AfGWG-Discuss -- AFRINIC Government Working Group Discussion List


About AfGWG-Discuss
English (USA)

In the wake of the growing importance of internet governance issues, AFRINIC found it useful to create a platform to better live up to its mandate as a Regional Internet Registry. AFRINIC in the furtherance of its objectives as a Regional Internet Registry is centrally concerned with the development and use of the Internet in Africa.

AFRINIC as part of its policy on inclusion operates an open and transparent process for all stakeholders. Governments, Regulators, and affiliated agencies as a major part of this stakeholder grouping
have increasingly shown a growing interest in playing an even more active and contributive role.

The AFRINIC Government Working Group (AfGWG) was set up as an initiative of AFRINIC “to strengthen the collaboration between African Governments and Regulators to create a dynamic framework to address general Internet Governance challenges faced within the region and specifically those related to Internet Number Resources.”

The main objectives of the AFGWG are:

1. To strengthen the collaboration between AfriNIC and African Governments, Regulators, Law Enforcement Authorities

2. To create a dynamic framework to address

(i) General Internet Governance challenges faced within the region

(ii) Specifically those internet governance issues related to Internet Number Resources.

To see the collection of prior postings to the list, visit the AfGWG-Discuss Archives. (The current archive is only available to the list members.)

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