Central African Republic
> to nearby Kenya, for example, is routed through London via two
> satellite connections. One means of remedying the pricing inequity is
> an international trade agreement. Another is to build up local
> land-based networks and regional aggregation points to reduce the need
> of European connections in the first place. Aggregation also pushes
> the international providers to come to Africa instead, after which
> they would bear connection costs equally.
> Current actions. Many governments in Africa are now planning and
> building infrastructure to reduce the need for intercontinental
> traffic. East African countries have been most aggressive in pursuit
> of this goal, with Rwanda as the strongest leader. Rwanda, Kenya, and
> Uganda are all constructing inland optical fiber backbones (Uganda
> with funding from the Chinese government). Tanzania is at least in the
> planning stage (see report "Optical Fibre for Education and Research
> Networks in Eastern and Southern Africa"
> <http://www.arp.harvard.edu/AfricaHigherEducation/Reports/OpticalFibre.pdf>).
> Connectivity Africa
> <http://www.idrc.ca/acacia/ev-87391-201-1-DO_TOPIC.html>, sponsored by
> Canada's International Development Research Center, has also done
> preliminary work on aggregation in six countries (South Africa,
> Mozambique, Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda and Tanzania). A coalition of
> African Internet Service Providers has proposed a broad outline for
> regional aggregation and cost reductions (the "Halfway Proposition"
> <http://www.afrispa.org/Initiatives.htm>). And the United Nations and
> the Rwandan government are sponsoring a telecommunications conference
> in Kigali in October 2007 to bring together African governments,
> businesses, and global telecommunications firms to discuss
> infrastructure and regulatory changes to boost connectivity ("Connect
> Africa"
> <http://www.itu.int/ITU-D/connect/africa/2007/summit/index.html>).
> Note however that all of these efforts still depend on construction of
> an East African submarine cable. It is difficult to orchestrate any
> solution to Africa's connectivity problems if the continent remains
> digitally isolated.
> Additional factors for universities in particular. One additional
> factor in connectivity costs that may affect African universities in
> particular is lack of capital to buy equipment that would result in
> eventual savings. A AAAS study
> <http://www.aaas.org/international/africa/oljreport/recs.shtml> of
> connectivity in African universities in 1999 found, for example, that
> Makerere University in Uganda paid steep monthly phone bills for a
> dialup connection because they could not afford a one-time cost of
> $18,000 for a radio link. These kind of situations may or may not
> exist in 2007.
> Helping universities in Africa. Several organizations work with
> African universities to help use existing bandwidth more effectively.
> The U.K. International Network for the Availability of Scientific
> Publications <http://www.inasp.info/programmes/> works with African
> university libraries. The eGranary Digital Library project
> <http://www.widernet.org/digitalLibrary/index.htm> places widely used
> free academic materials on local servers in African universities so
> that they can be accessed with only a local connection.
> Many organizations are working to lower bandwidth costs for
> universities and increase capacity. Several countries in Africa have
> formed National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) seeking
> high-speed and affordable connections for universities, and have
> organized as the UbuntuNet Alliance <http://www.ubuntunet.net/>.
> (Participating nations are Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda and South
> Africa). The target goal is university connections equivalent to those
> of the developed world: 1 Gbps or more. The Partnership for Higher
> Education in Africa
> <http://www.foundation-partnership.org/index.php?sub=about> (including
> the Ford, MacArthur, and Rockefeller Foundations) has helped a
> consortium of 13 African universities to lower connectivity costs. The
> Partnership has donated over $5 million
> <http://www.fordfound.org/news/view_news_detail.cfm?news_index=155> to
> make satellite bandwidth available to the consortium at $2330 per
> Mbps/month instead of $7300 (see also here
> <http://www.foundation-partnership.org/index.php?sub=pr&pr=2>). This
> effort will be welcomed by students and researchers. It is not a
> long-term solution, however, and some local connectivity activists
> argue that giving subsidies to foreign satellite firms actually
> hinders long-term solutions. Even with the Partnership's support,
> universities would pay over $1800/month for the same household-scale
> connection that Verizon advertises in the U.S. with an introductory
> rate of $9.99/month. Purchasing the bandwidth of a normal U.S.
> university (1 Gbps, the UbuntuNet target) would cost an unaffordable
> $2.3 million/month. The digital divide will ultimately be bridged only
> with optical fiber, and those investments are large in scale.
> Last update: July 23, 2007
> --
> Anne-Rachel Inne
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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